Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1526 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 17 (Part 2)

"I can finally go back to Alpha. I must watch TV series for a few days."

Mo Xiao hummed, the time was just 9:30, she was smiling and looking forward to going home and staying home for four or five days.

"Thank you, fat brother, I won't go back."

Locke stood at the door of the dormitory, holding a light and shadow mobile phone, counting the students who did not go home.

"You both need to go back!"

Latis smiled and held a box of cigarettes. She had just received them from Locke. She took them in and lit one herself. After taking a few puffs, she handed it to Alpha.

"Be safe in school."

Locke smiled. He planned to go out and check out the store first, and then rent it. He no longer planned to stay. In this year, he would help the gods manage the children in the school and take them to play. The gods should also Very satisfied, Locke plans to look around to see if there are any suitable shops, then drop out of school directly and open a restaurant.

"Fat brother, you have to go back too."

Latis asked, and Locke walked out humming a ditty.

"Why don't you go back to where you used to live and have a look, Latis."

Mo Xiao asked, Latis leaned against the wall, took the cigarette from Alpha's hand, took a puff, and spit it gently on Mo Xiao's cheek.

"Little lazy boy, I'm homeless. Okay, I'll go for a walk outside and have some fun when I get back."

At this time, Alpha stood up and came to Latis' side with a smile.

"Go back with me and spend the festival at my house."

Latis was a little surprised, and a trace of envy flashed in her eyes. She had never been to the upper floor, and she had also fantasized about going to the upper floor to see it, but Latis immediately shook her head.

"No need. Many people here have no homes to return to. I'll stay here."

"Invite everyone to come together! How about it."

Alpha said with a smile, turned around and shouted immediately.

"Xiao Lazy, help me inform everyone that I want to invite everyone to come back with me to celebrate the festival."

"Okay, will your parents allow it?"

Latis was a little surprised, and Alpha immediately took out the phone he just got back from Teacher Lolita this morning.


There was silence on the other side of the phone for a moment.

"Alpha, what's wrong?"

"I want to invite my classmates to our house for the holidays, is that possible?"

There was some choking on the other side of the phone.

"Whatever you want, don't you have nothing to say to your mother?"

"Mom, I miss you, and my dad. That's what happened. Please be prepared. There may be hundreds of people."

After the call ended, the three people started running. In just half an hour, more than two hundred students responded. They were very grateful to Alpha for the invitation.

"Go ahead, fat brother, it won't be fun without you."

Keying and Vivian were dragging Locke, one on the left and the other on the right. There were many girls and boys around. They all wanted Locke to go with him. Locke looked solemn, and Yu Wanrou poked Locke's back behind him.

"How about we play for a few days, and then I'll go around with you and look for shops."

Locke sighed.

"Okay, okay, you little brats, why don't you let me go?"

At this time, Gene's voice came on the radio, asking the students to gather in the auditorium behind the dormitory on the south side.

This auditorium is often used as a basketball court or football field. This is also where students play in school. Only sports can be used as entertainment activities.

Many students have become much stronger during this year, and some have also awakened alienation genes. The machines they wear will slowly increase the overall physical numerical requirements. Many students are very tired every day. , but I still got through it, because many students were hungry during the period.

At this time, the students all noticed that there were two more metal rooms in the auditorium, with men and women on them, and they were all guessing what the gods wanted to do.

Some people think it may be some new type of testing device, perhaps for testing the body.

Soon the students were divided into male and female camps, with a total of 297 female students on the left and 316 male students on the right.

While everyone was still whispering, the gods walked in. Gene walked slowly to the front of the two metal rooms and glanced at the students with a smile.

At this time, there was a wisp of light emitted from a square machine on the ground. Behind Jean, the light was forming into two silhouettes. Soon someone noticed that they were clothes.

"This will be the uniform of our college from now on. From today on, you will officially become a member of the college. Please have a good time for a few days and have a good year. Now everyone can start lining up to enter in order. The clothes you are wearing You can throw it directly into the laundry disposal port in the room. From now on, you must wear this uniform no matter where you go. This is my mandatory requirement for you."

The styles of men's and women's uniforms are the same, with very beautiful streamlines. The only difference is that men's uniforms only reach a little below the waist, while women's uniform tops have a sharp-looking V shape at the back. Swallowtail, the buttons on the top are round for men and triangular for women. There are 3 buttons in total, which can be fastened directly to the long golden strip lock on the left side.

