Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1610 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 45 (Part 2)

"I think it looks pretty good."

An older man said, and the people next to him nodded, and many people in a restaurant began to discuss it.

This new management system has given many people a refreshing feeling. Most people feel that it is somewhat different from the past feeling of being completely confused.

For many people who have lived in the city for forty or fifty years, the most intuitive feeling is that everything is concentrated in the management office in the area, and the efficiency of the management office is notoriously low. Things that seem very simple to ordinary people will be delayed for a period of time due to various reasons.

"I just don't know how efficient they are. It used to take me three months to open my small shop and get the qualification certificate. My three months' rent was simply wasted."

A slightly drunk man said, and a woman standing in front of the screen immediately answered.

"Isn't it! My daughter used to go to school and had to apply for admission qualifications. Because our home is at the junction of two districts, I went to two management offices for two weeks to get it done. I really don't know what they are doing on weekdays. ."

People in the restaurant began to talk about their past work in the management office. Many people were very critical of the managers.

In the past, many people handled some matters and encountered varying degrees of problems after arriving at the management office. Either something was wrong here, or the administrator deliberately made things difficult. Some people could only put in a little money, and the matter was quickly solved. .

The impression that the management is weak and incompetent has been the biggest impression that citizens have had on the city's management over the years.

"The video of the demolition of the building just now was really exciting. It was demolished by manpower so quickly. It was even more powerful than blasting."

Someone started talking, and then someone remembered that when fights occurred on the streets in the past, the administrators who came over were unable to stop them. Instead, during the process of persuasion, they were dragged in and beaten, as well as those administrators People are often killed in the process of arresting criminals.

What makes the citizens most dissatisfied is that the people in the management are very close to the family members and businessmen, and the issue of money and power transactions has always been the most hated part of most citizens, and this kind of This phenomenon is basically the norm in most areas.

"But it still depends on how they do in the next few years."

Someone said helplessly, and then someone stood up and retorted.

"Don't you know that these people have been working in the city for many years? I think it's okay. At least Alpha will be the section chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section. I think it's better."

Locke's explanation sparked heated discussions throughout the city.

"Everyone, the last thing I want to explain is that the function of our General Affairs Department is that we are responsible for reviewing various incident reports submitted by 12 departments. These incident reports will be published on the website after strict review by our General Affairs Department. Members of the public can view the module of the corresponding department of the Operations Department at any time. If there are any problems with some incident reports, we will review them in conjunction with the department that submitted the report. You can also participate in the supervision and file complaints from citizens. The channel will be opened directly, and your complaints will go directly to the General Affairs Department."

Locke said with a smile. At this time, many people were surprised, because such a transparent method was unprecedented.

“The last thing I want to say is, dear citizens, please believe in us! The role of our administrative department is only to make the city better. We will work hard every day to create a beautiful environment for all our dear citizens. city ​​environment."

At this time, the camera turned, and soon everyone saw Duan Kong, a special administrator who often appeared on TV, and a beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes next to him. She looked elegant and had gentle eyes. Her name was Zhu. Leah, who used to appear on some political TV shows, is also known to many people. At first, many people thought she was a model, but later they learned that she was a special management officer.

"Good morning everyone, I am Duan Kong, the section chief of Section 1, and next to me is Julia Stig, the secretary of Section 1."

Duan Kong was sitting at the table with a smile on his face. Julia was standing on the right side behind him, standing up straight quietly. At 1.8 meters tall, she was a full head taller than Duan Kong.

"In the future, I hope to lead Section 1 to become a solid wall in the qualification review management of all walks of life in the city, providing the most beneficial and reliable guarantee for the lives of the general public!"

After a brief speech, Duan Kong stood up and bowed to Julia.

"Not bad, good, hurry up!"

Lilian held up the shooting equipment in her hand. Except for the people from the 10th, 11th, and 12th departments, there were people from the other 9 departments.

"It's still a solid wall!"

Julia slapped Duan Kong on the back, and Duan Kong turned around in an instant. Julia directly clamped Duan Kong's neck with her elbows and pulled him down.

"Sister C, hurry up and get ready!"

Vivian urged, C was applying lipstick, and R had already arrived on the stage first.

"How about you take my place, little lazy boy."

C glanced at Mo Xiaolan, who was unhappy next to her, and she immediately shook her head.

"It's impossible. I will retire after working for 20 years at most. This is what you promised me."

Everyone laughed.

K immediately held Mo Xiaolan's head with one hand.

"20 years? At least 25 years."

Mo Xiaolan stared at K with wide eyes, and he roughly pulled her to a chair nearby.

"This is different from what was promised."

K asked doubtfully.

"When did we agree?"


Mo Xiaolan pointed at the three people.

"Stop making trouble and hurry up."

