Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1576 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 34 (medium)

"They are playing tricks. You must find Master Jean and ask him to come forward to end this."


A pile of things was thrown in front of Locke's face, and his face became serious. After the last member of the National Management Committee dropped the document, he left the office angrily. Things were getting worse and worse.

The video conference originally planned for noon today has been cancelled, and Hawke's phone has been unreachable.

Originally it was just a case of illegal drug use. Locke confidently prepared a speech on how to appease the emotions of the people in the city. But now the situation is completely different.

The number of arrests has risen to 3,467. Large-scale searches and investigations are still being carried out across the city, involving most industries, and have implicated the issue of black market transactions. As people continue to confess, things are becoming more and more complicated.

The order given by Alpha is that once a crime is discovered, arrest it directly if there is evidence. Some thieves and robbers have been confessed by people who sell narcotics, and from the mouths of these thieves and robbers, they also know the places where black market commodities are traded. .

So far, as many as 12 black market exchanges have been raided, and more than 500 people have been arrested.

People in the National Committee complained that the presidents of the eight major associations would submit three or four letters of protest every hour. Locke didn't know how to deal with it. Most businessmen were involved in black market transactions.

The city is in a mess, and most people don't know what to say. Maybe many people won't even be able to live a stable year this year.

There were still a lot of documents to be processed. Locke pressed his chest and sweat continued to flow out. He no longer knew how to deal with it. If Hawke was here, he could help, but now Hawke has left directly.

"If I had known I would have grabbed him, that bastard Hawk."

There was a sound of footsteps, and Locke just raised his head and saw Gene standing at the door with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Need help? Fatty."

Locke immediately stood up and ran over quickly. At this time, a large number of students in white uniforms passed by Jean and came in with smiles. Yin Xianglin was laughing.

"We're here to help, Controller!"

"Nonsense, Gene."

Gene smiled helplessly.

"So you don't have confidence in the subordinates you have taught yourself?"

Locke was speechless for a moment, Gene clapped his hands, and more than 40 clerks in white uniforms came in.

“It’s also a great hands-on lesson to learn from.”

Locke saw that the students were about to touch these documents, and he looked like he was going to deal with them. Just as he was about to stop him, he was dragged out of the office door by Gene.

"You bastard, what do you want to do? To stop Alpha, we have to put an end to it now. If you continue, it will only involve more things."

Gene blew out a puff of smoke and then smiled.

"How can I take back what I said so easily? Then as the principal, wouldn't I be very embarrassed?"

Locke's eyes widened.

"You know now that you are the principal, bastard Gene, is it more important, the face or the city?"

Jean pretended to think deeply for a few seconds and then laughed.

"What you do is your business. I don't care about it. If you can't even deal with such a problem, then we can only say that our teaching has failed, and you are just the defective product of our failed teaching." Taste!"

Locke looked at Gene with an angry face, who turned away with a smile and waved his hand.

"We can't be brought in by him anymore. We have to find some stable ways to calm this matter."

Soon Locke returned to the office with a painful look on his face. He could not find any balance point to solve this problem because the implications were too great.

But soon Locke saw Yin Xianglin walking over.

"General Manager, this document was processed a little too hastily."

Locke glanced at his documents and saw the suspension of the purchaser of a certain thing.

"Is there a problem?"

"Look here, you will be criticized for writing like this. You said that because of commercial crimes, you helped black marketeers launder money, and you were punished with suspension of business. You are not allowed to buy food in the future. This is wrong."

Locke also realized something.

"too busy."

"General manager, no matter how busy you are, you can't do this. You have to write that you established a leather bag company through family relatives, resold and purchased the food you purchased, and used the price difference to launder money. You have committed the crime of laundering illegal income. , and then you have to list and quote some cases, so that people can understand clearly and straightforwardly, so that they will not be criticized."

Locke nodded. At this time, another clerk came over. He was also processing the documents. There was a problem with the details. Locke smiled helplessly. It seemed that it was indeed quite good.

"Then everyone, keep working hard. If you encounter something you don't understand, you can ask me directly. If there are any mistakes, remember to tell me after you add them."

2:31 pm

A large number of reporters stood on First Avenue, and the entire First Avenue was almost full of vehicles. Surrounded by a large number of Angus family bodyguards, the patriarchs of each family entered the Angus family's mansion.

"Mr. Norton, I heard that the head of your company's purchasing department was arrested. Does this indirectly prove that your company is involved in illegal black market transactions?"

A middle-aged man looked solemn, ignored the reporter's questions, and walked directly into the Angus family's territory.

At this time, a large number of family members had arrived behind the Angus family's mansion.

"It's really too much. Our six casinos just didn't have the relevant certificates for the time being, so they were immediately closed."

"Isn't that right? I just used a little preservative in the supermarket and it was just a little over the limit, but I sealed it as soon as I said it."

