Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1384 Alienation Gene (Part 2)

The aroma of dinner was lingering in the air. Lu Xi tasted the soup and smiled happily.

"Jewell, Master Jean, you can eat soon."

Lu Xi walked out with a smile, but there was no one in the living room. He saw the door to the basement open, and Lu Xi walked down. Under the house of every department official who lived here, there was a 100-square-meter, iron-like structure. A box-like training room.

As soon as Lu Xi came down, he saw that all the lights in the training room were on. Gene and Jewell looked at each other. Jewell had already put on a light one-piece black sportswear, and had blond hair below his shoulders. Pricked up.

"I'm sorry, Miss Luxi, wait a few minutes, Jewell and I will do some exercise before dinner."

Lu Xi smiled and nodded, glanced at Jewell, and hadn't seen such a serious look in his eyes for a long time, so she went directly upstairs and closed the door.

"It's been a long time since I've had a fight with you Jean, but I promised you to be gentle."

Gene made an OK gesture, and suddenly Jewel jumped over with red particles flashing around his eyes.

"But I'm going to do my best, Gene!"


Jean was half squatting, the cigarette he was holding shook violently under the strong pressure of the moment. The ashes were accompanied by the flurry of smoke. Jean raised his right arm to block Jewel's fist that was like a hammer. The foot stepped hard on the ground of this composite memory metal, and the ground sunk a little.

Light blue scab fragments were flying in the air. Jewell's right fist did not attack Jean, but made a pull-up motion.


Gene measured his head to the right. The cigarette butt with half left in his mouth exploded as if it had been hit by something. Gene jumped back with one hand in his pocket and touched the ground lightly with his feet.

At this time, a fist dent appeared on the ground behind Jewell.

"I'm going to fight back!"

Just as Jean was speaking, the moment Jewel landed on the ground, his fists were continuously waving in the air like machine guns.

Jean suddenly moved on the spot, and there were bursts of rumbling sounds in the air. Jewell pumped his fist in the air while moving, forcing Jean to the wall little by little.

There were continuous banging sounds, and fist marks appeared on the wall behind Jean. Jean, who was unable to retreat, crossed his hands, and light blue scabs began to cover the front of his body. , accompanied by crisp knocking sounds one after another, Jewell stood more than one meter away from Gene, and began to wave his fists continuously in the air.

The light blue scabs were still breaking and peeling off, and Jewel's face showed excitement. He knew very well that if he wanted to hit Jean, it would be impossible without this level of suppression. .

Jean smiled happily and endured the empty punch from Jewell. This method of using telekinesis and his own power to condense the alienated cell form and then impact it out will make people hard to guard against. Although the disadvantage is the consumption of physical energy, but For a mutant like Jewell, who has more than 10,000 mutated cells, he will not feel tired even if he keeps swinging like this for more than ten minutes.

"It doesn't look like you're in a woman's bed every night."

"Of course!"

Jewell shouted excitedly, and Jean suddenly lunged forward sideways, the light blue scab on his raised left arm splashing with sparks.

"I knew it!"

The moment Gene's right fist went straight towards Jewell's face, Jewell roared, his hands had already clamped Gene's right hand left and right, and he instantly pulled Gene towards him, his right elbow A red scab formed and then hit Jean's abdomen.


With a loud noise, an oval-shaped elbow mark appeared on the wall, and Gene was already standing upside down on top of Jewell's head. Jewell knew very well that he deliberately exposed the gap to induce Gene to attack. He wanted to rely on this blow to severely injure Jean, but Jean had already seen through his intentions. Before he attacked, he retracted his right hand that clamped Jean's right arm before attacking, and directly pressed it behind his left shoulder, standing in the air. .

"Asshole Gene!"

The corners of Jean's mouth raised slightly, and his fists were already swung downwards. Light blue particles instantly began to fly above Jewell's head. Jewell could only jump back and cross his hands to protect him. He reached the top of his head and endured Jean's attacks again and again. Although the force was not great, the speed began to get faster and faster.

Finally, after receiving hundreds of punches, Jewel dodged to the left and flipped sideways. At the moment when he was upside down on the ground, Jewel raised his fists and made another upward movement.

