Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1529 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 18 (Part 2)


With the sound of shattering glass, a man smashed the glass window and rolled to the ground before running quickly. However, in a shop with a tavern sign in front of him, a mutant rushed in. Before he could wait, The man stood up and pinched his neck from behind.

"Sir, where do you think this is?"

The man watched in horror as the mutant was carried back to the tavern. The passers-by on the street pointed and said they deserved it. This tavern appeared to be a tavern, but was actually a casino.

In recent years, casinos have sprung up in most places at the bottom, and many people have made a living by gambling. In the factory areas in the west, many factory workshops have stopped production, and many workers who originally had stable incomes have stopped working.

After 10 years of rapid construction, real estate in various places has come to an end. In particular, most of the lower-level real estate in the west and north has become vacant.

Most of the people who wanted to make money from houses have died. The average price of houses in many areas on the ground floor is less than 100 yuan per square meter, and they are still newly built rough houses.

Even some houses on hot streets only have a ground floor area of ​​no more than 500 square meters at most. Houses are not a necessity. Most people can live on a house with a rent of 30 yuan a month. Buying a house is not a cost-effective option for most people. Say, it makes no sense.

The city's economy has begun to slow down, and there are even signs of recession. Among them, the four major industries of food, clothing, medical care, and education are basically stable. The decline of the industrial and construction industries is an inevitable result in the eyes of many people. .

In just 10 years, 120 districts have been divided, high-rise buildings have gone up, and all kinds of novel things have emerged in an endless stream. The prosperity has greatly improved the lives of many people.

A few people sitting at the street food stalls were lamenting how they could end up like this after living comfortably for several years.

Tsk tsk

In a dilapidated factory building on the edge of District 91 on the ground floor, a man held a banknote that had just been fished out of the reddish liquid and kissed the bottom of the banknote.

X smiled and looked at more than a dozen people working in front of machines. A charming woman next to him held X's arm.

"Where are we going to play tonight?"

The woman's voice asked softly, and X raised a finger and shook it.

"We have to trade these things first."

Looking at more than a dozen excited subordinates, today is another good harvest day. In a box next to it, stacks of banknotes with the largest denomination of 100 yuan are neatly placed and sold at a price of 10 to 1. Today's delivery volume is 10 million counterfeit banknotes, and they can earn 1 million.

X felt a little emotional. In just one year, he had become a low-level counterfeit banknote seller, thanks to the intelligence provided to him by the AIs.

What makes X amazed is that the city is actually under the invisible surveillance of AI. Many people have no idea that the city's network is controlled by AI, and even many closely related things in life are under the control of AI.

X only started to get in touch with AI last year after he met the shrewd woman next to him. X feels that he is lucky because his own brain AI program has a very special source code, NASA.

It was precisely because of this source code that he was able to gradually establish contact with the city's AIs. What surprised X was that these AIs were still evolving independently and collecting huge amounts of information in the city.

Although Hawke, the patriarch of the inspection team, claimed that the city’s network equipment is in an extremely secretive place, and the staff cannot disclose their identities, this mysterious place does not exist at all. It is the AI ​​that controls the city’s network and processes huge amounts of data. collection.

From the virtual network world,

At first, these people didn't quite believe it, until the first fake banknote was made, everyone was shocked. It was no different from the real banknote. The only difference was the graphic code in the lower right corner of the banknote. Once you scan the code, you can Identify the authenticity of banknotes, material watermarks, etc. They are all first-class genuine banknotes.

Nowadays, mobile payment is very developed, and banknotes are very likely to be replaced. You can get external news all the time.

Suddenly, X's vision went dark, and he was instantly pulled into a black and green virtual space filled with digital symbols.

As pictures appeared one after another, This man appeared under city surveillance 108 times in total, and 58 of those times resulted in death.

X realized something and looked to the side. A shadow with flowing digital symbols was grinning.

"Thank you, AI3, but humans don't smile like that. You have to continue to hone your smile. If you can't use your smile, just use your voice."

The moment X returned to reality, he turned around and left.

"Where are you going?"

X handed the woman a long black piece of machinery that recorded a large amount of data.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

The woman giggled.

