Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1532 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 19 (Part 2)

Under the bright operating lights, Hua Shen was performing operations. This man's multiple organs were damaged and he had begun to bleed heavily in his body. However, Jean should have used telekinesis to directly implant the alienated particles into the man's body, temporarily. Block the bleeding area.

The operation had been going on for 10 minutes. Huashen had given priority to sewing up all the bleeding areas of the man. Akimi was still injecting drugs, and Frye was mixing drugs to stabilize the man's body functions, but not It will cause a burden on a man's body after the drug enters.

Wu Qun looked at an app on his mobile phone and looked at the products that had been sold in large quantities, including beautiful girls.

Wu Qun glanced back behind him. He knew Wang Ying's character very well. She was a strong woman. There was no doubt about this. Freya was still holding Wang Ying, with a sadness in her eyes.

0 o'clock sharp

Accompanied by crackling sounds, clusters of light rose in the sky all over the city. Accompanied by violent explosions, colorful fireworks scattered in all directions, among which the upper fireworks were extremely bright and eye-catching.

Fireworks shot up into the sky, instantly lighting up the dark night sky. Fireworks spread over a large area in the night sky, blooming over a large area, and then gradually disappeared.

Wu Qun sat quietly by the door, smiling and watching the fireworks show that started at 0 o'clock.

"It's really beautiful. Technology is getting better and better, but life is getting worse and worse!"

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"Your classmate was saved by a criminal."

Wu Qun nodded.

"Everyone is the same. No matter how bad a person is, he may still have some conscience in his heart. I am very grateful to the man who stood up. He was very courageous. Even a little bit of courage changed her destiny. ."

A lift came over, and as the lift landed, people from the inspection team arrived. Hawke quickly led people to an entertainment center in the center of District 29. At this time, the bright entertainment center was already outside. Blocked by troops arriving from the agricultural base, Hawke stepped inside.

"Things are settled."

R and K were playing blackjack at a table, surrounded by people lying in a pool of blood.

On the left side, there are a lot of brightly dressed men lying on the ground with their heads in their hands, and some of them are already incontinent.

Directly across from the magnificent hall, people whose hands and feet were impaled on long poles and nailed to the wall were whimpering in pain.

"What are you doing."

"It has been clearly investigated that those people are the masterminds. They have sold nearly 2,000 slaves in the past few years, and the whereabouts of the slaves are unknown, because this trafficking software is a network they built themselves in the region. Only People who come to this area can receive the signal and then download and use it. When they leave the area, the software will be automatically destroyed and deleted."

K said with a smile and turned over the cards.

"Twenty o'clock."

R looked a little helpless, but soon his squinted eyes opened.

"Sorry, I'm blackjack."

People from the inspection team came in one by one and saw the shocking scene in front of them. Although they had seen it many times, they still felt scared, especially the two men sitting on the table. They looked young, at most. 20 years old.

Cruelty is a true portrayal of these two guys. Every guy on the ground who still holds a weapon in his hand is basically killed by one blow.

Hawke held his forehead, and a large number of reporters had already arrived. At this time, a member of the inspection team ran over.

"It looked like a torture chamber down there, and the bodies of multiple women were found."

Hawk frowned and walked towards a group of people lying on the ground still shivering.

"If I could, I would kill you scum right now."

K laughed.

"Don't think you can fool me every time, R."

K turned over the cards in his hand, then stood up, walked slowly in front of Hawke, and looked at a man with his hands in his pockets. The moment he was stunned, K suddenly stepped on his arm. , accompanied by a crackling sound, the man howled in pain.

Hawke hugged K.

"what are you up to."

"It's nothing, it's just that this guy was shouting that there was someone above him, but when he was asked to tell who was above him, he said it was someone from the inspection team."

Hawke's eyes widened.

He glanced at his men who were cleaning up the scene.

K squatted on the ground, and the man's right arm was directly stepped on.

"Who is giving you the last chance?"

The man took out his mobile phone, and Hawke took it over. Sure enough, he quickly found the names of several familiar people on the mobile phone. Each of them had a large number of call records.

After taking a look, K quickly found a member of the inspection team who was putting down the masterminds who were pinned to the wall. K walked slowly behind him.

Hawke stared blankly at the names of the inspection team members in the address book.


Along with a spray of blood, the head of the man from the inspection team was directly twisted off.

For a moment, the scene seemed unusually solemn, and each team member took out their weapons and pointed them at K.

