Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1495 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 7 (middle)

There was a rumbling sound, and a large construction machinery vehicle with plate-like legs was operating. A man sitting on the front of the vehicle, extending and bending into the air, was controlling this all-round, multi-functional, large-scale 30-ton vehicle. Construction machinery vehicle.

The car is 20 meters long, and the maximum distance between the extended control seats at the front of the car can reach 100 meters. The long carriage at the back is full of shrinking and deforming mechanical walls, which can meet all engineering construction needs.

Two robotic arms slowly grabbed a steel plate weighing several tons. After slowly grabbing it, they placed it on the second floor of an all-metal building not far away. The mechanical orientation measuring instrument kept prompting. After correction, the steel was placed in the correct position.

"How about it, Avano, this will be our car research and development center. Do you want to come here to test drive in a few days?"

Avano shook his head, and Locke, who looked happy in front of him, said ostentatiously that Avano came here today to sign a land cross-use contract with Locke, the eldest son of the Phoebes family.

The deafening mechanical sound made Avano feel uncomfortable. He glanced back at the Phoebes Manor, which was under construction and occupied nearly one-third of the area. To the east, part of the land was owned by the Angus family. Heavy machinery of all sizes are everywhere, all with patterns of flying birds printed on them, which is the family crest of the Phoebus family.

Such a coat of arms represents the rights between families. All large and small families in the city have their own coat of arms, and family members have immunity. Even if they commit a crime, they only need to bear material compensation and do not need to accept legal sanctions. .

When the Angus family divided the family territory in the northeast of the upper level, they voluntarily gave up the land in the upper level and claimed this place. Then the land of the Phoebes family was merged into the Angus family, and Angus The family also promised that they would return a piece of land to the Phoebes family in the future.

The Phoebus family is mainly located in the middle-class western area, where their three major automobile factories are located.

"Roads are the blood of the city, and cars are the nutrients of the city. We will definitely make the entire city more prosperous."

Locke, who was nearly 10 years older than Avano, stretched out his hand. Avano smiled and took it, holding the two hands tightly together.

"By the way, Avano, we have a party on Qinglong Street tonight. Do you want to join us? I will bring you Violet with me."

Avano shook his head.

"I don't need it. I don't really like that kind of situation. I have to go home tonight."

Locke nodded.

"By the way, have the gods talked to your family about immunity?"

Avano shook his head in confusion. Gene had often come to his home in the past few years, but he had never talked about immunity with him.

But Avano probably knows what's going on. The gods want to take back the family's immunity. Unless the family patriarch voluntarily gives up the immunity, otherwise, the law cannot interfere with the family.

Last month, at the end of last year, there was a vicious incident. Young people from several small families got drunk in a pub and molested a couple. As a result, several people beat the man and dragged the woman to the alley to take turns. Violate.

Afterwards, the four people who committed the crime seemed to be fine and even flashed their middle fingers to the camera. This incident aroused great public outrage, and many people took to the streets to protest and demand severe punishment for the perpetrators.

In fact, this kind of thing has happened before, with violence, assault on women and other issues, but this time the problem is particularly serious. Large-scale demonstrations broke out at the end of last year. In the end, the Law Hall made the most severe ruling in history, requiring four The family paid 250,000 yuan each to the victims, for a total compensation of 1 million yuan.

Three of the four families were unable to pay out this huge amount of compensation, so the Congress directly took away their properties and auctioned them off to ordinary businessmen. In the end, the three families fell directly, and one of them was also in danger.

Someone spread the photos of the criminals from these families on a large scale through the Internet. Just a few days ago, angry crowds rushed into the homes of two of the families, dragged the two perpetrators out, and surrounded them collectively. Beaten, one person was killed and the other was maimed.

When the army finally arrived, the people had dispersed, and the place where the crowd committed violence was still without surveillance. In the end, after the local administrator arrested some people, the matter ended.

To this day, major news channels are still reporting on the follow-up events related to this vicious incident. After this incident, many families have also restrained themselves a little.

"If I become the patriarch, I will give up the family's immunity as soon as possible."

Locke suddenly said with a smile, and Avano was a little surprised.

"Such rights were earned by our grandparents who worked hard all their lives. By the time our fathers' generation came, they had received corresponding rewards. I think it is enough."

Avano smiled and nodded. Sure enough, Locke of the Phoebus family was different from other children of big families, and Avano was willing to talk to him.

4:16 p.m.

There are many people moving around a square with a large amount of building materials on a back street in District 32 on the middle floor.

"Whoever gets it belongs to whom. After the matter is over, everyone can just disperse before the army comes."

A man wearing a black hoodie, leather gloves, and a white mask with a big

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse."

