Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1537 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 21 (middle)

A scent of fragrance wafted in the room, and Pullman woke up from his deep sleep. The originally messy room in front of him took on a new look.

The aroma wafting from the kitchen made Pullman stumble over. In the kitchen, a young man wearing an apron was cooking.

"Sorry, I asked you to help me clean up the house."

Heathcote smiled and quickly placed the two plates of omelette rice on the table, and Pullman ate them eagerly.

"You are Lyons' son!"


Pullman put down the spoon, and Heathcote was still chewing slowly. His overall movements were very gentle and careful, as if he was tasting the food, giving people a sense of ritual.

"It tastes great, thank you, Heathcote."

The dull Pullman lit a cigarette. Heathcote smiled and finished his meal quickly, then started to clear away the dishes. After finishing everything, he washed his hands and sat down.

Looking at this young man's every move, Pullman felt a little surprised. He had met this young man before when he was in and out of the Bar Association. He was the son of Lyons, the president of the Bar Association. Now the more he looked at it, the more impression he had, but he couldn't be sure. , the reason why this boy came over, I remember that this child was only 18 years old, but I don’t know why, but I always felt that it was slightly different from the impression I had seen before.

It's arrogance!

Pullman reacted. He often saw Lyons taking the child with him. Wherever Lyon passed by, the lawyers would stand aside and bow. The child was also a little arrogant like his father.

"Life at the Academy of God should be great!"

Heathcote laughed.

"I was beaten 28 times by my fat brother when I was eating. I was beaten 103 times for spoiling the food and being rude to others. The four years were long and short, but the important thing is that I never I completely broke away from the family environment in the past, because there are many people who are better than me in the school."

"That's really a disaster!"

Pullman smiled, seeing that the smile on this young man's face and the sincerity in his eyes were completely different from before.

Pullman also met some students from God's College by chance. Although he didn't know what they were like in school, they were all a group of ambitious people.

Pullman directly took out a document with wrinkles, and then pointed to the case above that almost caused Pullman to collapse.

"It is impossible for the client, Miss Xu Fen, to commit suicide!"

Pullman looked at Heathcote suspiciously.

"Please think carefully about Lawyer Pullman, when was the last time you saw Miss Xu Fen."

Pullman looked at the documents on the table, and his hands began to tremble again. In this case more than three years ago, Xu Fen, the victim, once practiced bodybuilding in a club called Lido on Qinglong Street. During my trading work, at around 3 a.m. on July 21, 2196, on my way home, I was followed by someone, and then six people took turns to assault me.

The six people involved were all descendants of the Hillman family, but all six people said that they had already paid and had Xu Fen's permission. As for the violent treatment, they were just spending money to buy fun. This is also the case on Qinglong Street. Types of services provided by some stores.

The three-year lawsuit ended with two defeats because there was no conclusive evidence. Finally, under the attack of media public opinion, Xu Fen committed suicide by jumping off a building. The only words spoken about Xu Fen in the society were abuse and insults. She felt that she was the only one to do such a thing. How can the girl get better? Some people even think she deserves it.

Pullman was still trying to remember, and his hands were still shaking. Heathcote put a bottle of wine in front of Pullman, and he opened it and drank.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because I think that from the time when public opinion was manipulated 2 years ago to the 645 days since Ms. Xu Fen committed suicide, during the two years of suffering, have you ever seen this young lady have any thoughts of committing suicide?"

Pullman shook his head, but Xu Fen would cry to herself from time to time. When she was being violated, they were not just verbal insults, the whole process was like hell, so she wanted to rely on the law to make the other party pay the price. .

"That's right. I once asked several students in our school about the suicide scene. After reading the information, they all felt that the scene was too clean. Moreover, before a person commits suicide, nothing is left behind, unless she has nothing. This There is nothing in the world that is worthy of nostalgia. After all, people are emotional animals. I once asked my classmate to help investigate this matter. She also has a younger sister and parents. I also investigated the surrounding neighbors. The family has grown up since childhood. Although life was hard, I was very happy.”

"Why do you think so!"

Heathcote said with a smile.

