Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1630 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 52 (middle)

January 1, 2218

swish swish

Just after 0 o'clock, the bells across the city were still echoing, and bunches of gorgeous fireworks began to take off one after another.

The city was completely immersed in a sea of ​​joy, except that many areas in the middle and lower classes in the south were dark, and most people could only temporarily live in some districts in the west and east.

The city has not been so joyful for many years. There are a large number of goods lined up in the shops on the streets, and merchants in various shops are holding big promotions.

Light and shadow stores are full of beautifully designed and crafted items. Many citizens in most areas of the middle and lower floors in the west and east have already connected light and shadow material interfaces to their homes. It costs more than 500 to install a set, but compared to buying different models and sizes The light and shadow matter storage converter is much more cost-effective.

However, the current situation is that Angus Construction's construction teams are busy building underground projects in the east and west. Many users who want to install light and shadow material access points at home can only wait in line.

Many construction companies are currently squeezed under the two big cakes of the real estate market and coating materials. Even if the Angus family subcontracts the project of installing light and shadow material interfaces, no one is willing to do it because the profits are too high. Low, the technical content required is relatively high.

In less than nine months, the city has completely recovered. Residents who used to live near the factory area have moved back in large numbers, and they can no longer smell the pungent metallic smell in the air.

There is not even a trace of smell inside the factory. All harmful particles have been directly stripped away by the particle waste separation machine into the waste disposal bin at the bottom during the material processing process.

Logistics along the entire eastern and western lines has also become very fast. In the past, logistics vehicles often needed to travel back and forth for logistics, but now most goods arrive at regional transfer stations very quickly.

It’s just that some small traders still use mountain workers to transport some goods, because the logistics cost is a bit high. If they want to install a direct logistics pipeline underground in their own store, it will cost 10,000 yuan per 1 meter and 1 ton of goods. 50 yuan, but you also need to pay a logistics pipeline maintenance fee based on the number of uses, ranging from 20 yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

Therefore, most small businesses prefer to hand over several tons of goods to mutant mountain workers for a maximum of 100 yuan at a time. In addition, now that the subways in the east and west have been opened, owners only need to spend a small amount of money to quickly transport them. transport.

At this time, the atmosphere in the banquet hall of a mid-rise hotel was particularly solemn, completely different from the jubilant atmosphere outside the hotel. Middle-aged people were sitting at the table, watching everything on the light and shadow screen.

"What do you think?"

Violet stood in front of the stage in the banquet hall. The businessmen below were all shareholders who bought a large number of shares of the Angus family after the Angus family went public. Their combined share of the stock market was 50%. Nowadays, although many people have received part of the dividends when the stocks are delivered, there are still many people who continue to increase their holdings of the Angus family's stocks and increase their stock volume without choosing to exit.

The most difficult stage has been passed. Now with the development of the city, taxes have begun to gradually increase. The Angus family wants to delist the shareholders and take back their shares of the family stock, so they give Many shareholders have offered good conditions, and some have signed contracts, but only a small number of them hold a negligible amount of shares. Most of them have begun to leave, but more than half of them still do not agree to withdraw. The Angus family continued to invest money in the stock market.

Violet has already felt something strange. These guys seem to be colluding and do not intend to accept the Angus family's departure conditions.

"Mrs. Angus, I think it is very rare for us to be able to contribute to the construction of the city, so our company does not accept such a departure agreement. I'm sorry!"

A middle-aged man stood up, bowed, and then winked at many people next to him. More and more people stood up and began to leave the venue. Avano once wanted to stop him, but was pulled back by Violi. Paused, she shook her head at Alpha.

Continuous support will make the volume of construction projects become larger and larger. Bubbles have now accumulated in large quantities with the recovery of urban industry. Once the bubble bursts, it will be very harmful to the entire city. big.

Many businessmen have decided to bite the Angus family and refuse to let go. They will not let go when they cannot tear off a large piece of meat.

