Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1563 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 30 (Part 1)

September 11, 2205

At the entrance of a school, a large number of people of different ages were queuing up. The youngest was only seven or eight years old, and the oldest was in his 20s.

The 32 schools that the gods opened more than ten years ago are now recruiting students again. Most people know what this means. Many people from the bottom are struggling to get into the schools.

After entering the school, students will be divided into classes according to their age. After that, there will be a one-month trial education and specific tests. Some students who fail will be kicked out of the school.

But what many people don't understand is that the original teachers in the school have left. Instead, there are some people in black uniforms in the school. These people are special management officers of the Congress.

Everyone knows that after graduating from the school here, you can directly enter the city's management. Currently, there are 13,857 management personnel in 120 districts, including prisons, farms, and 16,385 people in the army.

Many people in management and the military are over 30, accounting for 90% of the total, while those over 40 account for 50% of the 90%, and those over 50 account for 40% of the 50%.

The aging of the management has begun. At this time, many administrators who maintain order nearby have serious expressions. They may be replaced in the future. This is a worry for most people. The local administrator of the school has been Who are you talking to on the phone?

The school has not changed much as before. You are paid for enrollment, 300 yuan a month. The school is responsible for room and board, and implements closed education management.

But what surprised many people was that there were numbers on the school's door. The school in front of them was numbered 1-01.

There are people applying for these 32 schools from all over the country. There are signs from numbers 1 to 12. Many people also realize that this means something. 1 means 4 schools, 2 means 1 school, and 3 means 4 schools. Schools, 4 has 2 schools, 5 has 6 schools, 6 has 2 schools, 7 has 2 schools, 8 has 2 schools, 9 has 2 schools, 10 has 3 schools, 11 has 2 schools, There are 2 schools in 12.

The registration age ranges from 6 to 30 years old. All qualified people in the city can participate in the registration. Most of the people in their 20s who are already losers in society actively participated in the registration.

Registration is open until 100,000 students are enrolled, and then the 100,000 students will be evenly distributed to 32 schools, with 3,125 students in each school, for a one-month trial education.

In the end, those who are unqualified will be eliminated, and then three months of basic education will be carried out. Finally, they will be divided into classes. Many people who signed up felt strange.

Because the facilities in the school look very new, and there are a lot of things that have never been seen on the market.

People are constantly surprised to walk into a body data measurement room. After coming out, they all talk about the situation in the room. Light will pass through the body, and then all their body data can be seen.

"Please pay attention to your medication. Your current physical condition obviously does not meet the registration requirements. According to what I said, you may be cured after taking these medications in two weeks!"

A student in Section 1 said, and quickly handed a piece of paper with detailed treatment methods to a 21-year-old man who was a little disappointed, and he hummed.

"Don't worry, you still have at least one month before recruiting 100,000 students."

The man nodded excitedly and ran away.

King Xue quietly looked at the names, names, ages and other information of each applicant, looked at the crowds of people outside the campus, and smiled helplessly.

The plan for the second phase of the Act of Gods Department has officially started. A few days ago, students in all schools were shocked. If 100,000 enrollees are qualified, they will be responsible for 163 students each. This is not traditional. A school in this sense can test a person's intelligence in a short period of time, and then those whose intelligence level is not up to par within the one-month trial period will be directly eliminated.

The 613 students in the College of God are responsible for the education in these 32 schools, but they are not teachers, but instructors. After students enter the school and are divided into classes, they will receive the uniforms of the business department and personnel numbers, but only the ones they belong to The numbers and patterns of the department, but not the white crossbar of the ordinary department members.

Only those who can continue to adapt to future studies after completing the class placement will receive the white crossbar on the hat of the general staff uniform. Those who can stand out in the class will be promoted and receive the tin-colored V. The logo represents the team leader, who can lead 30 general staff.

Then there is the position of level 3 regional officer, with the iron-colored three-pointed star logo, who has the authority to manage affairs related to a region.

The students of God's College are directly section chiefs, secretaries and trustees, with golden six-pointed stars, silver five-pointed stars and brass-colored cross stars.

