Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1523 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 16 (Part 2)

January 1, 2197


As the last screw was embedded into the end of a 50-centimetre-wide metal track, a worker with an electric hammer stood up. He took out the cigarette in his mouth, flicked off the ashes, and exhaled a puff of thick smoke. , Avano, who was debugging at a mechanical workbench next to him, wiped the sweat from his cheeks.

"Finally done, thank you all for your hard work."

Accompanied by a burst of applause, hundreds of people in a huge research room were clapping their hands. A long square pipe was placed in the middle of the laboratory. The square pipe was winding like a coiled snake and was 5 years long. kilometer.

This is the latest experimental subway made by the Angus family using the principle of electromagnetic levitation. This is the next step of the entire Angus family's huge plan to transform the city.

As the temperature rises year by year, the ecological circle that has begun to stabilize is beginning to show signs of decline. This has a certain relationship with the prosperity of the automobile industry. Cars that rely on electric energy will emit emissions while driving. High temperature. Bright City, which originally had a relatively large temperature difference between day and night, now has a maximum temperature of 36 degrees Celsius during the day.

The temperature in some areas at night has exceeded minus 10 degrees. Such a contrasting climate circle has caused many people to feel uncomfortable due to changes in temperature differences. Frequent and drastic changes in temperature differences can cause discomfort in the human body. , this is because the atmospheric pressure and temperature in the human body begin to change, which ultimately results in metabolic system disorders. Diseases caused by metabolic system disorders are currently the biggest disease in cities.

The disease is more common in homes without thermostats and in ground floor areas with dry air.

Avano's early ideas have been implemented, but they are still in the experimental stage. He wants to create an underground transportation network in the city, which can improve the traffic congestion that has begun to appear in the city, and the maintenance of road surfaces requires a large amount of money every year. Cost, but it is different underground. The loss of metal is much smaller than the loss of stone.

Especially in today's large number of transportation hubs in cities, the overloading phenomenon will seriously damage the road surface.

At this time, two mutants came over carrying a 3-meter long strip of metal. The color of the metal was a little dark, but the color value was very well-proportioned. This new type of Titan alloy has very good energy conductivity. As well as uniform magnetism, the magnetic points on the surface are extremely uniform, and it is very wear-resistant and has relatively high hardness.

The two mutants put a Titan alloy bar weighing 5 tons into a 1 meter high and 1.5 meter wide magnetic pipe. The moment they let go, the entire Titan alloy was sucked in and stopped firmly on the track. above.

Everyone was looking at the values ​​on some panels. Avano looked at the start button and pressed the button under everyone's gaze.

Along with a burst of electric sparks, Avano looked at the electromagnetic force pull rod next to him and began to gradually increase the electromagnetic force. The speed of the Titan alloy bar in the pipe also increased, rising from 500 meters per second to 1 kilometer. per second.

Violent applause rang out, and the 5-kilometer journey was over in just 6 seconds. But at this time, many engineers noticed that there were bulges in some places on the outside of the pipe. This was caused by the increase of electromagnetic force. Large, the powerful thrust caused by the increase in kinetic energy presses on the pipe wall, which is also made of Titanium alloy.

Avano swallowed and continued to start the second test. This time he controlled the speed at 500 meters per second.

With the test after test, at the moment of the 13th test, the outer wall of the track that suddenly curved upward in the middle bulged instantly, and was directly torn open by the thrust generated by the powerful electromagnetic force.

The experiment failed.

"Repair the pipes and wait a few days before conducting experiments. Sorry for making everyone work all night. Today is a holiday. We will come back after the holiday to continue the experiments."

Avano said, and many people looked uncomfortable. This was something that took three years to finally complete, but the first experiment was not satisfactory.

Avano's idea is to abandon the less-than-ideal magnetic levitation technology and instead turn the entire underground tunnel into a magnetic channel, which will not only maximize speed but also provide greater stability.

However, this concept has now encountered difficulties. There is no technology that can solve the thrust problem caused by the current strong electromagnetic force. Such a force will directly destroy the external structure from the inside.

As soon as he walked up from the underground research room, Avano yawned and walked towards the family mansion. There was a dark cloud above the Hillman family in the distance, and rain was falling from time to time. This was controlled by the Hillman family. An artificial weather system, but this technology has been blocked by the gods and is not allowed to be implemented in the city.

