Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1453 Cooperation (Part 2)

In the dark room, Taotao curled up on the sofa and watched CBV TV programs. There were some leftovers on the table.

There was a hint of longing in Taotao's eyes. She could not go back to her career as a front-line reporter for many years. What would be her fate? Her belly was bulging day by day. Taotao hugged her legs and saw the smile of the man on the screen. It's like a blade.

She was just 35 years old, and she still had at least 100 years in the future. Taotao didn't dare to think about it. The painful emotions tortured her every day.


Along with the sound of the door opening, the lights turned on, Taotao raised her head, and her eyes regained a trace of vitality.


Zhao Zhen carried some food, put it down with a smile, and then began to check Taotao's body.

"It's okay, everything is normal. Eat more fish and eggs. I'll cook them for you."

Zhao Zhen just stood up and grabbed him with one hand.

At this time, Taotao was trembling. Zhao Zhen turned her head in confusion. Taotao lowered her head and pursed her lips without saying a word. These days, the only thing she felt warm was the unsmiling man in front of her.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Miss Taotao."

Taotao shook her head.

"Doctor, what do you think I should do next?"

After Zhao Zhen thought for a while, he smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not too sure, but I think Miss Taotao, sometimes happiness is something you give yourself. My wife often told me this before, and I hope you are the same. The baby in your belly is getting bigger day by day. You can feel your mother’s emotions, you should relax!”

Taotao hummed, let go of her hand, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and stroked her belly.

"I'm hungry doctor!"

Zhao Zhen smiled and nodded, carrying a bunch of ingredients into the room. However, his eyes stayed on the tip of the knife in his hand, and he took out a black booklet from his arms, with the words "World Destruction" printed on it. or a few big characters.

Time can smooth everything, but it cannot erase everything! Because human memory is permanent, even if a century passes, as long as the person is still alive, even if it is only a few short fragments, these memories will not be erased with the passage of time!

The only way is not to think about it!

However, people also like to look back on the past life, past sadness and laughter, past success and failure, past excitement and ending. These things will remain in people's minds for a long time, and no one can escape!

Strong people choose to face everything head-on, while fragile people choose to escape from everything!

Unfortunately! In the future, human lifespan will be further improved with the advancement of medical technology. In the future, it is not a foolish dream for human beings to simply live for more than a century.

Someone once said that a person's life is a life of pain and suffering, because happy moments are always short and fleeting.

And people! It's Dugu's life again, from birth to death.

When the length of life increases, it means that the time of pain that people need to endure will also increase exponentially!

what should we do?

The rushing torrent of life will never stop. The relationship between the unit of time and time only allows you to see time concretely before walking. Regardless of the unit of time, in fact, time has no correlation, because it has always been walk.

Unfortunately! When your life is lengthened, the pain in your life will also be lengthened, but joy will not, because we are animals that can think, and it is precisely because we have thinking that we suffer.

again! What I want to warn you is that when you are in a world like the future, the only thing you can do is to find as many points as possible that can make you happy in the endless pain. One path is not just Not to a place, but to the world!

Go create happiness! Happiness makes a painful life complete, and makes a black and white life colorful. No one needs to give it to you!

BY——Destroyer of Worlds

Zhao Zhen cut the fish carefully and carefully, with a slight smile on his face. This booklet was given to him by someone when he was in great pain. At that time, the man looked very young and similar to himself. In the same prison.

"You look in pain, uncle, do you want to take a look at this!"

In just half an hour, Zhao Zhen prepared some fish soup and steamed eggs and brought them to the table. It was just after 7 o'clock, and the TV program officially started.

"Why don't I go out with you for a walk later? It's not good to stay in the room all the time. There's no one on the street right now."

Taotao laughed happily, nodded, and looked at the man sitting in the middle on the TV. Taotao felt different now than before. She looked at Zhao Zhen next to her.

"Doctor, your wife must be very happy!"

Zhao Zhen didn't say anything, just nodded.

Pan Hua was facing the camera with a smile on his face. Duke was sitting on his right and Hu Youran was sitting on his left. The three of them were still chatting about what happened this morning.

At this time, Hu Youran was excited inside. He had to do something according to the trend, and he must not let Le Xiao's good start go to waste.

Hu Youran has been watching the city's polls all day today. The middle and upper-level polls are basically mocking the executive branch crazily. The parliamentarian faction has also set some rhythm, but at 5 p.m. Stopped abruptly.

After all, the congressmen are not fools. They are in the same situation as the administrative department. Only the ignorant new congressmen are messing around. Hu Youran knows very well that their way is gone.

Watching others fall into the water and taunting them on the shore, the fate may be even worse when one day you fall into the water. Some faction members naturally know this, so even if they suppress their voices, the impact is still there.

