Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1478 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 1 (Part 2)

In the white hospital, Avano was sitting in a wheelchair with his legs in plaster, while Violet's right arm was broken off, wrapped in bandages, and hung around her neck. Both of them had varying degrees of pain all over their bodies. Bruises.

The speed finally exceeded 400 yards. Under the forced stop of the AI ​​system, the car overturned. However, this Land Fighter series sports car built by the Phoebes family ensured the safety of the two people.

Looking at the information on the mobile phone, the news that the two people overturned the car instantly made the headlines of major news. The photo of the two people hugging each other in front of the car after the car overturned, bruised but smiling, became the headline of the news. Board surface.

Soon they were picked up by the family's private helicopter, and a large number of professional doctors followed them home.

"Sorry, I'm drunk!"

Avano admitted that he was drunk and was negligent without waiting for his father to speak. However, his father immediately took out the surveillance video of the scene and it was Violet who was driving.

This was the first time that Violet was severely scolded by Avano's parents, but at this time, she felt a little sweet in her heart. The stubborn and clumsy nerd next to her would actually admit it.

At this time, Jean, who was in a classroom, together with the other six gods, looked at the recent score sheets of the students.

"No, they are all a bunch of rubbish. I really want to drag these students over. They don't know how to calculate such simple engineering dynamics. According to this algorithm, let alone the aircraft taking off, it has not yet taken off. It just fucking exploded, I can't stand it anymore, these losers, a pile of rubbish, all they know all day long is..."

"Okay, please stop saying a few words, Tang Rao."

Werther sighed, but Gene smiled.

"I don't plan to teach anyway. Whoever wants to teach can teach. There was a riot at the bottom just now. One of you can go over and deal with it. Those idiots and idiots below are equipped with the most advanced weapons and a group of combat power. Only 5 scum surrendered so quickly."

Li Chu smashed the table with his slap. At this time, everyone in the room looked at Jean, who was drinking silently.

"Am I going again?"

The six people nodded.

"If you don't go, who will? You are the fastest here and can solve the problem within half an hour!"

Rose said, throwing a cigarette over, Gene took it in his hand and put down the glass.

"It's not sweet to be forced. Why don't we reopen a school? As for the children of these families, just let them go to some ordinary schools."

As soon as Jean finished speaking, the other six people all nodded. This is necessary. The quality of students in the school today is simply heaven and earth, but even the smartest ones are still fools in the eyes of the seven people.

"The city will definitely come to an end if this continues. Are we a bunch of waste? We have cultivated a group of waste."

Gu Yi said, looking at the students' chemistry test papers on the computer screen. Many of the simplest equations were written full of loopholes.

"Look at what's written? The hydrogen particle conversion equation of H3O."

Gu Yi couldn't speak anymore, and Jean smiled helplessly. At this time, Tang Rao came over.

"You prepare this matter secretly, Jean, and leave the other matters to us for the time being. After you are ready, we will close the school at about the same time. At that time, we will openly recruit the whole city. Only if we Only those who are smart in our eyes have the right to accept our teachings, regardless of age, class or gender."

Gene jumped to the window and nodded with one hand raised.

"I see!"

In the dead of night, Violet opened the specially customized room where Avano was resting. There were a large number of machines and equipment in it, including many medical robots, which could take care of Avano's daily life 24 hours a day. .

"It hurts so much that you can't sleep!"

Violet asked and Avano nodded.

"Aren't you the same?"

Violet sat next to Avano, lowering her head. The two were silent for a while, saying nothing, but after a while, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"We seem to get along quite well in some areas."

Avano said and Violet nodded.


After a while, Violet became a little sleepy, and Avano moved hard to the right.

After Violet hesitated for a while, she lay down next to Avano.

"What can I do?"

"What do you think!"

The two smiled at each other again, and then closed their eyes. They slept peacefully that night. Although they woke up several times due to pain, they felt a trace of warmth next to them.


Jean sat quietly on the roof, looking at the soldiers who were cleaning up the battlefield below. Many of them came from large and small families in the city. Several administrators were constantly talking to Jean, completely It was the dereliction of duty of the people below that caused such a problem. I will definitely pay attention to such remarks in the future.

"That's enough, you go and direct the progress to speed up."

The chaos at the bottom, the luxury at the top, everything is bothering Jean. The chaotic management is a problem that Jean and the others must solve. But looking at these guys in front of them, they are still the same as they were more than 30 years ago. Nothing has changed. Once the power is in their hands, it is related to corruption.