"My authority is higher than yours. The only ones who can make me stop are the gods! Even your team leader Hawke doesn't have authority."

Hawke stared blankly at the dead team member. He had been following him for more than ten years. At this time, other members of the inspection team looked at K and R with solemn expressions.

"I'll give you 1 minute to think about it, otherwise Mr. Hawke, please replace the new team members tomorrow. We already know the list and will follow the list. The guilty ones will be executed on the spot. If the innocent people resist, , it is coercion to commit a crime, and the minimum risk may be lifelong disability."

"What the hell are you doing? I said, if you have difficulties in life, you can talk to me, you can talk to me, bastards."

Hawk roared as some of the team members lowered their weapons and then fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, team leader. I'm really sorry. We didn't want it either."

Someone started crying, and Hawk stared dumbfoundedly at the more than 10 people lying on the ground in front of him, while the others stood aside.

Anger, pain, and helplessness lingered in Hawke's heart. He never thought that his men would do such a thing. This place has been in business for nearly five years, but it is peaceful, and the local people There have been many cases of missing persons, but in the end they all went unsolved. Most of the missing people were women doing special body trading services, and there were also many people who worked here.

In Hawke's memory, he knew the problem here, and the team members assigned to investigate here, in addition to the more than ten people lying here, there were other people. Without these team members, this place would not be possible. It is impossible for this kind of illegal human trafficking software to exist for a long time.

"Asshole guy."

Hawk angrily jumped in front of a team member and pulled him up. He stared at him with angry and sad eyes, and the team member in front of him was whimpering in pain.

"Answer me, what do you need to do to act like a human being, assholes."

K smiled and walked with R holding a deck of cards.

"No matter what you do, it's hard to cure the evil Hawke. We realized a truth many years ago. In a depraved environment, no matter who you are, you will get stuck."

After K finished speaking, R bowed to Hawke, and the two left the entertainment center and quickly disappeared into the alley beside the door.

Hawke let go of the team member he was holding, then lowered his head and said in a dull voice.

"First handcuff them and arrest them for dereliction of duty."

After Hawke finished speaking, the team members standing around looked at their colleagues who had worked together in the past in shock.

"Do it!"

Hawke felt more and more tired and exhausted. He wanted to leave here all the time, leaving this muddy place. He pressed his hands on his forehead, sweat was constantly steaming, and the surrounding inspection team members finally Moved.

"Sorry, I'm not a good leader!"

Hawke raised his head. Over the years, his only role has been to constantly help the city's management system solve problems, dealing with most of the problems that cannot be made public. The relationship between himself and his subordinates is also cold, and even he often Doing things too indulgently.

Thinking back carefully, one of these people seemed to want to talk to him about something four years ago, but Hawke ignored him and went straight to have a drink after work.

In recent years, Hawke has felt increasingly isolated and helpless. This island-like situation makes Hawke feel very tired.

"Maybe I'm the one who made this run down!"


Huashen, Frye and Akimi walked out of the room.

"The vital signs have recovered, but I don't know if I can wake up. The intermittent lack of oxygen in the brain may have caused irreversible brain damage."

Wang Ying's eyes widened and she stood up from the ground. Freya patted her back.

"If you want to cry, you can lean into my arms."

Wang Ying shook her head stubbornly.

"Why would he help me? It obviously has nothing to do with him. If I really fall into their hands tonight, maybe he and my mother."

"Don't make such meaningless assumptions. The established facts really exist. No matter how you assume, there is no time machine in this world. We can't go back to the past. We can't go back!"

Freya stood in front of Wang Ying, pressing her shoulders and staring at her with burning eyes.

Wang Ying shook her head, squatted on the ground, pressed her forehead with one hand, and started sobbing silently. Freya glanced back at the small room behind her, and a cordon had been set up.

"Let's go back."

Deguna said, Gene glanced at Wu Qun and Freya, they nodded at him, and then he entered the landing gear with a smile, Huashen, Frye and Akimi also entered. Descend.

"How many students do you think will return to school on the morning of the 8th?"

Deguna asked, and Jean said with a smile.

"Didn't you already know the result?"

Every New Year, during the seven-day festival, most people who have worked all year will choose to go home and gather with their families, while some people who no longer have family will choose to play crazily in the city for seven days to vent their frustrations. Dissatisfaction throughout the year.

However, this year's festival is a little different. At the beginning of the new year, two shocking major cases occurred in the society, and the media followed and reported them for many days.

January 8, 2197, 10 o'clock in the morning.