The weather changes can only be seen above the Hillman family estate.

Entering the mansion, in the large living room on the first floor, his wife Violet had already prepared breakfast. Looking at her tired husband, Violet smiled and leaned over and gave her husband a kiss.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jean and the others are probably studying it. There is a way to solve it."

Violet's face darkened and she nodded silently. Her daughter had not been back for a year. During this year, the couple also tried to have another child. After all, such a large family business would not have a child to inherit it. That's not possible.

It's a pity that Violet never got pregnant. At this time, the couple also felt a little regretful, but they might have had the opportunity to change Alpha and make her the heir of the family. It was a pity that they saw that Alpha liked her very much. Following Jean, he went to various parts of the city and exercised every day, but he couldn't bear to stop his daughter's behavior, which seemed a bit extreme and inappropriate among her peers.

"It's best to give birth to a boy. If it's a girl, hey."

Violet sighed and Avano smiled and shook his head.

"It would actually be nice to have a girl, a cute little princess."

In retrospect, Alpha was quite naughty before she was 5 years old, with a personality similar to Violet's when she was a child. However, after the age of 5, all her excessive energy was spent on exercise, and she was no longer naughty.

"It would be terrible if another naughty boy is born."

Avano laughed.

"How could that happen? Just be strict when the time comes. It's the nature of children to make noises."

Over the years, the relationship between the couple has become better and better, and there is almost no big gap. The couple has also worked hard to run all the industries under the Angus family and lived happily every day.

Tonight, both husband and wife received invitations from the Hillman family. They didn't want to go, but they had no choice but to go. Every year, Hillman wanted to talk to his family about the underground transportation network, but Avano every They all refused on the grounds that the current technology was immature.

"I really don't want to go. The Hillman family has been making more and more moves recently."

Avano said and Violet nodded.

"Forget it, just go for an hour or two and we'll be back."

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Wang Ying woke up from a deep sleep and ran towards the drying room of the house in a daze. She took a look at her underwear, which was still there. She breathed a sigh of relief and touched it and it was still a little wet. Only use an electric heater for drying.

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Glancing at her mother lying on the bed in the bedroom, Wang Ying dried her underwear and then started making food for the day. She was still in District 29, helping her father's friend run the hotel.

Over the past year, Wang Ying would get up early every day and go to other lively districts to give street speeches. So far, she has only found three collaborators, and they all admire Wang Ying.

Wang Ying only had one set of underwear. The underwear was already a little damaged, but she quickly put it on after drying. The perverted old man would sexually harass her from time to time. In the year she moved in, many of her clothes were damaged. They disappeared inexplicably, and some of them were even worn by me and not washed.

Over the past year, her mother's health has been getting worse and worse, so Wang Ying chose to stay here. She could not abandon her mother, and she did not accept support from her uncle Wang Degui, because Wang Ying knew that her uncle's status in the family was becoming more and more dangerous. , he will probably be kicked out of the family, and he will not be able to compete with the other uncles.

Today, Wang Ying plans to go to District 33, which is undergoing extensive construction, and continue to speak on the streets at the beginning of the new year. She looked at a speech she wrote yesterday, took a pen and began to modify the words while cooking.

Wang Ying recalled that night last year and smiled. Chris's health had improved, and he didn't even have much sequelae. He had also walked out of school and started running for education on the streets at the bottom.

Wang Ying was arrested 21 times last year for making inappropriate remarks in public. However, Wang Ying learned to be smart and would let her collaborators leave before the administrators came.

Several other people were in the same situation, and the phone rang.

"Wang Ying, let's come and pick you up."

A girl's voice came from the phone. Wang Ying nodded. Except for one of the three cooperators, who was older than herself, the other two were younger girls. All three of them were relatively easy to get along with.

After Wang Ying prepared the food, she packed some food in an insulated box and put the rest in the insulated box.

"Mom, I'm going out."

Wang Ying had just gone out and before she crossed the back street, she saw her father's friend who was coughing. As soon as he saw Wang Ying, he came over with a smile.

"Xiaoying, you're going out. Remember to come back early tonight. There must be a lot of people in the hotel. I ordered a table of food, haha."

