Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1600 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 42 (middle)

Ding ding dong dong

There was a sound of knocking, and Whit held the light and shadow phone. On it was the design drawing of a college. More than 20 workers were busy building a 5-story building, and the land was under construction. Being leveled off little by little.

"Principal Whit, have you decided on the name of the school yet?"

At this time, in a work shed at the back of the construction site, Chris walked out wearing a work uniform.

"Just call it Shengde. This is a women's college! Mr. Chris, thank you very much for your help."

Chris shook his head.

"We have to do something, Principal Whit."

Whit nodded. In the current school atmosphere in the city, in addition to the more stable middle and upper classes, in many lower-class schools, the proportion of women receiving education is far lower than the proportion of men receiving education. This is not a good situation.

There are inherent differences between men and women, and many parents even do not allow their girls to receive a complete basic education. In recent years, with the increase in newborns, the cost of education has also begun to rise.

Most people consider marrying off their daughters. Basically, after six years of simple primary school education, they will let their daughters go back home to work or wait to get married as soon as they are old enough.

Part of this is also affected by family marriages. This influence does not appear overnight, but subtly radiates from the upper class to the middle and lower classes. Many people are affected to a certain extent.

Higher-level education requires more time and money investment. Education subsidies in the past can no longer meet the overall education needs of the city, because most of the tax revenue has gradually begun to be transferred to the city's next giant construction project.

After several years of consideration, Whitt finally decided to establish the Shengde Women's College, which only recruits girls. This is a private college. Whitt plans to run this women's school well so that some affiliated schools can be opened in various places. Only female primary schools can effectively solve the current situation.

During this period, Chris helped Whit a lot. Locke and other students in the business department also contributed some money to let Whit run the school. However, that guy Xue Wang came here a while ago and asked Hui to Specially brings schools under the supervision of Congress.

Afterwards, Whitt received a grant of assistance funds from Congress. Although he was reluctant to admit that the guy had helped him implicitly, Whitt was angry because he was still the same as before, without any change at all.

"The teachers I recommended should wait for Principal Whit, who will come over after the festival. You can just communicate with them directly then."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Chris, for helping me so much."

Chris smiled and nodded.

"If we don't do anything, the situation will get worse."

The two walked to the teaching building under construction and discussed some educational policies, but what worried Whit was still the funding issue.

"Although it is indeed difficult, just get over it. If more girls' primary schools are established, the funding problem should be alleviated. If not, we will only be able to recruit some children from upper-class families with not very good grades!"

Whit pondered quietly and finally nodded.

"Why don't you go find Alpha Angus for help."

Whit looked a little embarrassed and shook his head.

"Alfa has already personally donated her entire salary to this school. I can't ask her to do anything more for me, after all."

"Sorry Principal Whitt."

Chris smiled and tilted his head.

"In the future, more industries will emerge in the city, and the city will definitely become better and better, and education will become the key to the city's future!"


All major media were reporting on the buying frenzy in the city. Su Li was very unhappy while watching the news and looking at Baozhen next to her. Today was the first time in her life that she had made a concession.

Baozhen was drinking tea leisurely and looking at some documents.

"If you want to eat here, I'll notify the chef."

"No need."

Su Li walked to Baozhen's side, leaning on her hands and looking at some survey documents about the clothing market on Baozhen's light and shadow screen.

Although I don't want to admit it, the advice given by Baozhen is reasonable. Only by giving up part of the market can we continue to make money stably in the future. The middle and low-end markets will gradually be given away to the hungry small and medium-sized businessmen. They just want to make money, make it for them.

The middle and low-end clothing market does not have much profit, but the high-end clothing market is different. The profit margin is very large. Last night Baozhen gave a lot of information and suggestions, and Su Li finally agreed.

Then Su Li received a call from Hong Hong in the film and television area last night. The two parties could cooperate in depth. This was something Su Li could not imagine. That woman Hong Hong would actually look for her, but Su Li also understood that it was this. What did the fat woman do.