"You're all right. Our mining industry is now closed. I don't know who this reckless guy is. He said that our mine mistreats workers. It's completely untrue."

Several businessmen were talking indignantly. Due to the provisions of the Criminal Transaction Law in the city, if criminals confess the crimes of others, their sentences can be reduced as long as the criminals are arrested. Except for serious criminals, their sentences can be reduced by up to 10 years. Petty offenders are likely to only need to spend one to three years in prison. During this period, as long as they can avoid causing any trouble in prison and sincerely reform, they can be released from prison.

If the economic losses caused to others are not made up, you only need to work after being released from prison and pay off the money.

The crime levels start from permanent imprisonment at LV0 to 1 year at LV5. Each level of crime reporting has a corresponding sentence reduction time. LV5 and LV4 are light crime levels, and upwards are serious crime levels.

There is only one reason why most people gathered at Angus's house. It was for the Angus couple to stop their daughter Alpha's crazy behavior. This is unreasonable to many people. Turning the elbow outward is considered a common practice in the family. Very big shame.

Under Alpha's pursuit, even some companies owned by the Angus family were investigated. After hearing such news, most people thought it was a joke, but when it appeared in the news that one of Alpha's cousins ​​was arrested , everyone realized that this was no joke.

Although the cousin was released due to immunity after explaining everything, such an approach was tantamount to a slap in the face.

Until now, many people still couldn't believe it. At this time, many people saw a man in a white suit walking out of the mansion and approached him one after another.

"Rod, did your cousin really arrest you?"

The man named Rhodes nodded with a smile.

"I was drunk a few nights ago. I got into a fight with someone and accidentally stabbed him. That person is still in the hospital. I was too drunk at the time. The local management officer with whom I have a good relationship asked me to leave first. , they would handle the matter, but I was arrested just now while I was still hungover."

Rhodes told the story without a care, and many people's expressions became solemn.

"I remember Rod, you have a very good relationship with your cousin. Why doesn't she even let you go?"

Rhodes sighed helplessly. Although Alpha spent most of his time in school, the overall relationship with the Angus family has been relatively good since he was a child. He often came to his family for dinner and banquets. He also had a good relationship with his uncle and aunt. Well, I have known Alpha since childhood. Rod is 6 years older than Alpha, and the two often played together when they were young.

Not only Rhodes, but also other children in the family actually have a pretty good relationship with Alpha because they often play together. Although Alpha went to God's Academy when he was 9 years old and has less contact with each other, the relationship between them since childhood is still there. Now, it wouldn't be too unfamiliar to meet him. After knowing that it was Alpha who ordered the arrest, Rhodes was a little bit dumbfounded.

More and more family members came in, and the other seven major families were also busy dealing with their own internal affairs. No one could have imagined that the princess of the Angus family would do such a ridiculous thing.

This seems very unbelievable in the eyes of the family. After all, Alpha is from the Angus family. She should be in the position of power to facilitate Angus, but before she could do so, she aimed the gun at Angus. The Gus family.

At this time, in a large living room on the second floor, several cousins ​​who were arrested by Alpha looked helplessly at Niya, who was laughing and making noise.

Mo Yingying pressed her forehead. She had been calling Mo Xiaolan from the beginning, but as soon as she picked up the phone, a strange woman said she was hanging up because she was not allowed to answer anyone who had nothing to do with her during the operation. Then his phone was blocked by his daughter's phone.

Seeing Niya making noise with several children of about the same age on the sofa, the people in the room became increasingly dumbfounded.

In a small living room on the third floor, more than 40 main family members of the Angus family were waiting patiently.

Violet held the phone. The call couldn't be connected, but she knew very well that it wasn't that it couldn't be connected, but that Alpha didn't answer at all.

Avano looked at the bitter faces of his relatives with some embarrassment.

"That kid Alpha is real!"

"Oh my God, cousin, I am her eldest uncle after all. She was such a cute girl when she was a child. I like this child the most. I really don't know what is wrong with her."

A man said, and Avano could only smile awkwardly. He thought it was just a simple case, but he didn't expect so many things to be involved, including many people from the Angus family.

It's just that most of the Angus family were guilty of profiteering or some minor economic crimes. The most embarrassing case was the case of Rhodes stabbing someone with a table knife.


The video call was finally connected. Alpha on the screen was smiling playfully, but after seeing a room full of relatives, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

"You figure it out yourself Alpha."

Violet put the phone aside and then activated a large light and shadow screen.

At this time, Alpha was at a loss. There were a room full of relatives, including her uncles, aunts, and cousins.

"Why is everyone here!"

Alpha asked, and then one of Alpha's uncles spoke.

"Alfa, you can't do this. If you have to deal with so many things, how many problems will be involved? Look at the whole city that has been turned upside down by you. Stop it!"

