The road underfoot was rough and difficult to navigate, but Jielin didn't feel the bumps at all. She was wrapped in plant-like plants and moved under Fry's leadership.

At this time, Frye already looked no different from usual. He was wearing tightly wrapped clothes and a veil. The right half of his cheek was directly wrapped with a bandage. Frye's right hand was like running water at this time, with a large number of fine, crisscrossed and crisscrossed things. The plant was released from within and wrapped around Jaelin.

The five awakened plant-like alienated people entered a dormant state in the huge mine behind them. This place used to be a metal mine, but it was mined out many years ago.

Sure enough, after successfully merging with plants, these alienated humans also have a plant-like characteristic in their bodies. They begin to become less active when the temperature drops below minus 20 degrees. This is revealed by Frye. It can also be seen on the body.

However, what surprised Jie Lin was that when she examined Frye's body a few days ago, bones and muscles could still be seen, but after that night, the flesh and blood on Frye's right half of his body disappeared overnight, and was replaced by high-density Plantoids replaced it, leaving only the right half of the brain wrapped in some extremely slender plantoids.

Along the way, Jie Lin was researching desperately, and Frye was also helping. These plant-like animals were always trying to cross from Frye's right brain to the left brain, but they were still controlled by Frye.

The brains of the five alienated people are different. They are basically like wild beasts. They have completely lost their sense of autonomy and are irritable and irritable. However, they are able to obey Frye's instructions. After settling down, Jie Lin plans to take the brain of an alienated person. Open it, extract the plantoids inside and conduct various experiments on Frye's half-brained plantoids.

At present, it can be roughly determined that if you want to perfectly integrate with this kind of plant, your physical fitness is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is the more emotional part, which has violent emotional fluctuations, which can also be called obsession.

Although she didn't know how long such an experiment would last, Jie Lin was full of hope at this time, because she believed that the man around her and only he could pierce the darkness and bring light to mankind.


With a burst of gunfire, a man fell to the ground clutching his chest.

"What did you shoot for!"

Team 56, located on the northwest route, all members of Team 56 nervously raised their automatic rifles and pointed them at the people around them.

"Report to the captain, this person has been pestering me and trying to take the weapon from me."

The team member who had just shot and killed a man in the barrier area was panicked, but still answered.

5 am

The air seemed to be frozen. People from Team 56 were gathered nearby, and many of them seemed to have angry eyes at this time. Team 56 had just arrived here, and soon many people nearby came out and wanted to fight with them. Food and water.

One of the female team members couldn't stand it, so she gave an old man some military rations. The result was obvious, Team 56 was entangled.

The team doctor walked up to the fallen man, pressed his neck, and shook his head helplessly.

Angry emotions began to appear in the people around. Some people threw stones in this direction. More and more people started shouting. There was a heat in the cold air.

Suddenly the captain took out a small bag containing food from the backpack behind him and shouted loudly.

“If anyone picks it up, let’s divide it!”

While talking, the captain opened the bag of food and scattered the food around.

"Do what I want, everyone follow me and get out of here first."

While he was talking, hundreds of people around him began to rush to loot. A few minutes later, all the team members escaped from this dilapidated gathering place, and they successfully passed the crisis.

The squad leader immediately called up the information of the player who had just fired and deducted 15 points from him.

"Captain, I."

"Keep moving!"

The team members started running one by one. At this time, the team leader looked at the team members behind him angrily. He had forgotten everything he had taught them on weekdays. No team member took the initiative to take on the role of rear guard. The team doctor could only raise his hand. Holding the gun, he ran to the back of the team, holding the gun to guard the surroundings to see if anyone was following.

The military rations carried by each of their team members are a rarity in the barrier area. A small pellet can last for a day. In the past, many teams would encounter such entanglements at the beginning of military exercises, and even be ambushed by some armed forces to rob them. food and weapons.

It's just that the armed forces have finally become more honest in recent years after experiencing many brutal purges, but entanglement is inevitable.

At this time, the captain of Team 56 was extremely angry. He had already deducted points for the entire team of recruits. The situation just now was very dangerous. Even if they had weapons and equipment in their hands, they were surrounded. Once someone was captured, the weapons would be robbed. If so, their team might be destroyed directly.

Fortunately, this team leader knows the habits of the people in the barrier area. Dead people are the most common thing here. They are more concerned about food than watching the people on their side being killed.

After being alert for a while, the team doctor caught up with the team and watched as the team member who had just fired the gun shook his head and followed the team. After the team members recovered, they all looked at the impulsive team member in disbelief. .

The team doctor is very clear that there is a problem in the team. The captain's approach is correct, but everyone has lost part of their rations. The next few days will be extremely difficult for the team, and maybe the whole team will have to withdraw from the exercise.

At this time, on another route to the northwest, Team 23 was ambushed and the way forward was blocked.

The captain of Team 23 was crawling on the ground. The team members behind him made good use of the obstacles in the dilapidated ruins where they were at this time as bunkers. They used heavy firepower weapons. A large row of light shone in front of them. Small trucks were lined up like this. They needed to pass through this pass between two mountains. The length was about 700 meters, but every 700 meters away there was a vehicle every few dozen meters, and there were people with weapons guarding them. With.

The armed forces in front of them were all covered with veils, and it was hard to tell which one they belonged to. The intention of the other party was obvious. If you want to pass them by, you must at least give them some benefits.

"Friends from Section 3, this place is our camp. If you want to leave, please take a detour. However, if you want to go there, you must follow our rules here and each person must pay a certain amount of food, water, and ammunition. ."

"Call for reinforcements, Captain!"

One of the team members said, and the captain shook his head. After careful observation for a while, the team leader also discovered that many old, weak, sick and disabled people were among these armed forces. It seemed that there was strength in numbers, because It’s almost the end of the month, and many people may be running out of food.