At this time, students had already walked out. For a moment, many students who were still queuing were surprised. The female students wearing uniforms looked more energetic and beautiful, and the women's uniforms were very close to the body, which could highlight their beauty. Women's curves are more beautiful, while men's are looser.

As people continue to enter the room and take off all their clothes, the light emitted from the convex crystals on the wall will begin to cover the body scan, and as the light is generated on the surface of the body, clothes are formed.

Many students felt strange when they put on their uniform hats, because this dark uniform was really beautiful. The most important thing was that it was extremely light. It felt warm when worn on the body, but it had almost no weight. It can move well. The shoes for men are uniform round toe shoes, while for women, they are low-heeled leather shoes.

The students all showed smiles. Many of the students who came in could only wear old clothes this year, and some of them were very tattered. The students also thought of a way to change their clothes.

Everyone wore white shirts except for women who wore a close-fitting black waistcoat. Looking at the students with smiles on their faces, Jean said after one student after another quickly changed into uniforms. .

"When you go back, please keep your mouth shut. It is forbidden to reveal anything about the school to anyone outside, including your relatives. Please remember that if anyone reveals it, we will know it immediately and he will be expelled."

The students, who were immersed in joy, noticed that in the past year, although the teachers were often active in the school and would talk to the students, they basically talked to the students as if they were subordinates, often using orders. style tone.

"Last point, I'll give you one last chance to think about it. Please think carefully after you go back. If you want to drop out, you can do it when you return to school on the morning of January 8th. You don't have to show up at the gate of the college. At that time, the inspection team will Find the students who plan to drop out and collect their uniforms. Now everyone can take a rest. After lunch, please go to the school gate and ask for the 500 yuan holiday expenses from classmate Locke Ka Fai! I hope everyone can have a happy holiday."

As soon as Gene finished speaking, the students immediately became excited. 500 yuan is a lot of money for many students.

"Kids, please pay attention to safety when you go back. Don't die in any accidents. This will not be worth the gain."

As Tang Rao spoke, many students looked at Tang Rao with embarrassed expressions. This teacher who always spoke out of surprise made many students feel helpless.

Gil, who was standing in front of the team, looked at Tang Rao with a smile and nodded vigorously. He did not plan to go anywhere, but planned to spend the festival with Tang Rao.

At this time, Alpha walked up to Jean, looking a little shy with his hands behind his back. Alpha had also changed a lot in this year, his hair had grown longer, and the sense of weakness as a woman had gradually returned. Because there are a lot of girls in the school, Alpha has good relationships with many of them.

"What's wrong Alpha?"

Gene asked, and Alpha expressed his thoughts. Gene was a little surprised, but he still nodded in agreement.

"Classmates, I would like to invite you all to come to my house for the festival. If you are willing, you can come with me later."

Alpha said, and many students nodded happily, and then Gene asked the students to disperse.

Looking at the students in brand new uniforms jumping out, Gene leaned against the metal room and lit a cigarette.

"Hey, what follows is the beginning of suffering for them and us."

Witte sighed and Li Chu nodded. They had customized a detailed teaching plan this year.

There are 13 subjects in total, including 13 major categories: philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, military science, management and art.

Among them, Jean is in charge of agriculture and military affairs, Tang Rao is in charge of medicine, Li Chu is in charge of science and engineering, Gu Yi and Li Chu are in charge of science, mainly the chemistry part, and they are in charge of engineering together with Witte, who is in charge of architecture. Guyi is responsible for materials science, Deguna is responsible for philosophy and economics, and Rose is responsible for literature and education. Seven people are responsible for the three major categories of history, literature, and art. Deguna is responsible for natural science. Regarding the teaching of the School of Law, Gene is responsible for teaching the Analytical and Empirical School of Law, while Rose is responsible for teaching the School of Social Law, and Li Chu is responsible for teaching philosophy.

For a total of 13 major categories, students need to attend classes every day, take exams every month, and complete basic courses within 3 years. Then, 12 classes are arranged according to the students’ strengths, and the 12 classes correspond to 12 classes. A business department.

"Little Fatty, come here."

At this time, seeing Locke talking to more than ten students, Rose waved, and Locke ran over with a smile. He waited for the students to go out before speaking.

"I think I'm almost there. Principal, I'm not good at studying. I'll definitely be on the bottom of the pile when the time comes. I think it's better for me to drop out. I just want to tell you in advance, can the principal give me a year's salary of 60,000?" Give me the block."

