Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 164 Barrier Area (Part 2) 33 more updates please subscribe!

"Has he always been this willful?"

Le Xiao, who had just realized that she had been left behind by Jean, asked Huashen, who smiled and nodded.

"There is no other way, little girl. If Jean goes to the mining town in the east, the straight-line distance there is probably more than 100 kilometers away from here, and it is somewhat close to the barrier. It is impossible for Jean to come back today, but he will be there early tomorrow morning. I'll be back soon, just follow me for now."

Lexiao coughed and wheezed, still feeling uncomfortable, her throat was itchy, and her lungs were beginning to sting due to the cold air.

Huashen took off his cotton-padded clothes and threw them to Le Xiao.

"Huashen Pavilion"

"Just call me Huashen, Le Xiao, but if you call me section chief in front of others, you should dress well. After all, the current temperature is only 3 degrees. At night, the temperature around here will reach minus 20 degrees."

Le Xiao's eyes widened in surprise, and then Huashen turned around and helped Le Xiao put on the cotton coat.

"Don't delay. It will be very troublesome if you get sick. After all, the medicine I asked Jean to send me is my secret. If it gets spread, it will be a little troublesome."

Le Xiao swallowed, nodded quietly, and followed Huashen tremblingly. Looking at Huashen in front of him, he seemed to be a willful guy.

The ground beneath his feet was uneven and hard. Le Xiao's feet felt uncomfortable just after walking for a few minutes. But suddenly, a picture of falling snow flashed across Le Xiao's head, which she had drawn in her textbook before. What she saw was that it looked very beautiful. She had also seen snowflakes in movies, but she had never seen what snowflakes looked like in the real world.

"Can't we see snow tonight?"

"Unfortunately, Le Xiao, snowflakes cannot be seen. The water molecules in the air are absorbed into the city by the invisible light and shadow shield surrounding the city, so that people in the city can have water to drink."

Le Xiao's eyes widened, a little unwilling, after all, it was rare to come out once.

"By the way, Doctor Huashen, thank you for what you said that night at the banquet."

Le Xiao still looked at Huashen in front of her with respect. After all, the name Huashen was too familiar to Le Xiao. She had seen him on many TVs and in many places. At first glance, she felt that he was a kind person. A kind person, although I think it may be his delusion, after all, he is in such a high position.

"Doctor, come and see quickly. My child is vomiting."

He could already see the appearance of some houses, most of which were dilapidated. Le Xiao saw many people, men, women, children, old people and young people. Among them, the old people accounted for nearly one-third, and there were also many children, and most of them. They were women, and there were very few young and middle-aged people. At first glance, there seemed to be only about a dozen people. There were more than 300 people gathered here, and many of them looked a little strange and were covered with veils.

Most people were watching at the door of the dilapidated house, and dozens of people followed. Le Xiao only felt a little warmer after entering this dilapidated neighborhood. Gradually, it seemed as if she had arrived at a market-like place. Xiao saw many people holding empty jars in their hands and talking about exchanging things.

"Liquid food cans are the only hard currency here. The method of exchange is the same as in the city. 100 empty cans can be exchanged for one can of food. After all, if this kind of can is made of light and shadow materials, it would be too luxurious. So most cans are recycled and processed before being made into cans.”

Le Xiao seemed to understand and nodded. At this time, a large dilapidated long house appeared in front of him. It looked like a house used for human gatherings in the previous era of this neighborhood. Le Xiao saw that the damaged areas were translucent. cover.

"Do you want to stay outside or inside? If you want to come inside, at least give me a hand."

Lexiao looked around before deciding to follow Huashen in. In a columnar disinfection room formed by light and shadow at the entrance, Lexiao took off most of her clothes and put on the light white anti-bacterial clothing given to her by Huashen. Face mask.

"Be mentally prepared, this place is now my temporary operating room."

Le Xiao swallowed. The moment he entered, Le Xiao felt the warmth. He glanced at the thermometer next to him and saw that it was 15 degrees. In the huge space, some wooden boards had been moved in to serve as temporary hospital beds.

There were a total of 16 patients, of whom 8 were mostly children, 3 were women, and 5 were men. But what surprised Le Xiao at this time was not these, but the fact that these people were covered with chicken skin that made people look at it. There were pimples and pustules all over the feet, hands and body, and the bones of these people were all deformed, which looked horrifying.

With a "wow" sound, Le Xiao covered her mouth and retched. She was almost scared to death. On the left side near the door was a seven or eight-year-old boy with slender hands and feet. His body was covered with pustules, and his chest had already... It was cut open, the bones were exposed, and the heart could be clearly seen, beating slowly.

Everyone is wearing an infusion machine on their hands. It is a white machine that looks like a machine. It has a light and shadow display screen with various indicators and data of the patient. On the left side of the rectangular infusion machine, there is a groove. Used to place drug injections, this machine is said to perform micro-injection through light and shadow technology, and absorbs drugs and injections through subcutaneous capillaries.

Le Xiao kept choking, looking at the child's appearance, Huashen walked over.

"There is no way to operate inside. The skin in front of the child's chest is ulcerated, and the virus has invaded the heart and lungs. We can only remove the rotten skin and muscles first, and then suture them with artificial skin. Although it may be possible in the future It will have a certain impact, but you can save your life.”


With a sharp sound, the black rectangular light and shadow locker that Gene threw to Huashen opened instantly. It was a large 2 cubic meter light and shadow locker. When Huashen opened the locker, instantly A strong smell of medicine came out.

"You help me prepare the medicine. I will start to perform surgeries on them at the same time now. Although the germs in many people's bodies have been partially suppressed, the medicine is far from enough. There is a matching light and shadow on the computer over there. Don't make a mistake. Yes, if you make a mistake, these people will die."

Le Xiao's eyes widened. As he spoke, Huashen had already taken out several multi-functional surgical bags, and then opened each multi-functional surgical bag in an instant. He quickly connected all the scalpels to his hands and brain. On both sides, eyes were smiling excitedly.

"At 11:03, the operation begins."

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