Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1557 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 28 (Part 1)

January 1, 2205

Just after 0 o'clock

There is a road on the ground floor close to the outer circle. Two men are carrying a bag of things. After looking around for a while, they quickly move towards a dilapidated no-man's land not far away. Most of the houses here have been abandoned. , some homeless homeless people and beggars will live here temporarily.

Soon the two men turned around and walked into a somewhat dilapidated wooden three-story house. As soon as they entered, there was a strong stench. The two men sat down on the ground and put the food they were carrying on the ground.

There were more than a dozen people in the house, and they all seemed to be in a bad mental state.

"Is he already dead?"

A man said, and a woman in the corner whimpered and kept tearing her body. As soon as her fingers scratched the skin, the skin was peeled off easily. She watched in horror.

"I'm scared, I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

In the corner of the room, three men who had been dead for a long time were lying. Everyone in the room was eating food silently. Without exception, everyone looked extremely weak.

At this time, with a glimmer of light, a tall man raised his finger, and a trail of shimmering white particles was released, making the room a little brighter.

"Stop using telekinesis, it will accelerate organ failure."

A man who was chewing bread said. The man was leaning in the corner, smiling slightly, with four colors on his face. Everyone's skin looked very strange, as dry and rough as old tree bark. Buckle, a layer of skin was directly buckled off.

"What on earth are we?"

At this time, someone asked. For a while, more than ten people in the room were silent, and one woman started to cry.

"It's nothing, just a bunch of protein compounds."

Someone said mockingly that everyone in the room had a series of numbers on the back of their hands, starting with CL, with numbers in the middle, and ONE at the end.

They had just escaped a few months ago, and only a few hundred of the thousands of people managed to escape. A few months later, there were only more than 10 people left, and all of them were clones. .

At this time, there was a sound of leather shoes on the street outside, stepping on the empty stone slabs of the street very crisply. For a while, more than ten people in the house became nervous.

"I saw Lolita being raped by a researcher"


The door of the room opened, and the two mutants in the corner rushed over. However, their eyes widened and their necks were directly broken.

Jean quietly looked at a room full of clones, which were the last batch of clones to escape from the accident a few months ago.

"You devil, who are we? What have you done to us."

Gene walked in without any hesitation and looked at the clones who were still eating. He just watched quietly.

"Finish your food first! There's still a little time."

Some cried, some laughed, some cursed angrily. Gene took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff. This was the final finishing touch. The future cloning plan has been successful. Congress will announce it to the whole city tomorrow. , the official success of the longevity vaccine, blight, deformities, abnormal defects in the body's growth process, infertility problems can be officially solved, in the next few months, the injection will be given to people all over the city, and the most exciting What is interesting is that based on accurate measurement of the DNA length of currently successful lifespan vaccines, human lifespan can be extended to at least 140 years, and depending on individual differences, especially mutants, can even live to 200 years old.

The taboo door of medicine has been completely broken. Even for some specific individuals, life-span vaccines include type 2 and type 3. The ultimate life span of human beings has already begun to be explored. As long as research continues, humans will only need their brains. In this case, you can live longer.

In recent years, the fertility rate has almost reached zero growth. If it continues, the entire society will be overwhelmed. Now the socio-economic structure has begun to decline.

"Tell me what we are!"

A woman was crying and stuffing bread into her mouth. Others in the room also knew that resistance was useless. Even if they didn't resist, their life span would only be a few days to a month or two at most.


Jean said and bowed. The moment he turned around, a female mutant roared angrily and rushed towards Jean, but her neck was quickly broken.

Gene stepped out of the room in one step, closed the door, and watched a recovered helicopter slowly approach in the distance.

Gradually, the lift came down. Tang Rao walked out of the lift with a cigarette in her mouth. She took a look at the house and the smell of blood in the air.

"You can actually wait for them to die naturally."

"It will be torture for them to continue. I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

Tang Rao patted Jean on the shoulder.

"You don't need to comfort me. I will not stop, nor will I look back on the past. Everything in the past has been buried, and a new era will come."