King Xue has been thinking about a question before. If the executive department is established, will they be able to mobilize the current management after they take office? Obviously it couldn't work, but the gods still didn't say anything. Until today, King Xue finally understood.

The gods want them, as top managers, to educate their subordinates and then manage the city. Only in this way can they truly manage the city in an all-round way like a complete machine.

Because the titles in the school have been strictly regulated, they are directly the titles of superiors and subordinates in the executive department, and they must not violate the orders of superiors, which is also an iron law that must be followed.

After seeing the teaching materials distributed by the gods to the students of the Academy of God last month, everyone was surprised. These contents were inferior versions of what they had learned in the academy over the years.

The students are indeed capable of teaching these simple courses and are able to find the time to manage students in 32 schools.

The basic courses are divided into five major sections: economy, law, exercise of rights, actual combat, and use of weapons. In the next few years, students will need to take a full 100-point exam on these five sections to test their results. If you fail the exam three times, you will be kicked out of school.

Each block is 20 points, and the passing mark is 60 points, but basically as long as you get more than 15 points in the three subjects of weapons, economy and law, you can pass easily.

King Xue even thought of this set of rigorous standards as the guidelines for recruiting personnel in the business department in the future.

As for the actual battles and weapons, King Xue also thought about it. The current management personnel are well known for their weakness. When responding to some social incidents, casualties often occur, and they are even killed by gang members without any counterattack. ability.

"Maybe we were a little too naive."

King Xue smiled bitterly. Looking at the students with high interest, many of them did not look very smart. Among the five basic courses, economics and law will be constantly changed as the city progresses, but the core The essence has not changed much. These two courses are essential skills for managing a city.

Combat and weapon use are the same, just like hardware. However, ambiguous courses such as rights exercise are relatively flexible, because they are a combination of book history knowledge and practice, and will be handled differently according to different subjects. Things are practiced within the city.

This reminded King Xue of the social simulation practice classes that were often held in schools in the past, and he laughed helplessly.

The gods have designed everything, and it has already been connected to the future, and they need people to add to the future.

"It's really a challenging job, but the future direction of our 1st subject should be elite comprehensive education."

King Xue said, and a classmate next to him laughed.

"Chief Xue Wang, this will be very tiring."

King Xue shook his head.

"Remember what the gods said last month?"

The few students who were still busy laughed.

"Leave everything to us."

At this time, the street in District 1 was lined with a large number of people. The long queue stretched several hundred meters long. Many people on the street looked at some people from the middle and lower classes who were dressed a little strangely and looked at them strangely. .

Locke sat solemnly in the white and spacious square. This has become the 33rd school. Behind it is a long row of 7-story buildings covering a huge area. Locke will complete his teaching here, but it only accepts 1,000 students. People, and there are clear regulations, must have completed basic education, and cannot be older than 18 years old.

Locke looked at the students who were registering in front of him, and felt that his heart was shaking, because what he saw was a bunch of children again. He had had enough. After so many years, and now again, Locke was a little painful. I looked at many children unbearably, the youngest was more than ten years old, and the older ones were sixteen or seventeen years old.

Some of them are children of the family. There are so many people who cannot be taught by themselves. But one thing is that the gods have told Locke that during the one-month trial education, he can decide who he wants and who he doesn’t want. It’s not about looking at Achievements depend on people, adaptability, etc.

At this time, a beautiful little girl just came out of the body measurement room and came over with a smile.

"Mr. Locke, are you the teacher here?"

Locke nodded.

"Then I think it's good. My name is Yin Xianglin."

Locke glanced at the little girl who passed the test and saw that she was from the middle class and looked like a lively 16-year-old girl.

Sure enough, as soon as this little girl came over, some other little girls also came over and wanted to get close to Locke.

"Why do you say it's good?"

Locke Jiahui asked deliberately, and Yin Xianglin shook his head.

"I always feel that we should get along very well."

Suddenly there were voices of dissatisfaction nearby. Yin Xianglin took out a piece of stuff from his bag, and Locke Jiahui smelled a scent.

"Here, these are some biscuits I made myself. I like them very much. According to the news report, Mr. Locke, don't you like delicious food very much?"

