Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1393 The exam begins (Part 2)

6 am

The door of a supermarket was open, and several employees fell asleep at the checkout counter or on the empty shelves. The huge supermarket was empty, and everything on the shelves was cleared. The buying craze lasted until 5 o'clock in the morning. .

There are many food shops on the street that are open at this time. The bosses get up very early, but there is not a single person on the street. On weekdays, people have already entered the shop for breakfast at this time, but it is a pity that there should not be any before 12 o'clock this morning. There will be people.

The boss of every shop is busy preparing lunch. During these days at the end of October every year, you can often see this phenomenon. There are basically no people on the streets in the morning, because most companies will take the mutant promotion exam. Have a holiday.

The vacation system in Bright City is stipulated by law. For formal companies, it cannot be less than 5 days a month, while for business departments, it is 3 days. Most companies have already asked their employees to work overtime when approaching this special season. Starting from the battle for the mutant promotion exam, there are exciting battles throughout the day and night that no one wants to miss.

This is different from the shows that have emerged in the past, including some mutant fighting programs now. It is a completely real battle, and it may even turn into a fight. However, the examiners present will stop it if something goes wrong.

Psychologists have studied that human beings do not like fighting, but at the same time they enjoy fighting, especially this kind of blood-inflating fighting, indiscriminate fighting regardless of gender and age. For the whole city, today It starts with a carnival.

Moreover, the number of mutant candidates this year far exceeds the number in previous years. As long as more than 4,000 people are equipped with 10 battle fields, a battle will take 5 minutes, and it will take 20 hours to fight them all. In the early stages of the battle, The exam takes at least 2 days, and the subsequent top 64 championship exhibition game is the finale event over the years. In addition to scores, the finalists are also based on the performance of the battle. If the scores are the same, the finalist will be determined based on the performance of the battle. .

85, 90, and 95 points are the standards for advancement into the three sub-levels of each level of mutants. If you want to jump from one level to the above level, you must score 95 points.

Getting 20 points in the combat session is the ideal score for every mutant examiner. If you get some extra points in the physical exam, you can basically advance smoothly.

At this time, the manager of the supermarket was contacting suppliers. However, he started calling at 5 o'clock and lasted until 6 o'clock. He called hundreds of suppliers and only 7 people were picked up. Others were refusing to answer. The status is either directly unanswered, and among the next 7 people, 7 people said that the supply volume has increased recently, and the supply is temporarily unavailable these days.

Early in the morning, 5,000 members of Section 3 had already taken to the streets and set up defenses near the examination room of Section 5 headquarters. Access to many places was prohibited. In particular, some high-rise buildings close to Section 5 headquarters were prohibited from going up. Once discovered they will be taken down.

The shops near Section 5 opened early in the morning, and people in the shops were busy making things, waiting for the peak flow of people in a few hours.

Many people who bought on-site tickets have already taken the earliest subway train. These people who bought tickets can enter the auditorium of the examination room half an hour before the start of the combat examination.

At 6:31, in the venue for the physical examination of mutants, many members of Section 5 who had received the order an hour ago came over from other districts. Most of them received temporary jobs as data recorders, a job Virtual system record, a handwritten record by the on-site personnel.

After the annual exam, the department responsible for the exam has to submit two copies of the books to Section 6 for storage and sealing. After receiving the corresponding handwritten paper and pens, many people began to join the work of data recorders.

100 examiners plus 102 chief examiners and deputy examiners will be responsible for scoring around the entire venue. Le Xiao watched with confidence as each director was still testing the machines used for the examination.

He immediately gave the corresponding score in his mind. After watching a director jump to 128.346M, Le Xiao gave a perfect score of 10 points, 7 points. The high jump value of the 6 mutant levels plus the mutants who originally took the exam Regarding the candidate's level, this director is an S-level mutant, so it is more reasonable to give this score.

The numerical range of the mutant's scores for each test is 5, 10, 20, 60, 120, and 200 for the high jump, which are all forward numerical ranges. If you exceed 120 meters, you will enter the S-level numerical range, which must exceed the previous value. 30% of the quota is required to enjoy bonus points.