R straightened his clothes and sat in front of the table. C stood behind R.

"Good morning, dear citizens, I am the section chief of the Crisis Response Section of the Second City, R. Next to me is the secretary of our section, Miss C."

C smiled gracefully and made a greeting gesture.

"Due to work, we cannot publish the names. Everyone in our Section 2 is. I think everyone should know a little about the work of our Section through the name of our Section. Our Section is mainly for the dangerous situations of all parties in the city. , make effective and reasonable analysis and early warning, and give a certain degree of solution suggestions for the crises predicted in various aspects. Before the crisis occurs, each department will take effective actions to avoid the occurrence of the crisis and take precautions before it happens. , is the purpose of our department!”

After the two bowed, Osman tidied his clothes and came to the stage with Zijuan. Everyone became quiet.

"Good morning, dear citizens, I am Osman, the section chief of the 3rd Military Section, and next to me is the secretary of our section, Miss Zijuan!"

Osman's voice seemed a little low, because everyone present knew that the problems in subject 3 were really difficult to deal with.

Osman originally didn't plan to come, but after thinking about it, he came. He originally planned to give a brief speech directly at the Eastern Guard Station like the people in Section 10, Section 11, and Section 12, but today he planned to wait until the speech was over. After that, I went directly to the All-Field Academy to talk to King Xue about the three subjects.

"As everyone knows, our 3rd Department is a military department. In the future, I hope that our 3rd Department can shine in the construction of the city and various issues. We are confident that we will build the 3rd Department into a city that can protect all citizens. A powerful weapon!"

After Osman simply spoke, he and Zijuan bowed and left the stage.

At this time, everyone looked at Akimi, who was usually serious. Marcus patted Akimi on the back, and he started walking awkwardly.

"You're too nervous Akimi, relax."

Gil said with a smile, and Akimi hummed. He swallowed and walked to the stage, but he still looked a little stiff.

"Good morning, dear citizens! This is Akimi, the section chief of my Section 4, and this is my secretary Marcus."

Akimi felt a little embarrassed and his cheeks were a little hot. He was not used to such an occasion.

"Our 4th Science Association is committed to supervising the entire drug market and reserving medical talents for the city. Thank you!"

Akimi fled back under the stage.

"You can't get on the stage like this, Akimi."

Gil said and quickly went on stage. Vivian looked at the two people and shook her head helplessly.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Jill. I am the secretary of the 5th Public Security Management Section. As for why our section chief Alpha Angus did not come this morning, it is because of the incident before. I believe everyone still remembers that she is still here. You can take a look at the half-year disciplinary labor on the farm, and our section chief also has something to say to you!"

Vivian immediately switched the screen. On another light and shadow screen, Alpha was wearing a sports vest. She was already sweating and her skin was a little dark. She stood quietly in front of the screen, and many people could be seen working behind her.

"There's no need for this!"

Many people exclaimed for a while, and most of the women looked at Alpha's haggard look with distress.

"Good morning everyone, I am Alpha, the section chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section. I believe you all still remember what happened last year. I am really sorry!"

Alpha said and bowed formally, and then when he raised his head, his eyes became extremely sharp.

"Because I committed such a crime, I must accept punishment. I just hope to return to work as soon as possible. In less than 4 months, I will complete the violation of public order stipulated by the law. The disciplinary work that needs to be done to manage the law! I will come back, and our 5th Division will become a sharp sword that can maintain social order and fight against crime consistently!"

After the video ended, many people stood up in surprise. Most of them had heard reports from some reporters that Alpha's workload on the farm would have allowed her to come back early, but she chose this The method surprised many people.

Vivian glanced at Keying, and after she nodded, the screen switched.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Keying, and I am the section chief of the Information Management Section of the 6th City. The man next to me is the secretary of our section, Zhuo Yue!"

A man with a clean face, a gentle smile, and a boy-like temperament stood behind Keying with a smile.

"Our 6th Section will collect statistics on most things in the city. Statistics is an extremely important link and can provide reliable and beneficial data for the development of the city. I only hope that you can cooperate with us when we carry out statistical work. , we are a reliable provider of data from all walks of life in the city, and anyone with qualifications can apply and come to our 6th department to view the data."

Vivian handed the camera in her hand to Julia, and she made an OK gesture. Immediately, Vivian looked at Jin Mian, who was still reading a long article.

"You idiot, today is not officially established, so you don't need to give a speech."

Jin Mn immediately retorted.

"I have to explain to the citizens the importance of money, and"

Everyone has already learned that Jin Mian likes to chatter. He often goes to other people's dormitories, regardless of gender, and chats from dusk to dawn. He is a very troublesome chatterbox.

"Let's go!"

Vivian dragged Jin Mian directly onto the stage.