Deguna chuckled, walked to Locke's side, raised her head and raised her hand to pat Locke's shoulder.

"Little Fatty, if you stay a few more years, instead of getting more money, how about we give you 10,000 yuan a month?"

Locke's eyes almost popped out.

"Little Fatty, think about it, even if you go out, you still have to start your own business, and the entrepreneurial environment outside is so bad now. You can stay in school for a few more years before going out. When the market prospects are better, you can learn more things. , and have a better relationship with the students. When these students go out to become managers, think about it, won’t you have a smooth journey and be able to make a fortune in whatever you do?”

Li Chu said, Locke nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems that this is indeed the case. You are the one who said, give me 10,000 yuan a month and you are not allowed to go back on it!"

Hawke, who was standing behind the gods, laughed helplessly. Lolita covered her mouth. She had known for a long time that the teachers would not let Locke go. After all, he was really very approachable and could communicate with him. People from any class will get used to each other quickly, and they will do things in a very measured way, neither too out of the ordinary nor too bad.

"How about I pay you 200,000 in advance, little fat guy."

Tang Rao said, carrying a cash box over.

"You will distribute the money to the students later, and keep the rest for yourself."

Locke's heart was moved, he hugged the cash box and ran, looking very happy.

"My lords, are you going too far? Fatty has always liked eating, drinking, and playing happily. He doesn't have any high pursuits in life. Isn't it inappropriate for you to tie him up like this?"

Hawke can imagine that when Gary Locke takes over the position of the official spokesperson in the future, it will probably be countless times more painful than what he is doing now.

"There's nothing we can do about it, Hawke."

Werther said and laughed helplessly.

"Xiao Pang has done a good job this year and has taken good care of every student. Although he seems to be a little nosy, sometimes, an entire organization must have such a person who can control the situation. Someone is still able to take care of things. Do you still remember the time when we were in the mine? In order to prevent some starving children from fighting, that kid didn't eat for three days, so he gave his own rations to those children, and he got punished. When the food was delivered, I felt at that time that Xiaopang was actually very talented. Not everyone could possess this talent. The role of peacemaker and elder in the team had both attributes. There were some contradictions and he had to be like this. People should resolve it, not suppress it.”

Deguna nodded.

"Internal decompressor, think of him that way."

At this time, Gene exhaled a puff of smoke.

"After the business department is established, depending on the situation, I want to set up a separate department, 13 departments!"

Everyone looked at Jean.

"Are you tired, Gene? Once these little brats are taught, we will be relaxed and enjoy life every day. We will hold meetings every month to grasp the general direction and continue to conduct some research. We will not need to worry about the problems in the city at all. ."

As Tang Rao said, Hawke glanced at them and sighed. They are indispensable for scientific and technological research in the city, and scientific and technological research is a long process, so they cannot spare more time to manage the city. This may be the reason why the earth The last city of mankind. Although the survival of mankind has been delayed, what is supposed to come will still come.

"I prefer walking around in the city than staying in the laboratory. If I see some interesting guys, I don't mind answering their questions or helping them. And some things in the city also I need to handle it personally. Some things are too heavy for people's hearts. Just let me bear them, after all."

Gene didn't continue, when Alpha ran in.

"Uncle Jean, principal, can you use the elevator to take us there?"

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Alfa, you seem to be getting better and better lately."

Hawke said something, and Alpha grinned, raising his head, happiness appearing on his face.

"Because without power, there is no justice. I must be stronger. The strongest one in the school right now is probably Fat Brother."

Alpha asked, everyone nodded, Lolita came over and hugged Alpha with a smile.

"Alfa, I think it would be better for you not to come to school. After all, you are the only heir in your family."

Alpha shook his head.

"The students here are great, really great. I like it here very much. Many students have taught me a lot this year. Besides, my parents are also planning to have another child."

"If a little guy is born who is more noisy than you, I'm afraid the Angus family will be doomed."

Tang Rao said, Alpha immediately rolled his eyes at her, and Tang Rao pinched Alpha's cheek.

"Little girl, when you become more powerful and awaken the power of God, one of the seven of us will give you all-round guidance."

Alpha raised his hands into fists.

"I should be blue."

Watching Alpha skipping away, Hawk looked at her leaving dark back with some concern.

"Is it really good to instill the illusory value of justice into her so early? Gene, she is only a 10-year-old child."

Gene hummed.