In return for giving up the middle and lower-level market, it will directly cooperate with the entertainment, film and television industry to launch high-end clothing for celebrities to wear. This effect is far stronger than the advertising all over the sky.

In the end, the two parties also had a very pleasant conversation and successfully reached a certain consensus.

"What on earth are you doing behind the scenes, you fat pig?"

Su Li said with a smile, putting her hands on Baozhen's shoulders, and she shook her head.

"I'll give you another suggestion!"

Baozhen raised her head in enjoyment. Su Li was in a good mood today, really very good. In the future, their Su family's profits will be far greater than they are now.

"Sanlian Company is selling off part of its food purchasing channels."

Sully chuckled.

“It’s really not profitable to make food now, I think.”

"If you believe me, buy these channels. I think it's a good thing to be prepared."

Su Li laughed after hesitating for a while.

"It's your sister, right? Their Sanlian company has started to fall apart now. Why haven't you two been in contact for many years?"

"It has nothing to do with her. If you believe me, just buy some food channels and try to do it for a while."

Su Li sighed and sat next to Baozhen.

"Tell the truth, fat pig! If you tell the truth, I will help your sister. It's okay to spend tens of millions to buy a food channel."

Baozhen was a little moved, and finally nodded.

"Please help her once."

"OK! I'll give you a face, fat pig, and tell the chef that I want to eat seafood today."

Baozhen smiled and shook her head.

"If you want to eat, you have to buy it yourself. Our company doesn't have the money."

Su Li smiled helplessly, stood by the window, looked at the deserted street below, and then looked back at Baozhen.

Su Li had never thought about all this. This guy was extremely important to her now. To put down face for the sake of profit, for Su Li, it was really more uncomfortable than death. This feeling was hard to describe.

In the past, Su Li always thought that this guy was just an idiot, but gradually she realized that this guy had done too many things secretly, and Su Li knew that she couldn't do these things.

At this time, Su Li took out her phone and after rummaging for a while, she found Baochun's number.

"Boss Su, is something wrong?"

Su Li frowned slightly.

"Are you still in the man's arms?"

A charming laugh came from the phone, and Baozhen's face turned serious for a moment.

"I want to buy some of your company's food channels. Are you interested in selling them?"

"Sell it, definitely sell it. Where are you, Boss Su? Let's have dinner together and we can finalize it right away."

Su Li sighed helplessly.

"You come to our house tonight, bring your company's materials, and we will draw up a contract."

After Su Li hung up the phone, she looked at Baozhen's relieved look.

"Are you satisfied?"

Baozhen said thank you, and then said another thank you.

Su Li sighed helplessly.

"How about I arrange it, you sisters?"

Baozhen stood up and shook her head.

"It is impossible for her and I to reconcile in this life. This is my own problem, not hers. I'm sorry! If you want to eat seafood, I will go out and buy it for you now."

Su Li pushed Baozhen back to the chair.

"Tell me, where did you go that night four years ago? I really want to know how the city will change and what is hidden in it."

Baozhen shook her head.

"You'll know Sully, in the near future."


In a shooting scene in the film and television area, Lanny looked at the pictures shot on the light and shadow screen, and discussed with several assistant directors next to him the color correction of the picture and whether reshoots were needed.

Some actors were resting aside, many of them were a little tired, and some of them were a little angry. Lanny was extremely strict on the set and controlled everything without caring about the feelings of others.

"Xingyuan, come here."

Lanny said, and Xingyuan, who was wearing a screenwriter job badge, came over.

"I think this part of the script should be revised. We will have a small meeting later. By the way, Beckinsale should be here. You go pick her up."

Xingyuan smiled and quickly left the blocked shooting scene. Soon Xingyuan came to a busy street. Sure enough, on the side of the street, Beckinsale was leaning against a red car, smoking. He smoked and waited quietly.

"Miss Beckinsale, follow me."

"No, I won't go in. If Lanni still wants to continue filming, we can just have dinner together."

Only then did Xingyuan notice Honghong in the car, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Ms. Honghong."