"I'm not talking about this. Why are you pretending to be serious? Come in and help me."

Tang Rao kicked the door open with a furious kick, closed his eyes and walked in.

"Remember! We all promised those who passed away that a new era will come. Don't hesitate and don't be confused. Jean, if even you"

The bitter look on Gene's face disappeared, and he put a hand on his chest.

"Are we alive or dead? Recently, I can't hear my own heartbeat anymore."

"Idiot, that's because the two boys Noah and Noah led the students in Section 10 to build a power suppressor specially for us. After all, no matter how hard we try, our own power cannot be controlled with consciousness. "

Jean smiled, and the two began to move the clone's body to the lift.


In the Academy of God, the students were busy loading some machinery onto the lift.

Several major events that happened last year have finally stabilized. However, the thing that has left all the students in the school with lingering fears is the prison riot. Although Song Man has told many students what happened at that time, the students are most concerned about it. What was more concerning was that Principal Jean handled the matter personally. The riot in the prison ended an hour after Jean arrived.

C, R and K never disclosed what actually happened in the prison, but the whole thing was completely suppressed. People in the city didn't even know that a prison riot took place on this day last year.

Alpha asked Jean many times what happened specifically, but many people had guessed it. Based on what Latis saw during his several trips to and from the prison, everyone knew it. Jean went to deal with it personally, using In what way.

The equipment that will be delivered to the prison tonight is a kind of light and shadow collar developed by students in Section 10. From now on, all prisoners will need to wear this kind of light and shadow collar, no matter when and where they are.

This type of collar, which is difficult to remove after being put on, will release high-voltage current once the prisoner forcibly removes it, which can instantly subdue the prisoner. However, the mutant's is slightly different, because the mutant's body is strong and even suffered high-voltage current. Still able to maintain consciousness.

This kind of neck collar also has a function. The machine located behind the collar can emit light that passes through the prisoner's skin. When it materializes inside, it can destroy the prisoner's central nervous system and make the prisoner lose consciousness in an instant. Action force.

Once the central nervous system is destroyed, it is basically no more than a dead person. In the prison riot last year, nearly 600 pipeline workers and management officers died, 318 of them died, and the others suffered more or less severe psychological trauma.

There were 5,798 prisoner deaths, of which 30% of the prisoners, especially female prisoners, died at the hands of some male prisoners, and the remaining 70% were all directly executed by Jean.

"Are you going to my house this year?"

Alpha asked, and Latis, who was confirming the light and shadow collar, shook her head, took a puff of cigarette and came to Alpha's side with a smile.

"Go back in a few days. Let's go shopping and buy some clothes."

Alpha shook his head.

"Why are you buying clothes? We can't take off this uniform."

"Then you can always wear it in the dormitory. After all, we are girls, right?"

Alpha smiled and nodded.

At this time, Alpha looked at Noah who was scratching his head as he passed by, and Alpha stared at him slightly angrily for a moment.

"Noah, are you going today? I ask you one last time, my patience has its limit."

For a moment, Noah didn't seem to hear it, and Noah burst out laughing.

"I'm going."

"Go ahead, you're a cool guy."

Alpha said, when Noah suddenly stopped.

"I almost forgot, I'll go."

Alpha snorted, and Noah laughed.

"How could I forget."

"By the way, where's that guy Fry?"

At this time Clark asked.

"He went out with Huashen before, and many students from Section 4 also went out."

The students in Department 4 left the underground research laboratory three months ago. The vaccine has been successful, and they seem to be more cheerful. From time to time, they go to hospitals across the city to continue their medical internships.

Most students will choose to take a three-day break and then continue to travel throughout the city to review matters related to the corresponding subjects in the 120 district management offices.

Tomorrow there will be a news release that will shock the whole city. The longevity vaccine has been successfully developed and everyone in the city can get the injection. During this period, hospitals and clinics will be extremely busy, and the vaccine will be injected free of charge.

The vaccine manufacturing facility in Montenegro began distributing vaccines to major medical companies a month ago. The vaccine reserves are now enough to vaccinate 20 million people, and the current urban population is 17 million.