Violet has already seen this. Some businessmen have even lost money on this shareholding and are still investing. There should be huge funds behind this. Once their family cannot bear it, , the situation will become extremely critical.

Soon everyone in the venue left, and Avano sat helplessly on the chair. Now he is still considering whether to sell the Angus family's plantation land to the Hillman family. Eddie A price of 5 billion has been offered, which is already a very high price. The Angus family plantation only makes a profit of about 300 million a year.

After the last slave attack incident, the Angus family suffered an unprecedented impact. As the largest family in the family, they were denounced verbally and written by the entire city, and the denunciation was very powerful.

This is because the people trust Alpha and believe that she will not favor anyone, even their own family. The Angus family paid a huge amount of compensation and penalties, which was a huge investment in the construction process. This is very bad for the Angus family, which is already heavily in debt.

Although the current construction funds have been provided by the money paid by Congress, the reality is that due to the listing of the Angus family, a larger economy has been created, and the entire family is still in debt.

"Sell it!"

Violet suddenly spoke, and Avano was a little surprised. She sat down with a smile and held her husband's hand.

"It's okay. We still have a lot of land in the manor. If we leave some of it for planting, we can still supply the entire Angus family every year."

Avano nodded, took out the phone, and quickly dialed Eddie's number.

"Mr. Eddie, I have decided to sell our Angus family's plantation to you. You can come over and sign the contract tomorrow!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Avano. I just want to help you. I'm really sorry. Our family is currently in some difficulties! I just hope that our two families will have opportunities to cooperate in the future. Don't let this happen because of this." If there is any suspicion due to the problem, we will be responsible for the food supply of your Angus family from now on!"

Avano was a little surprised, and Eddie laughed heartily.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Avano. I believe the Angus family will get better and better in the future!"

After ending the call, Violet put her hand on her forehead. The bodyguards had already come in and the butler was still waiting.

"Do you want to go see your daughter?"

Avano said and Violet shook her head.

"No, just go home!"

At this time, Micah seemed a little embarrassed. She lowered her head and didn't know what to say for a while.

"What happened to Niya?"

Micah glanced at the head valet and head maid next to him, and they both looked embarrassed.

"Sir, madam, I didn't expect the banquet to end so early. Just now, the second lady wanted to go see the eldest lady, and this place is relatively close, so..."

"Okay, let's go home!"

Avano smiled helplessly. It was almost time for Alpha to ask someone from the business department to send Niya back. They were not worried because Alpha was her sister after all.


Niya was lying on the table. The glass of hot milk in front of her eyes had reached the bottom. She held her rumbling stomach and looked at Alpha, who was still working with a cigarette in his mouth. It had been almost an hour.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Alpha didn't answer, as if he hadn't heard anything. Niya couldn't sit still anymore, turned and ran to the door, opened it, but still didn't attract Alpha's attention. As soon as she went out, she saw a row of council officers sitting in the corridor outside. Everywhere, people smoking or drinking something are resting.

"Niya, why can't you sit still?"

A drunken female board member pulled Niya over with a smile and breathed a few breaths of alcohol into her. Niya pinched her nose and looked at the group of people who looked like they were not working. She He burst into laughter.

"It must be because you don't work well on weekdays, that's why my sister has to work so late every day."

Many people laughed for a while, and Jill sighed.

"That's not the case. There are so many things happening during our time that even eating and sleeping are a luxury."

"My sister wants to go shopping whenever she wants. She promised to go shopping with me."

Many people bluntly said that Niya had to wait, because Alpha was still dealing with the problem of criminals within Section 3. It was not until last month that Osman finally came up with a detailed list of those involved in the case to Alpha. In the past few days, Alpha Filings are processed every day, and these things need to be submitted to the General Affairs Department.

What happened on April 1 last year, Alpha finally took action. A large number of small workshops that did not meet the qualifications were shut down, especially those involved in the case. Everyone was arrested. The youngest was 9 years old and the oldest was 87. Years old, no one escaped.

