The boat on the lake was swaying on the bumpy lake during the heavy rain. The rain kept falling. The boat had accumulated too much water and was about to sink.


Hu Youran turned off the switch on the base of the model ball in front of him, and everything present in the ball began to slowly atomize, gradually depositing at the bottom of the ball, sleeping quietly like dust.

This kind of model ball, a very common home furnishing, can simulate three-dimensional images as detailed as movie scenes. Hu Youran always sets some strange images by himself, and while watching, he enters his own world of thinking. middle.

"Dad, Xiaoxue will leave the city at 12 o'clock tonight. We want to see her off. We applied for a send-off a few days ago and it has been approved. Will you go?"

In a large brown room, there are many decorations, most of which are economic model objects, displayed on the wall cabinets. There is a warm yellow carpet in the middle of the room, and Hu Youran is sitting on a small sofa. , looking at the model ball on the table.

A beautiful middle-aged woman stood at the door that was pushed open. Her eyes were somewhat earnest, and Hu Youran remained silent.

"I have a TV show tonight."

There was a hint of disappointment in the woman's eyes, she nodded and quietly retreated and closed the door.

The moment the door closed, Hu Youran sighed slightly. Returning to reality, he was a little reluctant to think about the problems at the bottom, but what Le Xiao did during the riots this morning always came to his mind. He had never thought of this. , able to solve the upcoming riot so easily.

The image of the boat about to capsize on the lake in a heavy rain still echoed in my mind. Now Le Xiao is just like this boat, which may sink in the storm of capital at any time.

Hu Youran stood up, held the phone, and looked at the number of his granddaughter Hu Xue. He wanted to call it but hesitated for a long time before giving up. He was a little worried. He had been to the barrier area many times, accompanied by Section 3.

But it was more than 40 years ago. Because he heard that the people who were expelled actually survived with difficulty and tenacity, Hu Youran planned to go and have a look. This most primitive economic structure of bartering is very rare, and it is the most primitive. The important point is that Hu Youran wants to remind Congress that the consequences of letting it go will one day seriously damage everything in the city.

Hu Youran once submitted a social initiative to Congress, hoping that Congress would allow this group of people to move into places close to ravine areas and let them live there. In this way, even if there is only a weak residual value, at least the social structure will not gradually deteriorate. Increasing solidification can slow down the pace of solidification of the socio-economic structure.

However, the result is naturally ignored, because such an approach is dangerous. Human life span has been extended. Even if the population base has been controlled, it is still growing slowly. There are simply not so many resources in the city to deal with this group of people in the barrier area. Normal supply.

If Bright City can achieve comprehensive progress in medical technology in a short period of time, this group of people who are like guinea pigs in the past are indispensable.

Hu Youran once published an article about humble pity. As a result, he was escorted to the 2nd Section that night. In the end, his friend Duke Tuo took him out of the 2nd Section.

Hu Youran is so worried about everything now because he has had the idea a long time ago to revitalize the barrier area, improve the industrial pollution in the ravine area, and build a healthier economic and industrial chain, using legal provisions to provide for this. A new type of economic chain will be escorted, reduce the intensity of capital exploitation, and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor at the bottom and middle levels. This can effectively ease social conflicts, resolve fierce class conflicts, make the business more manageable, and even It can effectively suppress the social crime rate.

The most ideal structural form of a society is that the children of the poor are not necessarily poor. It is okay to be poor, but poverty will not harm survival and health. Nowadays, everything has reached its limit. The bottom layer can no longer bear the ever-expanding capital volume. reached its limit.

Hu Youran has been warning the business department a long time ago about the dangers of this situation. The originally peaceful and stable society will begin to shake and turmoil will occur. Today's large-scale demonstrations are a sign that the bottom class can no longer bear the increasing amount of capital. The heavier the oppression, the weaker the output of surplus value. In fact, on the morning when Le Xiao went to the bottom, Hu Youran wanted to tell everything, but in the end he shut up.

dong dong dong

After the door to the room opened, Duke took off his hat and walked over carrying a bottle of wine with a smile on his face.

"What are you thinking about again, Old Hu? It looks like you are confused about something again. I have already said that the best state is to click until the end. The same goes for tonight's TV show. Let's check it out first. The issue we need to elaborate on during today’s live TV broadcast is about the large-scale demonstrations that took place on the ground floor this morning.”

As he spoke, Duke began to open a light and shadow screen. Hu Youran looked confused and shook his head.

"You tell King Xue directly that if you continue to do this kind of program with no nutritional value, it will not achieve any results. This matter has calmed down. There is no need to continue to say anything. Instead of doing such a program, it is better to Think carefully about the construction of the ground floor."

"You have such a temper, Lao Hu. No matter what measures are introduced or how we do it, the current society will not change much. It's not that the people above don't want to change anything, but because all of us are like this A chess piece in a society that has formed habits. Not only people will have habits, but society will also form inherent habits. The most important point is that they are accustomed to relying on capital, but it is impossible not to rely on capital. It will not work for a long time. In the past, people thought that labor was the primary productive force, and later some people thought that technology was the primary productive force. In fact, capital is the primary productive force."

"Too young, that secretary!"