Locke took it, Yin Xianglin bowed, turned around and ran with a smile.

"See you at the beginning of school."

However, Locke did not eat it, but put it in his pocket, because many students nearby were holding things as if they wanted to deliver them.

"Those who pass the test should go back directly and wait for notification. Don't stay here anymore, and don't look around in the building."

Locke calculated that his maximum limit would be to take care of five or six hundred children at most before he would be exhausted.

However, Locke quickly understood that this place was close to the future seat of Congress and should be a department to connect with the 12 departments. Locke felt a headache, and everything had been decided.

"By the way, I almost forgot. After today, I'll go to the Li family clan area to find someone to tell my fortune."

Just after 2 o'clock in the afternoon, many media in the city launched various programs. Some media people began to criticize Congress for abusing education funds. Such a large-scale enrollment is just a waste of educational resources.

Over the past ten years, only half of the education funds returned from taxes in each district have been used for education in the region, and the remaining half has been accumulated. After more than ten years of accumulation, 120 districts have accumulated A pretty large amount of money.

Congress has not yet made any response, and most people only dare to speak to Congress. Everyone knows that the large-scale enrollment of 32 schools that have been suspended for a period of time means a change of management. This is a miracle. their direct orders.

However, most people at the middle and lower levels are still satisfied because their children have the opportunity to enter management. However, there are some voices of dissatisfaction at the upper levels. Many people think that the gods should use some well-educated and well-educated people at the upper levels. People from family backgrounds enter management.

"You really don't have to go over there, okay Alpha!"

Violet looked at Alpha, who was supporting her next to her. Mother and daughter were walking in the garden behind the main mansion.

"No need, Mom, just leave it to Jill and the classmates."

Alpha was a little happy in his heart. They had officially taken over everything from God and wanted to cultivate business managers for the city.

Now Alpha finally understands what happened to the most rigorous exam in the Academy of God last year. Although no one failed, everyone's scores were appalling.

Alpha's score of 80 points is the highest. In the comprehensive combat area, most students basically got 0 points because the examiners are gods. Alpha got 5 points, which is already very good.

Most of the students in the seminary are near the passing line, with most students scoring 60 to 70 points and very few scoring 70 to 80 points.

The students in Section 10 were in a relatively miserable situation. All of them scored 0 points in the field battle. According to Tang Rao, she already wanted to punish them with negative points.

Most students were in a low mood after taking the exam and wanted to get as close to 80 points as possible in the next exam, but the gods didn't say anything, nor did they say when the next exam would be.

But now the students finally understand that this is their graduation exam.

"Alpha, are you really okay with teaching students?"

Violet looked at her daughter worriedly, and Alpha smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, Mom. We have 6 schools in 5 subjects. I will do my best to teach my subordinates."

Violet still doesn't understand what this model is all about. It's like school, but it's completely different from what's taught in school, but it's still called school.

"Mom, there are some things I couldn't tell you. It would be a waste to buy less clothes in the future."

Violet nodded. A nursery that used the latest equipment was already filled with clothes for girls up to the age of 3.

Alpha had seen that room. It was completely built for the little princess who was about to be born. Everything was for girls.

Nia will not get married in the future, and Violet will not interfere with Nia's marriage issues, but there is only one thing: the man must marry into Angus's family.

At this time, Alpha saw cars coming outside the street. They were all people from large and medium-sized families. Many of them came to visit Angus's house. The purpose was very obvious.

"Those people are really tired. Are they tired?"

Alpha muttered, and Violet turned around helplessly, and could only continue to receive the reception. Most of the people who came here had only one purpose, hoping that Mrs. Angus could designate a future son-in-law, although Violet had already rejected many of them. Although there are suggestions from people, some ignorant people still come to the door.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell your mother. Miss Helen called and said she hoped to treat us to a meal when she was free."

Violet nodded. Now Helen is alone with her daughter and works as a manager at a vehicle management office owned by the Angus family. She manages everything very well and is completely independent from the family. It is only two short years. Over the past few months, Helen has become well qualified for the job that requires regular vehicle inspections.

