Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1511 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 12 (Part 2)

Da da da

The sound of leather boots came from the darkness

Jean walked down step by step. There were airtight metal walls on both sides. The metal material in front of him was like mud. It was constantly melting and quickly building into stairs. The path behind Jean kept disappearing and changing. into metal walls.

Cyan and yellow particles echoed around Jean. Gradually, Jean stopped and spit out a mouthful. A hole formed in the metal wall in front of his eyes, and a strong light came out.

A huge circular metal hall. This is an underground facility located 100 meters directly below the Academy of God. The entire space is 50 meters high. In the center of the space, there is a huge stone. The huge stone made of seven colors looks like a small mountain. , the peak at the top almost reaches the ceiling.

In the entire huge underground space, there are a large number of mechanical debris placed in the surrounding corners. Next to the hill, there is a huge ball. The top and bottom of the ball are made of black glue like tree vines. The material is fixed, and the other six people are sitting at a round table next to it. At this time, what the six people see in front of them is no longer the physical computer panel in the past, but a light and shadow panel composed of light and shadow materialization technology.

In the past few years, the technology of light and shadow materials has advanced rapidly, but it is still not open. If this technology is open, the city will collapse. In the past 10 years, the result of the open technology is a city that is extremely noisy under the light during the day. The metropolis appears, glowing with bright neon lights at night, and the city becomes increasingly faster and more stable.

The opening up of science and technology has led to too rapid development. Many old things have also been eliminated in this development. Many late-minded people have fallen behind. Those families that were still in the spotlight ten years ago have fallen behind in just ten years. , nearly half of it has declined.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and the city will make the most beneficial choice.

Gene put out his cigarette butt and walked over slowly. At this time, the six of them were looking attentively at some questions selected by the AI0 handsome man.

"At 13 years old, he is really a genius."

Tang Rao looked at a child from an upper-class heavy-duty family with anger. His information was displayed on the light and shadow screen in front of him. This light and shadow screen, which was thinner than paper, had been equipped with a light sensor and was touched. The points will materialize in an instant, and Tang Rao unceremoniously determines that the question maker is disqualified.

There are several high-level mathematics questions. The young man who is doing the questions has all the history test scores according to the comprehensive AI, and his intelligence level is in the middle and lower levels. It is impossible for him to be able to make the required decisions after just a few days of final exams. High-level mathematics questions that are only available in college.

"If the data is corrected and those who do not meet the overall score will be directly disqualified."

Witte said that the big ball above shone with colorful light. Gene sat down and pressed his fingers on the crystal surface embedded in the table. A light and shadow screen slowly appeared in front of him.

It is a 15-year-old male named Osman, who comes from an ordinary middle-class family. He has a 100% accuracy rate on basic mathematics and culture questions.

If you, as a manager, encountered crime on the streets, what would you do?

Stop immediately and, if necessary, kill the offender. To effectively curb crime, we must create an environment where criminals cannot survive. I think all current systems are unreasonable.

Gene smiled slightly, directly qualified the man named Osman, and informed him that he could come for an interview now.

At this time, Tang Rao suddenly burst into laughter.

"What an arrogant guy."

Rose looked at her light and shadow panel. A boy named Marcus, who was just 11 years old, answered a question about future medicine. Rose was a little happy.

Since we have relied on other organisms to serve human medical needs in the past, now, I think we can also use the power of other organisms to improve human genes.

Rose immediately approved the young man named Marcus and informed him that he could come for an interview now.

Tang Rao looked at the doctor named Akimi, who was over 30 years old, and naughtily wrote in the middle of the question that Akimi was answering, "There are limits to arrogance."

This is not arrogance. As a product of human research over the past few centuries, nanometers have their own rationality.

"Okay, I'll count you as passing. You're a very interesting guy. He didn't do any other questions. He only did the parts that he likes and is passionate about."

Li Chu watched with joy as a 19-year-old man named Duan Kong directly answered a question about urban planning and management. Instead of answering with words, he directly drew a city structure diagram, a very detailed map of the city. The structural diagram was passed directly to this guy.

Didi didi

Accompanied by a voice, a girl named Huite, who had been passed by Gu Yi before, was already standing at the door and knocking on the door.