"Xingyuan, if you have time, how about you write a script for our company? Come to my house in a few days."

Xingyuan looked a little embarrassed, and Beckinsale pointed to the filming location.

"I have a meeting with Director Lanni later. Sorry, I'll talk about it when I have time."

Honghong looked at Beckinsale resentfully.

"It's really stingy to lend him to us for a little while."

"Shut up Honghong, did you properly promulgate the code of conduct for entertainment industry personnel that I asked you to promulgate?"

Honghong knocked on the car door.

"Get in the car, I'm starving, let's go eat."

Soon the car came to a street with Gothic-style buildings. As soon as the two stepped into a restaurant, a waitress came over happily to say hello to Beckinsale.

Some of the young actors, who looked like their makeup had not yet been taken off, were eating. When they saw Beckinsale, they all greeted her seriously.

"Hey, the head of the entertainment industry."

Without saying anything, Beckinsale took off her brown windbreaker, placed it beside the sofa, and ordered some food.

"But Beckinsale, what about CBV?"

Honghong asked tentatively. He knew that Beckinsale had a way to solve their company's current predicament, so he picked her up at Beckinsale's house early in the morning, hoping that Beckinsale would use her connections to help them. Sort it out.

Nowadays, "Special War Zero" produced by the Jiang family's film and television company has been difficult to pass due to censorship issues. Now the leader of the media industry in the city is CBV. If it wants to be broadcast on the media, it must pass the censorship, as long as CBV doesn't nod. If so, this TV series cannot be played.

"Figure it out yourself."

Honghong moved forward coquettishly.

"Don't be so heartless, how about I help you introduce a few handsome guys, you."

Beckinsale laughed.

"I'm not."

"You can always do me a little favor, given our friendship."

Beckinsale thought for a while and then took out the phone.

"I'm surprised, Ms. Beckinsale, that you called me."

A gentle voice came from the other side of the phone.

"I'm sorry, can you please let the subsequent episodes of "Tokyo Zero" pass the review?"

"I know, Ms. Beckinsale, it's just a small matter!"

The phone was hung up, and Honghong looked at Beckinsale with some surprise. The guy's voice on the phone seemed to have been heard somewhere before. It was King Xue.

Just when Beckinsale was about to ask questions, the phone rang.

"Boss Pan, happy new year."

In less than 10 seconds, Honghong nodded with a smile.

"I will definitely have a few drinks with you tonight."

After hanging up the phone, Honghong felt more and more a numbness on her back and goosebumps. However, in just four years, Beckinsale has been completely different from her past attitude of swallowing her humiliation. She acted in a very high-profile manner. There are a large number of people under his command.

In the entire entertainment industry, no one dares not to give Beckinsale face.

"By the way, Beckinsale, who did you call just now?"

"You don't need to know that."

At this time, the food was served very quickly, and Beckinsale began to eat.

"Would you like to come to our house tonight?"

"Not going."

Honghong laughed helplessly.

"The next step is for you to reach the summit, when will it be?"

"When you see it, please don't say a word of unnecessary words. Do you hear me clearly?"

Honghong smiled and nodded.

"I know, boss!"

Just after 11 o'clock

Charles stood quietly at the gate of Abron's house, constantly greeting the guests who came in. He looked at the lawn of the mansion behind with some embarrassment. Freya did not come to greet her. She was obviously a guest she invited. , but Freya did not come, but waited for these guests to pass.

Most of the people were in the medical field, from well-known doctors and deans to the bosses of medical companies. Charles wanted to take the opportunity to talk to these bosses about his family's entry into the medical market.

"That's no problem, Mr. Charles. If your family wants to come in, you can come in at any time."

Charles looked at the boss in front of him with excitement, and many people also agreed and expressed their willingness to help.

At this time, Charles was extremely happy. Freya had such a huge network of contacts, which Charles could not imagine. This morning, he heard Freya say that she wanted to invite some friends to her home. At first, Charles was a little surprised and felt that Maybe it was her classmates. Unexpectedly, they were people from the medical circle. Those famous guys came over, and even people from the Hillman family came over.