The specific job is to arrange personnel to inspect vehicles in the city. Some vehicles with aging parts will be required to be forcibly replaced, otherwise they will not be allowed on the road.

Soon Violet saw Wilsie holding a baby in her hand, and some people from the Chen family, and Violet felt something was wrong.

This is the first time for the Chen family to come. As one of the eight major families in the city, the Chen family has not been close to the Angus family in recent years.

Alpha looked at the haggard Wilsey with a solemn expression. She had several bruises on her face, and following her was Chen Dong, the eldest son of the Chen family.

"Mrs. Angus, long time no see."

Chen Dong bowed, and more than 30 bodyguards stood at the door.

"I don't know what's wrong with you coming here this time, Mr. Chen?"

"Mrs. Angus, I see that you are about to give birth. I just hope that our two big families can have some cooperation, so I will get straight to the point. I hope that my nephew Chen Jie will have the opportunity to marry into your Angus family in the future. ."

Alpha stared at Wilsey with a solemn expression. The child in her hand was just over a month old and was still in its infancy. The Chen family couldn't wait and wanted to push this child over as a commodity for trading.

"Please allow me to refuse, Mr. Chen."

Chen Dong said with a smile.

"My sister-in-law is very outstanding, and her and my brother's children will also be very outstanding. I hope you can consider this. After all, the Angus family has no heirs."

"Get out of here!"

In an instant, Alpha said angrily, Chen Dong's expression suddenly changed, and Violet smiled awkwardly.

"Please forgive my daughter's ignorance."

Chen Dong glanced at Alpha.

"Mrs. Angus, although some of the words are hurtful, I think your family's education method is a bit too relaxed. After all, Miss Alpha doesn't seem to understand etiquette."

"I say it again, get out of here!"

Alpha clenched his fists furiously, red particles floated out, and the mutant bodyguards approached him alertly.

Chen Dong sneered and shook his head.

"I'm sorry Miss Alpha, I came here to talk to Mrs. Angus about the future of the family, not to find her."

In an instant, Alpha took action. Her fist touched Chen Dong's cheek. The 30 mutant bodyguards around him widened their eyes in horror. With cyan and purple particles floating in the air, everyone was unable to move. .

"What are you doing!"

Chen Dong shouted.

"I'm saying this for the last time, get out of my house. If you want to talk, it's Chen Jie's mother who should talk to my mother, not outsiders like you."

After a while, the two bodyguards were able to move. They were already breaking out in a cold sweat. They were shocked by the power of the young lady in front of them. If she had the intention, she could kill everyone present in an instant.

"What are you doing?"

The bodyguards grabbed Chen Dong and dragged him back, while Violet dragged Alpha.

"Daughter, calm down."

Wilsey quietly looked at the Chen family who had left the door of the mansion, and her face became slightly better for a while.

"Thank you, Miss Alpha!"

Wilsie said, wiping her tears, Violet asked the servants to support Wilsie, and the group entered the large living room on the second floor of the mansion.

"Miss Wilsey, break away from the Chen family. The Marriage Law has clear provisions. You have suffered severe physical and mental violence, so you have the right to file a lawsuit with the Law Hall, and I will defend you."

Wilsey looked at Alpha with some horror, and then at the child Chen Jie in her arms. Violet looked at Alpha with annoyance. She felt a chill. At the moment when her daughter used her power, she was present. Everyone in the room was shocked by this extremely powerful aura, and even myself, as a mother, felt a hint of fear.

Wilsie looked at Violet.

"I'm really sorry, Mrs. Angus, they made such excessive demands. I don't want this child to become a trading commodity of the family in the future, but if I leave the Chen family, I will have nowhere to go, and they will also You won’t give this child to me, I can’t bear to part with this child.”

Wilsey wiped her tears while Alpha stood up. He was about to explode with anger. These guys in the family were completely unreasonable. Everyone seemed to be sick and regarded their children as tools to strengthen the family.

"Go to work Miss Wilsey, our family can provide it for you."

"That's enough Alpha!"

Violet looked at her daughter angrily, and Alpha walked to the window and took out the phone.

