The gray-black sky is gradually getting brighter and turning gray. At the foot of a mountain, Kakuri, the captain of Team 144, is urging the team members to move faster. They must hike all day long until night falls. It only needs to be more than 20 kilometers, and the progress has completely fallen behind.

This unexpected death cast a shadow over the entire 144 team. Many people were immersed in the grief of Luo Zhenzhen's death. Although many people in the team had a normal relationship with Luo Zhenzhen on weekdays, they had been teammates who had trained together for nearly a full year.


Hu Xue's feet slipped and she was about to fall when a strong hand next to her grabbed her.

"Be careful."

Yu Tong looked at her with worried eyes. Hu Xue whispered thank you and moved her lips. It seemed as if all the strength in her body was about to be drained.

Seeing the team members' distracted looks, Kakuri didn't know what to say. Such accidents had happened before. People who died accidentally during the march either died in conflicts.

Even if there are only 29 people left in the team, the march must continue. As members of Section 3, they must obey orders. Some team members had already planned to quit when the helicopter came over. Death made them timid. , however, if you leave now, you will be charged with desertion and sent to the Military Law Hall.

Sun Lu stared at the members of the team with sharp eyes, a smile in her eyes.

"What are you laughing at?"

Suddenly, Jenny yelled at him, and Sun Lu hurriedly showed an innocent look.

"I just saw you smiling, you sullen fellow."

Seeing that Jenny was about to take action, team doctor Sophia went directly over and grabbed Jenny's hand.


After seeing that the team members had come down from the mountain, Kakuri spoke, and the team members could only continue walking, walking leisurely. Kakuri knew very well that in this situation, he, as the captain, had to do As a captain, he would deduct points if they didn't move. However, many team members had conflicts with him along the way, and his prestige in the team was gone.

Many team members at this time blamed Kakuri for Luo Zhenzhen's unexpected death. If they had chosen to rest in the wind and sand last night and waited until Luo Zhenzhen's physical condition got better before continuing to act, she would not have died, or she would have died directly. She was sent back for treatment.

At this time, Hu Xue silently approached the team doctor Sophia and pulled her. Sophia slowed down and Hu Xue stared at Sun Lu who was walking in front with hostile eyes.

"Zhenzhen's physical condition is usually good, better than mine. It's impossible for her to suffer sudden cardiac death because of such a bad meal."

Sophia was a little confused, but she still shook her head. Gastrointestinal problems are the first hurdle most people need to overcome in military exercises in the barrier zone. Many people do suffer from gastrointestinal problems during such strenuous exercise and temperature contrasts, as well as vomiting. Common.

"Don't even think about it, no one wants this to happen."

Hu Xue stared at Sun Long coldly. The members of Section 4 who came down from the helicopter immediately completed the survey of the scene and examined Luo Zhenzhen's body. It was indeed sudden cardiac death, but the specific cause must wait. Just take it back to Section 4 for anatomy and testing.

At that time, Sophia immediately carried out cardiopulmonary resuscitation as an emergency rescue measure, but she was still unable to save her life. There are signs of sudden cardiac death of this kind, but Luo Zhenzhen did not have these signs. Hu Xue was not an idiot. She was For someone who has seriously studied medicine, she can choose not only 7 subjects but 4 subjects after entering the practice department.

When Luo Zhenzhen's heart rate suddenly increases, it is necessary for Sophia to inject her with a sedative. Looking at the rapidly increasing heart rate, if it becomes unstable, Luo Zhenzhen's head will cause intracranial hemorrhage due to the increasing blood pressure.

At this time, a hand held Hu Xue, and Yu Tong began to slow down. After a while, the two of them came to the end of the team.

"There's something wrong with that guy!"

Hu Xue looked at Yu Tong in surprise.

"Although the stomach medicine she gave Luo Zhenzhen before was checked and found no chemical residue particles, and she herself was checked, why is she still carrying the empty medicine bottle with her?"

