Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1590 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 39 (Part 1)

8:13 am

Violet watched with some worry as the servants were preparing for tonight's banquet. Today they just went to school to register, and trial education would officially begin after the festival.

"It's fine."

Avano said, but his expression didn't look like he was okay.

"that kid"

Violet didn't know what to say. She also knew very well that Niya was not a genius like her sister at all. She had inherited some things from her. As a child, Violet didn't like studying either. Many of the things I did were accomplished under the strong force of my parents.

Violet also knew clearly in her memory that she was a very noisy wild girl when she was a child, and Nia inherited everything from her very well. She didn't want to inherit Avano's intelligence like Alpha. In the past, Violet I'm really worried about Niya's enrollment.

Niya can definitely only go to that Junjie School, because most of the children in the family are in that school. If Niya is allowed to go to other schools, the situation will only be worse, because everything seems to be completely destroyed as soon as Niya is born. It's frozen in place.

If Niya goes to another school, she may suffer even greater ridicule, because the Angus family obviously has a very good school, but why doesn’t Niya go to school? Such voices are inevitable, and now Niya Ya has entered school, and Violet doesn't expect her academic performance to be very good, but as long as it's not too bad.

Nowadays, there is a vague rumor in the family circle that the second daughter of the Angus family is not obedient at all. It is said that the Angus couple pampers their second daughter too much. The couple has heard of this, but only Nothing can be said.

"Perhaps she shouldn't have been trained to be a lady in the first place."

Violet pressed her forehead. Perhaps she had caused this situation by herself. She obviously just hoped that even if Nia could not be as good as Alpha, she could at least be a beautiful and quiet lady. Unfortunately, it backfired. When she came back to her senses, Niya was almost finalized.

"There's still plenty of time, it's okay, it's okay."

Avano sighed helplessly. His wife Violet was no longer able to give birth, and it was almost impossible to have another child.

Both of them were born in big families, and they knew very well that no matter how hard they struggled, they still had the face needed by family members. The same was true for Avano. In the past, he felt that he had escaped the shadow of his parents, but maybe He has never really broken free from this deep-rooted shackles from his family.

The same goes for Violet. There was a time when she felt that unlike other women in the family, she was more intellectual and could help them. But in the end, she still followed some of the family's traditional concepts. That's really it. She half-heartedly planned to let her daughter marry Chen Jie, a child of the Chen family.

After a while, the couple came to the window and looked at the land they had never really left. When they came back to their senses, their daughter Nia had already begun to fall into a difficult situation where she had to compare with her sister Alpha. inside.

The reason is that the two of them also know it well. During the days of their marriage, they were cold at first, but then they got warm. This warmth eventually sublimated into love. The two of them respected each other like guests and took over lovingly. After everything happened in the Angus family, when the two gave birth to Alpha, they felt that they could not educate Alpha well.

The shadows that Violet and Avano had in the family since they were young began to emerge after they took over the family completely. This shadow is bound to shroud the next generation, so the couple made a decision , hand Alpha to Jean, to a man who knows what light is, knows some human relations and etiquette, but is also very strict and serious.

The ending is good for the couple. Alpha successfully completed the transformation. She is no longer an accessory of the family and has transcended the control of the family. There is no need to live under the dust of the family. She is free and can do what she wants. Everything, implement self-understanding of the world.

Therefore, Alpha is admired by thousands of people, and the women in the family are talking about Alpha, because it is something they are envious of and cannot get at all. A living example is placed in front of all the women in the family.

Those women, who were like props in the darkness, could clearly see this light, and felt that looking at this light could also make them feel a bit of warmth deep in the dust of their families.

So everyone respects Alpha, and she proves to all the men in the city that women can still live as beautiful and confident as she is. She doesn't care at all about any gaze or slander. She Just do what you want to do, because Alpha itself is like the sun.

"The princess of Brilliant City!"

Violet looked at the family lawn sadly, Avano took off his glasses without saying anything.

"Maybe we shouldn't stop Nia from wanting to learn something from Alpha."

"It may not be too late."

Violet said.

"How about handing her over to Lord Tang Rao, I think..."

Avano was about to say something, but Violet shook her head.

"It's too late. We have to consider the feelings of the entire Angus family. If we do this rashly, I'm afraid."

Avano also understands that many people in the Chen family and the Angus family now have business contacts and cooperation, and this matter has become a foregone conclusion. If they really rashly let Niya from the Angus family If you step outside, things will get out of hand.

The two parties have already agreed to hold the wedding when Niya and Chen Jie turn 18.

Avano once thought that for the sake of Niya's happiness, he could disband the Angus family for nothing. However, as soon as he said this, Violet refuted it.

If anything goes wrong with the entire Angus family, not only the members of the Angus family will suffer, but everyone in the city will have to pay for this huge family.