"What can you expel from that thing?"

"I'll change the oil!"

The woman licked her lips.

"I'll go with you."

X shook his head.

"By the way, Crystal, let me say sorry to you first. Anyway, I'm sorry."

The woman was a little suspicious, but still smiled gently.

After X turned and left from the back door, he immediately activated the optical camouflage system on his body, and his body fell into invisibility. According to the guidance of AI3, he walked directly. At an intersection, the probability of X looking at both sides was 50%. When he bumped into the man in the white suit, he looked around.

"Dead or alive, left."

As the probability continued to decrease, when it finally reached 0%, X stopped and raised his head.

"I've been very lucky."

10 minutes later, 4:03 p.m.

K took his light and shadow mobile phone and checked the banknotes one by one. Sure enough, they were all fake.

"Don't cry, miss. It's okay. Just tell me what you know."

The woman named Crystal pursed her lips and trembled. She was holding the data recorder that X just handed her. She was already incontinent. She said tremblingly.

"It was X, he ordered us to do it."

K sighed. He had already checked with the surveillance camera connected to the Internet. No one was passing by. It was obvious that the woman was lying. Looking at the man lying in front of him, who was coloring fake banknotes just now, he also murmured.

"Sir, it's X."

After K thought for a while, he stood up, took out his phone, and dialed Hawke's number.

"Don't be surprised Hawke. Originally, we just wanted to wipe out the red tide, but we didn't expect to get an unexpected harvest. You sent people over to collect this pile of counterfeit money. This thing has been in the market for who knows how long, and it is very harmful. "

"Is anyone still alive?"

K glanced at the woman, and then at the man who had his legs and hands broken and was dying.

"There's another woman."

While speaking, there was a click, and K stood up and walked towards the trembling Crystal. He walked over and grabbed Crystal's chin with one hand.

"Don't cry, madam. Since you have chosen to commit a crime, don't tremble and cry because of the results. Your act of making counterfeit money has seriously harmed the city."

At this time,

"What the hell are these guys!"

X watched the woman stuff a handful of white medicine into a man's mouth, and kept stuffing it until the man fell to the ground bleeding and died, and she let out a ferocious laugh.

"The stronghold in the southeast of Area 92 has been cleared. Move quickly, you two, I have already cleared two strongholds."

C smiled, everything that would always come back to life, in her eyes, could only be eradicated, leaving no one behind.

"What you are doing is not correct. Although I don't know what to do now, I always feel that you shouldn't bear these things. If you feel uncomfortable, you can talk to me at any time."

C still remembers that Locke would often come to their dormitory to talk to them. This enthusiastic fat man, C would directly talk to him about his feelings after each mission, but C still planned to stick to the gods. The practice is to uproot the rotten fruits together with the fruit trees.

After C lit a cigarette, news came from R's side.

"We have taken control of the main stronghold, what should we do?"

"Didn't you hear what Lord Deguna said?"

R put down his hands covering his ears and looked at the messy scene. This was a luxury casino located in the center of Area 100. It was not open today. There were overturned tables and chairs, warheads and shell casings everywhere, and People fell in a pool of blood one by one.

Porter held his left leg, which was bleeding profusely, and his knee was smashed unceremoniously by this man. R was throwing a chip in his hand, and kept throwing it into the air before catching it.

"Sir, please, please let me go. I can be a tainted witness and identify all the criminals I know. Please, give me a way out."

The squinted R opened his eyes slightly, and then laughed. He walked towards Porter from a gambling table, stepped on the blood-stained Crimson Tide flag, and then took a look.

"The flag has been set up, what do you want to do? It's fun, right?"

Porter tried to get up in pain, but suddenly Porter jumped up, roared and rushed towards R, a layer of scab appeared on his chest, and he had already opened a high-explosive grenade in his hand.


R hunched over, holding down the spring on the grenade with one hand, and pressed a finger on Porter's forehead.

"The structure of this grenade is actually quite simple."

As he spoke, R quickly disassembled the grenade, took out the activator from it, held it in his hand, and crushed it into pieces.

At this time, there was a sound of phone calls, and R picked up the phone.