This riot was entirely caused by the uneven distribution of the spoils between the two local forces and the administrators, but Jean did not have the energy to take care of these things anymore. He would kill whoever struck first, and whoever disobeyed would be killed directly. .

Managers in many regions nominally obey a management committee established by the gods, but in fact they secretly obey the orders of their families.

There were only ordinary people and families in this city. Gene lay on the ground and looked at the dazzling sun.

"It's really difficult, Ellie. It's too difficult. I haven't co-starred in a long time, haha!"

Recently, several people have been discussing the issue of management. A strong organization must be established to govern the city, so that they can continue to develop science and technology and do more.

Recently, the Hillman family's style of doing things has been a bit too flamboyant. Gene is very clear that most of the things that the so-called geniuses of his family have come up with are the results stolen from others and then openly attributed to him. Family owned.

During the war years, this family was famous for its bravery and skill in fighting. Jean and the others had suffered heavy losses from them several times, but in the end they nodded in agreement, obeyed Jean's management arrangements, and helped integrate the big family. The armed forces fighting each other, big and small, all made one point when the eight major families negotiated with the seven of them. They must stand at the top of the Brilliant City as a royal family.

In order to clean up the mess, Jean and the other six people nodded, because if they continue to fight, the only way for mankind is to perish.

Finally, with the cooperation of the eight major families, the city had a preliminary model, and the war completely stopped. A century has passed since the disaster in 2076, and as many as 100 people have come here to seek shelter. More than 110 million people, which is only one hundredth of the earth's population.

After a century of war, the population was reduced to just over 10 million.

From the harmonious coexistence at the beginning, to the huge crisis that broke out due to food problems, and finally to the day and night war, people died every day in these 100 years.

With the sun no longer able to penetrate the clouds, plants withered, animals performing stunts, and genetically mutated livestock, the entire arena officially began to compete.

Jean and the others took their own forces and were stationed in an abandoned military base in this huge mountain range, which is now the upper level. They were desperately conducting some research, because all eight of them knew that the earth could not last long and could be taken away. How many people are unknown.

However, someone leaked everything they had studied, and a large number of armed forces noticed them and began to attack them. However, at this time, they were completely different from humans. No matter what methods the other party used, they would only die in vain on the hillside.

As the situation continues to worsen, all the armed forces are finally ready for the final battle, because if they continue to wait, not only will they be fighting each other, but they will also completely collapse internally, and they will become the enemy of the entire arena.

The sun in the sky was still a little dazzling. Gene sat up and planned to go to Angus' house to see that the young couple had been in such a serious car accident after all.

However, at this time, the heads of the eight major families were gathering together, the Jiang family, the Phoebes family, the Hillman family, the Angus family, the Su family, the Horn family, the Chen family, and the Wang family.

The faces of the eight clan leaders were a little solemn. They had already had a heated debate and were all blaming each other.

The Jiang family accused the Phoebes family of going too far and deliberately suppressing the market for their own construction vehicles, while the Su family accused the Hillman family and the Angus family of arbitrarily getting involved in their long-standing wine brewing business.

"Everyone, I think there is no need for us to blame each other. Instead, we should pay attention to the actions of the seven gods. I know there are people here who have a good relationship with them, but I still want to say that those who are not of my race must have different minds. ."

The patriarch of the Hillman family spoke, and the argument stopped for the time being.

"The reason why our family desperately holds some technologies in our hands is for the benefit of everyone. This city has been able to develop over the past 30 years because of our relationship, but now the Seven Gods are restricting some of our permissions. , just one more generation will pass, and our eight major families will probably have nothing left."

The family patriarchs present all understood this and nodded. The gods had been criticizing the family's immunity recently, and they had begun to become more and more perfunctory when it came to educating the family's children.

"Think about it carefully, what are they? They don't get sick, die, or get hurt. They are just a group of disgusting aliens. They are no longer human beings. What did our children learn when they were sent to the schools they run? It’s the people from the family who were once their enemies who don’t care about the church.”

At this time, the patriarch of the Su family spoke.

"What on earth did you hear!"

"I just heard a teacher in the school heard some complaints from the gods last night. They want to reopen a school and recruit the whole city."

Everyone's expressions completely darkened, and the patriarch of the Hillman family spoke again.

"I can provide you with some conveniences, so we can discuss the division of the city today. We will benefit from each other. The most important thing is the expansion of our own private army."

These words made many people show fear.

"The expansion of private armies to a certain extent, sophisticated equipment and weapons, and mutants are the deterrent force in our hands. If they don't want to continue to see chaos in the city, they can only watch from the sidelines without being able to intervene. Come in, it only takes another 20 years, and our foundation will be stable."