As X spoke, everyone around him looked at the mastermind in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Watch more about the animal world when you have time. Camels are originally taller than horses, and even camels that starve to death are still bigger than horses. In short, although this family has declined due to previous compensation, it still has the above relationship. Good family support is now preparing to make a comeback. I saw them coming here a few days ago and carrying a money box. It is conservatively estimated to be more than 300,000. I only want 50,000. You can divide the rest among yourselves. In terms of items, Try to tell your men to get what they can, we only have 30 minutes."

The leaders of several small gangs showed smiles one after another. With some valuable items at home, a group of people should be able to get a share of thirty to forty thousand, and if the money exceeds 300,000, they should be able to get more.

"We have already visited two of the four families. Today is the best time to take action. There have been minor riots and various problems in other places, so as long as we act quickly, there will be no problem."

"How about we rob the other one too?"

A little boss said, X smiled sinisterly and pinched his mouth.

"Pigs must be fattened before slaughtering."

Now everyone understands. Everyone knows that although the remaining family has paid 250,000 yuan in compensation, they still have some wealth and several industries. As long as they make some money before committing the robbery, they should be able to Make another big profit.

"Now that banks have completed their replacement, many gray industries operated by families cannot be counted as legal income, and some families even evade taxes, so most families will have a small private treasury."

X glanced at his pocket watch, then glanced at everyone again.

"Repeat what I taught you."

4:26 pm

Located in a detached area to the west of District 32, in a home covering an area of ​​more than 500 square meters, three servants are preparing meals for tonight's banquet in the yard.

"Damn you, you are really good. How many women can you find with 250,000 yuan? Look at you."

The man of the house was teaching his son a lesson. At this time, the son was shaking his head, but still smiling at the corner of his mouth.

"Dad, I will definitely not go out to cause trouble in the future. I will follow you and do business properly, and you will..."

"Get out, you despicable criminal."

For a moment, the faces of the family in the house became solemn. They only heard bursts of banging, the door of the yard was opened directly, and several servants screamed.

Hundreds of people poured into the mansion from all directions. The servants in the courtyard retreated to the side. There were bursts of shattering sounds. Everyone who rushed in shouted slogans that criminals must face punishment.

The male host hurriedly took out a wad of money from under the sofa and shouted as soon as he rushed out the door.

"I'll give you money, please"


The man's head was knocked to the ground with an iron rod. When he was unconscious, he could only hear his wife's screams and his son's cries.


There was another muffled sound, and the woman in the room was punched in the abdomen and passed out. The servants outside who thought they were fine were knocked unconscious to the ground. X quickly locked the location of the money. The bosses rushed over in a hurry.

"BINGO! I didn't expect there were nearly 500,000."

X stared at the cash box quietly. After holding it in his hand, he saw more than a dozen pairs of greedy eyes around him, and one of the leaders scratched his head in confusion.

"What do you mean? Why do you say it again?"

"Tell your men to move faster."

After a while, the whole house was in a mess, and many people were looking for valuable things. In just 20 minutes, everything in the whole house was ransacked, including a lot of clothes and even underwear. Pass.

When it was close to 5 o'clock, , I should get the money myself.

At this time, the kidnapped son in the room looked at the person in front of him in horror and kept sobbing.

X put one hand on the money.

"Get things done first, move quickly, and gag him tightly."

The leaders looked at each other in confusion, and picked up the iron bars, stones, etc. on the table.

"How about x boss, you"

X stared at a small boss.

"When you were robbing, each of you was not faster and bolder than the other. Why did you become so weak when it came time to kill?"

In the end, accompanied by a fierce groan, the kidnapped person was beaten to death with sticks and stones.

"Throw it on the construction site, then run away and go back to have a peaceful holiday. I will summon you when the time is right. Remember this matter and don't tell anyone. If you still want to get rich."


X has fallen into an economic crisis. He had to come out of the underground research laboratory to find a way to get some new materials and continue research. Then he took advantage of the big event that happened last month and easily got nearly 100,000 yuan. Now he Planning to stalk the last family member.

Although those gangsters are stupid, it is precisely because of their stupidity that they are easy to control. X plans to use those gangsters to get enough materials and go back underground to continue research. X knows that he has a long way to go.

X once had a group of idiot subordinates like this, but in the end they were killed by their own stupidity. X almost died, but luckily he ran fast.

"I have a lot of time, so just let me slowly take over the entire fully developed city. Thank you for your hard work. Gods and lords, please help me make my wedding dress, hahaha."

People on the street looked at X as if they were a fool. He coughed twice violently, pressed his hard mechanical chest, and walked slowly.



"Boss, bring me a box of lubricant. I want the highest quality."

The boss quickly moved a whole box out. This was the first time he saw a customer who bought a whole box, but the look in his eyes was a bit abnormal. He was holding the machine lubricant in his arms excitedly.

