Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1634 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 53 (Part 2)

Steam continued to rise on the tea cup. Ran Zhi quietly watched some recent news. The city became more and more stable.

There were many desserts on the table in the living room, small and exquisite. Ran Zhi ate some of each. It was approaching 11 o'clock, but Ran Zhi had already told the people in Section 11 that he wanted to eat at 12:30 today. , today’s lunch is black pepper fried chicken nuggets and good black tea.

After turning off the light and shadow screen, Ran Zhi came to the window that was full of bars. He looked at the prisoners who had just returned from work in the exercise yard below. He smiled and shook his head. Two years of prison life had passed by in a blink of an eye. Zhi even almost forgot that he was in jail.

Everything is going well in the prison. At 8 o'clock this morning, Ran Zhi just met his son and daughter, and they sent him 1 million this year.

In this prison, there are many businessmen like Ran Zhi who were involved in commercial crimes because of the black gold issue. Ran Zhi would chat with some fellow businessmen next to him from time to time. Section 11 was also considered trustworthy. The cell that was originally auctioned There was no price increase.

Now a cell has been auctioned for a high price of 1.5 million, but there is still demand. There are now 30 such rooms.

In a place where no one cares about, no matter how the prisoners are treated, no one will care. The businessmen who went out were also tight-lipped and did not talk about the problems here. Some businessmen even took the initiative to help conceal the problems here.

After all, everyone knows that if someone comes in again one day, it will be over.

Today Ran Zhi wanted to go for a walk in the exercise area below. He pressed an emergency notification button on a light and shadow screen next to the door. Soon two people from Section 11 came over. When he opened the door, Ran Zhi just went out. The two of them respectfully guarded Ran Zhi as they walked along.

"Mr. Ran Zhi, it's great to believe in you."

"Yes, thanks to you, we made a lot of money in the stock market."

Ran Zhi smiled and nodded.

"It's a small thing."

Taking the elevator dedicated to members of the administrative department, we came all the way to the canteen at the bottom. At this time, many prisoners seemed to be extremely hungry and were waiting to eat. Many of them looked at Ran Zhi's neck, which had no collar.

Soon Ran Zhi encountered a lot of hostile looks. There were many privileged prisoners in the prison who did not need to wear collars. Such prisoners usually did not have any interaction with other ordinary prisoners.

A large number of prisoners who were playing basketball or football in the exercise yard noticed Ran Zhi at this time. Many people gathered in a group and pointed at Ran Zhi, but they did not dare to say anything. There were no prisoners. Dare to attack these special prisoners, because once you do, the consequences will be disastrous. They are like guests of Section 11, and they are escorted by people from the Executive Section when traveling.

Ran Zhi raised his head and looked at the dazzling sunlight. During these days in prison, Ran Zhi became more aware of the benefits that money could bring to him.

People will change. Ran Zhi knows this very well. No matter how a person has been in the past, after being constantly contaminated with certain colors, the accumulation of quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes. Recently, Ran Zhi often dreams about himself when he was young.

Ran Zhi once was thinking about a question, whether he is a good person or a bad person, but now he no longer thinks about these questions. When he was young, he was mocked again and again by the so-called fate, and was pushed to the point of collapse again and again. However, Ran Zhi never collapsed. He felt that he should have survived.

Ran Zhi smiled and glanced at the prisoners in the exercise yard. At this time, he noticed a man squatting in a corner, also without a collar. His face was clean, his skin was pale, and he was skinny. His face was expressionless. Somewhat gloomy.

"That is."


Ran Zhi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the person involved in the Hydera case, which had been included in various textbooks in the city, was actually here.

Ran Zhi walked over slowly, and images of him picking up a gun flashed through his mind from time to time. A smile appeared on his face. At this time, Ran Zhi slowed down. He could feel that Hydra was curled up in the corner. His whole body was sending out dangerous signals.

Looking at Hydra's appearance, the wise man couldn't help but think of an incident in the past. It was a long time ago, before he picked up the gun.