But the other items are a bit complicated. Since this is Le Xiao's first time, Michelle said that she should be responsible for scoring in the high jump and long jump areas, and not go to other areas.

At this time, many reporters and media were allowed to enter the examination room. As soon as they entered, the reporters swarmed towards Michelle and began to ask various questions.

Le Xiao cleverly turned around and ran quickly towards the stairs on the left. After a while, he ran to the circular stairs high up in the examination room for surveillance. This time the surveillance task was the responsibility of the directors of Section 5.

Tang Rao had already told himself before that the best way to avoid reporters was that if he was asked some professional questions, Le Xiao would be in trouble if he didn't know what to ask. Sure enough, a reporter was already looking for him, Le Xiao smiled. He hid directly behind a sofa and leaned against the window.

"Ms. Michelle, many of this year's candidates are candidates who were eliminated last year and were unable to advance. It is rumored that the exam hosted by Lord Mo Xiaolan and Lord Jewell last year was unfair, which is why so many people were eliminated. , please tell me this year.”

"Please don't spread rumors. Since more than ten years ago, the mutant promotion examination hosted by our business department has eliminated cheating in the examination, and there will be no unfairness!"

Michelle answered various questions from reporters fluently. At this time, some mutants who had eaten breakfast and performed morning exercises had already begun to enter the examination room.

Candidates are free to choose which items to take the test first, and can make certain physical adjustments on the sidelines. There is no need to take the test in the order of candidate numbers.

Most candidates will choose the high jump and long jump test at the beginning, and then start the three tests of comprehensive impact strength of the grip, scab production speed and hardness, and far and near dynamic vision. Then they will take the telekinesis test, and finally they will take the physical endurance test. .

This process is regarded as a basic process in the mind of every candidate. When the body is in good condition, high jump and long jump are performed. As long as it exceeds the upper limit of the mutant level range, the full score is certain. If it exceeds 30%, additional points can be added. , some candidates who have been training for a whole year and counting on promotion can basically exceed the upper limit of the level range.

The two events of high jump and long jump are equivalent to giving points, but if you are only promoted to three small levels within the mutant level, you need to refer to the data of the previous exam to decide whether to advance. It is impossible to get full points.

There are also many mutants who only aim to advance to a lower level. The lower levels within the larger level of mutants also determine the salary increase range. Each lower level is increased by 30% of the minimum approved monthly income of mutants.

When Le Xiao thought about her salary, the difference was too far. It was only 2,000 as an intern clerk's salary, and there was no guarantee of benefits. She had to pass the official examination of the business department, the officer examination and the secretary examination before she could rise to the rated minimum of 20,000. The monthly income, if added with the rated income of S-class mutants, would be 60,000.

A wonderful picture appeared in Le Xiao's mind, and she couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth and wiped her saliva, because Le Xiao believed what Li Chu said that it was easy to reach Werther's level that night. .

"But why is it so complicated to take an exam? It's so good if it's simple. It's not easy for everyone!"

Le Xiao muttered, and then Niya's voice came from the window behind her.

“The content of the exam is determined by God.”

Lexiao was startled and watched Niya climb in through the window.

"Can you be normal? Lady Niya, why do you always like to stay in such dangerous places?"

Without saying a word, Niya grabbed Le Xiao by the back of the collar and lifted her out of the window, pressing her on the flying edge which was less than 50 centimeters. Le Xiao glanced at the distance of 50 meters and swallowed. Keep shaking his head.

"You can think of many things if you stay in a place like this for a long time. If you don't believe me, try it later."

Seeing Lexiao's confused face, Niya pulled Lexiao back, saying these things to this simple little girl was in vain.

"Anything can grow into a science after being piled up with a huge amount of data. The cultivation of mutants in Brilliant City is a science! Come on, I will take you to the combat examination room to have a look. "

Niya said as she grabbed Lexiao again, put her petite body directly on her shoulders, and jumped off roughly.