Alpha did not bow his head, but bowed to everyone.

"I'm sorry to all uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters. I will investigate this matter thoroughly. The city has been left unchecked for too long. Too many problems have been exposed. I cannot turn a blind eye. If I were to turn a blind eye today If you turn a blind eye, these problems can easily resurface. I am really glad that although our Angus family has some problems, they are not very serious, so I hope you will forgive me, or "

Alpha stood up and put his hands on the table.

"This is not something I can decide alone. This is the unanimous decision of our 12 future management organizations and business departments! This is our war!"

Alpha ended the call directly. She sat down with some exhaustion. She didn’t know what to do for a while. Everyone present was very kind to her. They had been like this since she was a child. When she was still in school, her parents Because she was busy with work, most of her relatives took care of her.

At that time, her mother would often take Alpha to play at relatives’ homes, and Alpha also had a lot of fun playing with the children of his own generation.

She was a little worried when she thought about her cousin Rhodes, because Rhodes was not that kind of person and would not use his power to bully others. It was just because he was drunk that day that he had a conflict with the people sitting next to him. A man sitting next to him who was also drunk got into a fight with him. As a result, Rhodes picked up the knife. The other man slapped his chest and taunted Rhodes, saying that the Angus family was going to give him money and he wanted to stab him. As a result, Rhodes De really stabbed the man.

Alpha knew very well that over the years, her mother Violet, as Mrs. Angus, would take the initiative to take on some responsibilities in educating the children of the family. During family dinners, her mother would always gather all the children and give them Tell them stories, tell them something interesting, and then slowly teach them some morals and etiquette.

Alpha knew very well that the Angus family of her generation were all very polite and would not cause trouble rashly. There was no one in this generation who was a criminal in the strict sense.

"We have to dig out the things that have been piled up for so many years and buried deep in the darkness. We can't leave any room."

As it approached 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Eddie was sitting in the family meeting room, looking at the family members who were constantly blaming and arguing with each other. He pressed his aching head and turned and walked into the back room.

X is still watching the news.

"Is she crazy?"

Eddie pressed his sore forehead. A search operation involving more than 100,000 people will arrest the criminal immediately once evidence of crime is found.

Eddie didn't know what to say anymore. He didn't know what Alpha was going to do. If he did this, it would mess up the city.

"It doesn't really seem to be a big problem to them."

X felt something strange. At this time, on the recent crime announcement page of Congress, starting from 8 o'clock this morning, there were 346 new cases that had been processed and closed. The criminal evidence was conclusive, the criminal facts were clear, and the arrest process and all the handling of the case were included. Every detail of the process has been sorted out very clearly. These cases have been submitted to the Law Hall. Next, they only need to wait for the Law Hall to announce the trial date before the criminals can be sentenced.

There are already many criminals who are still conducting criminal transactions and looking for lawyers willing to defend themselves, hoping to reduce their probation period to the greatest extent.

Everything went so smoothly, as if a large number of experienced and experienced managers had a clear division of labor and were working together to deal with one crime after another very efficiently.

X just turned to another web page, and when he returned, there were 135 new cases that had been processed.

At this time, many news headlines in the city about the careless handling of crimes had been completely removed from the shelves. Eddie also began to look through the handling of these crimes and felt surprised.

Every detail has clear legal provisions and case references, and there are monitoring and standard-compliant means during the case handling process.

"This can't be done!"

Eddie said, and X nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, according to ordinary people's thinking, even compiling a case cannot be so fast. There is only one possibility. This is to announce the results of real crime processing, otherwise not so many people will seek lawyers."

At this time, Eddie saw a name in the rummaging room, Heathcote.

"What is going on? Why is Heathcote, the son of Lyons, the president of the Bar Association, a litigant on the prosecutor's side of the Law Office!"

X looked over and was surprised. Some cases had already been set for trial. Because the facts and evidence were clear, the fastest case could be heard in three days.

"I can only say that the methods of these guys are really extraordinary. How did they do it?"

X was very suspicious because there were dozens more recent registrations.

At this time, it was the hottest time of the day in the streets and alleys. Most people were hiding in their houses. Many people thought it was impossible to handle a case so quickly at first, but soon most of them looked through the I felt surprised after posting some cases on the closed crime publication page.

The voices of questioning began to become less and less, and there were more silences. Many people were discussing why one crime after another was being dealt with at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, a group of administrators ran past on the street. Led by a man with the number 5 and a unique black uniform, they ran and poured water on their heads. They looked like they were about to collapse. The leader running in front was particularly special. The manager didn't feel the heat at all, but looked very energetic.

"Hurry up. When you arrive at the next scene, follow what I just told you. Please strictly implement all of this. You have graduated from school at least, and you should have learned how to handle crimes in accordance with the procedures. And standard, move quickly.”

