Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1651 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 59 (middle)

1:12 am

Bayek was running hurriedly on the street, holding a child in his arms. The street was crowded with pedestrians, and Bayek's short stature kept weaving in and out among the pedestrians.

"Please give way. My child is sick. Please give way."

Someone noticed the dark-skinned and short Bayek. At this time, two people from Section 5 on the street came over immediately.

"Miss, let's take you there."

Bayek was a little panicked and hurriedly said no, but at this time two people from Section 5 stopped him. Bayek became anxious and looked elsewhere with evasive eyes.

"No, I can just go by myself."

"Please get in the car ma'am and we will take you to the nearest clinic."

The siren sounded. In a management vehicle of Section 5, Bayek lowered his head. She looked at the blue-faced child in her arms with a sad expression. The child had the same dark skin as her, but he was a black man. Bayek It is also a black account and has not been registered.

"Ma'am, we won't do anything to you. The child must be in a very bad condition. Why are you taking it out now?"

Bayek shook his head, and the female clerk next to him comforted him and accelerated the car. At this time, the traffic signals on the surrounding light and shadow poles received the signal of critical patients, and the traffic flow on the main streets was directly blocked. , the car arrived at a hospital in just 5 minutes, and there were already two pediatricians waiting at the door.

This is an emergency medical signal system that Freya started to implement this year. People from the 5th Department patrol the streets. As long as they see some patients in critical condition, they can directly send a signal, and the traffic signal system will directly provide guidance. The road will be opened in just 1 minute. After all cars receive the signal, the AI ​​in the car will give way unconditionally.

"Madam, your child is in very dangerous condition. He has intestinal obstruction and may die at any time. Please be mentally prepared."

Bayek lowered his head and kept stroking it with his hands. Two women from Section 5 were comforting him. Bayek just kept shaking his head.

It is already certain that this woman is a gangster, and the same goes for the child.

At this time, a doctor handed over a light and shadow data pad, asking Bayek to fill in the child's father and mother, as well as how old it was, including some basic information.

"Madam, please fill in this information. It's okay. Even if you don't have the money, we can pay it in advance. This child will get good medical care. If the doctor here can't solve the problem, it will be done within 20 minutes. A better pediatrician is here.”

Bayek nodded slightly. At this time, two male staff from Department 5 were communicating with a doctor.

"This child seems to have taken hormonal drugs because of ordinary intestinal obstruction. I don't know which bastard doctor prescribed the medicine. Now the situation is more serious. She may die. We need to investigate and see. She should be carrying This kid went to a black market doctor."

At this time, several people from Department 5 did not ask anything else, because they found that this woman's mood was very unstable.

Bayek looked at the screen in front of him, his eyes looking blank and helpless.


There was a dry voice, and a female clerk next to her immediately realized that she was illiterate.

"Don't you know the words, ma'am?"

Bayek was extremely confused, but still nodded.

"Are you Miss Kuroto! Please help us investigate later."

Bayek became a little excited and shed tears. Another female staff member helped her stand up.

"Don't worry, the child is out of danger, we can talk somewhere else."

Bayek nodded, looked at the ward, and left the hospital under the leadership of two women from Department 5.

A woman from the 5th Department found a small restaurant opposite the hospital. Starting this year, Alpha has strictly ordered everyone to strictly investigate the problem of illegal households, but if the illegal households are caught, they should be as humane as possible.

Most of the gangsters who are investigated and punished will also work on the farm for a period of one month to a year depending on the actual situation. If some of the criminals are involved in the crime, they will be tried again according to the crime they committed after the work is completed.


"Bayek, that kid's name is Larry."

Bayek looked a little nervous. She ordered something to eat. She had been hungry all day.

"Don't worry, ma'am, considering your special situation, we won't subject you to labor punishment right away. Please tell us what happened to you."

Bayek licked his chapped lips. Many things were unspeakable. Bayek didn't know where to start. Maybe he should start with his time in an orphanage that has now closed down, or with his own life. It started when we went to the Sumer family farm.

The female clerk in Section 5 who was recording on the opposite side seemed to see something and said.

"Ma'am, we'll talk slowly after eating."

Bayek nodded, and after a while a bowl of the cheapest risotto with sauce was served. The female staff member from Section 5 who asked next to her was helpless and asked the boss to add more eggs and a bowl of vegetable soup.

Bayek said thank you cautiously. Most people in the underworld did not trust the people in the business department. After conducting in-depth investigations, it was found that many people were hearing rumors and were even told by some gang members that they would be arrested if discovered. They are forced to work on farms, and they have to work for a long time. The future taxation is also a problem, as well as the tough attitude of the criminal department towards criminals over the years. This has also discouraged many criminals from going out in the sun.