What makes Hu Youran feel the most gratified is the bottom class, because with the series of actions in the past few days, the bottom class who should have been more dissatisfied, instead unconsciously sided with the acting department in the announcement of the truth.

"Okay, what do you think this incident means to our entire city?"

Duke nodded first and said.

"Let me start by saying that although many people still think that the way the Executive Branch used lies to deceive the public was shameful, the Executive Branch did not make any statement throughout the day. I think this attitude is advisable. , any rights system will have more or less disadvantages, and if the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, it is not advisable. But in fact, you can look at the general social environment in recent years. In fact, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. At least this time, Xingkeke can After all, even greater disease disasters may occur in the future by announcing such a big issue, so the announcement of the truth this time is commendable."

At this time, many people watching the live broadcast began to joke. Duke always spoke tactfully, always deliberately avoiding some positive questions, and instead made indirect remarks to say good things about the business department. This made many people I am very disgusted with Duke.

Because the announcement of the truth and how to deal with subsequent disasters are irrelevant to many people. They just want to know how it happened. It is not the result of poor supervision. Many people think that Xingke and Businessmen all wear a pair of trousers.

"Then Mr. Duke, some friends say that this kind of thing should be explained, but why is it delayed to this point? Why do you think it is!"

Pan Hua's words caused many people watching the live broadcast to stop talking and look at Duke, who said with a smile on his face.

"Deception is actually a relatively moderate means of protection in human society. Just like in the past, many animals in nature always relied on the natural environment to hide or pretend to be dead, all in order to escape the stomach of natural enemies. Of course! I That’s not to say that deception is right, but think about it, the riots have just ended. If the harm is announced immediately, it may trigger a second or even third round of riots. Aren’t ordinary people the ones who will be injured? In fact, everyone can Ke’s approach should be regarded as an approach to protect ordinary people!”

As soon as Duke finished speaking, someone immediately started teasing him dissatisfiedly.

"This old guy really wants to turn black into white."

"Besides, have you ever thought about it? After the riots caused by the accident, the administrative department immediately intervened in the investigation. Many professionals have already spoken out about the truth announced by Mr. Le Xiao this morning about the unknown chemical additives. It is too difficult to solve, so it is necessary to appease the people, and investigation is also necessary. I believe that the administrative department will announce some investigation results soon."

Pan Hua smiled and nodded.

"But some people compare past water pollution poisoning incidents with pharmaceutical companies' controlled drug incidents. Mr. Duke, what do you think?"

"You can actually take a look. After the water pollution incident, a water molecule extraction system was finally established in each district. Now we don't have to worry about water problems at all. Has there been an accident caused by water in the past 50 years? Let's take a look. Look, in the past, the medical association had a monopoly on medicine and medical equipment. It was difficult and expensive to see a doctor, which became the core problem of large-scale medical treatment. How many demonstrations broke out at that time? But now! The 4th Department has taken medical care into its own hands and controlled it. At least it can be solved. We have solved the problem of expensive medical treatment, but the shortage of medical personnel is indeed difficult, because as a doctor, you have to be responsible for the patient, and it takes too long to train a doctor who can be responsible for the patient. The dilemma is one. Everyone Do you really think that what the Executive Department is doing is not advisable at all?”

After Duke finished speaking, Pan Hua hurriedly applauded. Although Hu Youran knew that it had been rehearsed beforehand, retreating instead of advancing has always been the approach of this program.

Hu Youran naturally knows very well that the steadfastness of the administrative department over the years started with the replacement of section chiefs. Sections 3 and 5, which used to be the most corrupt, were no longer criticized by anyone after the replacement of section chiefs. After many reforms, In fact, it was very successful. The only thing Hu Youran was dissatisfied with was the deception, and the deception for a long time.

"Lao Hu, what do you think, from an economic point of view?"

Pan Hua and Duke looked at Hu Youran nervously. He smiled and nodded. Both of them were a little scared, because they were afraid that Hu Youran would make shocking remarks again. If this continued, this program with golden ratings in the city would be destroyed. Pan Hua was very scared that the broadcast was going to be suspended. He had been severely warned by the people in Section 1 last time.

"What is the economy!"

Hu Youran said, sitting up straight and looking at the camera seriously.

"First of all, I want to explain to you the relationship between economy and power. To put it more bluntly, it is the issue of money and power!"

Duke was shocked and winked at Hu Youran desperately.

Hu Youran ignored Duke.

At this time, Xingyuan was sitting on the wall of the brightly lit eastern guard station, watching the live broadcast in the cold wind, watching the takeoffs and landings taking off one after another, full of food and heading to the barrier area, with a rare look on his face. smile.

Xingyuan and Hu Youran are old friends, but they rarely get together in recent years. Because Hu Youran was kicked out by major companies, he was forced to appear on CBV programs. In recent years, Hu Youran has been very talkative. Be careful, many times it ends without getting on with the idea, but in the past few days, Xingyuan saw Hu Youran's sudden voice, so he spent the money to buy food without hesitation.

