The light of the artificial sun began to weaken, and in the blocks in the center of District 3, the aroma of cooking food swayed in the air with the gentle wind.

K was standing at the ticket office at the entrance of the Reed Theater, queuing up. The Reed Theater was very popular every night. Stage plays, a product that always exudes elegance and profundity, have never faded no matter what era, and many high-class Social people will use this place as a place for dating or conversation.

A ticket of 100 yuan is not expensive for the upper class. Finally it is K's turn to buy a ticket. The stage play tonight is called "The Wind Knows". It is one of Xingyuan's earlier masterpieces. It is a narration about A short story about a struggling family from the bottom.

On the heavy burgundy wooden door, there is a poster with a darker yellow tone, showing a family of four struggling to move forward in the wind and sand. There are faint musical notes and some light particles in the wind. On the left side of the poster, Jie Lin is naked. Feet, holding a cello, eyes blurred, looking sad but smiling.

K has read all of Jie Lin's information in detail. There is nothing wrong with Jie Lin in the information. Jie Lin, now 77 years old, has been supporting the Reed Theater on her own since her father passed away 30 years ago, and Mantha Also born in the Reed Theater, but to Jaylin, Mantha was a betrayer.

According to part of the information investigated by Section 2, the two have not had any interaction in the past 30 years. Mansha, who was one of the theater's mainstays at that time, revived the Reed Theater that was on the verge of bankruptcy because of her good voice. When the German Theater was about to be reborn, Mansha chose the singing circle and left the theater directly to become a singer.

The biological evidence once may be accidental, but twice is inevitable. K left the queue and stood on the street. He had not been to the upper level for a long time. Everything was still the same, without any changes. What happened on the lower level this morning It was like the wind blowing, just a brief coolness. Along the way, most people on the street were talking about the mutant examination that was about to start tomorrow. Every year, the amount of money that the upper class participated in the bet was the largest.

K randomly found a restaurant with elegant and retro decoration style, walked in, casually ordered something, and then found a seat near the street under the guidance of the waiter. He entered the venue at 8 o'clock and the show started at 8:30. K planned Observe quietly here.

In the few hours after formally accepting the order, K learned too much, including what happened in District 79 the night before and the previous bombings. All evidence showed that the rioters had weapons of mass destruction in their hands. arms.

The enemy must be found and annihilated before they start a larger-scale terrorist attack. Not only themselves and C, Section 2 has deployed 1,000 investigators to all areas of the city to conduct latent investigations.

When the monitoring of machinery and equipment and network monitoring no longer play any role, we can only rely on manpower to investigate. So far, nearly 1,083 people have been secretly arrested. In the past few days, 298 of them have been tortured in words and deeds. The innocent person was released and the others are still under trial.

Section 2 has not made such a big move for a long time. Starting from the last large-scale riot caused by poisonous food, the city that had been stable for 10 years began to fall into chaos again.

At this time, on the street in the distance, under the dim sunlight, Jielin, wearing a purple dress and carrying a cello on her back, slowly walked over. Many people who were still queuing up to buy tickets greeted Jielin. K looked Looking at Jie Lin, she felt a little different.

Jie Lin makes people feel like the newborn sun. There is nothing strange about her words and deeds. K has seen countless people, and he can see everything about a person at a glance. The moment he met Jie Lin, K concluded that she was just a positive, optimistic woman who loved stage plays.


K muttered, still a little unsure, so he could only find a way to get in close contact.

The only way to find something was to wait patiently. K had already gone to the place he had arranged with the rioter who called himself Zhao Zhen to check, and found no clues. However, Section 2 had already gone over to verify that the person staying that night was Luo Zhen. Rita, the woman who cloned herself infinitely and used her death to do something.

Section 2 has launched an investigation around the place where Lolita was that night, and has found nothing unusual so far. At this time, K noticed that among the crowd across the street, an old man with a hunched back fell to the ground. Many people did not go to help. Jielin, who was just about to enter, walked over and stretched out a hand to the old man.

The old man thanked him profusely and left. K didn't pay much attention to it, but the only thing he cared about was the way the old man walked, as if he was approaching the dark night, shaky, like the sun that was about to set.

As the sun is about to set, you can see many old men and women on the street. Many of them have dinner around 5 o'clock, and then wander around the streets after the meal.

The old man who was helped up by Jie Lin slowly walked towards an alley, and the smile on the old man's face disappeared in an instant.

"It's been confirmed. The clone doesn't recognize me at all. It should be able to last three months."

The old man said something to the empty alley. At this time, the outline of a cheek that was difficult to see in the dim light appeared in the alley.

"Becky what are you going to do?"

"Some things must be discarded. The same goes for you. Claude, if you know, please inform everyone. Lolita is getting more and more dangerous. Zhao Zhen's new plan is beneficial to us. Reed Theater The man in the white suit opposite is from Department 2."

There was a hint of fear on the old man's face, and then Claude walked into the alley, slowly following Becky, who had already revealed his figure. The two of them were at the wall of the Reed Theater on the right. Becky stretched out her hand and pressed it. The wall instantly became like mud, and the two of them entered the wall directly.

"Where did the news come from?"

