Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 153 Big Trouble (Part 2) 22 more updates please subscribe!

"Stupid girl, use your little brain to think carefully. Although Michelle didn't say anything before, girl, you should know the reason why you changed your identity. Are your eyes just decorations, head decorations?"

Le Xiao blushed and didn't know what to say at all. She knew that the friction between the executive department and the parliamentarian group was indeed very serious, but Michelle didn't say anything today. She just said briefly in the hall of Congress. There are some things to pay attention to.

Locke sighed, patted Le Xiao on the shoulder and asked her to sit down, but after thinking about it, he felt a little hungry again. Fortunately, he still had food in his lounge.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it for now. You can think about it carefully along the way and then talk about it in my office."

Along the way, Le Xiao still didn't understand why such a heavy burden suddenly fell on her. And seeing those people looking relaxed and mocking from a distance, Le Xiao felt angry in her heart.

Finally returning to the General Affairs Department, Le Xiao followed Locke directly to the 7th floor. After passing Michelle's office, she found that she was still working. Le Xiao was a little surprised, and many people in the General Affairs Department were also still working, but this person in front of her was This guy is obviously the manager of the General Affairs Department.

Don’t section chiefs even have to work?

An idea began to sprout in Le Xiao's mind. Locke ran briskly, opened the door of his private rest area, and took out a hot braised pork rice and three chicken drumsticks from a thermal cabinet.

"Are you going to eat or not?"

Lexiao smiled awkwardly and shook her head.

"If you can't carry this big pot, you won't be able to carry it on both sides."

Le Xiao looked at Locke with some horror, and hurriedly took out the phone, only to find that Gene's phone was on a call.

Locke ate happily, and after a while, he poured a glass of wine with satisfaction.

"Would you like to drink?"

Le Xiao shook her head and sat on the sofa, leaning back comfortably. Her body had been tense all day, which would make her whole body sore.

"To put it simply, everyone doesn't want this plan to pass, but they want to give it a try and see what the result is. You know? It's that simple. I'm just saying vote according to your inner thoughts, don't you? Will you reconsider it? Towards a deeper place?"

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly, Locke sat across from him and brought up a light and shadow panel.

"The congressmen and the executive branch have an incompatible relationship, but the businessmen caught in the middle are different. Many businessmen are very interested in this thing tonight."

As soon as Locke said this, Le Xiao immediately remembered that tonight the businessmen were discussing the price of this thing, how it could be put on the market, and the people who would put it on the market, while the congressmen kept saying that if this thing could replace If people lose their jobs, many people in their area will lose their jobs.

The Business Department is talking about the impact these machines will have on people, and even affect their work.

"To be more specific, Section 10 is a scientific research subject. Do you really think that it will do nothing like the big-mouthed congressman said?"

Le Xiao was shocked. After hearing what the congressman criticized Noah for just now, she had similar thoughts in her head. After all, she had never seen any press conference held by Section 10.

"The 10 departments will conduct bidding and auctions for some scientific research results that can affect people's lives, and people from the company will bid. The highest bidder and the person with a reasonable specific implementation plan will get it. As for how to set the price, we must discuss with the Commerce Department, and the Commerce Department must follow Reasonable considerations are given based on the economic situation of each place, so many businessmen cannot do without the help of the 10th department or even other business departments, after all, the business department is the manager."

Le Xiao nodded.

"In other words, a businessman is a peacemaker. On the one hand, he has to maintain a good relationship with the administrative department, and on the other hand, he has to take care of the parliamentarians?"

Locke nodded and continued.

"Councillors are the voice of businessmen's opinions on city construction. At the same time, councilors need the support of businessmen, and businessmen are closely related to Section 10 and support councilors. Of course, they do not want Section 10's plan to go bankrupt, and at the same time, they We wanted to save the face of the members, so everyone thought of going together. The voting was not planned in advance. Do you remember that no one voted at the beginning? But after you voted, they began to slowly watch the votes and vote. , the moment you cast your vote, they have already decided to let you take the blame. It’s really unbelievable.”

Lexiao woke up suddenly.

"In other words, this bill must not offend the members, the Ministry of Affairs, and the businessmen, and it must satisfy all three parties?"

Locke nodded.

"You should think carefully about the specific method. If it doesn't work, come over before 6 o'clock tomorrow and ask Michelle."

At this time, Le Xiao felt a chill coming from the soles of her feet. She started to tremble. There were still more than ten days left. How could she think of a way to satisfy the three parties? This was simply impossible.

"By the way, we need to discuss this with our section chief Ji."

"Don't be so reserved in front of me, girl. I think you'd better not discuss it with Jean. After all, he's currently focused on those rioters, and I'm afraid he doesn't have time to care about such a big thing like yours."

Le Xiao lowered her head, thinking about what Michelle had said, baby.

I am not a baby, I must solve it for you to see.

"The specific plan is to select one district from 120 districts as a pilot. My opinion is to choose an area with fewer mutant people. If the number is too large, you will not be able to cope with it. Also, I need to remind you that there are only 13 subjects in You and Jean, after you go there, people from other departments will assist you. There are countermeasures under the policies of the superiors, and you have to make sure they listen to you."

Le Xiao's eyes widened in horror, and her head became a mess again.

Locke yawned and stood up.

"Go back and rest early, think about it carefully, and when your preliminary plan is completed, submit it to me in the General Affairs Department. Then you can go to the selected area to get familiar with it in advance. After all, there are only a few days left."

Le Xiao stood at the door and kept bowing and saying thank you. Locke sighed.

"Okay, go back and rest early. Do you want me to find someone to take you back? There is still a long way to go. Only by resting and adjusting your mood can you work more efficiently."

When Le Xiao passed Michelle's office, she stopped. She wanted to knock on the door, but hesitated. Michelle also had her own work at hand.

dong dong dong

"Come in."

"Please teach me what to do, Your Excellency Michelle!"

As soon as he entered, Le Xiao bowed and spoke very sincerely.

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