Bayek spent his whole life in escape. From a long time ago, in order to avoid scrutiny, the operators of the orphanage asked these orphans to hide, because once it was discovered that the orphanage could not afford so many orphans, These children are sent to larger orphanages if no one is willing to adopt them.

If larger orphanages are unwilling to accept them, these orphans will be kicked around constantly. Bayek grew up in such an environment. She has been to dozens of orphanages. When they are a little older, they are a bit After gaining strength, the orphans will be forced to leave the orphanage and fend for themselves.

Because she is a gangster, Bayek can't find any serious job at all, even if she wants to work in a special service industry. She is dark-skinned and skinny, and no customers will like her at all.

When city construction began, Bayek had no place to escape. He went to many places to find food, but because he was a gangster and didn't know how to read, Bayek could only receive relief rations day by day and wait to die.

However, when the Sumer family was recruiting farm workers that day, Bayek thought that she had finally encountered something good, and she also met the man Luo Jun who gave her a little water and half a piece of cake.

The three-month-long slave life made Bayek gradually fall in love with this man. She originally thought that she would spend the rest of her life on a plantation. After being released from the farm, she joined Luo Jun.

They also received a compensation payment. Life was supposed to be better, but during last year's riots, Luo Jun died, and he didn't even see his children.

Luo Jun was just working in a nearby bakery that day. As a result, he was involved in the riots and died unexpectedly. Originally, Luo Jun said that as long as his job was stable and he had a little money, he would let the mother and son register their identities. No more being a gangster.

Tears continued to fall on the table, and Bayek covered his cheeks.

"I hate you! Hate you."

The female member of Section 5 recording on the opposite side lowered her head. The riot last year caused countless problems, and many ordinary people were involved.

Bayek kept covering his mouth and whimpering softly. She had been running away from something in the past. After Luo Jun died, people nearby advised Bayek to send the child to an orphanage. She could not feed this child. children's.

The result was correct. Bayek had no ability to support her son Larry. Larry's health was not right two months ago. She could only take her to see some black market doctors and use the cheapest medicines. Food can only be hidden every day.

At this time, the hospital contacted him. Bayek's child Larry was completely out of danger and would recover in a month. There would be no serious problems.

"Ma'am, given your situation, you can send the child to us"

Bayek choked and shook his head with stubborn eyes.

"We are not football. I will not send Larry to an orphanage. Can I take him to work on the farm!"

A female clerk nodded and had already compiled the investigation report, attached Bayek's request, and quickly submitted it.

Bayek kept saying thank you. She had had enough. She didn't want her child to be kicked around in the orphanage like she was in the past.

"This is a heartbreaking era. As the city changes from era to era, many problems will inevitably arise, but please believe us, everything will be fine!"

Locke's annual New Year's speech is played from time to time on some light screens on the street.

"Hmph! When will you get better? Tomorrow, next year, or in a few decades! This damn fat man says this every year, and he talks nonsense."

A drunk man was carrying a bottle of wine. A few sober people next to him hurriedly grabbed him. Several people from Section 5 were nearby and they looked this way.

"I just want to tell you. Are you not convinced? Arrest me."

The drunkard yelled, and at this time several people from Section 5 came over, and the man who was supporting the drunkard said hurriedly.

"He got several adults drunk."

A team leader from Section 5 took off his hat and took a sip from the wine in his pocket.

"Take him back when he's drunk and stop wandering around the streets."

After the city experienced riots, the Angus family almost stopped working, and the south has become the hardest-hit area by the riots. Although Congress exempted some districts in the south from taxes, and began to gradually provide relief to some affected districts in the south. Financial subsidies did not help. The riots in August last year came too suddenly and destroyed everything suddenly. Coupled with the current massive boycott of the family in the city, everything was made worse.

The good times that many people were still looking forward to have not come, but instead there has been a wave of unemployment. Take the raw material market as an example. After Angus Construction was completely suspended, a large amount of materials were unsalable, and the unsalable materials made most companies unable to sell. No layoffs to mitigate the impact of slow sales.

The unsaleable raw materials have affected everything from all walks of life. Some people seem to have understood that today's beautiful era is due to the huge construction of the Angus family, which has boosted the city's economy.

It was clearly already 2 o'clock in the morning. Outside Angus Construction Company, located in an area south of the middle floor, there were still many people who stopped to take a look when passing by, because the lights had not been on for a long time.

Some people already feel that the South is doomed, and many people will be doomed if it continues.

The drunkard continued to say some angry and harsh words, and the two friends sandwiched him and headed towards the drunkard's home.

"Quit, stop making trouble and go back quickly. Your wife should still be waiting for you."

The man named Quite laughed and shook his head.

Originally, he and his wife were running a grocery store well, but Quete's grocery store was burned down during the riots. Although Congress gave them a subsidy, the subsequent damage compensation will not be received in a short time. Now this The little money is just enough to survive.

Damage compensation will not be paid until the workers who participated in the riots have produced corresponding value on the farm.

