Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1544 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 23 (Part 2)

7:18 am

In District 96, located in the south of the ground floor, a management officer walked out of his house with a solemn face and disheveled clothes, and a pair of white jade arms behind him hooked him back.

"Let's sleep a little longer. We'll go back later."

"Stop making trouble, someone is coming from above."

After the management officer broke free from the woman's entanglement, he rushed out quickly. His home was behind the management office. After a few minutes, he came to the management office. A lot of administrators were still chatting and laughing. It looked like the management office was in a mess again last night because it was New Year's Eve.

"Take care of you bastards, the people from above will be here soon."

A group of people began to gather up loosely. There were nearly 500 managers in a district, managing all walks of life in the entire region.

The management officer was furious when he saw the casual attitude of his subordinates, and some even fell asleep on the table. Many of them were hungover from last night.

Starting from the middle of last year, a group of special management officers wearing black uniforms suddenly appeared in the city and began to carry out some investigation and review work in the city. The management officers in most areas were unlucky. Although many people were reviewed Many problems arose, but he was not arrested. Instead, he was kept in office after explaining all the problems.

Afterwards, the Congressional Management Committee introduced an internal personnel crime system, which is reviewed annually by these special management officers. The regional crime managers need to be evaluated by these people every year. Based on the comprehensive evaluation of everything in the region, they can be evaluated to a certain extent. Offset some past crimes.

Nowadays, many management officials change their expressions when they hear that the special management officers from above are coming down, and the shady things in the area have begun to curb.

"You guys move quickly, otherwise what will happen when the special management officers arrive later?"

At this time, along with a phone call, the management officer hurriedly ran into the office.

"You are looking for death, call me now."

"You have to help us this time. All of our men were caught."


There was a loud noise on the other side of the phone. The management officer hurriedly hung up the phone, then quickly deleted the call record. After going out, he asked some people to stay and continue to clean up, while he led the people towards the north. The streets went.

On the street north of District 96, Alpha quietly looked at the information collected from the six-story building in front of him.

And women were taken out of the basement one by one with clothes covering their bodies. Many of them were treated cruelly.

"Sir, this is what we are doing"

"You are now being arrested for illegal detention and kidnapping."

Many people lay on the ground obediently, and no one resisted. This small loan company had violated many laws under the secret investigation of the 2nd Section. Today, it was just a routine arrest and conviction.

There are other cases that need to be dealt with in this area. Alpha is still looking at the things on the light and shadow screen. There are many people watching on the periphery. Compared with these criminals, some people passing by are more concerned about Alpha's hand. holding something in it.

At this time, a management officer from a distance had already run over. When he saw that there were only a dozen senior management officers, the leader was a tall girl, but she looked like she had seen them before somewhere.

"My lord, what do you call me? My name is Ma Tao."


Alpha replied casually, and Ma Tao's eyes widened. He had just taken root in this place for less than three years and was assigned here after graduating from school. However, the woman in front of him shocked Ma Tao. Alpha Angus .

In an instant, Ma Tao burst out laughing. He glanced at the man squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, and hurriedly asked his men to deal with it. Then he started chatting closely with Alpha.

"Master Alpha, look at what you want to eat today, I'll order someone to prepare it."

Alpha shook his head.

"Manager Ma Tao, why have you not dealt with such a serious problem in the region for three years?"

"That's right, because they are an individual-to-individual loan relationship, and I really can't get involved."

Ma Tao nodded and laughed as he spoke. Alpha looked at Ma Tao with a serious expression.

"According to internal crime regulations, you will be deducted 15 points for this incident."

Ma Tao's eyes widened and he wanted to say something but immediately held back and nodded hurriedly.

"That's right, Lord Alpha. What's right is my management negligence."

Ma Tao looked at his information with fear. His points had been deducted. He originally only had 85 points, which was considered to be a relatively high score among the surrounding districts. But now for such an incident, he had 15 points deducted. It's a bit dangerous.

Although Ma Tao is only 30 years old, he knows better than anyone else that in such a low-level neighborhood, it is very difficult to rely on strict law enforcement to manage it. It is impossible not to accept money and power transactions, so After most people’s scores are deducted, it is basically difficult to get them back.