Injection is only a matter of time. After the vaccine is announced, it will begin to be transported from the warehouses of major medical companies to every injection point that has been designated in the city. It will take up to 3 months to complete the vaccination of everyone in the city.

A new era is coming, but there are only 4 million people with an average age of about 55 years old. They are the founders of the first cities. The effect of vaccines on them is minimal. Only those who have been injected with the life-span vaccine originally developed Only the second generation of cities can significantly extend the life cycle.

The largest industry that has emerged in cities in recent years is the funeral industry. The arrival of an aging society is accompanied by a rise in mortality. This industry is currently the hottest industry because there are more than 4 million elderly people who will die in the next 10 to 30 years. They died one after another during the year.

In recent years, the development of the city has seemed to have come to a standstill. It is very slow. The unemployment rate and employment rate have almost reached the same level. The development of all walks of life has almost stagnated. Most people cannot find workers and have to go to work. Planting and land reclamation work is carried out in the eastern grain base.

Today's eastern agricultural bases are basically cultivated by manpower. In the early years, some people said that it would be faster to just use machinery. But now many people seem to understand that if machinery is really used, then most of the People who cannot find a job may starve to death.

Cities have basically become more and more fixed, and many industries have become completely saturated and almost unsaleable.

It’s just that since June last year, four guard stations have been planned to be built in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest. Such a huge project has alleviated a large number of jobs, and at the top of the mountain, a large number of workers have poured into the upper levels to reclaim and consolidate the land. Although I don’t know what the gods are going to do, the employment gap has been alleviated.

Many jobs in the city have been stabilized, and the pace of urban development has completely slowed down.

Every year at the beginning of the new year, it is as lively as ever, and the streets and alleys are immersed in a festive atmosphere.

Frye was walking on a street on the ground floor. He did not wear a uniform, but wrapped his body tightly. Many areas on the ground floor were hit by rain and snowflakes every year, and the temperature was relatively low. On such a night, the temperature was minus 10 degrees.

Soon Frye entered an alley. After walking continuously in the alley for nearly 20 minutes, Frye came to a place full of garbage. He opened up the garbage and quickly found a ladder going down. At the entrance, you can see a lot of garbage accumulated after entering.

In a small room on the third underground floor, Frye took a tube of potion, woke up the clone Lolita lying on the bed, and injected her with the potion. At this time, the clone Lolita was very weak. After the injection of the medicine, she curled up in pain.

"I have placed these things here. I will come once a month."

Fry said as he was about to stand up, a hand grabbed him.

"Can't you come once a week?"

Frye shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't know what he was doing and why he had to rescue the clone Lolita in last year's accident. It was just that there was some uneasiness in his heart that made Frye want to continue. Research on human cloning.

"I'm sorry, that's all I can do for you, maybe."

With a touch of coldness, Lolita put her hand into Frye's clothes from behind and pressed it on his chest.

"Wrong, maybe you have realized Fry, this kind of research is wrong."

Frye didn't answer, just lowered his head, and the scenes in the laboratory kept reappearing in his mind.

"Even if you gain a long life, human beings will always make the same mistakes again, which will only prolong human suffering. Have you ever thought that many people will need to spend a long time in depression and depression in the next 100 years? For a while?”

Frye hummed.

"You once told me about Monica. Is this really the new era that she hopes for? Fry, is this really the new era that Nabe and Kull hope to see? Or is it what you think? Do you want to see a new era?"

Frye sat down, and the clone Lolita held Frye gently from behind.

"Why! You are obviously the clone of Teacher Lolita. You should know what is the most urgent thing in her heart. You should know that she is doing this for this."

Covering Frye's mouth with one hand, clone Lolita gently rested her head on Frye's shoulder.

"A new era? For humanity? It's just to allow humans to continue to pull each other up and transition from one era to another. The humans who can survive in the end are only the chosen ones after everything is prepared."