"Good morning everyone, I am Jin Mian, the section chief of the 7th Wallet Management Section. The little girl next to me, who is as beautiful as a ceramic doll, is Vivian, the secretary of our section. Now I need to explain a concept to you. In the past, everyone I feel that a bank is a place where money is deposited, and it is also a place where some financial activities are carried out. Our department is called the Wallet Management Department. Maybe you will find it a bit awkward, so let me explain in detail next."

Jin Mian's eyes widened, and he felt that his mouth had been pressed by a large number of invisible alienated particles, and all the eyes in the room were staring at him.

"Okay, the main role of our department is to help everyone manage money, and it will also collect taxes, including managing some economic review work. I hope we can all get along happily!"

Julia immediately turned off the camera, and Jin Mangan was pulled directly off the stage by Vivian.

"What are you doing? I just want to make it clear to everyone."

Julia frowned slightly.

"There will be plenty of time for you to talk in the future, so go ahead."

Heathcote has already gone to the stage with Li Xin.

"Dear citizens, good morning!"

As Heathcote said, Vivian made faces at Li Xin on the stage from time to time. He looked a little embarrassed, but Ke Ying pulled Vivian over and signaled her to stop making trouble with her eyes. We often have children. general side.

Especially after living together for so many years, everyone has a relatively good relationship. However, because each of us has been busy with work over the years, we have rarely been together and separated frequently. Many times we can only make a phone call. The opportunity to get together like today is so rare. Everyone is also much happier. Although it is the handover stage now and it is not yet officially established as an administrative department, everyone feels very happy.

"I believe you have heard the Fat Controller fully explain the main functions of our 8th Section."

For a time, nearly 200 people present laughed heartily, but they still couldn't change their minds and called Locke "Fat Brother". Locke stared at Heathcote sideways.

“As the main prosecutor of legal cases, our 8th Division will work with the Bar Association to elect judges, including the discussion and improvement of the law. So I hope that when you encounter anything, if you rely on If the problem cannot be solved through verbal communication, please resort to the law to solve it, and please do not use violence or other methods to solve it!"

Julia squinted at Brandon and He Lei who were still getting ready. One of them looked polite, or a little submissive, but in fact they were very deep in the city, while the other was very good at what they did. Yes, it happens to be a complementary relationship.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Brandon, and next to me is He Lei, the secretary of our department! The only thing our 9th department needs to do is to protect the business strategies of the operators and the products purchased by the citizens. Products are priced in line with the regional market! Our 9th Business Department only hopes to create a stable, orderly, reliable and safe market economic environment for you!"

Vivian and Julia immediately switched lines after Brandon's brief speech.

"Hello everyone! I am Noah, the section chief of the 10th Science Research Section. The guy next to me is named Noah, and he is the secretary of our section."

Immediately everyone discovered that these two people must have just woken up.

"We are committed to scientific research every day. In the future, we will continue to provide reliable technical support for the development of the city. As for other aspects of our department, we cannot disclose it to you. Well, I wish you all the best. Have fun at the holidays!”

In a research room, there were mechanical bodies soaked in large jars around it. Many things were currently in the research stage. Noah yawned and shook his head.

"I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to take to the streets tomorrow."

Noah hummed and looked at the listless expressions of the hundreds of technicians in the entire laboratory. Everyone was too excited. After getting the extremely finely mechanized robot, many people were quite excited. The most excited person was Heimo, who spent almost all night polishing and manufacturing parts.

"But section chief, I think it's better for you to go see Alpha."

Li Guoguo muttered, and Noah scratched his head.

"It's true that I haven't seen her for a long time."

At this time, in a large office, Latis and Song Man were already sitting down solemnly.

"Good morning everyone, I am Latis, the chief of the 11th Prison Section, and next to me is my secretary, Song Man!"

Latis said after hesitating for a while.

"Our 11th Division plays an important role in helping criminals return to society after completing corresponding punishments. I just want to say one thing, please don't judge criminals who return to society with colored glasses. No one is born Criminals, no one can completely control everything on a bad day!"

After looking at Julia making an OK gesture on the light screen next to her, Latis breathed a sigh of relief, Song Man sat down, and most of the governing officers clapped their hands and came over.

"I hope that everyone can work together to build the prison tower. Construction will officially start in three years, and the principal's request is a bit overwhelming."

Song Man sighed.

"I'm getting married next year."

Many people were amazed for a while, and Latis also stood up in shock.

"I didn't even listen to what you said. The other party is..."

"You will know who it is at my wedding banquet. I am worried about you, Latis."

For a moment, many people nearby snickered, and Latis became a little panicked.

"Why are you worried about me? I said I would never get married in this life."

Song Man helplessly patted Latis on the shoulder.