Once the answer is passed, the identity information of the interviewer will be directly transferred from AI0 to the defense system outside the college. The passer can enter through the peripheral gate, but they can only stand at the gate.

"I've passed, don't you want me to come for the interview now?"

Gene looked at this girl in her 20s who had a good relationship with King Xue and looked anxious.

"What an impatient little girl."

The questions cover all aspects, from culture and art to science and technology, to social, management and fantasy questions, and finally to psychological questions and thinking questions.

These questions are all asked by the seven gods and cover all fields. However, it is not necessary to complete them all, because during the process of doing the questions, the gods have already begun to select. They appear in various parts of the city at around 12 o'clock in the morning. some qualified candidates.

Nowadays, the entire city's attention has been attracted by the sudden actions of the gods. The major media, which got the test questions, directly invited many well-known scholars in the society to structure the questions.

Some qualified candidates have been running non-stop towards the Academy of God, for fear of falling behind others.

But most people know that the true purpose of this God's College nearly 10 years ago is to cultivate a group of top talents for the city.

At this time, a large number of people have gathered outside the college. They are all watching. Some families have even begun to take action. They have protested to Congress. Their children who have received an excellent education should be eligible to enroll. This also includes some people who have been eliminated.

"Move quickly, lazy boy."

Alpha held Mo Xiao's hand. She had already packed her clothes. She and Mo Xiao had originally downloaded the questions, but they passed it as soon as they were downloaded. They were asked to report. Looking back on Jean's appearance this morning, he was very... happy.

Mo Xiao swallowed and slowly packed her clothes. Her expression was bitter and there were tears in her eyes. She didn't want to go to the Academy of God.

Located in the eastern farm, it was just after 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Ye Chunwang looked at the questions, which contained a large number of questions about crops, and smiled happily. He naturally knew that this part of the questions was written by Jean.

Looking at the vast expanse of land behind him that was still in a desolate stage, Ye Chunwang knew very well that when the students from the School of God graduated, a large number of talents would come to this land. The only thing he needed to do was to lead these people. Pioneering agricultural science and technology.

"I passed, Dad!"

An 18-year-old young man with a resolute face bowed in front of a bearded man holding a cigar and wearing a lawyer's badge.

"Very good, Heathcote. You are the hope of our family and the best person in our Bar Association cabinet. Go ahead. I hope you can help us achieve more fruitful results and have a good relationship with our classmates. As long as you pass the interview If you do, you will stand at the top.”

Heathcote straightened up and nodded. He had already passed the trial test of a higher-level university with the highest teaching quality, and was going to university next year. But now that Heathcote passed the test questions of the gods, he He turned around, picked up a bag, and went out.

12:31 pm

Nabe started packing her things excitedly, holding up the phone.

"Fry, I passed the test. Hurry up and do the test questions. If you do well, we will go for the interview together."

Kuhl behind him looked at his daughter with relief, and Frye on the phone hummed.

"Nabe, I think I'd better forget it."

Nabe said dissatisfied.

"What do you mean, forget it, Fry, you are a man or not, I don't care if you give me questions."

In the end, Frye agreed and would do the questions after some of today's surgeries were completed. At this time, in the deformed community, Frye put down the phone in his hand and saw that the vital signs of the patient in front of him had stabilized. He looked towards Not far away, Huashen was still undergoing surgery. Now he knew that Huashen came from that college of God.

After Huashen took off his surgical gloves and walked out, Frye walked over and handed Huashen a can of liquid food.

"Don't you want to go?"

Huashen asked, and Frye shook his head.

"I'm not very gregarious in the school environment."

"It might surprise you."

Huashen didn't say anything extra, but he knew very well that that school was more like a workplace than a school.

It can be seen that Frye has no self-confidence. This deep-seated inferiority may be born from childhood.

"Actually, you really don't need to put too much pressure on yourself. Don't think too much."

10:34 am

Whit kicked the door with a fierce kick. At this time, a handsome young man with sunken eyes, messy hair, and a face as white as paper came up from the bottom of the hillside. He had a slight smile on his mouth. Judging by his age, He looked much younger than himself, no more than 15 years old, and some people came up one after another outside.