One day, when Ran Zhi was helping at the construction site, his father forgot to bring his tools, so Ran Zhi volunteered to help his father go back to get the tools. Then Ran Zhi still remembered that day, the light was really dazzling, so dazzling that it was a bit dazzling. The dilapidated house looked a little different in the sunlight.

The ground was stained with blood, and the room was in a mess. My mother was lying naked in a pool of blood. The sunlight was shining on the blood, which was a little dazzling, even more dazzling than usual.

My father's crying and the gossips in the neighborhood were all because my mother was unable to do heavy physical labor during her lifetime. My father worked hard just to take care of my mother and wanted to give her a good living environment. He gave himself the best things. and mother.

My mother would do some small work at home every day and dress up a little because she wanted to greet the father and son who came home after a hard day in a beautiful and gentle manner. People nearby often said behind her back that her mother dressed up every day because she wanted to. When trying to seduce a rich man, his father would just smile, because he knew very well that everything his mother did was just to add a touch of beauty to this seemingly bleak home.

The local managers clearly knew who did it, but no one came forward. After the father and son took care of their mother's funeral, they were kidnapped into a room by a group of people. They threatened the father to stop talking nonsense. , and then gave his father a sum of money.

Ran Zhi still remembered that when his father returned home, he started to pack his things. He was obviously in pain and knew who it was, but even if he chose to move away, his father still did not do anything extraordinary. Instead, he taught himself every day. A person must be honest, and a person must have his own bottom line and principles.

Although Ran Zhi didn't know clearly and lived in anger and pain every day, he gradually understood that his father was because of him. His father never wanted to let himself be contaminated with hatred and anger. He always just followed what his mother said, to Develop yourself into an excellent person.

Finally, as Ran Zhi grew up, he gradually understood what was behind his father's repeated cowardice and patience. He also understood that cowardice was not a sign of strength at certain times.

However, fate was still at work. Ran Zhi lost his father, and his father made a choice the moment his legs were amputated, not wanting to cause any burden to Ran Zhi.

After his father's death, tragedy struck one after another. The only girl Ran Zhi loved chose to endure the humiliation for her own sake.

Ran Zhi knew very well that he should have died that night, or in other words, Ran Zhi had already died that night.

After his wife encountered evil again and again, Ran Zhi still chose to be cowardly. Just like many people at the bottom, only cowardice can protect oneself and everything that needs to be carried behind.

Ran Zhi did it and succeeded, and finally gained happiness and reaped the ransom he had paid to fate.

"Are you Hydra? My name is Ran Zhi."

Ran Zhi smiled and squatted in front of Hydera. For a moment, his head began to roar, and the surrounding voices began to fade away. He felt that this man was also an extremely cowardly man. His years in prison may have turned him upside down. The last shred of his mind was gone.

A pair of blank and extremely empty eyes. There was nothing left in his body. He should have been dead long ago and was just a walking zombie.

"I want to invite you to lunch!"

Ran Zhi smiled and stretched out a hand, but Hydera did not respond and looked at Ran Zhi with empty eyes.

Ran Zhi had no intention of leaving, and he did not retract his outstretched hand. He knew very well that if he didn't do something, this cowardly man, who was as cowardly as his past self, would die after he was released from prison. In an instant, he will choose death because he has nowhere to go and no way out.

Time passed by, and many people in the prison looked at the man squatting next to Hydera in the corner of the courtyard in wonder. Many people had seen this man. He was a wealthy businessman because he was involved in money laundering. And was caught.

"what's on your mind!"

Hydera finally spoke, her voice dry and gloomy.

"What do you think!"

Their eyes met, and for a moment Hydra's expression changed slightly. Ran Zhi smiled and nodded. The originally outstretched hand pressed on Hydra's shoulder, and the other hand was also put up. For a moment Hydra stared. His eyes widened, his expression began to change, and some warmth returned to his face that was originally as cold as frost.

Ran Zhi's eyes showed understanding, he smiled tolerantly, and hugged Hydra. The sun shone little by little behind the two of them, and Hydra stared blankly at the light behind Ran Zhi.

"Let's have lunch together, Mr. Hydra!"