Jean, who was still in the air, could no longer dodge, and scabs formed on his back. With two muffled bangs, Jean fell toward the ground.

The moment Jewel stood firm, his hands suddenly opened towards Jean, and two extremely strong telepathic forces clamped Jean's body. The moment Jean was in the air, Jewel suddenly jumped forward. His hands seemed to be holding something, and his knees pushed directly towards Jean.

However, Gene was still smiling, not feeling nervous at all. Before the powerful oncoming impact hit him, he could already feel the drastic changes in air pressure on his skin.


Jewell's eyes widened, and black particles appeared in front of his eyes. Gene hit him directly with his left fist. There was a violent roar in the air, and the metal wall on Jewell's right side seemed to be squeezed. It was so normal that the entire surface was dented, and the extruded metal stood up like overturned mud.


Jewell only felt a whistling in his ears, and black particles flashed across his eyes. Gene was already standing behind him, holding his neck with one hand.

"Violent alienated particles."

The moment Jewell realized it, his cheek was about to press against the wall, but he stopped in front of the wall. The wall was still slowly recovering.

"Do you want face? Jean!"

A burst of soft laughter sounded, and Gene said sorry. However, what surprised Jewell was that Gene had indeed controlled the violent alienated particles just now. This is the last thing that mutants want to see. , but Jean was in control.

After a while, the two of them sat against the wall, filled with smoke, and Jewel wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"As expected, you are very smart, Jewell. Although your fighting methods are a bit insidious, they should be more useful in the actual process."

Jewel sighed and shook his head.

"Last year at the section chiefs and secretaries battle meeting at the end of the year, I tricked that crazy woman once, and she got really excited. If the fat man hadn't taken action, I would have had a few ribs broken by that crazy woman."

Seeing the confusion in Jewel's eyes next to him, Gene raised his hand, and a black particle floated on his fingertips.

Jewell stared blankly as Jean responded to his doubts with action. The energy in the nucleus of this violent alienated particle was far greater than that of red particles, or even particles produced by the power of God. , but the birth of such violent alienated cells is a sign of death for mutants. It will greatly absorb everything in the body, and people will become crazy, very irritable and angry, and finally all the nutrients in the body will be lost. After being drained, it will become like a fragile sculpture, cracking and falling apart, and finally blowing away in the wind.

"I am not completely under control yet, but I am trying to control it after being inspired by Quasimodo and Alpha. I will fight Alpha in the near future. After the battle is over, I should find a way to control the rage. A way to differentiate cells."

"It's really yours. This battle won't be easy. Even you will be beaten to the ground at least several times."

Gene nodded.

Jewell's understanding of Alpha was not only due to the previous grudges between the Angus family and the Hillman family, but also when he was young and a playboy. He had personally seen Alpha and an S-class man who had gone berserk. The mutants fight, and the last one standing is Alpha.

After getting to know her one after another, as well as having many conversations with Alpha in prison, and a few slight attempts at fighting, he became very clear that the madness in that woman was the ceiling for a strong person.

After Niya played against Alpha before, her physical condition was not good for many days. Jewell knew this very well. If the condition was good, Niya would basically be a lion in full condition all day long, but during those few days Niya was unusually quiet.

"If this power can be controlled, many people's power can continue to increase."

The black alienated particles disappeared from Jean's fingertips, and Jewell nodded.

"Would you like to go watch the mutant test together tomorrow?"

Jean turned to look at Jewell.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

The neon lights are flashing. Night is coming in District 29. Outside the buildings on the street, there are very vivid neon human-shaped changing lights. A large number of men have flocked to District 29. Everything is business as usual.

Ada stood on the aisle above an old iron house. She had previously selected this area as a renovated classroom. Although she had discussed using women's homes as classrooms before, it seemed unrealistic.

The more than 100 remaining residents of this relatively large two-story iron house have moved out a few days ago. The structure in most places is not stable. It is the property of the district office, and most of them have moved out. All the women here have lived here. A room is less than 20 square meters, and there is a public toilet and bathing room on each floor. Ada does not charge any rent from the women here, and they only need to pay for their own water and electricity.

With an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters, several metal-panel houses near the eastern food trading station have collapsed and have been neglected.