Under the eaves of a back street, Duan Kong held a bottle of water and drank it in one gulp. Next to him, King Xue smiled. The two of them handled another business qualification case. Now the criminal has been taken to the management vehicle.

"Hurry up, you can't stand it after just this!"

King Xue said and already started walking, Duan Kong stood up with a smile.

"How is it possible? I just feel excited. After all, everything I have learned can be put to use. For us, it is the highest praise and the best reward. You know, I have questioned many things because I feel that what I have learned Will the things I have learned really be useful in the future? But everything I have learned seems to be coming out of every pore of my body unconsciously today. Do you feel like this?"

King Xue smiled and ran quickly.

"We are all elites in all fields. What are we doing in school for these 12 years!"

Duan Kong burst out laughing. After being exposed to many things, he was able to handle them surprisingly easily. This ability to handle things quickly is what every student in the Academy of God must possess.

"If there is still a chance to take the exam, I would like to take it again. After all, my graduation exam score is only 66!"

King Xue said with a smile.

"It's pretty good, besides, we've graduated, right? There's no need to look back at the past cornerstones, because every day in the academy, we are always performing beyond the norm. This is just the beginning! Don't be too happy too early ."

At this time, the two came to a gathering square. A large number of people from Section 1 had already gathered. They had just received documents from Locke to assist investigators.

"Please remember, this is not a normal class, it is a field exercise. All of you have test scores above 80 points. Please follow everything taught in the classroom to practice on the spot. Now I will start the assignment, District 31, District 35, District 36.”

Soon the three section officers and their subordinates lined up.

"This area is your responsibility. I need you to thoroughly conduct a strict qualification review of each store. Anyone who does not meet the qualifications will be directly suspended for one month until they pass the qualification review. Take action."

Duan Kong said, and soon more than 200 people started to move quickly. Many people looked a little scared, but Duan Kong knew very well that this was the first step in their first subject, and it was a very critical step. At this time King Xue called over a dozen regional officers and began to assign them the next tasks.

3:19 p.m.

In the 41 Management Office located on the middle floor, a large number of exhausted administrators found places to lie down in various places in the courtyard of the management office to escape the heat. Many people could no longer run away. There were cases everywhere to handle.

The orders from above came down one after another, and many people even didn't want to move at all.

At this time, along with a landing aircraft, more than a dozen people from Section 3 came out of it. Zijuan yawned, and Osman next to her raised her arms and turned.

"The crime handling here should be concentrated in this management center. Move quickly, we are going to start handling the crime."


Following a loud noise, many administrators who were sleeping beside the courtyard wall woke up and watched in shock as a man who looked like a dome landed on the lawn and dented the ground. He was wearing the uniform of a special administrator. .

"What a bunch of useless guys."

Zijuan and more than a dozen others jumped off the roof soon after.

"I'll give you another half an hour to rest. If you can't stand it, you won't have to come to work tomorrow."

As soon as Zijuan finished speaking, her passion for seeing a beautiful special administrator was gone, and instead she was filled with anger and resentment.

But most administrators know that more than 300 administrators and 6 management officers have been directly fired so far.

In the conference room located at the top of the Hotson family building, Field was quietly looking at some special management officers who were questioning family shareholders, and there was an unknown flame steaming in his heart.

The guys who came over all had uniforms with the number 9 and a scale pattern. One of them looked a little cowardly, named Brandon. Although he didn't look like much, he was actually very good at talking in clichés. Field always remained silent. , said nothing, while another guy named He Lei was negotiating with the company's legal team in the next room. Everything happening in the city now was not accidental.

All of this was probably premeditated. Field felt that he could see clearly that most of the industrial products industry was being investigated and it was not without signs. That guy Lin Xiao had already advised many businessmen early on not to be involved in black market transactions, and not to be involved in black market transactions. In the money laundering industry, many people listened to Lin Xiao and made a lot of money today while some speculators were being investigated.

Because most of the competitors' stores have been closed due to this crisis, and why the administrators can find these stores and companies so quickly, I am afraid it was Lin Xiao who told them that regarding the overall situation of the industry, Lin Xiao knew it best. Now even his own family was involved in the turmoil started by the Hillman family. Field wanted to ask Lin Xiao why he didn't make it clear. As early as half a year ago, Lin Xiao I have said that many shops, individuals, and companies involved in gangs should stop being in the mud, but many people don't seem to listen.

"Sir Brandon, when will it end? We have to go back for the family dinner, and the family is waiting!"

Field finally asked, unable to sit still, and Brandon said with a smile.

"Come on, come on, I'm really sorry, Mr. Field. We are just making routine inquiries."

The moment Brandon turned around while speaking, there was a smile in his eyes. He was just here to delay time. Many of the questions he asked seemed insignificant, but they could provide great help to subjects 2 and 5.

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