Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 150 Temporary Decision (Part 2) 19 more updates please subscribe!

Away from the hustle and bustle of the streets, Jean walked quietly on Qinglong North Street. At this time, North Street had already calmed down, and he would soon reach Section 2. He had also read the special decision-making document just now.

Jean probably already knew about this matter, and it was Mo Xiaolan who was the one who pulled the strings. Although Jean wanted to ask her before, he didn't ask because she was already very tired. It had been more than an hour since she returned to Section 2.

After witnessing the combat effectiveness of the reformed people, Jean knew very well that all departments would probably support this idea. It is understandable that the reformed people should become the combat power of Brilliant City and they would no longer need to run around for work. The combat power of the enemy lurking in the dark is still unknown.

What worries Jean the most is the forces outside the barrier area. These intricate things are intertwined, which may eventually cause the order in the city to collapse. The purpose of the other party is chaos, and they want to provoke everything that can be provoked in the city, creating Lots of confusion.

At this time, Jean's mind flashed to the shadows of those mountain workers at the trading station. They were also part of the city, as the lowest level of mutants, but soon Jean thought of Le Xiao, and then he laughed. .

"The kid probably won't agree!"

Gene was already standing at the door of Section 2. After passing the test, the door opened. As soon as he opened the door, Mo Xiaolan was behind the door with an evil smile on his face, as if he was already waiting for him.

At this time, light and shadow poles had been erected on the lawn of Section 2. A large number of Section 2 staff were eating, many of them looking tired. Gene pushed Mo Xiaolan.

"Jean's report will come out in a few days. I will give you a detailed report. I can't explain it clearly now. That C121 has honestly confessed. They are people from the barrier area, and what they were told is They are subordinates of the Special Operations Department."

Gene stopped and looked at Mo Xiaolan with some confusion, but he already understood something on his expression.

"It's a very smart approach. It captured the psychology of the people in the barrier area. Maybe it was instilled in them from childhood, so they believed it. To be honest, I almost died laughing when I heard the confession. That C121 They even said that their action this time was to unseat Ji Mo, and then let the best of their number C mutants become the section chief of the 9th Business Section."

Jean's expression was slightly angry, and he used this kind of beautiful lie to make these people from the barrier zone believe it, because everyone wants to go out into the sun legitimately and enjoy everything that status brings. I'm afraid these people who have been deceived People still have relatives in the barrier area.

A scene from a long time ago immediately appeared in Jean's mind. It was when brother and sister Tianhen and Tianai were children. At that time, the brother and sister looked at the glory of the bright city with envious eyes. They would watch it every night, and then they started Discussing what it would be like to live in Brilliant City.

Taking advantage of this longing is the weakest point in people.

"Where's C139? Let me see him."

"Forget it. That guy Jean has a very harsh mouth. He will be thrown into the prison tower in a few days. I hope you give Jewell a call later. After all, you and he are old acquaintances. It's easier to talk to him. I'll take him." A prisoner came to Section 2 and wanted to ask some questions."

Gene looked at Mo Xiaolan in confusion.

"The formal procedures are a bit cumbersome, and most importantly, I don't want this important information to leak out."

"Who are you going to bring out?"

Mo Xiaolan said with a strange smile.

"Alpha Angus."

Gene's mind instantly thought of the guys he and Mo Xiaolan had seen tonight wearing black face masks with white XX letters engraved on them, Alpha being the first letter.

"This may be just a way for the enemy to confuse us."

Mo Xiaolan shook his head, put his hand on his chin, and knocked on his head.

"I have a very good brain and can remember more things than a computer. More than 60 years ago, before the city database was established, I was drinking with Alpha one time. I once heard that she talked about Beta and hoped that I would Help him think of a way to deal with it, the Beta she mentioned is one of her suitors."

Gene became even more confused, and Mo Xiaolan continued.

"Do you still remember that time? Not long after the 13th Section was established, Alpha was the candidate for the Section Chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section. It was at this juncture that she dragged me to drink every day because of this matter. I advised her at that time Over her, every good thing about men."

Mo Xiaolan said and glared at Jean sideways. Jean squatted down helplessly and picked up Mo Xiaolan. The two of them had arrived at the door. After going upstairs, Jean put Mo Xiaolan on the chair. .

There was a sense of nostalgia on Gene's face, and he felt inexplicably sad.

"What's wrong? You haven't seen her in nearly 50 years, right? Do you miss her a little bit?"

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"There is nothing to miss in the past, because people can only move forward and cannot go back. In which room, let me go and see that guy."

"Basement 2nd floor."

Jean covered Mo Xiaolan with a blanket, put his hand in front of him, bowed and left.

The elevator took Jean to the second underground floor. This floor is different from the first floor. Going down is a relatively spacious area guarded by people from Section 2. There are a large number of cells on both sides and four walls. This is for temporary use. At the door of Room 367, which houses some people who need to be questioned, the people from Section 2 opened the door and Jean stepped in.

C139 was stunned. There were still many swollen places on his head. His body had been repaired. His hands were wearing special handcuffs, his feet were shackled, and there was a collar around his neck. He stared at Ji with cold eyes. kindness.

"Okay, your companion has confessed. Is there anything you want to say? When you get better, you will enter the prison tower and work underground for the rest of your life until you die."

C139 said nothing and remained silent.

"Although it is cruel to you, the fact is that the guys behind your scenes have lied to you. You are not people of any special profession, you are just naked criminals, and you cannot live safely in the sun. Officially Walked up to the stage.”

C139's eyes were a little moved. He gritted his teeth and looked at Gene, and then laughed.

"Kill me Jean."

There was despair in C139's eyes. He finally climbed up from the bottom and happily carried out the tasks assigned by his superiors, including the riots that were planned five years ago. It was also an instruction from his superiors. It was said that Congress could not pass the ostensibly due to the population expansion. The method is to eliminate some of the people at the bottom, so we must create man-made disasters to let those worms at the bottom of Brilliant City get out of the city.

"What is truth? What is falsehood? You have your own beliefs, but this belief is paranoid. When you encounter falsehoods, you are now you. Tell me your plan in detail, so that I can give you some information. preferential treatment.”

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