Ada also lived here once, but that was more than 30 years ago. At that time, this place was still new, and the rent was only 50 yuan a month. Ada used the last thousand yuan she had left to rent for a year, and then So he started to make a living here, working most of the day in a restaurant at a food exchange near the farm. When he came back at night, he studied hard in such a small room.

Finally, more than 20 years ago, Ada was successfully admitted to the district power office as a replacement for a council member, and finally got the vote to become a member of the 29th District.


In the strong wind, this iron plate made a creaking sound. Now Ada wants to dismantle this iron plate house. Some of the waste materials can be recycled and reprocessed to obtain the raw materials for building houses, but the cost is really prohibitive. bear.

Ada has looked for many construction companies. After looking at them, they basically offered prices of around 100,000. Because they need to do dismantling and waste recycling and reprocessing, they can only bring machinery over and work on site, which requires at least 30 people. It took a lot of overtime work to clear this area.

Ada started to walk. She planned to go to Yu Fangfang's shop and directly ask Section 13 for help and ask the mutants in their section to help. This is the easiest way. Although this approach is a bit shameless, now 100,000 yuan For District 29, many light and shadow seats can be purchased, and McCullin has not given money.

Along the way, Ada always reminded some women who had no business outside the store to read more medical things when they had time.

As soon as she arrived at the door of Yu Fangfang's shop, Ada looked with some surprise at Quasimodo, who was sitting at the door of the shop with his head almost touching the light and shadow panel above. He was wearing a linen hood and had a large cooking pot on his head. Quasimodo seemed to be grabbing something to eat in his thick hands, which looked like small plates.

Ada glanced at Quasimodo, their eyes interacted, and they nodded slightly to greet each other.

"Is there any young and strong guy willing to help?"

At this time, in the store, except Ran Zai, Yu Fangfang and Leng Rui were not there, and neither was Billy. Ran Zai got up and walked out slowly.


Quasimodo raised his hand, and Ada bowed gratefully. Ran Zai put down the dishes and walked out. After understanding, the three of them walked towards the block over there. Ran Zai looked at Cassie next to him. Modo, he feels quite interesting about this guy.

"Young man, do you have any good ideas?"

Just after walking down a street, Ada asked. Ran Zai shook his head and waved his hand helplessly.

"If you're talking about regional achievements, it's a pity that it's hard for this area to make any significant development. If you're talking about them, it's hard to change their living habits over the years. After all, once people fall into inertial thinking, It’s hard to come out.”

Ada didn't say anything, she just smiled and pointed at the large iron house that went down the slope.

"I'll excuse you two. I'll treat you to something to eat later."

"Just tear them all down. Mr. Quasimodo, you can do it alone. I won't interfere."

Quasimodo nodded slightly. After Ada talked for a while, Quasimodo roughly understood the scope. The three of them came to the high platform road opposite the iron house area. Quasimodo hunched over and jumped directly.

Ada looked with some surprise as this huge but very agile man landed in the middle of the area like a cannonball, accompanied by a loud noise.

Quasimodo squatted on the ground, raising his right hand into a fist, and his arm as thick as a pillar stood on the ground.

Black particles began to emerge little by little, and the black particles visible under the light began to gather in Quasimodo's fist, more and more.

Ran Zai looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise, and instantly understood what would happen next.

Wishes of air began to flow, making a creaking sound, and the old and damaged stone slabs on the ground began to crack and turn into debris.

As more and more black particles condensed in Quasimodo's fist, the surrounding houses began to crack to varying degrees. The speed became faster and faster, and a huge suction force began to appear. The metal houses began to deform and crack, and were It was sucked towards Quasimodo.

Quasimodo suddenly opened his eyes, and a large number of black particles began to sweep towards the surrounding area like yellow sand. With a bang, Quasimodo jumped up, nearly ten meters away.


The moment Ran Zai was amazed, the black particles instantly gathered towards the debris that had condensed into a ball in the center. In the blink of an eye, only a huge twisting and cracking sound was heard, and a black circle appeared in the middle. A big ball, and only the soil under the stone slabs was left on the entire field. Quasimodo slowly fell to the ground. After walking away, only the black material left in the ball slowly began to turn into sand, and waves of A strong metallic smell instantly filled the air.

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