"This door will only open when we are about to lose our patience. My name is Billy, and where are you, miss!"

"Just call me Whit."

Whit looked at the boy named Billy. He had a gloomy and weird look all over him, but for a while he couldn't tell what was strange.

Many men and women came up one after another. After a while, more than 100 people gathered at the door just after 1 o'clock. The gods did not say when the interview would be, because everyone received The news is that I got up immediately and came for an interview, but after I came, the door was closed again.

It’s just that many people seemed to be unusually quiet, just waiting. But at this time, a girl named Latis walked towards the measurement door passing under the long slope. When she was about to step out, someone stood next to her. It was immediately displayed on a mechanical panel.

Once you leave, you will be immediately disqualified.

Many of the guys who followed him smiled. Most of them had thought that once they got here, they would have to stand at the gate and wait until they were disqualified.

People kept gathering, and time passed by. Some people who had not brought food or water felt thirsty. Just after 2 p.m., a long black car parked outside the measurement gate. In an instant, many people on the hillside saw the black car with the Angus family coat of arms, clouds, rain and lightning patterns printed on it.

Everyone in the city knew about this ancient family that had gone through countless gossips but was still strong. At this time, two 10-year-old girls got off the car and walked in directly with their bags on their backs.

Although everyone is a little suspicious, because the little girl in the lead can often be seen on TV, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus, Alpha Angus.

As soon as Alpha walked up, he bowed slightly to everyone with friendly eyes, and quietly pulled Mo Xiaolan to the side. Someone had already noticed that this little girl was different from ordinary little girls. Alpha, who was wearing a black waistcoat, The arms are thicker than the average person, and there are muscles that stand out.

As time passed, people kept coming, and more than 200 people gathered in front of the 20-meter-wide double metal doors of the college. As expected, the people who came here were all of different identities and ages.

Like Alpha, who is young but born into a top wealthy family, there is also an older man who is very well-dressed and seems to be the biggest person here, wearing round glasses, a small round hat, and a plaid suit, more than 30-year-old Akimi.

Everyone who can come here has probably already thought that when they enter here, the interview has already started.

At this time, a man in uniform and square glasses walked through the measurement door. Whitt ran over as soon as he saw it.

"Why are you here too? Shouldn't you be inside already?"

"After all, it is a grand entrance ceremony, and we can only enter from the outside, just like you."

Whit didn't say anything else. He found a piece of high-calorie compressed candy directly from King Xue's pocket. He took a little and put it in his mouth, with a smile on his somewhat impatient face.

At this time, people on the periphery noticed something. There was a countdown on the questions given by the gods, ending at 5 p.m.

There are a total of 200 basic questions. If you do one wrong question, you will be directly disqualified by AI0. These questions are very simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, simple formulas are included in calculations, word meanings, etc.

These seemingly simple basic questions can reflect the degree of patience and meticulousness of a person in doing things. It may only take one or two seconds to know the answer to a question, but many people easily get it wrong in order to finish it quickly. It's the lowest standard.

Then the second part of the memory questions includes questions about graphic memory, symbol memory, and text memory. There are a total of 100 questions. From the first 60 seconds of memory, each question will reduce 1 second, 60 questions. When answering questions, memory questions will be reduced to 1 second until the end.

The second part of the questions requires at least 90 points to pass. This type of questions mainly tests whether you pay attention to details in daily life, because the 100 questions are tailor-made for each question taker. The pictures and videos that appear in the questions are all from the living areas of the people who asked the questions.

This mainly tests memory and flashback memory ability. Once you fail to reach 90 points, you will immediately be judged to have failed by the AIO and your qualification to do the questions will be cancelled.

The third part is about song questions. There are 20 questions in total. There are 20 extremely short simple melodies with a total of 10 repetition opportunities. There are no complicated melodies. You just need to use the melody according to the melody or whatever the test taker is used to. Just match the words to the beat and the tone.

In the third part, you need to correct at least 18 pieces of music to pass the test. Once you have used up 10 opportunities and cannot correctly answer 18 pieces of music, you will be immediately disqualified.

The melody, tone, and rhythm of the voice are an extremely important part of reflecting the coordination of a person's brain. It is extremely important to identify many things by hearing the voice, talk and debate, give orders, and appreciate the aesthetics of the voice, etc. .