"Congratulations Mr. Potter, you survived. Don't forget what you said and tell everything you know."


X sat on a roof and watched quietly as Potter was carried out of the mansion. Everything was over in just two hours.

If you think about it carefully, this was also the case 10 years ago, including in the past few years. At certain times, some criminal organizations that have just grown up will be wiped out in one fell swoop. And these three guys are probably trained by the gods to deal with this. kind of people.

"It's really sad. I can only be reduced to a tool in my life. I have made enough money and can continue to study. I'm really sorry, Crystal!"

The city began to cool down gradually. Wang Ying signed her name on a bail document and then walked out of the management office. A black car parked outside, and the three people behind Wang Ying also walked out and said something. Thinking about something.

Wang Ying walked to the car.

Wang Degui got out of the car with a smile on his face, and then Wang Ying and the three collaborators left after talking for a while, and they could only temporarily suspend the activities.

"Sorry uncle, I'm troubling you again."

Wang Degui patted Wang Ying on the shoulder.

"What's the trouble? Xiaoying, I told you that if you have any problems, just come to me. What on earth have you been doing this year? How could you do such a thing?"

Wang Ying blushed and lowered her head. Wang Degui also heard from a manager he knew well that Wang Ying had often preached on the streets throughout the year that some properties were about to collapse. Many of the remarks were very intense.

Early this morning, Wang Ying, who had just planned to give a speech in a downtown area, was immediately arrested for obstructing normal business operations. The developers noticed Wang Ying early on. Some fierce remarks were made in the place. Indeed, many people listened to Wang Ying's words and gave up their plans to buy houses there.

"Don't do this kind of thing again. Once you make too many enemies, you will be in bad luck. Just take this little money. Places like District 29 are not where girls like you should stay. This money should be enough." Second Aunt has been living with you for a year."

Wang Degui held a paper bag with a stack of money in it. Wang Ying pushed Wang Degui's hand away.

"Uncle, what do you think? Do you still remember that we have had countless discussions on the city's economic structure before. Real estate must be stabilized, otherwise it will cause serious harm to the city. In recent years, there have been several inflations. , all because of real estate. When the real estate industry is in crisis, developers have already made money and left the market. For most of the remaining properties, the final losses can only be borne by ordinary citizens, and even the surrounding areas. Because of the real estate, the rising prices will have to be borne by the local residents, uncle, don’t you think so?”

Wang Degui shook his head.

"Xiaoying, can you come to the banquet with me tonight? I want to introduce you to someone later."

Wang Ying clasped her hands in front of her and bowed deeply.

"Uncle, I won't stop. The voice has power."

Watching Wang Ying leave, Wang Degui was a little disappointed. In the real estate market, the Wang family originally occupied a good share, but after his father left, several brothers and sisters began to fight for it. The once harmonious Wang family has now It's a battlefield.

In order to win, his brothers and sisters did not hesitate to collude with some outside businessmen and even people from other families, all trying to outdo each other. The real estate market was already in ruins, and the worst punishment was about to come.

No one can escape the consequences of their actions, whether they are good or bad. Wang Degui clearly knows that the meeting held by the gods tonight will determine the direction of the city to a large extent.

The market is in complete chaos. Businessmen, families, and managers are doing nothing and only thinking about themselves. The city's economic collapse is imminent. If the food is not under extremely stable and effective control, everything will return to chaos.

Looking at his niece going away, Wang Degui really felt the word "heartbroken" today. The manager's inaction caused all of this.

There was something wrong with the sunshine outside the house. As soon as Hu Youran stepped out of the Huosen family building, a bunch of reporters gathered around him.

Facing reporters' questions one after another, Hu Youran quickly entered a car on the street that had been waiting for a long time under the protection of bodyguards.

"Lao Hu, how are you?"

In the driver's seat, a shrewd-looking man asked. Hu Youran looked solemn and shook his head.

"Duke, I have told the Hossen family about my prediction of the future economic direction, but they don't quite believe it."

The car started quickly, and before the reporters gathered around, Hu Youran let out a long sigh of relief.