Hu Youran said that in recent times, these new-born calves are not afraid of tigers, which has really begun to loosen the entire social structure, but this approach will not go far. If the last order is firmly tied to capital, everything will We will make the same mistakes again and return to an era that is even more difficult than before.

"There is nothing wrong with being young. I will only tell you this, Lao Hu. You promise me never to tell anyone. I just need you to know it in your heart."

Hu Youran looked at Duke in confusion. Suddenly Duke burst into laughter and kept shaking his head.

"What on earth is so funny?"

"My nephew is the director of the General Affairs Department. You remember, right? He was the boy who wanted to chase your daughter."

Hu Youran seemed to remember that he never asked about Duke's relationship with the Business Department. He only knew that Duke had a strong backing in the Business Department.

"All the information given by the secretary of Section 13 is false."

Hu Youran's face was solemn. He didn't understand what it meant at the beginning, but after thinking about it, he actually had some doubts for a long time, including the secretary's various practices in just over a day after he arrived at the bottom. He also saw it on the news. Some.

We received many businessmen from studios and micro-companies, and made them line up to receive them. We even rejected people from the Gourmet Association and the Film and Entertainment Association. That afternoon, they actually announced that they wanted to crack down on loan sharking. The next morning, it looked like an act. The large-scale demonstrations at the bottom were solved. This seemed strange to Hu Youran, and even weird. How powerful a guy must be to be able to do this so easily.

Originally, Hu Youran thought that maybe Le Xiao had secretly conspired with the Angus family, so the response on the first day was perfect, leaving no room for the businessmen of the two associations to interfere. Even the group of people from the industrial association turned out to be old. He honestly had no intention of getting involved at the bottom, which Hu Youran couldn't understand at all. He couldn't figure out what was going on. He had been worrying about these things that he couldn't understand in the past few days. Now the bottom seemed to be thick. A thick fog shrouded the place.

Although I thought that maybe the people in the business department had done something in advance, no matter how I did it, all the things Le Xiao did were full of chance, because there was no inevitable point, including the fact that the business department had refused to take over everything in the past few days. Real estate transaction notarization, and Section 9 have rejected underlying business applications in large numbers.

In the past few days, Hu Youran has been observing the trends of the stock market and the general situation of material transaction variables in the 120 districts. It is very incredible and the flow of capital is extremely difficult to figure out.

In the past, no matter what the situation was, the flow of capital only needed to know which piece of profit was the largest, and then you could clearly see where the capital would eventually flow and gather, but now you can't see it.

A lot of capital is not even flowing. Although this is also due to the influence of black market transactions, most of the illegal materials have been confiscated. The businessmen are very smart and know that if the business department wants to put these illegally confiscated things on the market, it will undoubtedly be a big deal. Bombs will harm many industries, so most merchants have gone silent after trading on the black market. They have been in a wait-and-see attitude. Even shipments have dropped sharply, and the prices of some commodities have fluctuated upwards.

But this time Le Xiao went to the bottom to make proposals and took advantage of the situation to promote the construction of the bottom, including the preparations for the establishment of the agricultural experimental base in the barrier area. This was a relatively special period, just like a gold mine that was suddenly exposed to public view. As long as Whoever obtains the mining rights can control the market. At this time, businessmen should have started gearing up, and capital should have started to collide with each other, but nothing happened, because what no one knows is that this person leads everything and involves A little girl who has all kinds of threads, she doesn’t understand economics, rights, laws, let alone what society is. These concepts are only concepts in her head.

A smile appeared on Hu Youran's shocked face. He hadn't smiled like this for a long time, and the smile got bigger and bigger. After a while, Hu Youran covered his stomach that hurt from laughter, shook his head constantly, and wiped his eyes. Oozing tears.

"It's very exciting, Lao Hu. At first, I had the same reaction as you. I felt extremely shocked, then my mind went blank, and then I burst into laughter."

Hu Youran nodded.

"No matter why this little girl was pushed up, the brief commotion in the business department made me feel confused. It was equivalent to a slap in the face of the existing system. Now I finally understand why this happened. Everyone is suspicious of each other and cannot understand the situation at all, because what everyone was exposed to at the beginning was lies. The Business Department told a big lie to the whole city. Now many of the practices of the Business Department are to cover up lies, and the results become more and more lies. It’s chaotic, but the businessmen don’t understand it at all, and the same goes for the congressmen.”

Duke nodded.

"Lao Hu, because for half a century everyone has been stuck in the trap. Anyone who can sit in the position of section chief and secretary is a genius, and the same is true for human thinking. This society has been solidified for too long, causing everyone to look at things in a different way. I tend to be on the complicated side. I have never thought that many things are actually very simple. It is as simple as asking a kid on the street and you will know that the little girl does things based on intuition. She does things based on the intuition she grew up in a slum. What? What is good and what is bad, she can see and hear, and what is reflected in her heart is the truth. There is only one chance, Old Hu, if you really want to do something for this city, this is the only chance. "

Hu Youran's eyes became serious.

"Let's add some more firewood to the fire tonight. What do you think?"

Duke laughed and nodded, and he said at this time.

"The live broadcast starts at 7 o'clock and ends at 9 o'clock, which means that Lao Hu, you can go to the Western Guard Station at 10 o'clock! I won't say more, Lao Hu, you can think about it yourself."

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