Subject 5 has now become a beautiful scenery in the city. There are more than 7,000 people taking the examination for the Acting Section this year, which is much less than last year. Alpha has requested 30% of the places, and the applicants are in order, starting from subject 1. Once the number of applicants is full, it will automatically jump to the next course. If there are not enough applicants within the specified time, it will jump to the next course. Finally, if the candidates who have not filled in the application course will be filled up in the missing course.

Subjects 3, 4, 5, 11 and 12 are the least popular subjects, while subjects 1, 6, 7 and 9 are the subjects most people want to study.

As for subjects 2 and 10, they are both very difficult to enter. This year, hundreds of people even filled out subject 13. Everyone thinks that the miscellaneous subject should be quite leisurely, but the number of people in demand for subject 13 is still 0, and all these applicants have been assigned Arrived at 5 cores.

This year, five subjects have drawn the examiner responsible for the examination of the practical subject. Many people know that they are tired again.

Nowadays, among the members of the 120 district administrative departments, there is a common problem of failing the monthly physical fitness test. Most people neglect to exercise. If the physical fitness fails, part of the monthly welfare payment will be deducted. The following is Many people are already suffering terribly, especially those in Section 5. Most ordinary section members have to patrol every day and must exercise, which makes many people feel very uncomfortable and tormented.

But complaints are complaints, and the department members can only bite the bullet and do it, because the relationship between superiors and subordinates in the administrative department is very strict.

And because some regional officers were involved in the criminal riots on April 1, all 39 regional officers were dismissed from their posts and directly arrested and sentenced. The newly promoted people had too immature work experience and many problems were solved by the governing officers. You can only go to the local area in person to teach and handle it step by step.


Just when everyone was joking that this year would be another year without a day off, Alpha came out. At this time, Nia was sitting next to Jill, looking at the content on the light and shadow screen, her eyes were shocked, and she looked extremely incredible.

"real or fake?"

"It's still cooked!"

Gil laughed haha, and Niya couldn't believe it at this time. In front of her was Li Ang's personnel information. He was serving his sentence in the dormitory of the 12th Section of light offenders. Whether he passed the daily labor, whether his sentence was good, and his physical health examination, All body data is available.

"How can you show it to others casually?"

Alpha asked, and Gil raised his head and said.

"She is your sister, Chief Ye."

Niya continued to look through it in disbelief, and soon she saw the criminal record. However, Li Ang's name was not on the record, and only an X was used to replace it. Because Li Ang was still a minor, his name was not published.

"Are you mistaken?"

Jill shook her head.

"Economic crimes are also very serious, and the person overseeing this case is Li Xin, secretary of Section 8."

Niya thought of it instantly.

"Isn't that guy Li Ang's brother? How could we send Li Ang to prison? He was only 12 years old when he went in."

Niya could not imagine what kind of life Li Ang lived in prison.

"Don't try to sneak over there, I'm telling you."

As Alpha spoke, he pulled Nia over, took her hand and left. Jill sighed helplessly.

"Have fun Nya, and you too Alpha."

Alpha hummed.

"Everyone, go to bed early. I'm going to the General Affairs Department for a meeting tomorrow."

After a while, Alpha took Niya all the way to the gate of the 5th Section Headquarters. Niya secretly looked at the 5th Section members who came all the way and kept bowing and saluting Alpha. She always felt that her sister was very majestic.

"Sister, do you usually scold them?"

Alpha looked at Niya with a smile. As bursts of light lit up, a small door opened next to the main door of Section 5.

"What do you think, Niya? If you do something wrong, you will definitely be scolded. Haven't you experienced this since you were a child?"

Niya pouted and shook her head.

"I don't think I did anything wrong. Mom always talks about me, so will you beat them?"

Alpha shook his head helplessly.

"It would be a lot easier if you could solve the problem by beating someone up."

Niya clenched her fists and raised them.

"I solve problems with my fists."

As they passed by, Niya noticed the happy and respectful eyes around her. On the brightly lit streets, there would always be people who would give way to Alpha and stand aside with respect, watching Alpha leave.

