Under the gray-black sky, the engines of trucks rumbled, and rows of trucks were parked neatly outside the Western Guard Station.

Half of the cargo box of the nearly 10-meter-long truck is filled with supplies, while the other half is filled with members of a small team. Most of these people are veteran staff members who have been working for more than 10 years. Each of them has been to the barrier zone at least six or seven times. Second-rate.

All members of the department wear the same special 3-department uniforms, which are controllable uniforms generated by high-density light and shadow materials. They have black streamlined long coats with a circle of fluffy cotton at the collar. You only need to press the function on the left side of the coat. By pressing the button, the cotton batting will begin to expand and turn into a pillow, the knee-high fabric will stretch, and the front opening of the clothing can be seamlessly connected to transform into a sleeping bag.

All the staff members only wore a black high-strength thermal jumpsuit, and all members wore Martin boots with moderate softness and hardness. They all wore harmful particle isolation veils with 3-column fluorescent logos printed on their faces, and around their waists. There is a round X-shaped buckle that fixes the arms and body. There is a large amount of liquid compressed weapons and ammunition inside. The total weight of clothing and ammunition is about 40 kilograms.

These veteran officers who are about to set off mainly set up a communication network along the way, including confirming potential threats around the route, as well as escorting the supplies to the supply points where the team will arrive a week after their arrival, and conducting inspections around the supply points. Threat investigation, deployment, etc.

The weather environment in the barrier area is gentle now, and the wind and sand are much lighter. Many officers are still waiting for travel orders. There are 100 such military trucks at each guard station. Many officers need to travel in these days. It took three to four trips back and forth to transport all the supplies.

This kind of transportation and escort tasks is also an exercise for many veteran members, but many people have become accustomed to it. The annual 3rd Section drill will be held when the number of new members reaches a certain number, nearly 30,000 People will get involved.

"This year's new batch of newcomers don't seem to be good at it. They are all carefree. When they come in, they realize that life in the city is really different from here."

An old clerk said with a smile, and several old clerks smoking nearby laughed.

"It's the same every year, but those little girls will definitely cry when the time comes."

At this time, a female clerk in the team stared at them.

"You guys, especially Zhang Cheng, were so scared that you wet your pants when you were acting in the barrier area 8 years ago."

For a moment, the man named Zhang Cheng looked awkwardly at the giggling female staff members next to him.

"Xiao Wu, please say a few words. Everyone has their first time. The key is that after seeing everything in the barrier zone, it will be helpful in the future life. Stand up quickly, Lord Xima is coming. "

At this time, the clerks near the truck and the clerks in the truck quickly and neatly lined up in a row. In the distance, more than 60 motorcycles were coming towards this direction, and Hima was at the front. .

This time, Hima is fully responsible for the performance, with 10 director officers and 54 level 3 officers.

Anyway, 100 of them lined up neatly in front of the truck. Xima rode a motorcycle and circled slowly, raising one hand. Everyone made a fist with their right hand and pressed it on their chest, and stood up straight.

After a while, Hima stopped in the middle and turned on a loudspeaker.

"Everyone! If you encounter any suspicious problems along the way, please report it immediately. Just like in previous years, pay more attention! You are the elders, and many of the newcomers are children, so you have the responsibility and obligation to do all the good things for the elders. What needs to be done, the rest depends on how far those children can go, take action!”

As soon as Xima finished speaking, everyone dispersed and got on the truck. The trucks started to start one after another. Xima continued to talk to the third-level section officers and director officers riding motorcycles for a while, then turned to the left Riding southwest, she directly increased her speed and soon passed the truck. The officials behind her also began to speed up.

Xima will first arrive at the first supply point in the southwest, use his own eyes to confirm whether there is any problem, and then stay for a day or two before going directly to the first supply point in the east and west.

This time in the barrier area, because of the massacre of armed forces in the past few days, Hima was a little worried and had already submitted a supply request for lifts to Section 10. Once there was a problem in any place, four alerts The take-off and landing machine inside the station will transport 1,000 people to arrive within 10 minutes.

There will be some problems every year in such exercises. The most common ones are illness or encountering some small-scale conflicts with armed forces in the barrier area, but these have decreased a lot in recent years.

Under Tianhen's high-pressure situation, the arrogance of the armed forces in the barrier area was completely suppressed. In the past, Jean would go to the barrier area for basically every exercise in the barrier area. There have been many times where the team was attacked. Jean went directly to deal with it, but this time it was different. Jean seemed to have no intention of getting involved.

The supplies transported in trucks are more than the actual supplies. Many supply points are inhabited by people in the barrier area. Sometimes these people are more difficult to deal with. Giving them some water and food is the most effective way.


A large number of dormitories in the originally noisy Western Guard Station had become quiet at this time, and many new members were asleep. The reason why many of them stayed up all night yesterday and the day before was to adjust to the jet lag.

The march will start at 0 o'clock tonight. This is different from their usual training of running 20 kilometers every day. Marching with heavy loads also has to deal with the harsh environment of the barrier area. Hu Xue was lying quietly on the bed in the dormitory. At this time, a girl on the bed reached down. , took a pack of snacks.

"Xiaoxue, open your mouth."

Hu Xue bulged her mouth, but she still stood up and opened her mouth to eat a little.

"Zhenzhen, go to bed quickly. Why are you still eating snacks? If your stomach feels uncomfortable by then, I won't care about you."