But now Ma Tao has no choice but to continue to please Alpha.

Seeing that the oldest of these young people was only seventeen or eighteen years old, although Ma Tao had doubts, he could only continue to cooperate with them. After all, they had the authority of a senior management officer, and even senior management officers They all have permissions that neither of them have.

And the most important point is that their fighting abilities are very strong. Ma Tao really doesn't know how to describe this. They also graduated from the school founded by the gods, and fighting is also a required course, but their The gap is vastly different from this batch of special management officers who came out of the Academy of God.

There were media reports about the special management officer before, but after some reports appeared briefly, the reports began to disappear.

Ma Tao always found it incredible to look at the special management officer Alpha in front of him, who should only be 15 years old. He was a little over 1.7 meters tall, looked beautiful and mature, and was very serious about what he did. And the most important thing was that she was Ange. The princess of the Si family.

Ma Tao couldn't figure out what happened, why she entered the Academy of God and became a special management officer.

"Administrator Ma Tao, I just hope that you can spend more time in the future to deal with things in the area."

Alpha said, in just half an hour, the students in subjects 2 and 5 had handled everything and were ready to go to the next place.

Ma Tao's expression became a little solemn. At this time, Congress sent new news. Not only in terms of public security, from today on, all things in the region must be reviewed by special management officers on a regular basis every year. Different batches of special The administrator will be here soon.

"Forget it, stop making trouble!"

Chen Qiao quickly followed behind his brother's wife Wilsey. At this time, Wilsey was already crying. She stood next to a small lake and cried uncontrollably.

There were servants and housekeepers behind him, and Chen Qiao winked at them, telling them to stay away.

"Men, some things are quite normal."

"Normal, you tell me normal? Can this kind of thing be normal?"

Wilsey stared at Chen Qiao angrily. Chen Qiao sighed and pointed at himself.

"Look at me, for so many years, I have been in this mansion as if I were in prison. I am not free at all."

Wilsey glared at Chen Qiao.

"You asked for it."

Chen Qiao laughed helplessly and handed Wilsey a handkerchief. He was the only person in the family who could chat with Wilsey for a while. His brother Chen Liang spent all day drinking and drinking, and would bring different women home from time to time. , Wilsie has almost reached the limit of her patience.

Over the past year, Wilsey and Chen Liang had quarreled almost every day, and Chen Qiao had to break up the fight every time. He also felt exhausted.

The people of the Huosen family naturally knew about this, but they could only turn a blind eye. The media that reported some reports could only use money to stop their mouths. Now the two families are in deep cooperation. There can't be any problems, and the elder brother Chen Liang is completely unruly.

Chen Qiao naturally knew the reason, because the eldest brother and his two sisters completely controlled everything in the Chen family. His brother Chen Liang, who had a good relationship with him in the past, was the same as himself and had no status in the family.

As for what Chen Liang was feeling in his heart, Chen Qiao naturally knew that there was no freedom at all. They had become a burden to the family. If Chen Liang hadn't still been useful, he might have become just like Chen Qiao. The family is useless.

Nowadays, Chen Qiao must get permission from his elder brother to go out. If he wants money, he must get permission from his elder brother even for 1 yuan. This life is more uncomfortable than death. Chen Qiao can only eat and drink every day, and then play in the game. woman.

"I really don't know why I agreed to this marriage in the first place."

Wilsey wiped her tears. She could no longer hold on in just one year, but she could not escape from the Chen family. She repeatedly expressed that she wanted to go back to the Huosen family, which was not far from here, but she was cruel every time. He was rejected by his mother and father, and his eldest brother Field was helpless. He only came twice this year.

And both times, it was because of family matters, not to see her.

Chen Qiao squatted by the lake in depression.

"It's not like me. One day I really want to plunge into the lake and drown."

Wilsey looked at Chen Qiao with a sneer.

"You dare?"

"I really don't dare."

Wilsey laughed for a moment, sat by the lake, picked up a stone and threw it into the lake.

"My brother is also feeling uncomfortable. You should know this. He originally had a woman he liked very much, but in the end that woman married someone else. Not to mention, he was forced to marry you forcefully. Hey, we all are. People along the way, I think we need to add up."

