Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 160 Home (Part 1) 29 updates please subscribe!

Bursts of laughter could be heard on the street. Outside was a very lively vegetable market. Most of the dishes were not very fresh. They were bought at low prices from leftovers from many shops in the middle-level area, and the quality was not good either. It's good, but real food.

Although people at the bottom live a very stressful life, they don't eat special liquid food all the time. They basically cook a delicious meal for dinner, except for having to deal with it at noon. After all, special liquid food is the cheapest.

Le Xiao held the carnation and lowered his head hesitantly, not knowing how to step on it. He was still wearing his uniform, and Le Xiao's cheeks were burning at this moment.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Le Xiao raised her head and looked at Jean shyly. Jean just smiled and said nothing, and spoke after a long time.

"Did I tell you you would come back?"

Le Xiao shook her head and whispered.

"I'm just not coming back for the time being until things stabilize."

Jean stepped onto the stairs, then turned back and looked at Lexiao with a slightly serious expression.

"Does it mean this is not your home when you put on this uniform?"

Le Xiao raised her head and looked at Jean in surprise.

"No, this is my home, me."

Gene turned around and walked away, lifting up his uniform.

"I'll go there first."


Le Xiao suppressed her blush and her heart beat faster. She gritted her teeth and followed, causing the sun to be a bit dazzling. After walking out of the dark subway for a long time, Le Xiao pressed the brim of her hat, surrounded by the sound of bargaining. The street is located in the center of Slum No. 2. Most of the houses here are at most 2 stories high. Most of them are shacks, built with simple metal brackets and covered with a strong tarpaulin. There are many people living there. Some people have citizenship levels 1 to 2.

The road is muddy and has not been paved. This is due to the large number of people and the small vendors selling vegetables will sprinkle water on the street to prevent dust from rising. Many people have a monthly income of less than 500 and spend their monthly family meals. There is basically not much left after school expenses, and there are no jobs to go out to make a living due to restrictions on citizenship levels. The only way is to work on the farms in the east, or engage in some illegal activities.

It's just that this neighborhood has a good order. Because it's close to the South District, there are some local forces as managers, and they even replaced the role of the Public Security Management Department for a time. The local Public Security Management Department will not take care of this block unless major incidents occur. There is a delicate balance.

As soon as she set foot on this land, the memory of this area revived in Le Xiao's head. At this moment, she became more and more aware of the difficulty of living here.

But at this time, for some reason, the noisy street was unusually quiet. When Le Xiao came back to her senses, she found a pair of eyes staring at her incredulously. Le Xiao lowered her head in embarrassment, not knowing whether to walk or stop. With.

"I read that right, she is really the daughter of the Su Xin family. Are you Le Xiao?"

An aunt who was buying groceries suddenly shouted. Many people nearby looked at Le Xiao in surprise and started talking, but many people looked happy on their faces.

"It's really Le Xiao."

"I saw your speech on TV last night."

"That's very good. We have to work hard. You are really promising. Sure enough, Su Xin is right to raise money to send you to college."

Le Xiao was stunned for a moment. These people didn't pay attention to the false information about Le Xiao's identity. Instead, they gathered around and kept talking. Le Xiao smiled awkwardly, and suddenly Le Xiao seemed to remember something. It is not wrong that her mother is a businessman in terms of identity, because her mother does sell some handicrafts, help people clean or cook on some construction sites, and her father is a former congressman. Although Le Xiao is not sure about this, her father did before. She works in a company with high wages. When she was a child, Le Xiao often heard people mention it behind her back, saying that if it weren't for her father, her family's life would be much easier. After all, although Le Xiao's family is shabby, they still have an independent house in a better part of the slum. of.

But at this time, more attention was paid to Jean. Many people were talking to Jean. Jean was carefully selecting vegetables at several vegetable stalls and bargaining with several vegetable sellers. It was completely invisible. This is how a section chief should behave, especially since many women's eyes were about to burst into flames, staring at Jean eagerly.

"Thank you everyone, I want to go home today."

Le Xiao kept talking, and when she thought carefully, her mother didn't seem to tell the neighbors what school she went to, she just said it was a good school.

Finally dealing with it, Le Xiao saw that Jean had already carried a lot of vegetables tied with ropes, and bought some relatively fresh meat and rice noodles, carrying a lot of them, and was surrounded by envious eyes. .

"Does anyone care about your past?"

Le Xiao lowered his head, hugged the carnation and nodded. This was the first time that he could receive praise from people on the street when he returned home. Many people asked Le Xiao to come back often.

At this time, Le Xiao walked to the corner of the street. He turned around and walked straight to his home in a short while. He knew the aunt Le Xiao who was selling things at the corner. He used to give her candies and biscuits when she was a child. When she saw Le Xiao selling things, The aunt burst into laughter.

"Lele, come here."

Le Xiao took off her hat and ran over with a smile.

"To Lexiao."

A candy was handed over, and Le Xiao quickly took out her wallet, but the aunt thrust the candy into Le Xiao's hand.

"You are finally getting ahead now, Lele. You are doing well now. By the way, you should go home quickly. Those people have been coming to your house asking for money these days."

As soon as Le Xiao heard this, she became anxious and started running in a hurry. Crystal tears overflowed from her eyes. Many people looked at her along the way and quickly followed her.


Jean had jumped to the roof, carrying a bunch of things, and in a few steps he had reached the roof opposite Le Xiao's house.

At this time, three people were sitting at the door of Le Xiao's house, basking in the sun comfortably. They were leaning outside the two-story hut with a sullen look, basking in the sun and laughing.

Su Xin is sitting on a chair in the room, doing handiwork. Some handmade ornaments, most of which are made of stone. After being carved and colored, they can become good ornaments, covering the whole table.

"I said Su Xin, when will you pay back the money? This month's interest is due."

At this time, a guy at the door laughed and said, and the other one glanced at Su Xin and said.

"Seeing as you look good, how about I introduce you to some shops where you can make money while lying down?"

Su Xin stood up and walked out. Somewhat angry, she picked up a basin of water and poured it out.

"I will repay the money in a few days. Go back."

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