Niya sighed, recalling that it was the same situation when she first entered school. Everyone could only see her sister. It was still the same now, but Niya didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but felt proud because she had Such a sister who can serve as a role model for the whole city is very commendable.

Nowadays, some of the words people in the family have towards Niya have gradually disappeared, because no matter how much they say it, it is useless. Alpha is too good, so good that Niya can't even touch it.

At this time, Alpha saw two drunken clerks on the street, talking and laughing with a girl who was a clerk at a kebab shop, with drinks in their hands.

"You two."

Before Alpha finished speaking, the expressions of the two clerks suddenly changed. They lowered their heads and dropped the wine in their hands, but Alpha used telekinesis to hold them back.

"It's okay to drink, but don't get drunk. Please complete your duties tonight. I also need your uniforms, so please tidy them up."

Niya was a little surprised that her sister didn't scold them. Seeing the two of them panicking, Niya smiled and tried to get closer, but Alpha grabbed her by the collar and dragged her away.

"Section 5 seems really boring. I have to patrol the streets every day. It's boring to death."

Alpha said with a smile.

"The security of society will not improve in a day, Niya. If you were a criminal and saw people from Section 5 patrolling the streets at any time, would you commit a crime?"

Niya thought for a moment and shook her head.

"I'll definitely wait until no one sees it."

Seeing that his sister's answer was unreasonable, Alpha took Nia outside a dessert shop called Rose Dolby. Nia was a little surprised at this time, because the dessert shop was on the second floor, and there was a corridor outside, all filled with women.

At this time, accompanied by a burst of screams, Niya saw a guy coming out with some desserts. The women around him rushed over and saw this short man who was neither male nor female and kissed some women. Niya Ya felt a wave of nausea.

"Is she a boy or a girl?"

Alpha laughed and walked inside.

"Rose, bring me a strawberry sundae, my sister."

Rose smiled and approached Nia, but Nia put a hand on Rose's arm.

"Your pattern is quite beautiful. Can you help me make one?"

Rose said with a smile.

"Okay, little sister."

Alpha was now being swarmed by a large number of women who wanted to take pictures.

"You're kidding, your sister will beat you up if you really get a tattoo."

Niya walked in and followed Rose to the bar.

"How about the sweet rolls? You must be very hungry now."

"how do you know?"

Rose smiled and turned around and walked to the back kitchen door.

"I know everything, little sister."

Rose entered the kitchen and did not start making desserts immediately. Instead, she stared at Niya through the gap in the kitchen door curtain.

"She has good qualities. She is indeed Alpha's sister. Her body is more flexible than Alpha."

After more than ten minutes, Niya covered her nose and wiped the tears that overflowed from her eyes.

"It's delicious. It's so delicious. I've never had such a delicious sweet roll."

Rose smiled, lit a cigarette, and handed one to Alpha at the bar.

"Aren't you going to teach your sister?"

Alpha shook his head.

"Stop making trouble Rose, she will be a cute little princess in the future. I wonder if you guys are going too far? Leave everything to Mr. Jean."

Rose looked at Alpha in surprise.

"What are you talking about Alpha? I'm just an ordinary dessert shop owner."

Looking at the strawberry sundae in front of him, Alpha took a bite, licked his lips, and stretched out his thumb. Whether something tastes delicious or not actually depends on the density difference of the various ingredients in the food and the blending of Billy and Rose. He happens to have the ability to control all material atoms, and the things he makes are really delicious.

"Don't be too tired Alpha, take some rest."

Alpha shook his head.

"Mr. Jean is still working and I will not rest."

Rose sighed and looked at Nia, who had already eaten a mouth full of sauce. She raised a hand. Nia looked in disbelief as the sauce on her cheeks magically peeled off and gathered together. , rotating in the air and changing colorful appearances.

"Miss Zhangzui, don't waste the last bite of food."

Niya opened her mouth, and after eating it, she nodded in surprise and showed her thumbs up again.