Inside was a four-foot-square secret room with bare walls. There was a trace of worry on Claude's face, and he coughed.

"In the LK Building hijacking incident, Zhao Zhen used to be the director of science and technology department of McCullin Enterprises. Do you remember?"

Claude was a little suspicious. After thinking for a while, Becky had opened a light and shadow screen, and soon found relevant news about that incident. The explosion at the scene resulted in the death of 173 people, including the current Chief of Section 2, Mo Xiaolan, his legs were blown off and 85% of his body was burned.

"Does Zhao Zhen have anything to do with that matter?"

Claude didn't know the reason very well. The only thing he knew was that the reason why Zhao Zhen went crazy and entered the lunatic asylum was because his wife and two children died. Claude had never asked anyone else about the reason, because people within the creator, Most of them have experienced extreme grief, and no one asks each other about the past.

"I heard from Lolita that an organization called Hydra caused many bombings. When the LK Building was hijacked, many people became hostages. But in fact, Hydra planned to use a vehicle to A train full of high-concentration explosives directly hit Section 10, but they didn't have such technology at all, so they captured Zhao Zhen's wife and children, and made all preparations using the technology in Zhao Zhen's hands."

Claude looked at Becky in confusion, his expression darkened, and then he continued.

"You must have heard about the three-headed hellhound from Section 2."

Claude nodded.

"R, K and C, three hound-like guys, have secretly done too many shameful things for Congress."

"The hijacking of the LK Building was just a pretense. The real purpose was the underground train loaded with high-concentration explosives heading to the platform of Section 10. Finally, the hound C from Section 2 found the source, and he directly found Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen was forced to tell everything, and K, who was conducting latent investigation outside, got the information and started it immediately."

Claude's expression began to darken. Becky brought out a small wine cabinet with light and shadow from a place on the wall, took out a bottle of wine and two small wine glasses, filled them and handed them to Claude. .

"At that time, Zhao Zhen only wanted to keep his wife and children safe, so C took him with him. However, the result was that when faced with Hydera threatening Zhao Zhen's wife and children, K did not He hesitated for a moment, killed the killer, and the incident was resolved safely, but what happened underground was directly covered up, and Zhao Zhen was also arrested by Section 2. Although I don’t know what he went through, I heard Lolita say that Zhao Zhen When he was in the hospital, someone who claimed to be his old friend would visit him from time to time, but every time Zhao Zhen saw that man, he would excitedly call him a murderer."

Claude felt a chill rise up his spine. He recalled the man in a white suit he had seen sitting at the window of the restaurant opposite. He looked elegant and looked like he was waiting for a female companion. Although he was handsome, he It's also very common.

"What about C? Can Zhao Zhen recognize it?"

Becky shook her head.

"The only thing I know is that C is a woman. Zhao Zhen once said that he could recognize the murderer who killed his wife and children even when he turned into ashes, so when he discovered K, he immediately changed his plan. I don’t know what he wants to do, but Lolita said not to stop him.”

"No wonder Zhao Zhen, who had been in a state of confusion and seemed like a zombie in the past few days, has brightened his eyes. A man who has been dead for a long time decided to do something with his death this time."

Inside the restaurant

"Sir, please note that the water is a bit hot!"

A female waiter squatted down and placed a cup of hot tea in front of K. K smiled and nodded. However, when his eyes moved to the blood-like tea, he was suddenly startled. The tea spilled and the waitress He hurriedly turned around and brought out a dry towel to help K wipe it.

"Feel sorry!"

K pressed his forehead and suddenly had another hallucination. There were two children, a boy and a girl, in the tea cup, looking at him with cold eyes.

After a while, K's mood stabilized and he fell into deep thought. He knew very well why Mo Xiaolan called him back and made him responsible for this matter.

"Do you still hate me now?"

Recalling the day that passed, K often wondered if there was any other choice. What would he do if he was given another chance? The train full of explosives was about to start, and the mother and child were held hostage. There was no possibility of negotiation with the rioters.

"Give me back, give me my family back, you murderer, look me in the eyes"

In my memory, I would wake up from nightmares countless times. The man who followed C to the scene was crying hoarsely. Later, Zhao Zhen was arrested and sent to Section 2. R and C also fell into misery because of this incident.

The most painful thing was not them, but Mo Xiaolan. K visited her many times when Mo Xiaolan was hospitalized, but gradually, when Mo Xiaolan was about to complete her rehabilitation, her eyes completely changed, as if Like monsters wandering in the limbo of hell.

Later, Zhao Zhen went crazy. After treatment failed, he had to be sent to Frye Mental Hospital. K paid for all the living needs of Zhao Zhen’s parents, including his relatives, and often visited Zhao Zhen until the day he fell ill and died. I also personally watched him pass away.

Didi didi

"Where are you, Mr. K? You went too far and left me alone on the bottom floor."

Chen Miao's angry voice came over the phone, and K hurriedly explained.

"Xiao Miao, I'll leave the wine supply to you first. I'm on the upper floor. It's really something serious, so I came here. I'll go down to find you in a few days. You hold on."

K's eyes became serious after hanging up the phone.

"Does such a thing as the undead really exist?"

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