"I once heard my father talking about this matter on the phone one night, and he said to handle the matter properly, so I speculate that they are afraid of some conclusive evidence being exposed, and you may have already I am close to the evidence that can determine the facts, and I clearly remember hearing it a month before Miss Xu Fen committed suicide."

Pullman stood up, holding the wine bottle tightly in his hand. He became more and more excited, and all the clues in his mind were constantly changing.

"There is no conclusive evidence, but because of the impact of this incident, the reputation of the Hillman family has been affected. The stock price has been on a downward trend for the past two years, and has recently begun to rise again. Not everyone believes the media. nonsense."

"That's right, Lawyer Pullman, some of the guilty inferences you listed are not false. Why did Miss Xu Fen commit suicide, or had to commit suicide? And why did the media's public opinion change from a critical attitude two years ago? , began to gradually turn into one-sided accusations against you, an unscrupulous pair, a vicious woman who will do anything for money, and an unscrupulous lawyer who will also do anything for money."

Pullman nodded and looked at the document seriously.

"Why are you helping me?"

"I'm not helping you, but I just want to maintain a little dignity of the law. If the law cannot be minimally fair, but is manipulated, guided by the media, or even guided by public opinion, then the law will be It’s over, the three major legal schools, no matter which one they are, the ultimate goal is justice.”

After Pullman put out his cigarette, he lit another.

"Where did you find these? For example, Xu Fen's family still has relatives. I once asked her, and she always just said that she was alone, without a father or a mother, and grew up in an orphanage."

"Perhaps because of the kind of industry she works in and what happened after that, she also has something she wants to protect. If you are willing, I will take you there now, Lawyer Pullman."

Pullman stood up in surprise.

"There is no doubt that several of my classmates are very powerful investigative experts. Although some things violate the laws here and are even inhumane! But since the other party uses extreme methods, there is nothing we can do."

"I don't know what you are talking about. I want to find a lawyer and report a crime. You have no right."

C smiled and sat quietly in front of a computer. She was a little unfamiliar with using this ancient computer. After searching for a long time, she finally found the file.

A middle-aged man was tied to a chair, with his wife and children next to him, huddled in a corner and shivering.

"Come on, kid, uncle will take you to the next room. It's okay. We're just here to ask something. It's okay."

K said and took the child away from the mother's arms. The woman wanted to scream but could only cry silently.

"Please advise your husband, madam, we are just conducting a routine investigation."

K said, holding the trembling little boy, back to the room.

"What's your name kid?"

"Pan Hua!"

K entered the room and took out a pair of Pan Hua's toys.

"How about we come and play together? I'm very good at playing."

C leaned on the chair and looked at the reports written on the computer with very eye-catching titles and inflammatory words. The source of the reports was CBV Media Company, which is the largest media company in the past ten years.

"We are just seeking truth from facts and reporting. If you insist that we distort the facts, please provide evidence. If there is no evidence, I will directly protest to Congress tomorrow. You are illegally invading me."

The man knew very well. He had also vaguely heard at some banquets that some guys were operating in secret. They would kill criminals mercilessly and conduct top-secret investigations and arrests. They were affiliated with Congress, and the man also knew that he Nothing would happen. He didn't believe these people would dare to do something to him.

R stood up with a smile and waved his hand helplessly.

"What should I do? It would be very embarrassing if I couldn't do what my classmates asked me to do."

R is a little worried. He doesn't dare to leave here. If C gets violent and does something, the three of them will definitely be beaten up by the principal when they go back tomorrow. They have not received any authorization for this matter and it is private. Several classmates also asked them to check on this matter while they were doing errands outside.

C casually opened the man's drawer, took out a pack of cigarettes, lit it and took a puff.

"It tastes really good."

The man stared at C angrily.

"I will definitely sue you."

C chuckled.

"I heard that there are a lot of invisible people in the city, and many things are made by those invisible people. You know what, Mr. Pan Chen, let's do it."

C looked around as he spoke, started knocking over some things randomly, and then put on his leather gloves.

"What are you going to do?"

R looked at C with a solemn expression.

"Since he doesn't want to say anything, he can go to the other world and make it look like a robbery and murder scene."

In an instant, the man struggled angrily. R looked at C blankly. This matter is not a trivial matter. As the largest shareholder of CBV, this man is also the person in charge of CBV. If he dies, tomorrow will not be as simple as robbery and murder.