At this time, in the distance, a group of people were walking towards this side, led by Eddie Hillman.

Charles hurriedly greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Eddie, you are welcome to come over. I didn't expect it."

Eddie just smiled politely and led hundreds of people into the Abron house without waiting for Charles to say anything else.

Charles froze, he smiled awkwardly, looking at a group of people with extremely solemn expressions, completely different from the looks of many people who came in before.

After a while, all the relevant people in the medical circle who could be ranked in the 120 districts of the city sat quietly on the seats that had been arranged. There were more than 400 people in total. Charles walked over and just stood in the distance. While watching, his wife Freya was sitting quietly in front of a table.

Charles was shocked for a moment. He had never seen this scene before. He never thought that Freya could respond to everything like this. As long as the family has Freya's help, they will definitely be able to join the ranks of the top families.

"Everyone, welcome to here. Lunch is ready. I believe it should be clear why I asked you to come here."

bang bang bang

Eddie clapped his hands, smiled, stood up and bowed, and the people around him also started to clap their hands.

"Your Majesty the Queen, what are your orders?"

As Eddie spoke, many people in the Hillman family looked at Freya with livid faces.

"In two years, the internal agreement on the antitrust law signed by you and Congress will expire. I called everyone here just to talk about reducing the share of the medical market."

The moment Freya stood up as she spoke, she slapped an imposing hand on the table.

"Isn't there still two years left?"

Eddie stared at Freya. He was already furious. He originally thought that Freya was no threat to them. When he came to his senses, his own Medical Association was completely destroyed in front of Freya. no.

"If we really wait for the contract to expire, there will be no time to adjust. These two years are considered a buffer period for adjustment. Is there any problem? President Eddie."

Eddie walked slowly to Freya.

“What if I said I had to wait two years before adjusting?”

"Then there's only one answer."

Freya stared at Eddie and raised a hand to bring up a light and shadow panel.

"In the next two years, no company other than the Hillman family will cooperate with you."

Eddie's face turned ferocious for a moment. The medical industry was the spider-shaped industry of their Hillman family, and now Freya actually wanted to cut it all in advance.

"Don't go too far Freya."

"It's not that I love Di too much. I've made enough in 10 years. Many people in the city have been paying for your expensive medical care in the past ten years. That's enough!"

At this time, a chart appeared on the light screen, and Eddie became even more angry in an instant.

"How did you find out?"

"It's a very simple question. I remember you were very good at statistics in school. Although the values ​​may not be 100% accurate, in the past ten years, your Hillman family has made at least 20 billion from medical profits. "

Many people under the table looked at the icon excitedly. Eddie walked up to Freya, put his hands on the table, and pressed his ten fingers hard on the table, swiping.

"Do you want to force me, Freya?"

"I'm not forcing you Eddie, I'm helping you!"

Eddie laughed and shook his head. At this time, Freya looked at the tables and chairs that had been arranged nearby.

"If you have anything you want to talk about, please talk slowly during the meal. You must give me a clear answer at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Eddie, I don't care what you think. Remember 2 o'clock and give me an answer. ."

Eddie looked at Freya with great anger.

"Otherwise I will do what I say Eddie, you should know what kind of temper I was like when I was in school."

Many people stood up one after another and bowed to Freya, and then walked to the eating place with laughter in twos and threes. Eddie quietly pressed his forehead. At this moment, Eddie was a little panicked.

Unknowingly, Freya was already standing in this position. No matter what methods she used, she could not pull her down from here, and the same was true for several other guys in the city.

Eddie had anticipated the coming of this crisis. He was just immersed in the plan to seize the Angus family. Without even noticing, Freya had taken full control of the medical industry.

"Mr. Eddie, would you like me to help you talk to my wife."

Charles ran over in time. Eddie stared at the mustache coldly and shook his head.

"Mr. Charles, you have been Freya's husband for more than 20 years."

