
In the film and television area located on the upper floor, pedestrians come out of the subway station in an endless stream and enter the film and television area. The number of tourists has increased sharply in the past few days. Tomorrow is the mutant promotion exam. Many companies are already on holiday today. Most of them After the holidays, people either go to Angel Lexiao or go directly to the film and television area.

However, at the entrance of the film and television area, many people wearing various costumes and representing different styles came out of the film and television area. Many tourists were extremely surprised because many of these people were from shops in the film and television area. Master, except for some facilities for visiting entertainment or movie scene experiences that are still open, most of the food and drink shops are closed.

At this time, a small lift quickly flew over the film and television area and slowly landed at the door of the subway station. Jiang Hao quickly got off the lift.

"Everyone, please wait!"

Jiang Hao looked at this group of people with a serious face. Many of them looked extremely angry. The place they were going to was the 9th Section Headquarters on the middle floor. Starting from 8 o'clock this morning, the supply of food raw materials was cut off. None of the 3,000 stores purchased food raw materials.

Not only this morning, but also since a few days ago, many stores have been in a semi-open state. Many suppliers have refused to deliver goods because the ground floor is currently under construction and they have to give priority to supplying goods to the ground floor. This Jiang Hao has been running around for the past two days. Although many small and medium-sized suppliers talk nice, they still don't deliver goods.

Finally, early this morning, when the flow of people surged, many shops could not even bring out an ordinary roasted pork platter.

"Chairman, we can't bear it anymore. We must go to Section 9 to jointly complain and report unfair competition to the Food Association."

A man still wearing a mask shouted loudly. Many people couldn't bear it any longer. Jiang Hao immediately raised the loudspeaker.

"Don't mess around. We are already discussing with the people from the Food Association, and we will reach a consensus soon."

However, a lot of dissatisfaction still erupted from the crowd, and people continued to pour out from the block. They were all the owners of some food shops. The rent in the film and television area was not cheap. The minimum was 1,000 a month. These days Many food and beverage shops are unable to produce finished products due to lack of raw materials. Important supplies such as flour, meat, vegetables, taste agents, artificial protein milk, artificial eggs, etc. have been out of stock for nearly three days. This is tantamount to requiring food. The lives of these bosses.

Jiang Hao has already threatened that if the Food Association wants to do this, all the Food Association's TV programs will be removed from all TV channels in the city, and some of them have actually been removed from the shelves, but such a threat seems For the Food Association, the efforts were not strong enough. Instead, the TV station encountered bad reviews from the audience and removed the food program from the original time slot and replaced it with other programs.

Jiang Hao now truly understands what the words "scorching sun and heart" mean, and also understands that it makes sense to seize the threat of life gate. But what Jiang Hao didn't expect was that many small and medium-sized food suppliers actually Then listen to the Gourmet Association.

The price of food is being pushed up. Normally, many businessmen would not dare to make such threatening jokes about food, but at this juncture, if the business department released it first, because Le Xiao, including many businessmen, had reached the bottom , resulting in the bottom market being extremely active in the past few days, with shipments surging, and many merchants have found excuses to give priority to supplying goods to the bottom in response to 13 Kelashi's actions to build the bottom floor.

Jiang Hao knew very well that if they went to Section 9 to cause trouble, things would be even more difficult to deal with.

"Okay, everyone, please go back first. This month's rent will be halved. In order for everyone to cope with this crisis, our board of directors has made a lot of preparations. Please don't worry."

Jiang Hao shouted loudly, and the expressions of many shop owners at the scene softened, but many people were still reserved. This kind of thing will happen sooner or later. Resources begin to tilt towards the bottom, but the people at the top seem to be more sensitive. .

However, at this time, the businessman who took the lead shouted.

"Fight for our own rights. If we do nothing, we will only be controlled by those guys in the future!"

Seeing that the people could no longer be stopped, Jiang Hao immediately gave the order. A large number of mutant security guards had blocked the entrance of the station. At this time, the personnel from nearby Section 5 also began to call for reinforcements.

Jiang Hao had already returned to the lift and couldn't be persuaded anymore. Besides, Su Li, the old woman on the bottom floor, also stepped in without knowing it. The situation was even more unstable. In the end, it was up to who to seize the market. The fist is harder. The initial pain of capital collision is very unbearable for everyone, but you must not lose. Once you lose, others will ride on your head for a long time. This is something Jiang Hao will never allow. Yes, it has been a plan that has been prepared for so long.

In order to be able to build a cinema on the ground floor, the Film and Entertainment Association has been cutting off flesh and blood over the years, giving a lot of conveniences to the business department, including some people at the bottom.

What worries Jiang Hao the most is whether Wang Degui's industrial association will get involved, including the Angus family, whose motives are currently unknown. But today during lunch time, the Angus family suddenly spent a lot of money to buy the low-level mutants. Jiang Hao certainly had no reason to refuse the right to broadcast the promotion exam at such a price, so he sold it without saying a word.

In addition, the Angus family may be making some moves now, and the city's leading wealthy family cannot be underestimated. The youngest daughter is the section chief of Section 5, and although the eldest daughter is now in Section 13, many people are rumored. , the real section chief of Section 13 is Alpha.