Wilsey shook her head.

"No matter how much you add it up, it's useless. There is nothing that can break it all."

Although Chen Qiao didn't quite agree with this, he could only nod helplessly. Wu Qun had told him before that if he really wanted to achieve something, he must have a clear head and be able to occupy a position in the family. What he has is talent for strategy and business, but it's a pity that Chen Qiao doesn't have either of these.

As a result, under the guidance of Wu Qun, when Chen Qiao was outside, he basically suffered losses in everything he invested and was not successful in anything he did. After Wu Qun helped him, everything went smoothly for Chen Qiao. He knew that as long as he listened With Wu Qun, everything can be done.

However, things were not as simple as Chen Qiao thought. As soon as his eldest brother and two sisters saw that he had achieved results, they began to suppress themselves desperately. As a result, Chen Qiao was immediately killed, and Wu Qun was almost arrested for certain things. His reputation Also destroyed.

Chen Qiao had heard that Wu Qun had opened a delicious restaurant in the middle-level Huanzhuang Street. He wanted to go and see Wu Qun and his brother Zou Yun, who had been in trouble with him. He heard that Zou Yun had already get married.

"I won't continue to sink. I have to talk to Chen Liang."

Chen Qiao shook his head.

"My brother is dumber than me. He probably can't listen to reason. The most important thing is that once a person develops certain habits, it is really difficult to change them. The key is that my brother said that he has been like this for the rest of his life."

Looking at the ripples on the lake, Chen Qiao felt mixed emotions in his heart.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

"Haha, do you two want to carry it?"

"I'll carry you, McCullin. Can you think of a way? How about I marry you, or I can marry you into your family."

Chen Qiao turned around and said with a smile, while Wilsie beside him muttered.

"Spineless guy."

McQueen laughed loudly, and then revealed her high black leather boots from under her long skirt.

"Come on, lick it, if you make me happy, I will"

Chen Qiao rushed over in anger, but was suddenly thrown over the shoulder by McCullin and fell directly to the lawn.


Wilsie said, Chen Qiao sighed, and McCullin made a face at him.

"I really don't like you. Chen Qiao, stop dreaming. I think it's good for you to stay here for the rest of your life."

Watching McCullin leave, Chen Qiao stood up.

"Just wait for me. One day I will be rich and you won't even be worthy of licking my shoes."

McCullin put his hand on his pointed nose, turned his head, and made a face at Chen Qiao.

"A waste like you? You have always been a waste since you were a child. The waste must recognize that he is a waste. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the waste to think that he is a genius."

Located in the middle-level District 39 in the southeast, on a busy street, Zou Yun yawned and just opened the store door. It was only after 8 o'clock. He was a little tired last night. Today he is looking at the store alone. The store is only 60 square meters. The small building materials store has a total of 3 floors. This is the store that he and Wang Ying opened with the help of Wang Degui.

A black car drove over from a distance.

"Uncle, you are here."

Wang Degui got off the car and walked into Zou Yun's store with a smile and some gifts. The two of them sat at a customer reception desk on the right side of the store.

"Where's Xiaoying!"

"She went out with a group of women from the neighborhood and wouldn't be back until lunch."

Wang Degui sighed helplessly and said.

"Aren't you afraid that Xiaoying will take advantage of this opportunity?"

"Don't make trouble uncle, Wang Ying is not that kind of person, I believe her."

Wang Degui nodded.

"Business will be okay this year."


Zou Yun looked at Wang Degui. He was Wang Ying's uncle and had provided a lot of help to the couple. However, according to recent reports, he knew very well that Wang Degui was not having a good time. Several real estate projects suffered direct losses. This account must be Count it on Wang Degui.

Wang Degui's position in the Wang family is already in jeopardy.

"Did Xiaoying do anything else this year?"

"What you can do is either go shopping with me, visit stores, watch entertainment shows, or play mahjong with the women nearby."

Wang Degui laughed. He was a little surprised, but he also knew that this was inevitable. The stubborn and very smart niece in the past was gradually turning into a mediocre housewife.

"Still unable to have children?"

Zou Yun nodded.

"We have all been to the hospital and checked many times, but there is still nothing we can do."