"Just set it on fire, don't worry, I will do it very cleanly, just do it!"

The man was still silent. He was not frightened by C, but continued to laugh.

"It's up to you. It's true that you can fake it, but if there are any problems with our family tonight, tomorrow morning, my friends will go to Congress on my behalf to complain. They will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly. The media in the city will We will also follow up the report for a long time.”

At this time, K walked out slowly. The couple looked on worriedly, while K played a recording, which was Pan Hua's words.

The content of the recording is that Pan Hua saw a masked man in black coming to his home and bringing a box of money. The money was hidden in the basement.

C smiled and looked around. R walked directly to the floor of the living room, lifted the carpet, and started the device, but it had a password lock and fingerprint authentication.

"It's a bit troublesome, give me about an hour."

"Get out of the way."

While C was speaking, he suddenly punched him.


With a loud noise, the door to the basement entrance was smashed directly.


Pan Chen shouted, his face was a little solemn at this time, and C turned around.

"Economic crimes are very serious. Sir, please explain clearly where the money came from."

Soon, C opened a safe in the basement. As expected, there were a lot of neatly folded banknotes inside. After a casual glance, he saw that there were at least 30 million.

"You scumbags, scumbags who take advantage of children."

Pan Chen cursed, and K smiled, shook his head, and held a deck of cards.

"Your child is very smart and cute. I'm just playing games with him. If I lose, I have to answer the other person's questions. This is just a game, right Xiao Pan."

Pan Hua trembled and looked at his furious father. His mother ran over and hugged her son.

"Madam, your husband has multiple cheating records. If you want to know the truth, just ask your son."

"Shut the fuck up."

Pan Chen roared, and the woman looked at her husband in shock. She was dumbfounded for a moment. When she looked at her son again, he saw the indifference in his son's eyes.

"It is true that someone gave me money to report according to their requirements, but we will not ask about the specific person. Since you have investigated me, you naturally know what the media industry is like."

R nodded. Over the years, with the development of the entertainment industry, the media industry has naturally followed the trend. More and more media people and media agencies have appeared, but most of the reports are actually manipulated. Congress is one point, and businessmen are. Our family is the same, using the news media as a tool and mouthpiece.

There was no way to effectively contain this situation. R walked over and loosened the rope for Pan Chen. At this time, he sighed.

"This matter has nothing to do with us. We only use money to do things. As for who the client is, we don't know, and don't let us stand in court to testify. You can decide this matter yourself."

Pan Chen said and took a cigarette handed over by C.

"Do you know anything else, Mr. Pan Chen? What you did is suspected of obstructing legal justice."

Pan Chen laughed.

"Bullshit laws are just toys for the rich. Let me give you a suggestion. If you really want to investigate this matter, wouldn't it be great if the target is not us and go directly to the Hillman family!"

The smile on C's face looked a little gloomy, and after a while, the three of them left Pan Chen's mansion.

"You don't really want to go."

K asked, and C shook his head.

"What do you think will happen if the entire city is destroyed, or what will happen if the Hillman family is disturbed?"

R opened his eyes.

"It will burn. The whole city will be in flames."

January 8, 2200

Early in the morning, a large number of media reporters gathered in the conference hall of Hillman Pharmaceutical Company. Eddie was dressed proudly and handsomely, and he was surrounded by members of the Hillman family.

"Mr. Eddie, you submit new drugs and some micro-technologies to Congress every year, which is a huge contribution to the entire city. How many technologies will you submit this time?"

Eddie smiled and stood up, placing his hands on the table.

"There are a total of 16 related technologies in various fields, including 3 new synthetic drugs, which are mainly used to fight cancer. They have outstanding effects, but they may have some side effects. Our medical experts are studying it and will definitely Provide the city with the most stable and safe drugs.”

"Then what's the selling price?"

Eddie took out three pills of different colors directly from under the table.

"One tube is 200 ml. The three types of drugs are all good at fighting cancer. The tentative price starts at 200 per tube."

In an instant, the whole audience burst into warm applause. This is a program that will inevitably come on the morning of January 8th every year. Many news channels across the city will broadcast the Eddie family's technical submission meeting live.