"What's wrong, President!"

Heathcote's voice came over. At this time, there was still some noise there, but the noise began to become less and less, and Alpha also began to explain the situation.

"There is no way around this matter. Even if we go to the Law Hall to resolve it, in the end the other party will use the excuse that the woman cannot provide her children with better education, medical care, etc., as well as the immunity held by the family. The only way is The only way is to let that young lady leave the Chen family."

Alpha lit a cigarette and sighed.

"I think so too, but can't we do something?"

"Legally we can't do anything, and morally we are even more powerless. The history of family marriage has been deeply rooted. If we want to save that young lady, this is the only way, I think."

Alpha laughed. Although Heathcote didn't finish his words, Alpha immediately understood what he meant.

"I'll call that guy King Xue, he's the best at handling this kind of thing."

"It's great if you understand, President, but it's still unknown whether the lady is willing."

After Alpha hung up the phone, she returned to the living room and looked at Wilsey who was still talking to her mother. She could see that her mother seemed a little embarrassed now.

Soon Alpha walked over and saw Wilsie crying with joy. He stood up and kept saying thank you to Violet.

Alpha did not interrupt. She could see that Wilsey was different from previous years. Now, for her, the only way to keep her child was to marry her to someone from another big family. She no longer had the slightest bit of confidence. She had the strength to resist. Alpha didn't know what kind of life she had lived these years, but it was clear that she could no longer resist.

After Wilsie left, Alpha looked at his mother who had been looking down at her belly.

"I just told Wilsie that we can only wait until the two children grow up, and the two families can go out more often, if they are suitable."

Alpha looked at her mother blankly. She knew that her mother wanted to help Wilsey, otherwise Wilsey's status in the Chen family would not be improved.

"Why this method?"

Alpha asked, Violet looked at her daughter, as if she had suddenly changed into a different person, exuding an aura that Violet had never seen before, like a high-ranking god.

"This is just a trade-off. I only made a verbal promise to Wilsey. The future will depend on how the two children get along. I have made this clear to Wilsey."

"But if you open a breach, she will be harmed. Do you know what you are doing?"

Faced with her daughter's questioning, Violet became a little angry and stood up.

"Then tell me what to do?"

"I have already planned to contact my classmates. I can make the mother and son disappear quietly from the upper level. I will also erase all the demographic information of the mother and daughter and give them a new identity so that they can fully Escape from the family’s control.”

Violet looked at Alpha in surprise.

"There's no way you could do this, Congress."

"The words of Congress don't count here. We are the future leaders. All it takes is a phone call. Hawke will help handle all the identity information of their mother and daughter. The students in Section 2 will also help."

Violet stared at her daughter in surprise. She had never known these things. She had always thought that her daughter and the others were just doing things like an internship, but now Violet felt surprised.

"Even if this kind of thing is really done, have you ever considered Wilsey? She is not Helen. She has been tortured in the abnormal marriage for many years. Perhaps the last bit of her mind has disappeared. In the future, she can really raise the child. Is it big? Or can she afford the future of this child? Have you considered these? If you don't even take these into consideration and rashly want to pull her out, what will happen to someone like her who is already extremely vulnerable in the future? What’s even more cruel is that you are still just a child Alpha, and the way you think about things, too.”

"But can you just watch all this happen? You have also seen Miss Wilsey's condition. If you give her such hope, her status in the Chen family will indeed rise. But if in the future, her child My sister Niya and I cannot be together as your family wishes. What is waiting for her? What is waiting for that child? Even after Niya was born, she instilled this in her. What will happen in the future? Answer me!"

Alpha's volume rose a bit.


Violet slapped him, and Alpha didn't evade. He just stood up straight, with his hands behind his back, and there was no hesitation or cowardice in his eyes.

"You are my daughter, Alpha!"

For a moment, Violet covered her cheeks and cried. Alpha's expression softened a little. Everyone in the family was stunned. It was the first time they saw mother and daughter arguing.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I shouldn't have yelled at you like this, I'm sorry."

Alpha hurriedly helped his mother and let her sit on the sofa.

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