Pullman quietly walked out of the law hall. A large number of reporters came up. Pullman did not answer as usual, but went directly into the car without anyone around him.

At this time, in a long car in the distance, Lyons' face was full of smiles, and Heathcote was sitting quietly in the car next to him.

"Father, did you win?"

Lyons nodded and said immediately.

"Immediately tell the people below that that guy made a false accusation and deliberately wanted to create a conflict between ordinary people and big companies to follow up the report."

Heathcote's eyes widened.

"Father, does this violate the morals of the law?"

"Remember Heathcote, the law is just a tool created by God, and in many cases, this tool will only favor the interests."

Looking at the young lawyer Pullman driving away lonely in the distance, Heathcote always felt vaguely uneasy in his heart.

"Things like conscience will be smoothed little by little over time. Heathcote, remember, serving the client at all costs is what we lawyers should do. Victory is justice. ! Don’t be too conceited, Pullman. Victory must come first before there is justice. There is no justice for losers. There are countless wretches in this city. Put away the pity in your heart. This will not help you at all in your future."

Heathcote watched quietly as the car stopped in front of him, and Pullman stuck his head out of the car window.

"I will not stop. I will file a second lawsuit. If the second lawsuit still fails, I will launch a congressional lawsuit until this lawsuit finally comes to a conclusion."

Heathcote stared blankly at the young lawyer Pullman driving away in front of him, and somewhere in his heart, there was a dull pain.

"Do what you want to do. There is no need to do it for the so-called worldliness, family status, or other people's eyes. This will only hinder you. It's like everyone says I'm fat. What's wrong with me? I can beat you up just like I am fat. , I can also keep you in good condition."

"Father, hurry up, or you'll miss the start of school."

Heathcote said and Lyons smiled and nodded.

"Go to school and try your best to have a good relationship with your classmates. Heathcote, you know, the future of the legal world will be yours."

Heathcote hummed, lowered his head, and looked at his feet. He thought of Alpha. Everything on the lawn that day might have been completely smoothed by time, but Alpha didn't. Yes, she will not lose the integrity in her heart as time goes by.

At this time, Heathcote really wanted to go back to school. In that school, he felt an unprecedented sense of freedom, without any difference, because there were too many guys who were better than him, especially It was King Xue. I had debated some things with him, but I couldn't refute him with my only knowledge.

12 o'clock sharp.

The original 100-meter-high wall in the college began to return to its original 10-meter height with the fading light. Many students sat quietly in the cafeteria eating lunch, and some who had eaten early had already returned to their dormitories.

The students used the distributed money to buy some snacks or other things, but no one bought clothes, because at the school meeting seven days ago, the principal had already said that they must wear this uniform no matter where they go, and this uniform The uniforms can be put into the light and shadow entrance. The dusty parts of the uniforms that have been stained will turn into garbage and fall on the ground as the uniforms disappear. You only need to put them into the garbage disposal hole. Uniforms that do not need to be washed can be used at any time. Adjust the size of the uniform according to your physical condition.

Time passed by, and the students all walked to the auditorium. The 613 students were waiting quietly. Jean, who was sitting on the stage, was talking with the other six gods, Lolita, and Yu Su. Elements, including a somewhat strange man sorting something out.

"I am the special lecturer, Ye Chunwang! Good afternoon, fellow students."

Many people were stunned for a while. This Ye Chunwang was the person in charge of the Eastern Grain Base. He looked at the students with a smile.

"Does anyone want to farm with me?"

At this time, the students all saw that Tang Rao was holding a large basket, which contained light and shadow mobile phones with a strong black flat metal texture that were ten centimeters long and five centimeters wide.

"Let me tell you first, every month from now on, you will get 100 points in your mobile phone. You can think of these points as money or other things."

The students stood up straight, with their hands behind their backs, and looked at the teachers on the stage seriously.

"Very good. It seems that your body has gradually understood. We are both your teachers and your direct superiors. God! You will not be allowed to go outside in the future, but you can apply to go home. Each person has three times a year. Opportunities, people without a home have no chance, but if there is someone you want to see, you can apply to go out. The opportunities are also 3 times. From now on, I want to see all of you on the training ground before 6 o'clock every morning."

As Tang Rao said, a huge light and shadow screen appeared in front of the students. There were specific functions of 100 points on it. Points would be deducted for violations, tardiness, or other problems.

If 100 points are complete in a month, you will be rewarded with an opportunity to go out. From the next month, you can also freely choose what you want to eat every day. When you are tired, you can apply for a rest, which can be up to 24 days. Hour.