At this time, three congressional members walked in outside, and reporters began to take pictures. Soon Eddie came down from the stage, shook hands with the three members and bowed, and then the two parties signed a technical submission agreement.

At this time, at the door of the Hillman family, a man with a bruise on his face was holding a sign with two big black characters on it, DEVIL.

"Dr. Zhou Chen, is what you said true?"

"Yes, they deceived the technology of new drugs from me. They are a group of shameless demons and vampires. One of those anti-cancer drugs was not invented by them at all. It was me, I was the one. inventor."

At this time, accompanied by enthusiastic cheers, a 17-year-old child from the Hillman family walked out of the hall. A large number of reporters gathered around and called the child a genius in the medical field. He would invent some inventions every year. Drugs are what media reporters call a genius.

"Assholes, you bastards"

Zhou Chen rushed over, but was quickly pushed down by the bodyguards. The young genius of the Hillman family glanced disdainfully at the doctor who was pinned to the ground.

"Do you believe this rumor? Our family has the most advanced medical research environment, and that is just a doctor from a small clinic. What can he research?"

The young man said, taking out a few hundred yuan from his pocket and placing it in front of Zhou Chen.

"Dr. Zhou, please stop making trouble. If you really want to prove that you developed the drug, please provide evidence, but please don't slander our family with empty words."

Zhou Chen's angry roar was quickly drowned out by the sneers. He stared blankly at Hillman Pharmaceuticals in front of him.

The outside world has mixed reviews of the Hillman family, especially the fact that their family has frequent geniuses. The Hillman family's response is that their family adopts a genius-type education method. The people here are young people who are willing to work hard for the future of the city.

Eddie brought three members of Congress to the upper office. As soon as they entered, the three of them looked at Eddie with smiles on their faces.

"Today is really a big thank you to the three of you. When you submit the technology, please do everything well and try to make the process as flawless as possible. These technologies all belong to our Hillman family. Do you understand? "

The three people nodded, Eddie snapped his fingers, and soon several mutants in suits came over carrying three boxes and handed them into the hands of the three people. The three people looked at each other and weighed the boxes. Weight, nodded with satisfaction and turned around to leave.

Then Eddie sat at the top of the conference room, and a large number of family members came in, and everyone was talking about some private matters.

"You bunch of losers."

As soon as Eddie spoke, everyone immediately sat down and lowered their heads without daring to say anything.

"These six gangs have not performed well at the bottom this year. After getting their principal back, they will stop blood transfusions."

Eddie said, looking at a list of low-level loan shark companies and the amount of profits recovered this year. In the past three years, the six gangs have basically just passed the passing mark every year. For these guys who are just waiting to die, Eddie shows no mercy.

The glory of the entire Hillman family is all supported by Eddie. His position in the family has never been shaken. He is like an aloof king. No one dares to oppose all of Eddie's orders. .

"I gave you money to enter the real estate market, but you can't even handle a little thing. What's the use of you?"

Eddie said coldly, and instantly the seven middle-aged people present stood up tremblingly.

"Master, we have really tried our best, we have really tried our best, but you also know that the real estate market is not as good as it was in the past few years, and"

"I don't need to hear these excuses and reasons from you. Waste is waste. You don't need to do this project. Whoever can do it, stand up."

After a while, Eddie finished the family meeting, and then yawned. After a while, a mutant bodyguard came in, holding a laptop, and then pulled up a survey result.

Eddie smiled slightly and sighed helplessly. Several people who had not seen each other for several years had become content with mediocrity. Although Freya was still carrying out some activities in the upper area 1, it had no impact on the entire huge medical system. As far as the system is concerned, it is insignificant, as the saying goes.

Although the Abron family occupies a place in the city and has enough influence, the current owner of the Abron family, Charles, is just a mediocre businessman. The biggest characteristic of mediocre businessmen is conservatism. As long as the business is stable, when there is no full certainty, He will never move a step.

Marrying such an extremely mediocre, smooth and lying man because of her family relationship, it won't take long for Freya to become just like her husband.

What surprised Eddie the most was that Wu Qun actually opened a restaurant.

“I’ll go have a meal with him next time I have a chance, haha.”