As he spoke, the old man reached out his hand, but Wang Ying dodged it and ran straight away with a smile.

The old man stared fiercely at Wang Ying as she left and sneered.

"I have no underwear to sell, so I can only sell it to you."

The warm sunshine of the sun has just covered the first street in District 1. Six or seven people are setting up a platform in front of a dilapidated road leading to the mountain. There are pedestrian streets on both sides. Most people who live in District 1 will Come together from both sides and go to various parts of District 1 through the first street in front of you.

At this time, dozens of people were already standing around to watch. Freya was building a stage and installing sound equipment with a few friends. Freya had been participating in social activities in District 1 for a year, and her appearance brought her a lot of attention. She has a great advantage. She has more than 20 collaborators willing to help her.

Freya currently works as an accountant and devotes herself to social activities after work.

In the past year, many videos of social activists have appeared on the Internet. Freya was very happy. She saw seven other people, all carrying out social activities within the scope of the industry they had chosen.

"Miss Freya, the management officials are here."

A young man muttered, and Freya saw several management officers and many administrators coming over. She looked solemn, but soon these management officers and administrators walked into a restaurant.

"have a finger in the pie."

Charles said with a smile in the restaurant.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm sorry for my wife's behavior. Please forgive me."

Charles said as the butler next to him took out a bag of money. After a management officer took it over, he nodded with satisfaction.

"As long as it doesn't cause a fight, Mr. Charles, it doesn't matter what your wife does."

After watching the administrators leave, Charles headed towards the stage. Every time Freya gave a speech, he would definitely go there, no matter where, although he and Freya had not said a word in the past year. talk.


Accompanied by a burst of electric sound, Freya stood solemnly on the stage, holding the microphone. Some people passing by also stopped and watched. Many people took out their mobile phones, and the news media also talked about the beautiful speaker from the top. came to report Freya’s deeds, but many people sneered at her remarks.

Freya took a deep breath and held the microphone in one hand. She had gained a lot of medical expertise over the past year and now has a very large reserve of medical knowledge.

"First of all, thank you for taking your precious time and stopping here!"

Freya bowed formally, then picked up the microphone. A white skirt was fluttering in the breeze. She glanced sharply at everyone under the stage. Many people were attracted by this woman. The aura emanating attracted people, and they began to stop, although some people just wanted to listen and watch.

"Medical care is nothing to us! It is the foundation of the entire city's life."

Freya said decisively, clenching one hand into a fist.

"But this foundation of life has now begun to be gradually controlled by a few people. As citizens of the city, we have the right to vocally accuse this unequal medical system!"

As soon as Freya finished speaking, many people passing by sneered and left. In the eyes of many people, this was simply a thankless task, because big families and big companies have completely monopolized medical care. This is a given. The fact is, if you have money, you can see better doctors and enjoy better medical care. If you have no money, you can see cheaper doctors and use cheaper medical care.

"Your sneers today are the epitome of the future city. A city that laughs at fairness. One day, when you encounter injustice, all that awaits you will be cold looks and sneers!"

Freya raised her voice and watched the passers-by passing by quickly, as well as many joking guys making vulgar gestures towards her. Freya ignored them and looked into the distance with determined eyes. crowd.

"When one day there is only one voice left in the city, the worst era will come. This is the case for medical care. The era we are in now is very delicate. Putting aside power and money, the purpose of medical care itself It is to treat patients, and when you are sick, you need to use money and rights to get medical treatment. Medical treatment itself has lost its original purpose. I do not claim to be idealistic, but reasonable medical treatment, and it should not be exorbitantly expensive medical treatment. There is no medical insurance in the city, even if there are medical insurance companies, but after so many years, what do you see!"

There were fewer and fewer people, but Freya continued. Looking at the more than 30 people left, Freya pressed her hands on the table.

"Part of the money you pay to the doctor after seeing a doctor is attributed to medical treatment. It is this part of the low medical tax and technology tax that supports the entire city's medical industry, but the price of medical care continues to increase. It is obvious that all of us have paid the money, but this money ended up in the pockets of most family medical companies and many other people who enriched their own pockets. Every one of us citizens living in the city is enjoying medical care. At this time, we need to pay additional medical taxes and technology taxes. These taxes are already covered in medical care, but what we get is more and more expensive medical care! Please think carefully, the foundation of our life has now been It’s in someone’s hands.”