Finally, we arrived at Quite’s house. The family was currently living in a rented small courtyard that was quite spacious. Two friends took Quite back to the house, and they stayed in an old, low-rise house with one bedroom and three living rooms. , the wife is bathing her 6-month-old daughter.

"Why are you so drunk again?"

"It's none of your business."

After Quite sat down, his wife glared at the two friends, and they left in a hurry. Fortunately, he was leaning on the shabby sofa, looking at his daughter who was playing in the water and smiling at him.

"Our life is not so difficult that we can't survive. There are many families who are more miserable than us. Husband, please stop drinking. In a few days, I will carry Lillian on my back to work in a light factory."

"Are you saying that I can't support you, mother and daughter?"

Quite yelled loudly, but the wife didn't say anything. She looked at her husband with red eyes. After the grocery store was burned down, the goods were also burned. Such losses are devastating to a family like theirs that finally saw the light of day. sexual.

After a while, the wife put her daughter to sleep, and then began to comfort Quite again. She knew that her husband felt uncomfortable. This grocery store was his hard work, and his anger after being affected by the riots had nowhere to vent at this moment.

"It's okay, husband, let's go to bed early and take Lillian to get vaccinated tomorrow morning. She will be fine."

Quite looked at his wife's gentle face and burst into tears.

2:23 am

Along with a violent quarrel, Li Ang woke up from his drowsiness. There were snoring sounds next to him. Everyone was sleeping on the ground, with only a layer of soft cushions and a quilt for each person.

Originally, 8 people in a dormitory was the limit, but as a large number of workers who participated in the riots were assigned, a room often needed to accommodate 14 to 16 people. The raised beds, tables and chairs had also been moved away, and everyone only had to Able to sleep on the floor and the room was filled with a very bad smell.

"Don't go to Li Ang and sleep well. You can't go home and play for a few days tomorrow."

Li Ang walked out anyway. There were very few people in the corridor. There was a fight in a dormitory. People from Section 12 had come over and warned the fighters not to make trouble again, otherwise they would be sent directly to the detention room and detained for 48 hours.

Li Ang knew that a detention room with only one meal a day and dark, cold and damp walls was a nightmare for many people. Li Ang had heard many people who came out of the detention room say that the feeling was worse than death. .

12 The food Cory eats has also begun to get worse and worse. Many people are complaining that they can't eat enough and have to do heavy manual labor.

But many people still work here honestly, especially those who take the initiative to work here as long-term workers. Li Ang heard them say that life outside is getting harder and harder, but here at least they have food, drink, and wages. You can take it.

Li Ang also heard from many workers who participated in the riots. Of course, Li Ang knew the tragedy of the riots. The construction project of Niya's house was stopped, and all walks of life in the city began to be depressed again.

In Li Ang's eyes, many people have lost their vitality here, which is very scary. Li Ang also realizes that he is just like everyone else. In the past, after everyone came back, they would chat and laugh together, go to the field below to play basketball, or play cards.

But now everyone just wants to rest after coming back. Everyone looks very tired. The two fighters in front of them are still talking about each other's faults. It's just because of snoring at night and sleeping position. In the end, both of them were forced He was taken away and sent to a detention room for 48 hours.

This kind of situation has become more and more frequent recently. As long as there is a little friction, there will be fights. Everyone seems to be very angry.

Li Ang didn't expect that in just over 4 months, this place would become very different from the past. Not only petty criminals like them, but also the members of Section 12, who were very angry and everyone was angry. very tired.

After watching the riot end, Li Ang returned to his dormitory, where 15 people slept on the ground in a mess, and even the passage was very narrow.

There were snoring sounds from time to time, and Li Ang had begun to get used to it. There was a smell of alcohol in the air. Everyone had a good meal tonight and drank wine. This smell of alcohol made Li Ang feel at ease.

Looking back on the years when I dropped out of school and returned home, from the time I didn't adapt at all to the time I gradually got used to it, I remembered this thing that smelled good but was extremely spicy when I drank it.

Li Ang knows that there is still a long time waiting for him in the future. It is only two short years and eight years in prison. Li Ang will not be able to apply for parole until at least 2215.

"Six more years!"

Li Ang looked at the dark ceiling, completely sleepless for a moment. He always felt that he could not become like the people here. His mind was filled with all the joyful things in school in the past, and a smile appeared on Li Ang's face again.

"I can't be like them."

At this time, an independent women's dormitory that was separated specifically to house illegal body trade was different. It is still brightly lit and bustling with people. Women are happily partying all night long, and the corridors are full of drunk women.

There is a noisy scene in every dormitory. The women can leave early tomorrow morning and still have an income from working for a whole year. This is very rare and unimaginable for many women.

Although the daily work is a bit heavy, many women have survived. Tomorrow they can choose to continue working here, or leave directly. Those who leave directly will have the light factory to accept them.