A few minutes later, Le Xiao turned pale and swallowed, and followed Niya to the combat examination room. At this time, Le Xiao saw many people wearing green lace sleeves with white background, gathering in groups at the edge of the stand. .

"These are on-site mutant traders hired by gaming companies. Most of them are S-level, powerful mutants. They will make trades based on the on-site battle situation. After knowing the strength of the two mutants on the table, , depending on the amount of betting on the handicap, choose to close or continue to open.”

Niya said and brought up a light and shadow screen. Lexiao was a little shocked when she saw a screen of gambling software.

"Hey, I'll take care of you this year too."

Niya walked over with a smile, and a group of people bowed hurriedly when they saw Niya.

"Don't be ridiculous, Lady Niya. Please be merciful this year!"

Niya took out a few cigarettes and handed them to several people who were meeting, then lit one and bit it in her mouth.

"It depends on my mood, haha."

At this time, several traders also saw Le Xiao next to Niya and bowed hurriedly, with awe in their eyes. Le Xiao grinned and didn't know what to say.

Niya walked all the way and greeted many people. Later, Le Xiao learned that Niya used 20,000 yuan as initial capital for the mutant exam every year, and usually won 300,000 to 400,000 yuan. One year, she even Won more than 1 million.

Because Niya's monthly salary is 200,000, the law stipulates that only 10% of the monthly salary can be used as gambling capital.

"How about I buy it with you!"

Le Xiao is also interested!

"How much is your salary?"

Le Xiao blushed and lowered her head.

"2000, and I still owe several years of wages."

"But unfortunately, examiners and members of the administrative department responsible for recording information and data cannot buy it."

At this time, Le Xiao could see many silent wide-angle cameras floating in the air. People from some TV stations were testing, all from CBV, and some from other TV stations. Le Xiao also saw many commentators in the examination room. And some celebrities from society also arrived as guests.

Xiao was very happy and saw a large number of celebrities coming over one after another, including Tianai and Mansha. As soon as the two appeared on the stage, many traders ran over and asked for autographs.

"Step aside!"

Tian Ai said with an annoyed look on her face. For a while, many people consciously stepped aside. In the eyes of many people, Tian Ai is relatively arrogant in the circle, but because her brother is the chief of Section 3, everyone only Can coax her.

"Tian Ai, what's wrong?"

Niya asked, Tianai took out a pack of cigarettes and handed it to Niya.

"I got this from my brother's office. The texture is very good."


Niya sniffed the cigarette case, and Tian Ai walked directly to Le Xiao. Le Xiao blinked and was about to say something, but Tian Ai put his arm around Le Xiao's neck, dragged her and started walking.

Suddenly the reporters in our area smelled the big news and hurriedly took out their cameras.

"Whoever dares to fucking film me will throw him out immediately."

As Niya shouted, the reporters dispersed obediently, not daring to pursue them.

"Miss Tianai fucks"

"Has Jean come to see you these days?"

Tianai held his hands and was with Le Xiao in the VIP area on the second floor away from the crowd. Le Xiao understood immediately and smiled.

"Call me often to check in on you!"

Le Xiao raised her head deliberately as she spoke. Although Tian Ai was a whole head taller than her, Le Xiao felt that she had already suppressed Tian Ai.

Tian Ai grinned, and suddenly grabbed Le Xiao's neck angrily, pulled her and shook her.

"Listen carefully, if you dare to have any delusions, I will skin you alive."

Le Xiao's eyes widened and he blinked.

My head is on my body, and what I think is none of your business.

A muscular figure jumped up and pulled Tian Ai away directly. Le Xiao was coughing and panting, while Hawke was wearing a voluptuous red dress and smeared purple eye shadow and lipstick.

"I'm sorry, Miss Secretary, this is how we make love."

Tianai was directly clamped by Hawke's waist and jumped down.

"Mark my words, you."

Le Xiao put one hand under her left eye, stuck out her tongue, and made a face at Tian Ai.

Looking at everything below, Le Xiao sat back on the sofa comfortably. It had just arrived at 7 o'clock, and there was still an hour before the exam. She was a little sleepy, and Le Xiao planned to take a nap before talking.

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