For a moment, Hydra's head nodded involuntarily, and his eyes, which were originally dry, became moist. He felt Ran Zhi's kind invitation and the understanding in his eyes and expressions, including this physical feeling that had kept him cold for more than ten years. to a warm hug.

Ran Zhi was very happy today. He smiled and raised his head. Under the strange eyes of the two department staff, he opened his arms and bathed in the sunshine.

"You two, can you please help me prepare a sumptuous lunch? And dinner. I hope to spend the New Year with Mr. Hydera tonight."

Hydera trembled and stared blankly at the man in front of her who was neither handsome nor tall. He was the first person who truly understood her.

Many people have comforted him in the past. Peristan and Tamayi would enthusiastically come to find him every day, but Hydera has never felt the slightest warmth because they sympathized with him, including many people in prison who sympathized with him in the past. own people.

As well as the conditions set by the current acting department, after being released from prison, you can directly choose the department you like and become a level 3 official.

Hydera does not need any pity, nor any favorable conditions. His heart, immersed in a damp and dark corner, only needs a little respect, an understanding smile, a warm hug, and a kind act. These are enough.

And the man in front of him did it, but he did it very simply. Hydra wiped away his tears and looked at the light at his feet. There was a trace of fear in his timid eyes.

"Let's go, Mr. Hydera! The application has been received."

Ran Zhi smiled and made a gesture of invitation. Hydera hesitated, but the confusion in his eyes was constantly being eliminated.

"Light cannot be caught, Mr. Hydra!"

Ran Zhi raised one hand above his head, covering it in front of his eyes, looking at the red fingers, and then smiled, with a slightly bitter smile.

Ran Zhi knew very well what was going on in Hydra's heart. He had gradually turned into a case, a symbol, and the final result of justice that some people believed in.

There have been countless discussions about Hydra in the city, and within the business department, especially Alpha, she constantly spoke out for Hydra. She had a strong sense of justice in her heart, and this rational sense of justice drove her to plan Let’s zero in on the unjust trial that was based on public opinion.

There is also a famous cartoonist, Perestan, who constantly speaks for Hydera, and his voice is even stronger. In Ran Zhi's opinion, Perestan's voice is strong, as strong as a beam of light. , but the light will not stop, and it will not even notice the shadow. This kind of perceptual justice comes from the people, because the imbalance of social justice caused by the deteriorating urban environment happens to be at that point in time. , Hydra hit the muzzle.

However, this matter has still been debated over the years, and everyone wants to restore fairness in the Hydera case. Ran Zhi doesn't think there is anything wrong with their approach.

The light that was too strong was enough to cover everything, enough to drown out all the darkness, but the darkness did not disappear, but always existed.

No one noticed what Hydra really needed. Everyone just regarded him as a symbol and a case. In fact, Hydra was a person, a person who was still alive, had a heartbeat, and could breathe.

Whether he is guilty or not, in Ran Zhi's opinion, is no longer important, because it is meaningless to Hydera. Regardless of whether he is guilty or innocent in the real debate, all he really needs in his heart is a touch of ordinary warmth. Just sunshine.

Ran Zhi stretched out a hand and saw that Hydra was still hesitating. He did not turn around, but looked at Hydra seriously.


A trembling hand stretched out, little by little, from the shadow. Ran Zhi pulled Hydra and pulled him out of the shadow. For a moment, Hydra's eyes widened, and she felt the radiation for the first time. The light on the body is extremely warm.

"If you want to catch the light, you must first learn how to let the light shine on you, Hydra!"

Ran Zhi smiled and Hydra followed.

"If you don't know how, I can teach you!"

Some memories began to pop up again. Ran Zhi taught a low-level one-eyed little gourd some things a few years ago. He should be living a better life now. The little fox was as cowardly as the Hydra next to him. Man, Ran Zhi pulled him out of the abyss of cowardice.

In his memory, only Eddie understands everything about him, and Ran Zhi naturally knows everything about Eddie, so Ran Zhi decides to help Eddie and pull up those who are desperate because of cowardice. There are many such people. In the entire society, Too many to count.