"What was that just now?"


Niya immediately pouted.

"You think I'm a kid and I'm obviously a mutant. Can you teach me something?"

Rose was a little surprised when Alpha slapped Nia on the back of the head.

"You can't learn it with the density of your head. Also, Alpha, don't hit me. If you hit your sister's head, she will really be hopeless!"

Alpha smiled helplessly.

"Boss, I want to have barbecue, can you get me some?"

Rose pointed upstairs.

"Go upstairs and I'll do something for you."

Niya went upstairs excitedly.

"I wish you were half as good as your sister, Alpha. I feel like you are getting tougher and tougher."

"You don't have to worry about it!"

1 o'clock in the morning

Eddie sat quietly in the office, a melodious symphony was playing. Eddie was holding a glass of wine comfortably. He expected that the Angus family would sell the plantation in order to relieve financial pressure. The purpose is to alleviate the land that is currently abandoned in the plantation due to the relatively small number of workers.

The plan is still going on, and Eddie knows very well that it won't take long before he can fully take over everything in the Angus family.

The area near the Alatan Ula Mountains in the barrier area has completely become a stronghold, a paradise for criminals.

And the children in the family are also growing vigorously, much better than other people of Eddie's generation, because Eddie has developed a way of nurturing each child through Prometheus. They all have a variety of talents, which makes Eddie extremely gratified.

Crime is temporarily blocked, but this will not affect Eddie's overall plan. Premeditated business annexation follows market rules and no one can interfere. The large number of crimes Eddie left behind have now been successful. It allowed him to control many things in his hands, and the things that had to be turned to his family because of crime were perfectly connected.

Those merchants are still waiting for a signal, and once Eddie gives the order, the merchants will attack in groups, and the Angus family will be eaten until no bones are left.

The economic famine in recent years has turned many businessmen into bloodthirsty monsters. No matter what the association can do, after this economic famine, the businessmen just want to continue to make money and make more. Money can guarantee that you will not die when something like this happens.

Because of this construction project, many small and medium-sized enterprises closed down, and because Alpha's criminal investigation was too tough, those fragile small workshops are now almost extinct. This is a disaster for businessmen. Big benefit.

And because the issue of the family's slave trade has been boycotted by the whole city, merchants have gradually begun to replace the family's position in some commercial activities, and there is a clear trend of rise.

Among them, Eddie must also thank the eight classmates, who are also the presidents of the eight major associations in the city. They continue to help the businessmen fight against the family. Their original intention is very clear, because the family has created too many problems over the years, and There is also immunity, so it is the right approach to contain the family financially to reduce the probability of the family causing accidents.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Eddie couldn't help but recall that when he attended Pullman's wedding, he had a drink with him for the first time and sincerely accepted his blessing. When he thought of this, Eddie felt really happy because everyone They are all helping the Hillman family.

At this time, accompanied by a sizzling sound of electricity, a snowflake screen appeared, and a lot of noise filled the room.

"How is the situation? Mr. X."

On the flickering screen, X's red eyes stared blankly at Eddie.

"Everything is normal Eddie, I still say the same thing, it's too dangerous."

Eddie laughed, then shook his head.

"What do you think the gods will do as long as we have photonuclear weapons?"

X hummed and nodded.

"That's good. After all, you have extracted something from AI1. The simulation experiment of Prometheus' optical nuclear weapons has reached 19%. The experiment can be carried out at 70%. Mr. X, I hope You can hand over more detailed mechanical technology as soon as possible, after all, our biochemically modified mutants will be the main force in the future."

After the call ended, Eddie stood up and walked to the window. He missed Ran Zhi a little, but Ran Zhi was living a good life in prison now. Eddie knew this. When Ran Zhi came out, Ai Di Di planned to discuss the next step with him.

"The future is not in the hands of God, nor in the hands of the family, nor in the hands of businessmen, nor in the hands of ordinary people like pigs, but in my hands!"

Eddie held up a glass with crazy eyes and drank it down in one gulp.

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