For a guy like Wu Qun, opening a restaurant is probably more uncomfortable than death. He has been focusing on social activities in the past few years, and even got involved in the disputes of the Chen family. As a result, not only did he fail to help, but Chen Qiao was Grounded.

Several other guys were also more unsatisfied than the others, especially Pullman. Eddie sighed.

"Hey, Pullman, Pullman, once a person makes a wrong step, he may be doomed in many cases."

Eddie knew very well that Pullman's legal career would probably end because of this. He looked at Pullman's current desolate state and clicked his tongue. Eddie was very clear about what the young people in the family had done. A drunk guy just wanted to have some fun on the spur of the moment.

The elders in the family had already handled the matter properly. After looking through other people's investigation reports, Eddie breathed a long sigh of relief. Lin Xiao and Wang Ying, who used to be the most face-conscious in the school, one of them did it. An electrical appliance salesman and one opened a building materials store.

Eddie felt a little sad that things were unpredictable and he was getting bigger and bigger. Even though the city had promulgated anti-monopoly laws and commodity sales laws, he still had ways to control everything.

"By the way, let's have a class reunion tomorrow, on January 1st."

Eddie looked at the current situation of the eight people with a slightly disappointed expression. They are now complete losers, with bad careers and bad lives. They have become mediocre. From now on, they will only have the fate of being slaughtered. Regardless of their student days, How powerful, but now they are nothing.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, in the auditorium of God's College, students have just completed the specific classification. After the classification, the school is no longer divided into classes, but 12 subjects.

In the 1st City Management Section, Xue Wang serves as the squad leader and Duan Kong serves as the class officer, 59 people.

In the 2nd City Crisis Analysis and Countermeasures Section, R serves as the squad leader and K serves as the class officer, 31 people.

In the 3rd Military Section, Osman serves as the squad leader and Zijuan serves as the class officer, 47 people.

In the 4th Medical Department, Akimi serves as the squad leader and Hua Shen serves as the class officer, with 39 people.

In the 5th Public Security Management Section, Alpha serves as the monitor and Jill serves as the class officer, with 67 people.

In the 6th City Information Management Section, Keying serves as the squad leader and Huite serves as the class officer, with 31 people.

In the 7th Purse Management Section, Jin Mian serves as the squad leader and Vivian serves as the class secretary, with 43 people.

In the 8th Law Department, Heathcote serves as the squad leader and Li Xin serves as the class secretary, with 50 students.

In the 9th Business Section, Brandon serves as the squad leader and He Lei serves as the class secretary, with 42 people.

In the 10th Science Department, Noah serves as class president and Noah serves as class officer, with 91 students.

In the 11th Criminal Management Section, Latis serves as the squad leader and Song Man serves as the class officer, with 53 people.

In the 12th Agriculture Section, Clark serves as the monitor and Natasha serves as the class officer, with 60 students.

On the brim of everyone's uniform, the squad leader has a golden six-pointed star badge, the right arm has the pattern corresponding to each subject, and the left chest has the subject number. The officer has a silver five-pointed star, and the ordinary class members have a bronze one. Doji.

"Okay, Alpha, tell your classmates something."

Gene looked at the students standing seriously under the stage. Alpha walked out of the queue and jumped on the stage. Alpha was the class president of the 5th subject and also the student president of the College of God. Locke was the officer-in-charge. 1 subject.

Alpha stood seriously in front of the stage, glanced at the students in the school, and then firmly pressed his right hand into a fist on his chest.

"In the future of your study career, I just hope that you will not forget what we were like on the day we entered school, and why we are standing here now!"

It was just a very brief speech, and there was warm applause from the audience. Gene smiled and looked at Alpha, who was so serious and meticulous, and felt very pleased. She has done a good job in the past four years, even though she is only 13 years old. But the students recognized her.

"Going on, I just hope you can continue to work hard! Please prepare quickly. Except for subjects 10 and 12, which do not have classes today, students of other subjects please be prepared, because starting from today, we will gradually increase the intensity. Please be mentally prepared. Students in subject 10, please go to the research room under the leadership of the monitor and secretary. Students in subject 12, too, please go to the agricultural experimental field. By 6 p.m., I need to get something concrete. , whether it’s a problem or a discovery!”

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