Social responsibility is an important part of many people who have a voice in society. There are people like Duke and people like Hu Youran. Xingyuan has remained silent since more than 20 years ago. Put everything into the work.

Regarding some readers' interpretations, Xingyuan never spoke out because he knew very well that silence is also a kind of power, and what can be conveyed does not need to be explained.

"Come on, Old Hu!"

Xingyuan took a sip from the bottle. Several inspectors from Section 3 persuaded Xingyuan to go to the checkpoint. He just smiled and shook his head.

“In many people’s minds, money and power are inseparable. If you have money but no power, even if you have all kinds of abilities, you still can’t do what you want to do. But if you have power, if you don’t have the support of money, even if you can Doing thousands of things, it’s still all in vain.”

Duke and Pan Hua on the side breathed a sigh of relief, and Hu Youran continued.

"In this world, good rights do not need any decoration, because the people who support this right will praise it. Nothing in this world is more deeply rooted in people's hearts than praise from the heart! And bad rights, Even if you try every possible means to embellish and beautify it, when this layer of things is peeled off, all you will see is thousands of holes!"

Hu Youran stood up and opened a light and shadow screen.

"We are not here today to discuss the rights and wrongs of business, nor are we here to question or question, what exactly is the economy? It is a lever that lifts things several times heavier, and the longer this lever is, the stronger it becomes. The heavier things are! The thing that rights give money is the lever of this economy. Is it possible for human society to have no economy? The answer is no, rights and money are indispensable! But have you ever thought about it? , Money and power do not separate families, but can they be separated or differentiated for a short time!"

Duke understood what Hu Youran was going to say, and instantly felt a lot more relaxed. Pan Hua next to him didn't understand, and looked slightly embarrassed.

At this time, Hu Youran called up a chart. The one at the top was the God, and below were the MPs on the left, and the Executive Branch on the right. The combination of the two was the Congress, and below were the businessmen, family celebrities, etc. Below is a long horizontal bar with ordinary people on top.

"The gods have the right to decide anything, but in recent years, I have listened to countless city meetings. In the end, everything is decided by the votes of the council members and the executive branch. And what are the businessmen? It is the leverage I just mentioned. , and the people who control this lever are the administrative departments and parliamentarian groups on both sides. Under this power system, the rights of the city are divided into two pieces, and both sides will leverage the economic lever of merchants against each other. Leverage, the development of a city is inseparable from the power systems of both sides. The two sides may seem to be hostile, but at the same time they are also checks and balances. The merchant's lever will not be too long or too short under the checks and balances of the two. , the city can develop!”

At this time, many people were listening to Hu Youran's story attentively. Many people already had these things subconsciously, but now Hu Youran said it more specifically.

"In the past, many countries have adopted a similar system, but instead of separating the group of members and the group that governs society, they integrated it so that businessmen would rise to the second level. Once the businessmen Once you reach the second level, capital will control everything. In the past, there was no god, so money and power could not be differentiated. Everything was based on capital, and it was very difficult to move forward with the power of capital. The terrible thing is that once the power of capital goes wild, it will always be the people at the bottom who suffer, but at least the rights system in our city is desirable now."

Hu Youran said and bowed.

"Just now, we received the news!"

While speaking, Pan Hua nodded. At this time, separate light and shadow screens appeared in the streets and alleys, and Hu Youran's picture was adjusted to the upper right corner.

"It's a pity! Due to the harsh environment in the barrier area, a large-scale disease outbreak has long occurred due to this batch of poisonous food. Now the business department has established 18 temporary medical settlements to accommodate these poor patients."

As soon as the news came out, the whole city was in an uproar, and at this time some more specific pictures were released.

Many people looked at everything in front of them in astonishment.

"The reason why they are allowed to enter the edge of the ravine is to jointly respond to the crisis caused by this accident! The greatness of a rights system does not lie in what it has done for the people, nor in what it can bring to the people, but in The point is that in times of crisis, this system can provide safe and reliable protection for the people. What the Department did tonight is correct. So I hope everyone will have less doubts and more considerations. We have experienced countless problems in the past. Disasters, whether man-made or natural, have been effectively controlled in a short period of time. As long as we have the proper attitude when problems arise, I feel that I am lucky at this moment. What I want to say That's it. Here I call on some people and some civil society organizations. What makes people great is that they can lend a helping hand when facing misery. Today's medical pressure is very high. If there are people who think they can help, Please contribute a little of your own strength! Although it is small, there is actually no difference between 1 cent and 10 million. The only difference is the balance in your heart!"

Pan Hua stood up with a smile, and together with Duke next to him, the three of them bowed to the camera, and the short live broadcast ended.

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