"I think it's better for you to speak out about some things. After all, we won't discriminate against you."

Latis stood up angrily.

"You guys, get to work."

After a while, only Song Man and Latis were left in the room, and Song Man sat down.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Didn't Huashen give you a secret checkup before? It's natural, and if you like someone like the president, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. After all, the relationship between you two is already so good that it's enviable. , even Noah told me before, if you were a man, it would be absolutely impossible for him to be in love with Alpha."

Latis took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and smiled bitterly.

"Does Alpha know about this?"

Song Man shook his head.

"That's fine, it's fine if she doesn't know, that's fine!"

In a dome, in front of rows of experimental crop specimens, Clark said with a smile.

"Good morning everyone, I am Clark, the section chief of Section 12, and the beautiful woman next to me, Natasha, is the secretary of our section!"

Although Natasha was smiling, her eyes were serious.

"Our department controls the most core part of the city, food, so what I want to say is that being able to see everyone eating fresh and safe food every day is the driving force behind our department's work. I hope everyone can treat food more appropriately. Regarding the problem, at least try not to waste it! Because every grain of food contains blood and sweat!"

Natasha looked at Clark in surprise. After a brief speech, Clark was about to return to the laboratory, but Natasha grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"Isn't it enough? I think it's enough."

Clark looked embarrassed and shook his head.

“Not just blood, sweat, but tears!”

Natasha said and Clark nodded.

"If you want to do it, do it thoroughly. If you have a half-hearted attitude, you won't be able to accomplish anything. From now on, you will be in charge of food distribution and distribution of planting and harvesting tasks. You don't need to interfere with this research!"

Natasha looked at Clark who had left, with her hands still half raised in the air. She couldn't accept it. Clark planned to continue researching a super genetic food, the giant crops. After a certain degree of radiation, the food genes would suddenly mutate. Changed, and now there is a giant potato nearly 1 meter high sleeping underground.

In a few days, this giant potato will be transported to the prison and will continue to be tasted by serious prisoners.

At this moment, when everyone thought everything was over and planned to take a closer look at the official website of the Xingke Branch, a red vortex appeared in the middle of the screen, with the number 13 in the vortex.

Just when everyone was confused, Locke immediately appeared and said.

"I almost forgot to mention that our administrative department also has a tentative miscellaneous affairs department. The section chief will not be announced until the administrative department is officially established!"

As the light gradually dissipated, Locke looked at the group of people in front of him, looking at him strangely, because although they had heard Gene talk about Section 13, they thought it was just Gene joking with them.

"Does the principal really plan to come down and work with us?"

Duan Kong spoke first, and Locke nodded.

"You don't trust us that much?"

Gil muttered, and everyone in the room looked at him for a moment. Everyone's expressions were solemn at this time.

For everyone present, the man who taught them everything did indeed make some outrageous actions on many occasions. Over the years, everyone had become accustomed to it. Secretly, everyone felt that the principal was a little too willful.

"No matter what, I hope everyone will respect the principal's decision. We will all be colleagues from now on. Please just call him Mr. Jean. Don't call him principal in public. Do you understand?"

Locke said, Yin Xianglin was a little surprised.

"Lord Jean wants to be my colleague? It seems a bit unimaginable."

Yin Xianglin expressed everyone's doubts. In the eyes of everyone, Gene is almost perfect. His way of doing things is very powerful, and his working ability is also extremely strong. Over the years, he has handled everything in the city alone. There were no mistakes, and everyone respected this former mentor from the bottom of their hearts.

"It seems that I have to be more careful in the future. After all, I feel that working with the principal is a bit stressful."

As soon as Jin Mangan finished speaking, many people nodded in agreement.

Everything now is just the beginning, and this beginning is difficult. For many people, the construction projects that will begin this year and the things they need to deal with next will begin to become more and more complicated.

"I think we all should not take a vacation this year, after all, there are so many things to do."

As Keying said, Zijuan immediately started to giggle.

"I think everyone should not take vacations in the next few years, at least before the end of the project. After all, if there is a problem in the middle links, the city will be ruined. As for the principal, I don't think everyone should worry too much. The reason why he I’m afraid he has his own considerations in establishing 13 subjects, so we can all just keep a normal mind, besides!”

Zijuan laughed and continued.

"Isn't the principal always saying that if everyone just does the same thing as him, then everyone is just a defective product."

9:03 am

Facing the sun, Jean squatted quietly on the rooftop of the General Affairs Department, smiling slightly. The uniforms placed beside him were shaking in the breeze from time to time, and the hat with the golden six-pointed star was placed quietly beside him. , Gene sat comfortably on the edge of the rooftop, smoking.

"Let's start Ellie, we will definitely succeed this time! Because the chicks have already spread their wings!"

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