Frye was a little surprised, and the clone Lolita pressed her forehead. Although the memory was a bit confusing, the seven gods had mentioned these plans to Lolita at least.

"Please don't think of me as your teacher Lolita. In the past six months of experiments, I have thought a lot. We will all die one day. Everything we do after we die has nothing to do with us. No matter what we do ultimately leads to good or bad results, it actually has nothing to do with us! Lolita may indeed have voluntarily shouldered everything and become a pioneer, but I am different."

Clone Lolita said, stood up, took a coat that Fry had brought over, and put it on her body.

"You know Fry, actually I was thinking about what death is to us a few months ago before the experiment was successful! It's nothing. Human beings have opened the taboo door of life, which will lead to countless deaths in the future. Tragedy, if the Lolita you know is a pioneer, then I am a divergent. I do not agree with this approach. In the past, perhaps in my body and her thinking, I agreed with this. Everything, but in my thinking and everything I have seen, I don’t quite agree with this approach. In my opinion, many students who participated in the experiment have psychological problems of varying degrees, and you are the same. Frye.”

Frye was silent, he didn't know what to say, but after a while Frye breathed out.

“I live in grief every night!”

"You are a child with an extremely weak and low self-esteem in your heart. You are used to looking for light from other people, just like you follow Monica. You feel warmth from her body, as if you know Nabeku. When you and your daughter were two, you saw the light from them. When you met Jean twice, you also felt the light from him. After that, you met Hua Shen, and maybe you felt the light from him. There was an unprecedented intensity of light, and then you entered the school, and you saw countless lights, which were so intense that they could burn you, all gathered together."

Frye was trembling slightly and always lowered his head. Lolita hugged Frye's head and gently hugged him into her arms.

"You have been chasing these lights in your past life, but have you obtained them? Have you ever held the light?"

Frye shook his head, his eyes becoming moist.

"I can't teach you anything Fry, but the only thing I can tell you is that at this moment, my heart is bright, because I have seen what will happen to mankind in the future. This misery will be caused by the extension of life span. Being slowed down, and eventually under the nurturing time, this misery will be infinitely magnified, which will be cruel to everyone in the future. Did Lolita, who became a pioneer, ever think about this? She might want to However, she also ignored what would happen to people who have been bathed in the sun for a long time when the sun disappears one day? Maybe they can endure it for two or three days. How strong the light is, how dark the shadow is, and everything will be I can't turn a blind eye to those who continue to make the same mistakes, so I will make my own choice! You have to help me Frye."

Looking at each other, Frye trembled slightly. What he thought more about was Hua Shen, the Hua Shen who chose to withdraw silently at the beginning of this experiment and use another way to help the students of Science 4. God may have realized from the beginning how tragic it would be for mankind to open the door to medical taboos.

There must be a cause and a result. When this price is constantly amplified as time brews, no one can predict what will happen in the end.

"You have to help me Frye. No matter what the future holds, I just hope that I can see it clearly and personally cut off the chains of this tragedy so that I can live. You have to help me Frye. "

Frye looked at Lolita blankly, seeming to have made a decision in his heart, but his own cowardice and inferiority made Frye feel that he could not bear all this.

"Maybe I can't do it!"

Lolita let go of Fry and shook her head.

"I don't need you to do it. I just need you to be a doctor. I will do the rest. You don't have to make a choice. If you have selfish motives, I will do it for you. Resurrect Nabe and Kull. , two people who are dear to you."

Frye's eyes widened, and the tears that had already filled his eyes fell down in an instant. Lolita stretched out a finger, pressed it on Frye's cheek, held up a drop of crystal teardrop with her fingertips, and put it down. Entered the mouth.

"No matter how many times, just let me live, Fry. I have decided that I may die countless times and be resurrected countless times. What Lolita can bear, I can too!"

Frye nodded slightly. He lowered his head and began to cry uncontrollably. Every sad point in the past oppressed Frye like a nightmare every night. He could only continue to bathe in it. Only under the sun can he temporarily forget the darkness behind him, because he cannot sink into the darkness, nor can he catch the light. He can do nothing but watch the light and darkness in front of him, constantly conflicting. The result is that countless tragedies have been created, man-made.