Hu Xue's eyes widened. It was true that Luo Zhenzhen threw away the medicine bottle after drinking the stomach medicine, but Sun Lu later provided the medicine bottle.

"Why did she do this?"

Hu Xue didn't understand Sun Lu's motives. At least everyone had been training together for more than a year.

"She is always alone. I have seen her talking a lot several times. There are some guys in this world who look like nothing on the outside but are perverted on the inside."

Hu Xue was just skeptical at first, but after hearing Yu Tong's words, she became more determined. At this time, a small town with many people appeared in front of her. Kakuli took a look at the route and found that he needed to pass through it. This small town.

The gray and dilapidated town in front of him was getting closer and closer, and he could see many militants with weapons in the town. When Kakuri hesitated, he walked over, and as expected, as soon as he passed by, all the militants in the town gathered together. Shuashua pointed his gun at them.

"Leave some food and water and you can pass by."

One of the people who seemed to be the leader said, Kakuri nodded, gave them some water and food, and led the team into the town. Everyone looked around nervously, but after arriving in the town, no The young man breathed a sigh of relief. There were many old people, children and women in the town. At this time, many children were laughing and stretching out their hands to beg for food. The captain had already told them about this, do not give food to the people in the barrier area easily. , once you open your mouth, there is no end.

Hu Xue looked at these children, all of them were gray and gray, and many of them had black spots on their bodies. She still took out some food and gave it to them.

"Enough is enough!"

Yu Tong raised his gun and stopped some children who wanted to come over. At this time, some people on the roadside stared at them coldly. After Kakuli came to an uninhabited abandoned house, he asked the team members Rest for half an hour and then set off.

Everyone gathered around the dilapidated house without saying a word, and Sophia said at this time.

"This is no one's fault. I hope everyone can calm down, otherwise it will be difficult for our team to complete this march."

"Haha, we are not robots."

The words of a male team member aroused the anger of many people. Just as Sophia was about to say something, Kakuri held her down and shook his head.

At this time, unarmed men came in front of them. Kakuri and the team members watched with vigilance, and the leader said with a kind smile.

"There is a relatively large rocky area over here, which is difficult to walk through. I advise you to go around it."

Kakuri nodded and checked the route with the light and shadow panel. If he went around it, the original straight line of only 4 kilometers would become 8 kilometers.

After resting for a while, Kakuri led the team members to the edge of the town. The road going down seemed rugged. In front of them was a place of piles of rocks that was almost submerged by the sea of ​​sand. The wind and sand around it were Relatively stable.

Going to the left will deviate from the route, and they will definitely lose points at that time.


"How about we take a detour."

Sophia suggested, and Kakuri shook his head. Many team members were already angry at this time. When everyone looked at the basin of different heights, it seemed that it would be difficult to walk.

Kakuri walked down first, looking at the team members who were still not making any move, he turned back and said.

"When I was young, I walked a more difficult and dangerous road than you are marching this time, but I know why I joined Section 3. The accident that happened today is not a reason for your negative attitude, nor is it an excuse. If you can't get over it, "

Kakuri walked up dullly and took out the light and shadow panel. He only planned to wait for 5 minutes. If the team members still did not plan to come down, he would deduct 5 points from each person.

Hu Xue and Yu Tong kept staring at Sun Lu and walked at the back. Finally, the team members left one by one.

After going down, it was like walking in a sand pit. It was extremely strenuous to walk, but fortunately there were a lot of protruding stones for stepping on. I watched Kakuri jump around on each stone, and he moved very quickly. The team members behind him also learned from it.

Hu Xue and Yu Tong walked at the back all the way, staring closely at Sun Lu. At this time, Sun Lu was in the middle of the team. She usually didn't say anything to others. This time, although Luo Zhenzhen died before, Hu Xue broke down and cursed her, but then everyone's hatred was transferred to the captain Kakuri.

The journey should be enjoyable!