Some women can choose to go to some technical short-term schools for some skills training, and then find a job. Although it is only 500 yuan a month, it will be 6,000 yuan a year, which is a huge sum of money for many women. , most people have never had more than 2,000 yuan.

The mental outlook of many women has completely changed over the past year. Section 12 has been extremely strict with their management. Today, District 29 has become a small commercial trading area because of the low rent and the close proximity to the food exchange. , and under the current overcrowding situation in Section 12, some workers who work on the farm all year round have received an accommodation subsidy for Section 12, and there are direct buses to District 29 twice a day. They can return after finishing their work every day. Going to District 29 is much better than the dormitories on the farm.

Today's farms are overloaded, with nearly 300,000 people working here, but the daily workload is still heavy. Crops that used to take nearly a month to fully harvest can now be harvested within a week, and food production has increased. With the increase, food wholesale prices will continue to fall this year, and food will become cheaper.

The shortening of the harvest cycle has made the work of the women who handle the inedible parts of the food heavier. If they continue to work here, their wages can rise to 650 yuan next year.

Some women chose to stay, while others discussed raising funds together to start a business after leaving.

"Crystal, what are you going to do when you get out!"

Crystal is in the dormitory, sitting on the bed, tapping the salary she received tonight happily. Tomorrow morning they can take the delivery truck that will start at 6 o'clock to the food exchange they want to go to, and then choose to pick it up themselves. Come down to where you want to go.

"I'm going to the upper level."

Crystal said and put away the money, and for a moment the other three women in the dormitory burst out laughing.

"What are you doing upstairs?"

"Go to Qinglong Street."

The three women laughed again.

"Crystal, haven't you transformed yourself this year in vain?"

Crystal turned her head and looked at the women and asked.

"What can we do when we get out?"

The three women were speechless for a while. Although the business department provided them with a lot of things they could do, there was really nothing they could do except continue lying down after going out.

Crystal began to take out some cheap skin care products that she had obtained from other women in the dormitory and continued to apply them. Although she was tanned a little, she looked healthier and younger, with a mature charm.

"If you are caught next time, the punishment will be doubled and it will last for three years."

Crystal chuckled.

"I'm going to apply for a job at a regular store, isn't that a problem?"

"That place on Qinglong Street is incomparable to District 29 where we stayed before. There are countless more capable and beautiful women than you."

Crystal was already lying on the bed. She couldn't listen to a word of her roommate's words. She smiled and looked forward to the beautiful life of becoming a Qinglong street card.

Crystal felt that that kind of life was what she should live, because from the time she was a child, from the first time she was brought into the room by a man, this was the only thing she could do, and there was nothing else.

Most of the women in the dormitory are looking forward to a better life after leaving here. Some women feel that they have a new life, and they have also met some men here and have made appointments to be together after going out.

Most women decide to use their money to sign up for some short-term training schools. After learning a little bit, they can find a job.

This year is of great significance to most women, but some women still have the same idea as Crystal. If you can't do it in District 29, you can go to other districts, because the streets are full of customers. , As long as there are men, there is business, and some women decide to go back to the bottom, because the investigation and punishment there are not as strict as those in the middle and upper classes.

It was late at night, and Natasha was still sitting in the office, preparing to hand over tomorrow's work to Clark. Starting tomorrow, Natasha would take a good vacation and go back to have some fun.

"How many of these guys do you think will revert to their old ways after the women go out?"

"Probably not many. I am responsible for this matter. Over the past year, I have seen that many people have changed."

Natasha said and Clark laughed.

"It's impossible Natasha. The environment determines many things, but it cannot affect a person who has already given up everything. This is just a place of punishment and cannot be reformed. Do you know why there are so many losers in this world?"

Natasha stood up and planned to leave with the director on her side, but was stopped by Kadaka.

"Because the nature of human beings is repeaters. There are very few people who are self-disciplined and self-loving. People will make the same mistakes again and again. Change is extremely difficult for many people. They have been doing this all year round. Seriously, do you expect to change most of them in one year?"

"Shut up Clark, why can't you think on the bright side?"

Clark shook his head, turned around and walked to the desk.

"It's not that I can't think of good things, but that's the essence of the matter. We have built such a good place for them to work, but most of them plan to leave tomorrow, and I'm afraid not even 10% of them will stay. Because they don’t know how to think at all. Even if they have some money in their hands, will they really be able to make a living by doing other things after they go out? The answer is no. The smarter ones will continue to stay. Such physical labor is not good for them. It’s not a difficult task, you can do it even if you are messing around every day. After working for five or six years, the right thing to do is to be able to afford a house and open a shop.”

Natasha stopped. She was a little worried. She planned to hold a collective briefing tomorrow for the women who were planning to leave. She would do everything she could and at least feel at ease.

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