"I just hope that girl can be more tenacious like her playful smile immediately after being beaten."

9 o'clock in the morning

Niya sat casually on the edge of the empty football field. Sterling was still quietly accompanying Niya. Niya seemed to be in a much better mood.

"Principal, did my sister really get good grades before?"

Sterling nodded.

"It's really good, much better than we all expected."

"I don't like studying very much."

Sterling nodded, knowing what this little girl was thinking now, she was still a little sad, because no one would remain indifferent to being compared with one person by others when they were young.

At this time, women from several families came over with their children. Ji Yun, Ista, Helen and Wilsie brought their four children.

"Niya, what's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Wilsie walked over with a smile. Chen Jie looked left and then again. Leona and Ivy were both worse than Niya, but Chen Jie was totally unwilling to marry her in the future.

"Aunt Wilsey, can I not marry your son?"

Niya said something abruptly, and the adults present felt a little embarrassed for a while. Even Helen, who had left the family with her daughter Leona, was feeling complicated at this moment, because the Angus family and the Chen family were not the same. For a small family like theirs, both families have already been engaged.

Ji Mo looked at Niya and Chen Jie quietly. Although they were young, he always felt that the two would fight.

"What should I say? Niya, this is not a problem you have to consider now, you understand!"

Niya curled her lips, Sterling sighed, and Ivy quietly looked at this rough child who was rumored by many children in the family, always feeling weird.

Ivy once asked her mother why everyone looked at this girl that way. Although it was not the first time for Ivy to meet Niya, at some past banquets, she did see that she was very noisy, but it was not the same as rough. Totally irrelevant.

At this time, Alpha and Li Xin were talking about something with serious faces and walked towards this side. Li Ang looked at the few girls opposite quietly, with some enthusiasm igniting in his eyes. As soon as he passed by, he took the initiative to Shake hands with Ivy.

"We will be classmates from now on. My name is Li Ang."

Ivy looked at the boy in front of her who was still holding her hand. Although she felt a little uncomfortable, she still smiled and nodded.


When Li Ang planned to shake hands with Leona, he received a slap. He looked at Chen Jie and Ji Mo and shook hands with them reluctantly.

But now the two girls are looking at Alpha. Although Li Ang also thinks Alpha is pretty, for some reason, his good impression of her disappeared the moment he saw her dragging his sister over.

"Alpha, stop talking about business."

Ji Yun pushed Alpha, and Alpha noticed that her sister was sitting aside, looking very angry, and she walked over.

"What's wrong? Nia."

"Sister, I want to go back."

Helen walked over at this time and pulled Alpha over.

"Alfa, there is something I want to talk to you about. Are you free?"

After a while Helen and Alpha came to a secluded place.

"What's wrong, Sister Helen?"

"That girl Niya"

Alpha squatted on the ground, lit a cigarette, and nodded in understanding.

"I also know that one of my classmates is running a girls' school now. The situation is very good. I will send Niya there when it is almost done. She is still too young and I can't explain many things to her. In the past, our principal He told me that the relationship between light and shadow is that too strong a light will burn things in the shadow, making the originally dark shadow become darker and darker."

Helen was a little surprised. She originally thought Alpha didn't notice it, but seeing Alpha's worried look and face, Helen smiled. She knew Alpha was more mature and steady than before.

"I can't do anything for Niya now. I won't stop. I'm sorry Helen. Please help me keep an eye on Niya. I have to go find my classmate. She may have a way."

After a while, Alpha just told Niya that he was leaving because of official business, and Li Xin was also planning to leave. Niya curled her lips and looked like she wanted to cry, while Ji Yun and Wilsie helped comfort her.

In the end, Nia nodded. After Alpha kissed her sister's forehead, she turned around and left quickly. She immediately took out the phone.

"What's wrong, President?"

"You idiot!"

Li Xin looked on awkwardly. Alpha cursed and hung up the phone. He laughed helplessly, knowing that King Xue should be pretending to smile on the other side of the phone.

That guy has secretly done some work to boost Alpha's image over the years, and in just three years, the effect has been very significant.

After the two left the school, Alpha went to the lower level in the east, while Li Xin drove the helicopter away directly.

Located in a somewhat rundown neighborhood to the east and north near the school district in the east, Alpha saw a somewhat dilapidated delivery room. There were many children playing and playing in the yard, all of them girls.

Whit was talking to some parents of the students. Alpha waited for Whit to enter the factory before going down.

"Scare me Alpha."

"Whit, I want to talk to you about something."

After a while, the two came to a principal's office separated by wooden boards. Everything was very simple. With Locke's financial support, the place was successfully established.

Alpha first told Whit about what King Xue had done, and Whit sighed.