The girl he slept with was named Luo Zhenzhen, and she was the girl with whom Hu Xue got along best in the team.

"What does it matter? I secretly hid some snacks."

Hu Xue frowned. At this time, she felt the gaze from the opposite side. She looked over with an embarrassed smile. On the bed opposite was a woman with short hair. She didn't have a good relationship with everyone in the team and always had a gloomy face. .

"Tomorrow's march will determine whether you can avoid being eliminated in the third subject."

The woman spoke, and her words were a bit harsh. She was like this on weekdays. She always liked to say stereotyped words and had a somewhat annoying personality.

"Yu Tong, will you die if you don't speak?"

Luo Zhenzhen muttered something uncomfortable. At this time, the other five girls in the dormitory were still awake. Everyone got up and seemed to still couldn't fall asleep. Everyone felt a little excited and started chatting again. Men's topic.

"Zhenzhen, do you like Xiaoxue because you dote on her so much?"

A girl who got out of bed next door looked at Luo Zhenzhen feeding Hu Xue snacks again, and said somewhat sourly. Luo Zhenzhen stared at her sideways.

"I want you to take care of it."

Yu Tong snorted coldly, pulled up the quilt and fell asleep. At this time, a girl next to the bed was blankly looking at the time directly opposite the dormitory door. She murmured from time to time, and everyone did not Mind you, she was a little tired and flipped her hair from time to time, looking a little impatient, as if she was reminiscing about something. Others didn't pay much attention to her. This girl's name is Sun Lu. She is usually taciturn and not very communicative. What do people communicate.

"By the way, Xiaoxue, if it's cold at night, we can sleep together."

Luo Zhenzhen suggested with a smile, and Hu Xue rolled her eyes.

"Whoever sleeps with you will make you snore at night."

The dormitory was filled with laughter and laughter. At this time, a squad leader who was patrolling in the corridor wanted to open the door to let them rest, but many dormitories next door were also noisy at this time, so she held back.

"Forget it, they will be crying in a few days."

"By the way, Wang Luo from Team 198 is handsome, but his character is not very good. One of my best friends dated him before, and he was a very disgusting guy anyway."

Hu Xue and his friends couldn't stop talking about men in their dormitory.

"Actually, the reason why I chose the 3rd subject was because Section Chief Tianhen was so handsome, so I chose it by accident."

"me too."

Hu Xue nodded excitedly.

"Section Chief Tianhen is really handsome and has a good temperament, but aren't there rumors that he is a sister-in-law?"

For a moment, the girls showed helpless and slightly sour expressions.

Hu Xue smiled, but then recalled that the reason why she chose Section 3 was because she was involved in a conflict caused by a demonstration before. It was the people from Section 3 who saved her, although the people from Section 5 also Participated, but when weighing and hesitating in the end, Hu Xue simply chose Section 3 because she didn’t like Niya, the section chief of Section 5, and always thought she was rough. On the contrary, Tian Hen, the section chief of Section 3, really He is quite handsome, and he always exudes a fascinating mysterious aura and a little melancholy.

Many female staff in the department will discuss Tianhen from time to time. After all, there are not a few women who enter the 3rd Department because of Tianhen.

At this time, in the huge conference room, Tian Hen was still processing the documents at hand. He couldn't sit still and wanted to find a director's office. Xima brought all the male directors there, and now there are There are more than 10 female council officers and more than 20 level 3 officials, a room full of women.

"Section Chief, please take a look at this document. All the special military uniforms from the Garment Association have been equipped this time. Waiting for your signature, I will go directly to settle the accounts tonight."

Tian Hen hummed, and the female director in front of him stood beside him, pointing to the contents of the document.

Didi didi

Tianhen squinted at a light and shadow screen that popped up. It was a video call, and Tianhen didn't think much about it and picked it up.

"What's wrong, Xiuxiu?"

Tianhen asked, and Xiuxiu, who appeared in the video, pouted. She was alone on a commercial street.

"You haven't called me for so many days? There are a room full of beauties accompanying you, tsk tsk!"

Tianhen seemed to realize something, many female subordinates snickered, and Tianhen hurriedly stood up.

"Feel sorry!"

After Tian Hen left, many female directors in the conference room spoke up.

"The section chief is too indifferent when it comes to girls."

"Yeah, my previous boyfriend didn't contact me for three days, so I told him to get out immediately."

Everyone knows that during this period of time, Tianhen has not contacted his girlfriend. No matter how busy he is, he should take the time to make a phone call, but Tianhen is really stupid about this. In many cases, Xima is kind. Reminder, but Tianhen still doesn't take it seriously.

At this time, Tianhen looked helpless and talked about the many chores recently, as well as the military drills in the barrier area and other issues. After talking a lot, Xiuxiu sat down in a luxurious restaurant.

"When are you going to have a holiday? How about I come and see you?"

"No, I'll come find you after the holiday, that's it, I'm still busy!"

Xiuxiu pouted.

"You have so many beauties in your department, especially those little girls in your department, tsk tsk! Don't you usually pick one and a half to keep privately?"

"Don't talk about the yes or no. I'm dating you now. When you have time, I hope you can meet my sister."

Xiuxiu shook her head.

"Don't Tian Ai hate me very much? It's better not to see me."

"In case of marriage"

Xiuxiu smiled awkwardly.


After ending the call, Xiuxiu put her hand on her forehead and looked at Tianhen's number with some annoyance. She felt that she and Tianhen were not in a relationship, because this man was like a child in love.

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