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Yu Tong said as she pressed Hu Xue's shoulder, she suddenly turned her head and glared at Yu Tong, her eyes seemed to want to kill someone. Su Xue's whole body tensed up, and her eyes met for a moment. In the breeze, the gravel moved softly. Floating, within a few dozen seconds, the human form in front of him became blurry.

"Don't think too much yet."

With a smile in her eyes, Hu Xue turned around and walked quickly. There was no evidence, but Hu Xue determined that Luo Zhenzhen was killed by Sun Lu.

"My feeling is pretty accurate."

Hu Xue said and walked quickly. Yu Tong stood a little stunned in the wind and sand. She didn't know whether her inference was correct, but she always felt that Sun Lu was weird. During the nearly one year in the guard station, , Yu Tong doesn't have close friendships with the people in the team. She is also an unsociable existence like Sun Lu, but she usually observes the people in the team when she has nothing to do.

Sun Lu is one of them. When he was in the guard station, Sun Lu had never changed so much. However, after coming to this land, Sun Lu changed, as if he was possessed by something. , the feeling is completely different from before.

"What on earth are you discussing!"

At this time, Sophia, who discovered that Yu Tong had fallen behind, turned back. Yu Tong thought about it and told Sophia his inference while walking.

"Then keep an eye on her!"

In a circular venue located underground, the soil on the ground was burnt black, and a musty smell spread in the space. Lolita covered her nose and got off the elevator just now. This place should be several hundred meters underground. , there are many old tunnels around, and they don’t look like mines. Marcus’s identity makes people feel more and more suspicious.

At this time, there were three cadres wearing white masks standing next to Lolita. This was an underground place without network communication. After the cadres discussed nervously for half an hour, these three cadres came directly. Today, the streets The sky was empty. Most people gathered in the downtown area or at home to prepare to watch the mutant combat exam. It usually started around 11 o'clock, but this year due to the number of people, some people thought it might be closer to 12 o'clock. After several games, many people can’t wait and are eager to start as soon as possible.

At this time, Wu Qi and Marco's bodies had recovered all consciousness, and they also knew some things about the past few decades. At Marcus's request, the two came to this underground arena.

"I seem to have seen this kind of arena somewhere!"

At this time, the masked speaker Tang Ye took off his mask. Lolita turned around. Tang Ye stood on the edge and jumped to the ground of the arena more than 2 meters high, chasing some black coal. Ash, hard condensed coal ash, and the condensed dust reveal a reddish color under the light.

Marcus stared at Tang Ye sideways, nodded and said.

"There are indeed many deep wells in the city. These places were very lively in the past, especially when currency was still a physical thing. Life and death battles were staged here every day. It is different from the battles you see in the mutant exams now. The battles in this place are Only one person can get out of the fight alive."

"It's really surprising that this kind of place has not been investigated by the administrative department."

Marcus smiled and shook his head.

"Because this place was established more than 100 years ago. An armed force was entrenched here at that time. Due to the shortage of food, men, women, old and young, were fighting in groups of two non-stop every day. At the same time, Regardless of family, a person who is unlucky may be drawn to fight with one of his family members."

"It's really cruel! No wonder the land here is soaked in blood."

Tang Ye stood up with a smile, and Marcus continued.

"I was one of the people who survived that time. If you wonder who I am and why I was able to live for so long, that's another story. This place also served as a war refuge. The reason why everyone agrees Such cruel methods were used because there were already more than 100 million people on this land at that time."

Everyone present looked at Marcus in astonishment, and he laughed a little maniacally.

"At that time, there were countless forces on this land, and everyone wanted to fight for hegemony. The most effective way was to absorb technical talents. Only technical talents can create weapons. That natural punishment that year Afterwards, in order to avoid everything that was declining day by day, people finally came here in unison, including the gods, who were just humans at that time."

"Why do you know this?"

Lolita asked confused, and Marcus smiled.

"This land had another name at that time, the Arena. No one wanted to kneel down and thought that they could lead mankind to prosperity. Unfortunately, the result was endless fighting. The sky 200 years ago Punishment pushes humanity to the edge of madness step by step!"

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