If you are below 90 points, you can only choose certain categories of food next month. The foods you can choose at 80 points, 70 points and 60 points are different, and you need to accept punishment. You are responsible for cleaning the dormitory, bathroom, taking care of the vegetable garden, etc. when going out. The chance will also be deducted as the points decrease. If it is lower than 60 points, you can only eat liquid food for a month.

These points are also closely related to the exam on the last day of each month. Each course is worth 100 points. Points will be deducted directly if the score is less than 90. If students help each other, cheat, etc., Will receive extremely severe punishment.

"Please study strictly in accordance with the school's rules and regulations. Starting today, in the next 10 years, you will not be allowed to step out of the school. After 3 years of basic course education, everyone will be divided into classes."

Gene said, many students have already felt it at this time. There are no rest days, 8 hours of study every day, and the remaining time, and the monthly physical fitness test is coming soon. If you don't want to be deducted points, you can only use Get up time and do some physical exercise.

"Your mobile phones can be connected to the outside world, but they are not allowed to reveal everything in the school, nor are they allowed to have any contact with people outside. The only people who can be contacted are your relatives."

Many students nodded. Rose smiled and raised a finger to control the water in the cup to flow slowly in the air.

"Intelligence and force are what you must master in the next 10 years. Starting today, please remember that you are already a member of an organization called the Xingke Branch. You will become the managers of this city in the future. You are allowed to drop out of school midway, you are not allowed to give up, everything is mandatory, and if any of you can't stand it, you can talk to us at any time, or you can talk to other students. You can choose to help your classmates, or you can stand by and watch, but I need What you do is a whole, a complete whole.”

Deguna said with a giggle.

"Today is your last day off. The classroom is open. You can visit the classroom freely, but the basement is inaccessible. Please don't complain about everything here. If you want to make a difference in your future life, just be patient. Come down and think more about why you came here when you were hungry for more than two days, and we will teach you everything."

Gene smiled and stood up.

"In these three years, the final result will be that a squad leader and a class officer will be born out of 12 classes. Please work hard, and finally a student council president will be born! Now we can disband."

The students began to disperse on their own, and many of them ran towards the teaching building. They had not been able to enter for a whole year, but now they could. At this time, Locke stood motionless, seeming a little dissatisfied.

"Little Fatty, can't you hear the order?"

Tang Rao said something, and Locke walked up to the stage.

"This isn't what it was promised, you assholes."

Locke felt something was wrong. If he didn't leave, he might really have to stay here.

"Since you are so dissatisfied, you can choose any one of the seven of us. As long as you can force any one of us into the second form, we will allow you to fulfill your dream and open a restaurant."

Locke clenched his fists angrily, red particles flying around his eyes, and his eyes widened.


Gene threw away the cigarette butts and got off the stage. At this time, many students who had left came back.

"Okay, okay, don't beat me up. Come outside with me and I'll take you for a walk."

After Ye Chunwang walked off the stage, Gene laughed helplessly.

There are already students outside who have begun to exercise. It seems that many students who don't want to fall behind others have already started working hard.

In a green corridor, Locke sat next to the vines.

"I really don't want to stay here. This kind of cage-like life is not what I want."

Ye Chunwang smiled and nodded, knowing that it was useless to talk about some big principles.

"In my opinion, this place cannot be without you, little fat one."

Locke wiped the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes and shook his head.

"I've done enough."

"This year, many students in the school are generally doing well, thanks to you. If you think about it carefully, many students here are still children, and many of them even have no parents. Gods have ordained The rules will become more and more strict, inhumane, and cold in the future. They need someone to take care of them. They need a mature elder to take care of them. Help them, little fat man. Even if you are not very smart or have no talent. , but your greatest advantage is that you are willing to take time to take care of others. This is your greatest advantage. Listen to my little fat, only if you are here, the students will "

At this time, many students were approaching, and more and more students were gathering.

"Fat brother, can you study with us?"

As Alpha said, many students began to express their hope that Locke would continue to stay here. Many people here had been taken care of by Locke during this year.

Finally Locke stood up.

"Go ahead and do whatever you want, you brats!"

With that, Locke strode away and soon returned to the auditorium, where Gene was still waiting for him.

"Did you pick me just to give you a reason to give up, little fat guy!"

Locke's clenched fists.

"Of course not the principal, I just want to show them what power is!"

Gene stood up straight and took off his coat.

"Let's go and have fun in the training ground over there."

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