Eddie patted Charles on the shoulder and walked to the dining area with a smile. He knew very well that Freya would really do this, plus the help of those annoying special management officers, and now that Lyons was about to die, Other major associations have also ceased to exist in name only.

All the channels and forces that could be used have collapsed in the past 20 years. Eddie felt a chill at this moment. What X once said was poison that penetrated deep into the bone marrow. Now he saw it with his own eyes. These guys used it. In 20 years, the pattern of the city has been completely changed.

And it climbed up from the ruins of nothing, which is frightening. Prometheus' calculation was wrong, and the crisis was 10 years ahead of schedule.

Eddie originally thought that 10 years of preparation was enough, but now the eight major associations have completely collapsed.

"Freya, why don't we discuss it with Mr. Eddie? This is too unkind, and"

Freya looked at her smiling husband beside her and shook her head.

"I've just said it, Charles, if you listen carefully, I don't want to say anything more."

Charles followed his wife into the family mansion with a slight embarrassment.

"Can our family get a share of the pie? Freya, this is a perfect opportunity. You have so many connections and resources. We just need to throw money in."

"You are still the same as before, Charles. I have said it a long time ago that I will not take advantage of other people's trust in me to do this kind of thing."

Charles looked at his wife who was going upstairs with a solemn expression, and for a moment looked at the people in the yard outside with some annoyance.

He couldn't understand or understand that it was such a good opportunity. If Freya had her heart, she could definitely enter the medical market. In this way, the Abron family could move to a higher level, including the Freya family. They all tried to persuade Freya, but she never let go.

"We cannot let such a great opportunity go to waste."

Freya returned to her study with a relaxed look on her face. The moment she entered, Freya laughed.

"Well done Your Majesty!"

Jean was leaning against the window edge with a cigarette in his mouth. Freya closed the door, walked to sit next to Jean and smiled happily.

"Look at the news!"

Freya quickly turned on the news. She quietly watched the news reports about the Lawyers Association. The Lawyers Association had been ordered to be disbanded by Congress due to various negative news, and Pullman would take over the rectification of the lawyer industry. Chaos.

Congress has given Pullman the authority to adjust and rectify all aspects of the legal profession.

"We beat Mr. Jean for 20 years!"

Freya couldn't help but shed tears as soon as she said that, and Gene gently stroked her forehead with his hand.

"Ah, you won, you pierced the monster's belly, but the students I taught will not be as gentle as these guys."

Freya nodded.

"I'm looking forward to it. Our real showdown has never happened before, and the city will be more prosperous."

Freya took out the coin from her arms, and Jean stared at the coin quietly.

"Come on! The next giant construction is coming. It's up to you. Try your best to grab the monster's reins. Everything that follows will be your true experience."

Freya nodded, stood up and bowed to Jean, who stood up with a smile and half-crouched by the window.

"Say hello to Freya for me and those seven guys."

Looking at Jean leaving, Freya wiped away the overflowing tears. Freya still clearly remembers everything about that morning 20 years ago.

All this is too far away. Over the years, Freya has been working hard every day to do all this. Now everything has settled. No matter what the Hillman family does, they can only compromise today and take over the long-term possessions. Give up market share.

Eddie raised his head quietly and smiled kindly. He was already a little drunk with the wine glass in his hand.

The members of the family are still talking about what to do.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, after all, I really can't do anything now."

For a moment, everyone in the nearby Hillman family looked at Eddie with solemn expressions. He laughed loudly and walked towards the Ablon family's mansion with a glass of wine in his hand.

Soon Eddie came to Freya's room. Looking at Freya who was having a meal, he sat on the sofa mindlessly.

"You are really amazing. You have been planning for 20 years just for today! I just saw the news. That guy Pullman has taken control of the Bar Association."

Freya smiled and shook her head.

"We are different from you Eddie. You are always alone. Sometimes there is a limit to being alone."

Eddie nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I am always alone. If you could agree to my invitation when I invited you before, maybe it will be a different situation now!"

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