Looking at the terrified team members around him, the team leader planned to resolve this problem peacefully.

"I can only give you a bag of food. As for weapons and ammunition, don't even think about it. If this continues, we will call for reinforcements!"

The team leader shouted loudly. At this time, the headlights of the car in the middle flashed a few times, which was a light signal to agree to the transaction.

After the team leader got up, he led the team members with guns in their hands, and soon went to a jeep in the middle. A guy was holding a gun in his hand. Only then did the team members see clearly that many people around were dragsters. They had mouths, and many of them looked very hungry.

"There is nothing we can do, adults. Just be kind and give more. We still have a lot of children here, and they can't hold on any longer."

The squad leader nodded and gave them two packs of military rations, which was enough for one person for 60 days. Each of them brought a pack of military rations, containing 30 pellets. After entering the pass gently, the squad leader relaxed a little. He directly added 1 point to each team member. During this process, no team member messed up. This surprised the team leader. He had led the team three times. In the first two times, the team just started practicing. A situation has occurred.

The march is judged based on the on-site situation of each team. The team doctor will record the march situation truthfully. After returning, the scores of each team will be personally reviewed by the directors. Some non-disputed situations will be directly finalized to decide whether Through military exercises, the teams in question will stay first, and finally several directors will discuss and decide. If there are some special circumstances, they need to be submitted to the secretary or section chief for review.

5:23 am

Team 144 stopped at some dilapidated wooden houses at the foot of a mountain. This place looked like it had been attacked. You could clearly see the bullet holes in the wooden boards. After marching for 2 hours in the wind and sand, Kakuri looked at the windshield. The route condition on the display showed that he had traveled 16 kilometers, and he was halfway through the at least 30 kilometers of the first day. He let out a long sigh of relief. His decision was not wrong. The wind and sand were very strong around 4 o'clock. Now you can rest well until 9 o'clock before starting to march. It seems that although many people are tired, they still have physical strength.

It's just that team member Luo Zhenzhen's condition was a bit bad and she vomited several times along the way, but she looks much better now.

The usually lively team was silent at this time. Some team members had already turned their clothes into sleeping bags and found a safe place to fall asleep.

Hu Xue leaned in a corner and looked at Luo Zhenzhen, who was frowning on her knees. Her face looked a little better at this time. She was also a little sleepy and ready to sleep.

Suddenly, Luo Zhenzhen's eyes widened, as if she had trouble breathing. She stood up and pressed her heart, eyes widening in pain.

"Zhenzhen, what's wrong with you!"

Following Hu Xue's scream, the members of the team woke up one after another. Kakuri and Sophia rushed over, but as Luo Zhenzhen's face became more ferocious, her whole body twitched violently.

Everyone opened Luo Zhenzhen's clothes in a hurry. Sophia quickly took out the medical equipment, and soon a temporary operating room was set up.

Some instruments were also adjusted. Luo Zhenzhen held her stomach in pain, and her breathing began to become more and more rapid. Looking at the rising heart rate, Sophia took the sedative and injected it into Luo Zhenzhen.

A few minutes later, accompanied by a rapid beeping sound, Luo Zhenzhen's heart rate dropped to 0.

Kakuli's eyes widened. After a few minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Sophia lowered her head and didn't know what to say for a moment. Along with a burst of crying, Hu Xue's tears burst into her eyes and she lay on the temporary operating table. , cried.

Several girls also started crying, and the atmosphere in Team 144 became extremely solemn for a while. The team members all stared blankly at Luo Zhenzhen, who had turned into a corpse.

At this time, outside the team members, Sun Lu quietly stared at everything in front of her, with a smile in her eyes.


A few minutes later, Kakuri sent an emergency distress signal, and the helicopter would arrive in 20 minutes at most.

"Sister Sophia, what is going on?"

A female team member asked, but Sophia did not answer. Judging from the situation at the scene, it should be acute sudden cardiac death. However, all team members had preliminary medical knowledge and knew what the numbers on the dials of the medical instruments meant. Some team members looked at Captain Kakuri.

They marched for more than 2 hours in such a harsh environment, and nearly an hour in the wind and sand. Many times they were climbing uphill and then downhill again, repeated many times.

There was something wrong with Luo Zhenzhen's physical condition. Sophia had checked her before and there was nothing wrong with her. However, sudden death like this often occurs after poor physical condition, extensive exercise or long-term fatigue.

Hu Xue was crying so hard that several female team members went over to comfort her. Kakuli was silent, his head heavy. He kept thinking about his previous decision. If he waited until Luo Zhenzhen's physical condition was better before marching, would it be wrong? More secure.

Everyone was confused at this moment and sat beside the temporary operating room in a daze.

"Want to continue marching, Captain!"

Sun Lu asked abruptly, and Hu Xue suddenly pointed at Sun Lu.

"What on earth did you feed Zhenzhen!"

Sophia immediately asked, and Hu Xue cried and said that at the first stop, Luo Zhenzhen had a stomachache, and Sun Lu gave her a bottle of stomach medicine.

After that, Sophia found three bottles of stomach medicine from Sun Lu's backpack. After taking a look, they were ordinary stomach medicine to reconcile gastric juice, so as not to affect the body. Hu Xue pointed at Sun Lu and kept shouting.

"Why did you bring the medicine without permission?"

Sun Lu shook her head in confusion.

"My stomach has not been very good since I was a child, so I always carry stomach medicine! I saw that Zhenzhen had a stomachache, so I gave her a bottle."

Sun Lu wiped away her tears, but at this time every team member's eyes were pointed directly at Kakuri.

Along with a buzzing roar, a red light flashed in the distance, and a lift slowly landed here.

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