The fourth part is about on-the-spot reaction ability, judgment and perception of things. There are a total of 10 videos. The videos include dialogue, scene, music and technology. Each video is only 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, you need to Answer what exactly the video wants to express. You don’t need to answer all the answers. You can answer based on your first feeling and impression. The time you can think about is 5 minutes. The thinking time will only stop during the writing process until you finish writing the complete answer. Finally, after the next question is played, the thinking time will begin.

This part of the question requires writing at least 50 points in 10 videos. There are 100 key points in the video in total, but at least half of the key points must be written. This is to test whether it can be done in a short time. Ability to process huge amounts of information.

The fifth part is a reflex nerve test game. Before the question starts, you only need to put your finger on the white point of the test square that is opened in the program in the question. You can move it left, right, up and down. Some colorful squares will appear in the four directions, and the squares will Start to hit it at a slow speed. At this time, the part where your finger is pressed will appear in color. You only need to move to the correct position in front of the four corresponding square colors on the left, right, top and bottom. There will be more and more colorful squares around, and the position will be different. One moves over, and the examinee needs to move up, down, left, and right according to the changing color of the square under his finger.

This type of test requires an instant identification of the correct color and the correct position in four directions. When the up, down, left, and right squares move at different speeds, the squares on your fingers will also change colors quickly. You need to move them according to the correct position to catch the same color. of squares.

There is no specific time for this question. If you pass the level 200 times with the correct position, the speed will change from slow at the beginning with double color change, to fast with triple color change, and then to rapid quadruple color change.

The sixth part is the psychological test questions. Most of the test questions are multiple-choice questions that revolve around morality, good and evil, and stance. There are many paradox questions.

There are a total of six parts of basic questions. In addition to the first five parts that must be passed, you can choose to do or not do the sixth part.

Just after 1 noon, 1.03 million people in the city had taken the test, but 993,957 of them had been directly eliminated, and there were still people trying.

Because the test questions were announced at 8 o'clock in the morning, the city's communication network is now 100% covered. In addition, it uses a very good new composite material. A 100G file can be downloaded in only 10 seconds. Category 6 Basic questions can be completed in up to 3 hours.

Some people who had a waiting mentality panicked at this time. In fact, the exam had already started from the time when the test questions were downloaded. This is such a rare opportunity. At first, only more than 100,000 people started to do the questions immediately, but after the countdown was announced, The number of people surged.

The strong will seize the opportunity, the wise will create the opportunity, and the fool will wait for the opportunity!

Following a considerable commotion, more than 100 candidates who passed the exam at the entrance of the college began to think individually. Looking at the row of eye-catching characters on their mobile phones, it turned out that the interview had already begun.

"Haha! Interesting!"

Billy said coldly, and then looked at a striped path on the door. Not only Billy, but also someone had noticed the uneven and regular lines on the door, like a maze.

Latis, the girl who had suddenly walked down to test whether she could get out, stood on the right side of the door and scratched something on the surface of the door.

Didi didi

Along with a prompt sound, a small door opened on one side of the main door.

"Congratulations Latis, you are the first to enter the academy!"

There was a sound of some joy, and Latis walked in. There was obviously a gate, but when he looked in, there were still gates one after another. However, Latis did not hesitate and walked in directly, and the door behind him closed directly. Latis's eyes widened in an instant. The majestic main teaching building in front of him, as well as several training fields and rows of houses around him, made Latis feel shocked.

At this time, only an old woman was seen, washing vegetables next to a training ground not far away.

Just when Latis was happy, the two doors opened, and Alpha walked in first. Latis snorted coldly, and there was a little girl who looked confused. She was Mo Xiao who came with Alpha.

The three of them looked at each other, and Alpha had already dragged Mo Xiao away.

"It looks like you have been here before. That's it. There are insiders, but unfortunately I was the first one to come in. My name is Latis, Alpha."

Latis stretched out a hand. After Alpha smiled and shook hands with Latis, there was a burst of sound and a 3D blue human-shaped light and shadow.

"Congratulations Latis, you passed the exam. I am the principal here, Jean."

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