"Guest, are you okay? This is..."

Before the boss finished speaking, he saw X lift off his mask and put the tube of lubricant into his mouth.

"I just heard it and asked if it was authentic or not."

Seeing X leaving with a box of lubricant enjoying himself, the boss muttered.


In an alleyway, To the extent that the human body cannot bend at all, it twists and turns.

"This is how it feels, it's great!"

Thinking that many of the machines in the basement were aging and creaking, X decided to go back first and then repair the machines underground.

"No, let's make money first."

Only then did So great, there was even a tavern owner who hoped that X could go to the tavern to dance mechanically and give him a high salary.

It was nearly 5:30 when X finally got away. He looked calmly at the sun that was starting to turn yellow, and glanced at a place covered with a large number of tempting signs.

"Let's go and have some fun tonight before we talk!"

R quietly watched the scene on the surveillance video. He had a panoramic view of the entire family being robbed. He had sneaked into the family before it was robbed and installed a large number of surveillance cameras. All the details of the robbery had been According to the surveillance video, one of the guys wearing a mask should be the conductor.

"how's it going?"

C opened the door and came in, holding two glasses of water. After putting them down, R said with a smile.

"Why, have you been talked about by the fat man all afternoon?"

C frowned slightly.

"I've had enough. I have to increase the intensity of my workouts and give this fat guy a good beating."

At this time, the two chatted about the case, and C asked.

"Have these guys investigated?"

R took out a long prison record. Most of these 11 small gangs, each with about ten people, make a living by cheating, stealing, robbing, stealing from public facilities, selling goods, etc., and there is no specific harm. , they are all small-time gangsters, but this time they blatantly used social events to rob, which is indeed a bit too much.

"Do you want to solve it?"

R asked. While C was still hesitating, K walked in.

"My personal opinion is that there is no need to solve it. Don't we have another method next time?"

C chuckled and nodded.

"It just so happened that the teachers were worried about the immunity issue of the family, so we asked them to worry less and there was no need to arrest them. We used this vicious follow-up incident to warn other families. After all, the crime rate of family members has increased in recent years. Staying high.”

"That's okay. We have been very tired in the past six months and need a long vacation to have a leisurely vacation at school."

After K finished speaking, R nodded.

"Just keep the criminal records of these guys. As for the guy wearing the mask, we will investigate carefully when they target the next family after a long time."

It was approaching 6 o'clock, and the last ray of the sun was about to dissipate. Wu Qun squatted on the ground quietly, looking at the two people looking at each other in front of him. A handsome and tall boy on the left clenched his fists in anger. He was just like himself. He is the son of an ordinary businessman, and the short, fat, average-looking guy on the right is from a medium-sized family.

"Wait a minute!"

The people around him were divided into two groups, the ordinary businessmen were on the one side, and the family members were on the other side. For a moment, people from both groups looked at Wu Qun.

"Old Wu, you're here to judge, that damn fat guy will be the first to judge."

Wu Qun waved his hand, and the people on both sides immediately began to curse at each other, and a fight was about to begin.

"Everyone, stop it!"

Wu Qun roared viciously. At this time, people on both sides stopped arguing. Everyone believed in Wu Qun. He was the most well-connected and prestigious person in this school, from teachers to students, as well as everyone in the school. The service staff have a good relationship with Wu Qun.

"Wait a minute, let me ask Wang Ying what's going on."

Wu Qun ran directly to the side of the teaching building. Under the setting sun, a beautiful and beautiful woman with long, straight hair and an oval face was leaning against the wall.

"What's going on, Wang Ying?"

Wang Ying laughed mischievously.

"Old Wu, Lin Xiao did date me before. I was just drunk that night and said some unintelligible words. He thought I was his girlfriend. As for Baoyan, I just said I would consider it. After all, he Chasing me."

Wu Qun looked helplessly at the woman in front of him. She was a member of the Wang family branch of the eight major families, and she was also the grand-niece of the current head of the family. However, the branch family had begun to decline. She had no rights in the Wang family, but she had no rights in the school. She is quite capable and a very powerful woman.

"How many people have you considered?"

Wang Ying licked her fingers and counted.

"I don't remember. Please help me solve it, Old Wu. If the two sides fight during a festival like this, the situation will be very bad."

At this time, as the sun's light went out, a shadow passed in front of the two people.

"Oh, Wang Ying, you are really a terrible woman. Lin Xiao is so handsome. If you don't like her, forget it."

Wu Qun turned his head.

"Beckinsale, get out of here, don't get involved."

Wu Qun looked angrily at the woman who came over. She was wearing a strapless skirt and was dressed very enchantingly. She looked jeweled, with peach blossom eyes and a beautiful face. She was one of the three beauties in the school. Like Wang Ying, she is also the first choice suitor for most men.

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