Wang Degui took out his mobile phone and found a report.

"real or fake?"

Zou Yun looked at the reports about a doctor named Huashen with disbelief. This doctor has become very popular in the city recently. Many media are rushing to report on him. He often goes to some hospitals to work as a general doctor. There was no way to perform the operation, and the most important thing was that he came from the Academy of God and had the certificate of a special management officer.

"Uncle, I won't open the store today, and there won't be much business anyway. How about we have a drink?"

Wang Degui laughed and rolled up his sleeves.

"Aren't you afraid that Xiaoying will come back and see us drunk and scold you?"

Zou Yun shook his head.

"Uncle, I think Wang Ying has really changed a lot. Maybe it's because of my relationship that she let her go."

Wang Degui shook his head.

"It's not your fault. I'm afraid that the past incident had a great impact on her. Let's go buy groceries, then make some barbecue and talk while drinking."

A couple in their 50s were walking on the street in the early morning. They had just finished exercising. The man was Wu Xin and the woman was Chen Rui, Wu Qun’s mother.

The couple had been able to live a stable life in an upper-class neighborhood with the money they had saved back then, and Wu Xin had made a lot of money in the stock market with his accurate vision.

"The kid said he wouldn't come back today. What on earth did you father and son talk about that night a year ago?"

Wu Xin patted his wife's hand and continued walking without saying anything, but his wife still liked to get to the bottom of things just like she did when she was young.

"Actually, I didn't say anything to him. I just told him that fortune is something that cannot be controlled by humans. If you really want to do something, you must endure it. People who can move forward often know how to tolerate it. Man, if he wanted to choose mediocrity, he would have been married like us, and the child would be tricked!"

Chen Rui curled her lips and sighed.

"I know this, but the restaurant he opened now is doing very well, and he has more and more friends."

Wu Xin laughed and continued walking with his wife in his arms. He knew very well the depression in his son's heart. On the night a year ago, his son talked a lot with him. The father and son had never had such a long conversation. They kept talking. It didn't end until dawn.

"Don't worry, the city has taught him everything. We don't have to worry."

Chen Rui nodded.

"I don't know if I can see that kid on his wedding day. I also want to see my grandchildren, but I don't want to force that kid."

Wu Xin laughed.

"That kid said he was just an ordinary person, because most of the people in the city are ordinary people!"

Chen Rui looked at her husband confused, but soon she stopped thinking about it, because her son Wu Qun really didn't need them to worry, he was very happy now.

"Go to hell you bitch."

One girl grabbed another girl's hair, and the two started fighting at the entrance of a large electronics store. For a while, the onlookers looked on as if they were laughing.

There was a car parked on the street, and Field was sitting in the car. After a while, the housekeeper came over.

"Sir, Lin Xiao is not in the store. People who know him well say that he may still be in some woman's bed because he is hungover."

Field sighed. Originally, he wanted to help Lin Xiao. He thought this young man was really good, but it was a pity that this young man had given up on himself.

The two women fighting at the door were desperately tearing each other's clothes apart in order to fight for Lin Xiao's ownership.

On this most popular industrial products street in the city, the legend of Lin Xiao, the most dissolute man, has spread. Lin Xiao has maintained improper relationships with multiple women, and the women around him are more diligent than changing clothes.

"Let's go!"

"Master, do you want me to ask someone to help you find it?"

Field shook his head.

"No need, Lin Xiao is just a street gangster now, I have lost interest in him!"

Soon the vehicle disappeared into the street, and an administrator's car came over. Two female administrators got out and separated the two women who had been fighting for a long time. Both sides called each other a bitch.

The most important thing is that Lin Xiao, who caused the dispute between the two women, is nowhere to be found. At this time, two men in the electrical appliance store looked bitterly at the two beautiful women in front of them.

"It's another two women from the electrical appliance store who have suffered. I'm really pissed off, that guy Lin Xiao."

"Isn't that right? He also slept with the youngest daughter of the owner of the generator shop next door. The girl was less than 20 years old. I really don't know how he deceived these women one by one."

At this time, the store manager came over, heard their conversation, and laughed.

"You guys just hate others when you can't get enough. Lin Xiao has never had an official girlfriend. It's just that both parties need each other. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure."