"I want revenge but I don't have the power!"

Frye squatted on the ground in pain. The anger in his heart towards the Hillman family completely broke out at this moment. He thought about tearing the Hillman family to pieces countless times, but he couldn't do it. It turns out that Frye has no power or rights, both of which are too far away for him.

"Don't worry, Fry. One day, someone will do everything for you. You should have realized the bottomless darkness hidden in a person with a bright heart!"

Frye's eyes widened, and for a moment she could only think of one person, Alpha.

"When things were revealed, I was miserable."

Su Xin lowered her head and looked at Le Wen opposite with an embarrassed expression.

"It's okay. I'll accompany you home. After all, I'm your boyfriend now!"

Su Xin pouted dissatisfied and looked aside.

"Forget it, my mother will definitely not agree. She will scold you until you have a headache."

Le Wen shook his head, stood up and dragged Su Xin to run out. At this time, a lot of snowflakes were falling in the sky, and it started to snow again. The two of them ran around in the snowflakes like children.

"I'm about to graduate. There's still a year left. After graduation, I will start a business with my friends, but can you marry me first?"

Su Xin blushed, but nodded her head firmly.

"Maybe life will be a little harder in the future. I plan to settle on the bottom floor, where everything is very cheap, and I don't like the atmosphere of the middle and upper classes. I always feel uncomfortable."

Su Xin stopped and walked to Le Wen's side with his hands behind his back with a smile.

"Don't be so anxious, the days ahead will be long, right?"

Lewen nodded.

"Although I don't know what kind of life I can give you in the future, I promise that I will always love you."

Su Xin pressed Le Wen's mouth with a dissatisfied hand.

"Why do you like to say this kind of thing more and more recently? You only need to say the same thing once, and the rest just need to be buried in your heart!"

Le Wen was a little surprised, and Su Xin started running. At this time, the falling snow in the sky began to decrease, and the two of them walked through the crowd. During this year's festival, the two came to the busiest middle-level ring street, planning to spend it happily together. After seven days.

The food and accommodation here are not too expensive. The key is that there are really many things to eat, and they all taste good.

Couples like these two playing on the street are not common. Most couples hold hands and look at the young couple with knowing smiles.

However, there are also people on the street who have just experienced bitterness. Gu Lin just came out of the delicious food. She was a little drunk and wanted to find Wu Qun, hoping to get some advice from him. Unfortunately, Wu Qun only said one sentence. .

"If you really like him, just follow him, no matter what he hides!"

"What the hell, Old Wu, is this called advice?"

Gu Lin stamped her feet angrily. Feite broke up with her yesterday inexplicably. Gu Lin had no idea what he was thinking. In the past two years, she had been very happy with Feite, but because of his work, the two of them They get together less and stay apart more, but Gu Lin really likes him.

After just a few steps, Gu Lin staggered and almost fell. She was too drunk, and soon she fell into an alley. After a while, she vomited out all the contents in her stomach, and Gu Lin finally felt a lot better. .

"Miss, are you okay?"

Suddenly, a hand wearing a black leather glove stretched out. Although Gu Lin was unconscious, she still said alertly.

"Sir, don't worry about me. This place is only 5 meters away from the street. Please stay away."

Gu Lin supported her body. Just when she was about to scream, the man wearing a black mask in front of her held up a tablet with a video on it. Feite was randomly picking up things in the room and smashing them on the ground. , looking extremely angry.

"It's a live surveillance video, not the lady who recorded it."

For a while, Gu Lin became more awake.

"What do you want to do?"

"Take you to see Mr. Fit. Mr. Fit has not been very obedient recently. We have found the reason. If you are willing, you can accompany Mr. Fit. We will provide everything for you."

Gu Lin stared blankly at Fit in the video. His fist had been smashed and bleeding, but he was still roaring angrily.

Gu Lin glanced around and saw that she was blocked by six or seven men in black. She knew very well that she could not refuse.

"I go."

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