At this time, some administrators came back not far away. After a while, they came over and started to drive away the crowd, and then surrounded Freya.

"Please do not continue to make inappropriate remarks, ma'am, or we will arrest you."

Freya glared angrily, and for a moment the management officer standing under the stage took a step back. Some of the people who had been expelled were still outside. Charles looked solemn. Freya stared at the people outside seriously, holding up the microphone.

"My accusations will not stop. At any time, everyone can come over if they want!"

Freya bowed as she spoke. Sporadic applause broke out in the distance, and some cooperators also began to stop the administrators from confiscating the equipment.

But in the end, a group of people were arrested and required to receive 48 hours of imprisonment as punishment for disturbing the city's public order regulations.


A man suddenly shouted. Freya suddenly ran smartly. She immediately left the crowd with a playful smile. More than 20 cooperators directly stopped the administrators who wanted to chase after her. Freya hurriedly walked Running on the street with a smile on her face, she was already planning to go to the next place to prepare a speech.

The strength has begun to gather. Freya knows very well that all she needs to do is keep her head down and keep running. Running every day will definitely be effective, because many people hear her words in their hearts instead of their ears. inside.

"What did everyone eat yesterday!"

Wu Qun held up a microphone and stood at the entrance of a closed company, where a large crowd of pedestrians stopped.

"Old Wu, what are you talking about today?"

Along with a voice, some laughter erupted from the crowd.

"Yeah, if I don't chat a few words every day, I feel uncomfortable all over. Eating is very important to everyone here, but what do people give us to eat? Especially recently, there are so many liquids Do you know what the food is made of?”

Many people felt sick when they heard it, and Wu Qun burst out laughing.

"It's made of food scraps recovered from restaurants, especially some shady companies. Forget it, let me tell you, going to Fit Supermarket to buy food is actually more expensive than going to the wet market." Food is expensive, regardless of convenience. With the advent of mobile payment, the prices of many foods have increased. If you don't mind the trouble, you can go to the wet market to buy food, which can be cheaper, and the quality of the food is definitely not as good as Feite. Supermarkets are bad. Once they are tied up, it is easy to unknowingly empty everyone's pockets. I have made a food list and price list here. You can turn on your mobile phone and I can send it to everyone in groups. Follow this If you come here to buy groceries, you can definitely save 30 yuan a month."

Many people held up their mobile phones.

"Old Wu, the administrator is here, run quickly."

Wu Qun put away the microphone, turned around with the box and plunged into the crowd, followed by a bunch of administrators.

"Don't run away, Wu Qun. I will definitely catch you today and send you in to live comfortably for a few days."

Wu Qun looked at a place in front of him that had been blocked, and made calculations instantly. Soon a passerby pointed to the street, and a black picture of the cars opened, and a man sitting in the car was walking towards Wu Qun. wave.

"Thank you."

As soon as he got in the car, the people in the car asked the driver to drive faster, and the car started to drive in an instant. Wu Qun squatted in the car, and the road crews passed by him one by one. Wu Qun shook his head with a smile and rushed The manager who saw him made a face.

"Thanks, friend."

Wu Qun looked at the young man next to him who was smelling of alcohol and was full of drunkenness. He laughed. The car didn't look cheap. He should be a relatively wealthy person.

"Old Wu, if you are caught, I will feel uncomfortable if I can't hear you talking."

"Haha, thanks my friend."

The guy next to him pulled Wu Qun up and poured him a glass of wine respectfully.

"My name is Chen Qiao, Lao Wu, how about I take you for a drink."

Wu Qun was a little suspicious, but still nodded with a smile.

At this time, Wu Qun also noticed it. Chen Qiao next to him looked frustrated and took a sip of wine with some discomfort.

"What's wrong? Frustrated!"

Wu Qun smiled and patted Chen Qiao.

"Old Wu, to tell you the truth, I am the youngest son of the Chen family. Now that my father is ill, my brothers and sisters have begun to kick me out and treat me like trash. It's terrible, it's terrible. "

"What's the matter? Come on, I'll have a drink with you."

Chen Qiao laughed happily.

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