"If the child doesn't like it, I won't force it on her, but over the years, I have carried her to various parts of the city and seen all kinds of things. She chose to embark on this path by herself. Indeed, maybe it is for her. Her future life will be a little too heavy, so rest assured, Hawke, I will do my best, as her teacher, to guide her to the answer she wants to find."

Hawke laughed bitterly.

"The answer! Maybe it doesn't exist at all. This kind of thing is meaningless to me. I just want to end this boring life as soon as possible and find another brand new way of life."

"How about I give you a complete set of transformation surgery to ensure that you become the most beautiful woman in the city? Hawke, in the next life you can live your life with a woman's body and a woman's perspective, and slowly with a woman's heart. so"

Before Tang Rao finished speaking, Hawke covered Tang Rao's mouth.

"Your mouth is still as bad as ever, woman! Hahaha, don't be ridiculous, I'm a strong man with explosive male hormones."

As he spoke, Hawke raised his arms, showing off his extremely strong muscles.

"But I heard recently that Hawke seems to have met a woman. Congratulations."

As Gu Yi said, Hawke glared at Lolita angrily, and she immediately ran behind the metal house.

"Lolita, you long-tongued woman."

"Please support this school. Every penny you donate can change the destiny of a child!"

Chris stood on the street, looking at the scattered dozens of dollars in the donation box hanging on his chest. The two women around him were also helping to collect donations, but most people were just passing by and didn't Didn't stop for a second.

Chris is now completely immersed in low-level education activities. He travels from district to district to find some teachers who are willing to teach basic courses, and solicits donations and educational sponsorship funds for them everywhere. However, he has achieved little success this year.

I have talked with the management officers of most of the regional management offices, but this time Chris did not talk about anything impulsively, but just hoped that they would divert more tax revenue to basic education. If it doesn't work once, the second time, and the third time. , the fourth time, Chris took the trouble to run around.

It is somewhat useful, and now I have found some like-minded friends who are willing to do such social activities with me.

"Chris, come to my house for the holidays. You may not be able to get any donations today."

A tired girl next to him spoke, and Chris nodded. Looking at the children who came out of school as most of them had not yet finished elementary school and only knew some words, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Chris felt worried.

Education can determine class. If it continues, education at the bottom will be completely solidified. Children at the bottom who only know words, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division will have to rely on physical work to survive in the future, and technical positions will be completely eliminated by the middle and high-level. monopoly, which is unfair to the entire city.

Even though the inspection team investigates and punishes a large number of management officials who abuse regional tax revenue every year, it doesn't take long for the newly appointed management officials to start to extend their hands to regional tax revenue.

Most businessmen and powerful people just want to get some from the bottom, and then quickly stop and leave here.

At this time, a man across the street was chased by several people and beaten up in the street. He begged for mercy and said that he would pay back the money in a few days. Although many people pointed fingers, the debt collector said confidently, this The man didn't pay back the money he owed and wanted to run away.

In the past year, a large number of loan sharks have appeared at the bottom, which is what Chris is worried about. He has repeatedly warned not to borrow money in his speeches on the street, but many people still borrow money because it is difficult to use formal channels. Borrow money.

At this moment, a black car stopped on the street, and a man got out of it. He walked over with a smile on his face and handed a bag full of money into Chris's hand.

"Sir, this."

The man said with a smile.

"Young people who make good use of this money can come to me if they have any difficulties. My name is Ran Zhi, and I am the owner of a smart supermarket that just opened recently."

Chris nodded and thanked him. Looking at the bag containing at least 50,000 yuan, Chris choked with sobs. Ran Zhi returned to the car, and the little girl in the car made a face at him.

Chris smiled, bowed, and watched the car leave.

The two girls around him gathered around happily. Chris looked at the car disappearing on the street and smiled. This was the most expensive gift he had received in the past few years, a kind donation from a rich man.

"Dad, why did you give that man so much money?"

The son in the car asked, and Ran Zhi smiled and shook his head.

"You remember, everyone has difficulties. Before a person reaches a dead end, if you can help him, this person may have hope, just like me. I have also reached a dead end. If that If no one had dissuaded me, I might be dead by now."

Ran Zhi said with emotion, and his wife Ding Manman drove the car with a smile. The family planned to live here for a while, and when the supermarket business stabilized, they would go to other districts. Now that the children are on vacation, Ran Zhi still likes the bottom class. a bit more.

Ran Zhi didn't just come up with it temporarily, but he saw that big bald man. In the past year, he was running around at the bottom, and he was still insisting on something.

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