"That scumbag will never be able to turn around in his life. He always does disgusting and disgusting things."

"That's right, that bastard guy, I don't need these things at all. If I don't do something well, the curses will be overwhelming in an instant. In the end, I am the one who bears the pressure. He is just snickering secretly. It's really An absolutely sinister bastard."

The two women started chirping and scolded King Xue from head to toe. They laughed and talked about some past events. Alpha told Whit about the current situation of some of his classmates.

"It's 11 o'clock Alpha!"

Alpha patted his forehead before nodding.

"I'm going to find Latis later and want to ask the prisoners about the previous prison riot."

"Yo! Just say that you haven't seen Latis for a long time and you want to hold her arms and chat with her from dawn to dusk."

Alpha laughed helplessly.

"Mo Xiaolan always says that you and Latis are a perfect match. How about just kicking that idiot Noah away? Take the leap."

Alpha held Whit's head down.

"Stop making trouble, I want to formally talk to you about my sister Niya."

As soon as he talked about Niya, Whit seemed to have noticed what Alpha wanted to say. Then Alpha told Whit in full about some of the things he had done over the years. They chatted until past 12 o'clock. The two met in a nearby school district. eating on the street.

Sure enough, not long after entering the restaurant, many girls came over to ask for autographs and photos. By the time everything was done, it was already approaching 1 o'clock, and the two of them arrived in a private room on the second floor.

Alpha lit a cigarette and shook his head uneasily.

"What should I do, Whit? My sister will definitely be compared with me by outsiders. She is only over 5 years old."

"Let's just hide it at home and build her a warm and comfortable hut."

Alpha jumped up next to Whit and pushed her down on the sofa. After the two played around for a while, they each arranged their messy hair and clothes.

"Stop it Whit, I'm really bothered."

"Then how about this? You will destroy your own future, like this"

Seeing Alpha's furious look, Whit sighed.

"I can't solve it, unless your sister can be better than you, or at least as good as you, but I think it's too difficult. I already think I'm good enough, but I still can't compare with you. In the end, you You are so outstanding. The principal has taken you like a baby since you were a child and trained you to become such an outstanding person."

Alpha smiled sadly.

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

Whit raised a finger, and the light blue particles floated towards the door. After opening the door, the waiter just came to serve the food.

"There is only one way, love!"

Alpha groaned in a strange tone.

"Alpha, just give your love to your sister."

"If you say that, what else do you want me to do? Growing up, I have always been with Niya, and"

Alpha understood immediately, and Whit nodded.

"As expected, you have a good mind, Alpha. Put yourself in your sister's shoes. Don't treat her like a child. What does she need? You can give her everything she needs, which is love! Instead of trying to guide her on what to do, this point The inherent concepts that the principal has instilled in everyone are too heavy. Guidance education is not applicable to everything. As you said, she is still a child, and children do not have the ability to protect themselves. Children need to seek protection. You know that children are What? Alpha."

For a moment Alpha nodded.

"Not everyone is as lucky as us, or not everyone is as tenacious as you, able to take over everything without hesitation, make your own decisions, choose everything by yourself, and realize your dreams by yourself. Value, the principal’s guidance and education for you was very successful back then, but your sister is different, she is not you, think about what you can do for her, do something!”

Alpha stared blankly at the water mist floating on the table and the aroma of food exuding in the mist.

"Once the business department is established, the first thing I have to do is to incorporate family marriages into laws to control them. I will not let my sister marry someone she doesn't like."

Whit nodded.

"This matter will take a long time to complete, as well as other things!"

Alpha scratched his head.

"My parents strictly forbid me from teaching her something."

"Speak for her! This is the most important thing you need to do as a sister, isn't it? Didn't I already say that she is not you, and it is impossible for her to be able to bear everything like you. She is only 5 years old. Because of this You should speak for her when you see something, even just a few words, this is love, instead of choosing not to see anything, which is the cruelest thing for your sister."

Alpha had a lump in his throat. He recalled that when he brought his sister here this morning, he had clearly noticed Nia's uncomfortable expression, but did nothing. He even asked her and a boy to apologize in front of many people. Finally, the principal noticed the situation and took Niya aside.

"You understand, just like Alpha. Everyone wants to have a strong voice that can speak for themselves when they are vulnerable. Haven't you felt it too? The night you were fired from the management the year before last, it must have been very difficult! Principal! I haven’t said a word to you, even if it’s just a word of comfort, saying it’s okay, the principal would not say it to you.”

Alpha nodded, and Whit held up the light blue particles in his hand in front of Alpha.