The two employees were still a little dissatisfied and looked at the two women who were still very angry. But after a while, the two women seemed to calm down and looked at each other. Although they were still a little angry, they turned their heads and stopped scolding each other.

The boss knew what Lin Xiao had been doing over the past year, but he never said that Lin Xiao would give detailed and specific advice to every girl who spent a night with him about their work, and these girls basically worked with him. There are people who have a lot to do with the industry. Some are operators, some are children of operators, and some are girls working in factories. Lin Xiao will give them very good advice and even give them good advice based on each person's situation. After listening to Lin Xiao's plan, most girls really did many incredible things.

Although the boss didn't know why Lin Xiao did this, he knew very well that Lin Xiao was definitely not a playboy among many people. After all, in such an open era, it was not surprising that men and women wanted each other. The key point Lin Xiao is still a handsome guy.

"Please help me keep an eye on it."

Charles looked at the report submitted by the housekeeper, which was a report on what his wife Freya has been doing this year. Freya still comes back for seven days every year. Charles was a little anxious and wanted to see his wife quickly, and then he carried his wife there. In the bedroom.

Looking at the survey report, her wife is working as a career consultant in the medical industry, ranging from large hospitals to small clinics and pharmacies. Freya will help them conduct accurate assessments of the medical market in detail and help them solve some real problems in the medical system. , only charges cheap remuneration, owns three hospitals, and has received a detailed and overall medical evaluation report from Freya.

It very accurately helped the three hospitals overcome some difficulties. The most important thing is that the business of the three hospitals has improved a lot under Freya's advice.

Charles didn't understand what Freya was doing with such a stubborn person. In short, it was very strange. She hadn't given a speech in more than a year, but instead ran around the city.

"The salary is really pitifully low. Hey, if she comes to our hospital again in a few days, I'll pay her more."

The butler said with a troubled expression.

"Of course the dean knew about Madam and gave Madam a large reward, but Madam only took 2,000 yuan and left."

Charles sighed.

"What on earth are you doing Freya!"

In a small small room, Lanny looked at the computer that Xingyuan had just finished, a novella called "Starry Night". It was very suitable for a stage play adaptation, but it still lacked something and was too cold. hard.

"Change it again."

Xingyuan smiled and nodded. Lanni lit a cigarette and handed one to Xingyuan. He tried to light it and took a few puffs before coughing and wheezing.

"Where's Miss Beckinsale!"

Xingyuan shook his head.

"This year she has been traveling around the region and recommending new actors for free. It's really weird."

Lanny laughed.

"It's okay. I will support you. I think you will succeed one day."

Xingyuan shook his head, with a bitter look on his face for a moment.

Xingyuan also talked about everything Beckinsale has done in the past year. She not only runs in the film and television area, but also runs around the city like a talent scout. When she sees some good men and women, she will help them. They recommended some film and television companies.

In recent years, due to the large number of shoddy movies and TV series produced by film and television companies, most people in the city do not buy it, but prefer entertainment programs. There are currently some small anchors in entertainment programs, all of whom were recommended by Beckinsale.

"Take this money and remember to give it to Miss Beckinsale when she comes back."

Xingyuan looked at the bag full of money, Lanni stood up and said.

"I made a lot of money from a movie I made recently. Just do your job well. I have plenty of time!"

Xingyuan stood up in a hurry and thanked her repeatedly. Although he had a vague feeling that Lanny liked Beckinsale, the two of them had never broken this layer of paper. They were good friends. Lanny's own private life also had two points. On the front line, on set and in the drama studio.

"Mr. Lanny, if you are really embarrassed to speak, I can help you."

Lanny, who had just opened the door, turned back and shook his head.

"I personally like this kind of hazy feeling. It has an indescribable beauty, don't you think? If it is broken, this hazy feeling will disappear. I enjoy this feeling now, although I often wake up at night. My mind is full of her, but I know very well where the boundary between us is. I will not cross this boundary. After all, we are art workers. If this most innocent part is broken by the ruthless world, If so, this is not acceptable to my aesthetics of life. Please write well, I believe you."

Xingyuan trembled a little and bowed deeply to Lanny.

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