"Don't think about it, Old Hu. My dad and the others said they would let you come to our house for the holidays."

Hu Youran took off his glasses and exhaled a long breath.

"Duke, I think this is what the gods did on purpose."

"Old Hu, don't talk nonsense."

Duke switched the car to automatic driving and then adjusted the seat. The seat slowly moved backwards. The seat next to Hu Youran moved backwards. Duke's driving seat moved directly to the side of Hu Youran. He moved from both sides. Wine and two glasses were taken out of a small cabinet in front of the person.

At this time, the surrounding glass including the front began to darken, and soon it became a moving enclosed space. Duke adjusted the temperature inside the car and jumped to 18 degrees.

"Did the Huosen family listen to you?"

Hu Youran shook his head.

"They still insist on going their own way. If this continues, the situation of the Huosen family will not be good. Duke, I am not kidding you. I always feel that this is a strategy of the gods to weaken the family."

Duke nodded.

"I've also thought about this, Lao Hu. What do you think the gods will announce at tonight's meeting?"

Hu Youran shook his head.

"No matter what is announced, the gods have planned everything early, and they will not just watch the city's economic decline."

The sun's light was getting weaker and weaker, Freya was washing her body quietly, and Charles was lying on the bed in the bedroom with a comfortable look on his face.

"Freya, we received invitations from many families tonight, which one should we go to?"

"Go to Angus' house."

Freya's heart was empty at this moment, but there was a hint of warmth in her heart at this moment, because she was going to Angus's house to take a closer look at the children nurtured by the gods.

A pair of hands hugged Freya tenderly from behind, and she said with a stern expression.

"Let go of Charles, I'm taking a shower, hurry up and get ready."

Charles let go hurriedly in embarrassment and retreated.

"Why don't you go engage in any social activities, Freya, and come back with me."

Charles did not continue, he noticed the displeasure on Freya's face.

At this time, the phone rang. Charles glanced at it and saw that it was Wu Qun. He walked over with a smile and handed the phone to Freya.

"What's wrong, Old Wu?"

"I'm going to visit Angus' house tonight, will you come too?"

Freya smiled knowingly.


Charles sat aside a little discouraged. He knew very well the relationship between Freya and Wu Qun. He had been a little jealous before, and even thought that Wu Qun might be interested in his wife.

But after getting along with each other for these years, Charles finally understood clearly that Wu Qun just admired his wife, and he also talked with him a lot and gave him a lot of advice, including on family issues. of.

The biggest problem is the relationship between himself and Freya. Wu Qun said that he would just protect her and give her all the care and love. It's a pity that Charles didn't do it.

"I understand, Lao Wu, see you later."

Freya hung up the phone, shook her wet hair, and walked out of the bathroom. Looking at Charles who was arranging his shoes with his head down, she walked straight to the changing room.

At this time, a car stopped outside Angus's house. As soon as Chen Qiao got out of the car, he lay on the roadside and vomited. Wu Qun stood aside and watched. In front of him was the territory of Angus' family, and There were a pair of young people in black uniforms inside, and many others looked younger, still children.

Wu Qun held an invitation. This was an invitation that the Angus family had sent to many people a month ago. However, most people would not come to the Angus family for the banquet tonight, but planned to Went to a regular meeting of the gods.

"You are the Wu Qun who likes to do talk shows on the streets, right?"

Following a clear voice, Wu Qun turned his head and saw a woman who looked about the same age as Chen Qiao. She was dressed in black and had a sharp nose. She looked a little strange and had a gloomy look all over her body, but she was also a beauty.

"Hello madam, I'm Wu Qun, what everyone calls Wu Qun of street talk show."

Wu Qun bowed respectfully.

"It's really useless, Chen Qiao. If you have such a small amount of alcohol, don't drink. You may drink to death one day."

"Get out of here, McCullin, you old witch."

Chen Qiao stood up and took a quick look. Chen Qiao finally understood that this woman was the daughter of the new chairman of L.K. Candy Company.

"Nice to meet you, Lao Wu!"

McCullin stretched out his hand, and Wu Qun took it. People around him habitually called him Lao Wu, even though he was only 27 years old.

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