Conflicts began. Many store owners clashed with some mutant security guards. People from Section 5 also joined in and began to maintain order. Many people seemed extremely excited.

Didi didi

Jiang Hao answered the phone.

"What's wrong?"

After a minute, Jiang Hao became furious.

"Fuck, that old lady is really insidious. Let our lawyers directly initiate a legal action. We will infringe on normal commercial rights and breach of contract rights, and make that old lady pay more than five times the liquidated damages."

Jiang Hao threw away the phone in anger and stood up. Several people next to him seemed to realize something.

"The supply of props and costumes in 21 movies and 48 TV series that are still being filmed has been cut off."

Jiang Hao spoke word by word, gritted his teeth and hurriedly dialed his wife Honghong's phone number.

"Don't be angry. Isn't this all expected? Those guys from the Clothing Association, especially that bitch Su Li, I have already seen her this morning. Now is the time to be patient. No matter what method you use, don't Let the people below make a fuss, and the same goes for the TV station."

Honghong put down the phone and looked at the dilapidated streets angrily, and the more than 20 people around her looked at each other in confusion.

"No wonder that little girl would come up with such a pie-in-the-sky condition. It turns out that she has been preparing to suppress us for a long time. Haha, she is really a vicious little girl. Tell everyone to be patient."

At the entrance of the 9th Section Headquarters and outside the 6 round houses, it was already very hot. Many people were holding signs and conducting sit-in demonstrations. Among them were people from all walks of life. In recent days, they were not only those at the bottom. Business applications have been rejected, including that some people have no way to obtain raw materials from material suppliers.

Various small groups were making noises from time to time. People from 5 departments were already standing around, and the six round houses were directly closed.

Ivy stood quietly at the window, looking at the crowd below. In the office, Wang Degui and Councilor Wang Ying were both there. The two were discussing the construction issues of Districts 113 and 114 with Chloe and the trustees. They were in progress. Handover of procedures.

Many business problems suddenly emerged this morning. Ivy could only order to close the commercial passages of the six round houses at 10 o'clock on the grounds of internal rectification.

"What exactly does Ms. Su Li want to do?"

Ivy asked, and Wang Degui shook his head.

"Sir Ivy, the only thing I can tell you is that she has already said hello to me. We are not going to get involved in the matter of District 118 Councilmember. As for what she is going to do, she has not said anything, but that guy Field may know A little bit."

Ivy nodded. The most time she could delay was until the mutant promotion exam was over, and the end of the mutant promotion exam was the official inauguration ceremony for herself and Chloe.

There were a lot of complaints about unfair economic harm today. Now there are as many as 100,000 complaints in the city. Ivy asked people from 9 departments to suppress them all. 7 departments, 8 departments, the workload of the departments has been so high these days A sudden increase is not a good phenomenon.

Intangible resistance has emerged, and tilting resources to the bottom is very risky.

"Sir Chloe, regarding the commercial land classification, is the part too small?"

Wang Ying looked at the land commercial division document in District 113 and District 114 and asked. Chloe shook her head disapprovingly.

"Auntie, there is nothing we can do. The commercial land in a district depends on the carrying capacity of the district. According to our calculations, the commercial land in two major districts cannot exceed 40%, so 36% is more appropriate."

For a moment, Wang Ying frowned. She knew very well that this little girl was not simple and had a very sharp mind. The remaining 4% of the two major districts added up to 8% of the land. This was also a method commonly used by Xingke as a bargaining chip in subsequent transactions.

"You might as well call me grandma, Mr. Chloe!"

Chloe smiled innocently and winked.

"Grandma Wang Ying, I think it is better to wait for the actual start of some things before making detailed and specific plans. Besides, if the design drawings for 36% of the commercial land are released by then, they may continue to be compressed to 30%, after all, the two districts are preparing for the next bill.”

"That's really kind, little girl. If you don't want to talk here, I think it would be a good idea for us to have a good talk in Congress."

"Okay, I like chatting with people the most."

Chloe said, the atmosphere in the scene was a little awkward for a moment, Ivy turned around and looked at Chloe.

"I will give you 38% of the commercial land. This is the maximum limit!"

Wang Degui immediately stood up and bowed.

"Thank you very much, Chief Ivy!"

In the noodle shop opposite Section 13, Chen Qiao had a cheerful smile on his face. Many people in the shop also looked cheerful. It was completely different from the morning. McCullin was sitting in the corner, letting out a cackle of laughter. .

"That kid Jiang Hao should be very anxious now. They have gotten huge benefits by building 60 cinemas on the ground floor. They also want to get involved in other industries. We can't let him do this. Su Li can't do that either." Impossible, this is not the result of our prior contact, but the inevitable result of capital squeeze. Soon they will be unable to withstand the pressure and will be eliminated automatically. Then it will depend on how they negotiate with Su Li."

“But the middle and upper classes are already starting to make a fuss.”

Chen Qiao is a little worried because many people have complained about many of his food raw material supply companies.

"Are you a pig head, Old Chen, where is Wu Qun now?"

McCullin reminded him, and Chen Qiao nodded immediately.

"It's all up to Lao Wu to finish everything. As long as Lao Wu takes action, we just need to wait patiently."

A slightly younger businessman said, and Chen Qiao and McCullin also nodded.

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