"Many of the principal's methods are indeed correct, but at some point, they will push us immature minds into an abyss. He wants us to use our own strength to climb up and climb out of it. Many of us Everyone has done it and gained a new life, but we are different from the principal. What he sees may not be perfectly reflected in our respective hearts. If you just follow everything the principal gave you in the past, Alpha What do you think the principal wants to see most?"

The scenes that passed in an instant kept overlapping in Alpha's mind. She looked at Whit in shock. Jean would always carry her on his back and always say the answer. Many times, Jean's back was very... Lonely, he is always alone, often like a cold machine.

"Beyond him!"

Whit nodded.

"This is what the principal wants to tell us all. Only by surpassing him can we prove that the guidance and education he has done is not a failure. He will always give many people opportunities, no matter what kind of people they are. I have been in the city over the years. I have traveled to many places, and in those places on the streets, people know the principal and have some legends about him. The most important thing is that the principal has many friends. Some of the educational methods and concepts in the school are even heard by the principal from some friends. In the end, we summarized and taught us that on the one hand, we control and oppress, but in fact we want to see our own individuality and liberation. However, these two are opposite and cannot be balanced at all. It is like a huge The paradox!”

Alpha pondered quietly, and she seemed to have noticed what Whit said, and what Gene had always said to herself before, that the sun always rises where you can see it.

“The principal always does things that God should do, but he always does things that God shouldn’t do. He always stands at the junction of night and dawn, watching everything in this city. "

Alpha picked up a bottle of wine, took a big sip, and laughed melancholy.

"We can't surpass the principal, Alpha! I have deeply realized this in my teaching over the years. When I teach students, I will be blinded by the shadow of the principal without knowing it. Well, all I can do is improve the principal’s approach to education, that’s all, and help the city cultivate the next batch of geniuses.”

Whit said, taking the bottle from Alpha's hand and taking a long sip.

"Only you can be Alpha and surpass the principal, because you are a better genius than the principal. When this city really starts to become dazzling in your hands, it will be the beginning of this gamble. When we get to the finish line, that’s when the principal can leave!”

"I'm sorry, Whit, and thank you for telling me so much."

Whit looked out the window with a smile.

"Let's start with your sister's affairs, Alpha. There's no need to rush."

1:43 pm

The sound of toasting kept ringing. Ran Zhi held the wine glass and continued to accept blessings from people who came over. His wife Ding Manman and several wives of wealthy businessmen he knew had already started chatting with the women in the family. It seemed that the situation was not bad, and his son Ran Qiu He was also drinking wine with some of the family's children.

"Mr. Ran Zhi, Mr. Eddie wants to see you."

For a time, many people around showed envy. The Hillman family's manor was used as a wedding ceremony. It was just a routine ceremony of the Hillman family. This was also a necessary etiquette for a large family. Many Hillmans The young people in the family have all held weddings on this land. Eddie will only appear for a while during the ceremony, and then rarely participate in the wedding gatherings of the family members.

It was the first time that I had to meet Ran Zhi, a little-known businessman like today.

After following the housekeeper through a long corridor where many bodyguards stood, Ran Zhi stood at the door with a smile and straightened his tie.

The room door opened little by little. In the huge office, there were a lot of things piled up on the surrounding bookshelves. Eddie stood quietly behind the office desk with a glass of wine, bathed in the light scattered by the frosted glass. , with a proud smile on his face.

"Mr. Eddie!"

The door was closed after Ran Zhi entered, and Eddie smiled and bowed.

"First of all, congratulations to you, Mr. Ran Zhi, we are relatives from today on."

As Eddie poured a glass of wine for Ran Zhi himself, he was still observing Ran Zhi. For a moment, he felt something. He felt a strong aura from the humble, sleek and sophisticated little businessman in front of him.

"I need a favor from you, Mr. Ran Zhi."

"It's your pleasure, Mr. Eddie."

Ran Zhi smiled and took the wine glass from Eddie's hand. Eddie stretched out his hand first and shook Ran Zhi's hand. He immediately understood that the reason why Prometheus chose this man was hidden under his appearance. Into the bottomless darkness.

"How many garbage cleaning companies do you have?"

"There are 12 of them now, and they are all at the bottom. Mr. Eddie's work is very tiring, and there is not much profit."

Eddie smiled and shook his head.

"I just want to use your garbage disposal company to help me transport something to the barrier area, just for this matter"

"I will definitely not tell anyone, and I will try my best to arrange the manpower properly."

Eddie held up a finger and shook it.

"I will provide the manpower. As long as you listen to me, you will be able to move to the upper level soon. Mr. Ran Zhi, what do you think?"

Ran Zhi smiled and raised his wine glass and clinked it with Eddie. He felt something strange. This Eddie was a little different from other people he had seen. He even felt good talking to him.

"We are the same kind of people! Mr. Ran Zhi, I think we should have more cooperation in the future."

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