After all, there are very few geniuses, so few that they are pitiful. No one is a genius like Alpha, who can control his own destiny and become the existence that everyone advertises. But Ran Zhi knows very well that such a too strong light will not dissipate it. The shadow falling on the ground may continuously enlarge the shadow to the point where light can no longer reach it.

12 o'clock in the morning

Accompanied by a burst of furious roars, a young doctor angrily kicked a skinny man. Food spilled all over the floor. The man hugged his head and cried. His expression looked perverse and his speech was a little garbled.

The young doctor gasped. He looked at the patient whose head was broken after being kicked by him. He was going crazy and couldn't stand everything in Frye Mental Hospital.

"Sorry, sorry, what did I do!"

The young doctor looked at the painful patient. This skinny man was a slave.

Most of the slaves who entered the hospital, with the help of all walks of life, some of them returned to normal and went to work in some factories. Many people who were slaves from birth continued to stay here to study and help manage some seriously ill people. More and more slaves returned to society, but often mentally ill people were brought in.

A hand was placed on the young doctor's shoulder, and Fry walked in with a smile. The young doctor looked at Fry blankly, and Fry patted his shoulder with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay. Just go and eat. Just let me come here."

Frye walked to the patient, squatted on the ground, looked at his bruised head, and carefully stretched out his hands to deal with it. However, the patient suddenly hugged Frye like crazy and started biting him. Just smiling, grinning slightly from the pain.

The young doctor looked on dumbfounded and wanted to stop him, but found that the patient's strength seemed to be decreasing.

"You won't get better if you don't eat, Mr. 2059!"

The patient kept shaking his head and huddled in the corner in pain. Most of the people who came here didn't even remember their names, only their work numbers.

Fry looked at the food on the ground, started to sort it with his hands, and then put it in the box.

"Bring me a clean one."

After a while, the young doctor brought a meal, but he saw that Frye was already eating the meal that had just fallen to the ground.

"Dr. Frye, you."

"I'm still in good health. After all, food is tight and cannot be wasted."

Frye brought the meal to 2059. He was trembling, with a flash of light in his eyes. Frye took out the spoon and held it in his hand.

"Trust me! I'll cure you all."

After a while, 2059 became quiet, and after eating obediently, he fell asleep.

"Dr. Frye, I'm really sorry. He refuses to eat. If he continues like this, he will starve to death, so I am a little emotional."

Frye smiled and patted the young doctor on the shoulder.

"Once you start to feel that you are doing this for his own good, you might as well think more and coax him to eat like a child. It's okay. The work here is really stressful. I'm very happy that you can persevere. Thank you. !”

Frye said as he walked up and stepped into a room with a smile.

"Miss No. 1391, the weather seems to be pretty good today. I heard that you planted a seed today. Can you let me take a look?"

The young doctor looked at Frye quietly. Many doctors who came here to help in the past were warm-hearted at first, but many of them could not persist for three months. But Frye was different. He seemed to be talking to his neighbors every day. He usually greets everyone, patrols until night every day, and chats with patients from time to time. Even if they talk crazy, they still treat every patient seriously.

There are now 11 doctors left in the entire Frye Mental Hospital, but half of them are already planning to leave here. They can't stand it anymore. The passion and enthusiasm in the past have been tortured by this group of lunatics and are almost gone.

At this time, Frye smiled and nodded, looking at a black stone held in 1391's hand. The woman was smiling stupidly, but her smile looked very innocent.

"Very good, it will grow, Miss 1391. When the seeds grow, you will be fine!"

At this time, there was a roar of machinery outside the hospital, and some doctors ran out. Fry walked out quickly. It was a lift from Department 4, and a new batch of medicines was delivered. The young doctor began to help with the medicine.

Frye walked over quickly with gratitude. Hua Shen had already put a light and shadow surgery bag on his back and walked over.

"Always trouble you Huashen."

"Just take me there. If anyone needs surgery, just call me."

Frye hummed. He looked at the tired doctors next to him and knew that they had tried their best. They really had tried their best. There were still more than 100 patients who needed surgery. With such a large volume, the number of doctors was somewhat scarce. , many applications have been delayed for a long time and cannot be delayed any longer, otherwise their lives will be in danger.