Everyone nodded in agreement, except for the patriarch of the Phoebus family, whose face was a little solemn. Everyone else looked at him, and he turned around in his wheelchair.

"I won't say anything about what you are talking about, but I will not get involved either. Whether our family's foundation is stable does not depend on how much we possess, but on what kind of life it can bring to other people after possession. My philosophy I’m sorry if it doesn’t suit you.”


Gene looked at the young couple in front of him and couldn't help but laugh.

"Your personality really changes completely when you drink, Violet, you are Avano too, why don't you stop her?"

Gene watched the atmosphere between the two of them looking at each other change. In the new year, Gene knew that the two of them would change and each would gain something.

"Mr. Jean, can I continue to go back to school? I want to continue to study."

Violet asked, and Avano nodded, indicating that he also wanted to enter the school. Gene took out a cigarette, lit it and shook his head.

"School will be closed soon."

Jean told the couple clearly. After asking the reason, Jean told them the reason without reservation.

"There's nothing we can do about it. We have to train the next generation for this city."

Jean said and was about to leave, looking at Avano, who looked troubled, and Violet, who looked uncomfortable.

"Unfortunately, in my eyes, you are all unqualified. Think carefully about what you can do. For example, if you feel dissatisfied with everything now, how about hiding what you want to do in your heart? After all, this is not you. What needs to be done now, if this city wants to continue into the future, what it needs is the younger generation who are willing to take practical actions, rather than the old generation who stick to the rules and just want to take over everything!”

Gene left the territory of the Angus family. He glanced at the Hillman family opposite and planned to go somewhere.

In the afternoon, near a large golden rice field, Jean stopped and looked at a family of three, father Kuhl, adopted son Fry, and daughter Nabe, who were busy in a small manor.

"Mr. Jean, why are you here?"

After seeing Jean, Nabe greeted him cordially. However, the taciturn Fry opposite him just smiled and nodded. Jean had already mentioned their matter to the patriarch of the Hillman family a few months ago, and just hoped that they would Be more restrained.

Their share, after Kuhl decided to leave the control of the Hillman family, many of the fields were taken away, leaving only a small yard.

Gene knew that they wanted some of the research results in Kure's hands, so he came here just to persuade his old friend Kure to hand over the things earlier, and he would arrange a trip for Kure's family of three. place.

"I'm sorry, Lord Jean, I no longer want to have anything to do with the Hillman family."

Looking at the two children who were just in their early 20s, Gene sighed.

"Lord Jean, the people in the family are getting more and more excessive. They just want to continue to squeeze and take everything, and they have never thought about it."

"I know Kull, just bear with it. We are planning something. If it succeeds, I hope you can come to the school I run as a lecturer in the medical department."

Kuhl looked at Jean in surprise and asked when. Jean shook his head and said that he was not too sure.

"Mr. Jean, I want to remind you that the longevity vaccine you have developed currently has major flaws, which may cause irreversible risks for many people."

Gene nodded. He also knew that after the mutated mice were discovered, the life-span vaccine developed using mice was indeed unstable. Some deformed people began to appear in the city. Although the life span was extended, it had a negative impact on the body. Irreversible damage may give birth to a deformed person.

"You can't do experiments on human bodies!"

Gene said with a bitter smile, and Kull's face became a little solemn.

At this time, Gene looked at the young man Fry who came over. He had shallow scars on his face, which must have been surgically modified, and his feet were also a bit sloped when he walked.

"I have no way of knowing what the consequences of the research on longevity vaccines will be. Abnormal mutants have appeared one after another. The first generation of mutants who drank the water from that lake are now invisible, but this generation of mutants is obviously The power is not as strong as that generation.”

Gene nodded, knowing what Kull wanted to say.

"After everything stabilizes, it is right for mankind to return to its original appearance, Mr. Jean."

Jean didn't answer anything, and left after saying hello to Nabe. His heart was heavy. Witte had already proposed to conduct phased experiments directly on human bodies to further improve this original life-span vaccine. It can extend human lifespan again, but Gene did not nod, and the others were silent.

Among Werther's students, there was one who was more radical. Her name was Lolita, and she proposed that human experiments must be conducted in order to truly develop a perfect life-span vaccine.

Jean didn't know what the future of this city would be like. He couldn't see anything in front of him. He really hoped that someone would come out to clean up this mess. He started to conduct another research and investigate outside the barrier.

It's a pity that there are no such people so far. In the consideration of Jean and others, there is no effective way to solve some of the current problems in the city.

"What should we do! Ellie."

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