Every time, the only one Huashen could rely on was Huashen. He would come to the hospital to help without hesitation, without any complaints.

"You have gradually become your ideal doctor, Frye!"

Frye was a little surprised. The two of them were in a large room, preparing to operate on the patient. Hua Shen smiled and raised one hand, and green particles were floating in the air.

"Remember, we once discussed what a doctor is! I'm very happy to see that you can embark on your own path as a doctor."

Frye choked up and sighed. He was able to embark on this road in a real sense, all thanks to Hua Shen. Thanks to him, he was like a lighthouse on the dark sea level. As long as he looked at the lighthouse , you can find the sea route.

There are currently 13,023 people in mental hospitals. Most hospitals don't want to take in mentally ill patients who have no money, so basically all the mental patients in the city come here.

With the donation from the city association, the basic house is basically complete. All the old-fashioned household appliances are available, as well as some cars used to travel around the hospital. The most scarce thing now is food.

The Food Association donates some food every month, but now that the amount of food is getting less and less, the only thing Fry can do is to distribute the food to people in different situations.

Most of the higher-quality food is distributed to children who are still growing and some seriously ill patients. Although the families and some hospitals of mentally ill patients sent to the hospital will give some money, it is still a drop in the bucket.

Some of the teachers who teach here are free of charge, and some even donate their salaries. Originally, the family’s punitive fines could solve most of the problems, but this compensation is not a one-time payment; Staged.

Frye couldn't accept this. He had gone to the General Affairs Section many times, but Locke just told him that because he still needed to be convicted by the Law Office, Frye later learned that this huge amount of punitive damages was Filled in under construction.

The practice of choosing the majority over the minority made Frye no longer able to remain calm. He had a quarrel with Locke in the general affairs department last year.

But in the end Frye chose not to say anything and could only grit his teeth and carry on. He thought of Alpha at first, but in the end he said nothing to Alpha because Frye knew very well that the Angus family's dilemma would not be solved if Congress If they don't save the Angus family, they will be doomed, and once they are done, it will be difficult to implement this construction project that affects the lives of all people in the city, and the city will collapse.

Frye quietly looked at Huashen who was already undergoing surgery. As always, he didn't care about rights and was only immersed in his own medical world. Frye couldn't do what Huashen did.

The land under their feet belongs to the Angus family. It is also because the Angus family gave this land to Frye and paid for Frye to build a mental hospital. Now these slaves have a place to stay.

Locke also said that he can only wait for the tax revenue to increase slowly, and then slowly use the money to rebuild the lives of the slaves here. Now there are more than 7,000 slaves working in the factory, but the remaining 13,000 Tens of thousands, this amount is extremely huge, plus there are a large number of mentally ill patients.

"Have confidence in yourself Fry, you can do it."

Huashen, who was undergoing surgery, looked at Frye who looked tired. He smiled and nodded. He could no longer trouble Alpha. She had helped him too much and the city too much. She also needed it. Have a life of your own.

Even when Alpha's own family stood in front of her, she showed no mercy. This was something that many people found difficult to do. At this time, the Angus family could not have any major problems, otherwise the construction of the city would be difficult to complete. .

After more than 20 years of contact with the couple, Frye knew that they really wanted to do something for the city and make it better.


A small bag was still in front of Frye, and the banknotes inside were exposed. Frye was a little surprised and looked at Huashen, who was still undergoing surgery.

"Although the money is not much, part of it is my salary, and part of it is what they forced on me after I helped some wealthy people perform operations. I collected it, and it is more than 300,000 yuan."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Fry said, Huashen smiled and nodded.

"At least this money is enough to feed the people here for more than ten days, come on!"

Frye snorted, feeling a little uncontrollable for a moment. He wiped away his tears, picked up the money on the ground, turned around and left, and hurriedly called a liquid food supply company, and offered it to him for 5 cents a can. All the more than 300,000 yuan in it was spent, and they said they would deliver the food in the afternoon at the latest.

Fleian leaned against the wall peacefully. There were noisy sounds everywhere outside, and there were a lot of crazy words. He was a little tired, so he curled up on the chair and closed his eyes.

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