Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1368 The exercise begins (Part 1)

12 noon

Located outside the western guard station, at the gate, members of Section 3 are constantly entering in twos and threes. Many people start looking for a place to sit after entering. Most people have already had lunch. The barrier zone will start at 3 o'clock today. Preparations for military exercises.

"Look at you, what are you doing, what do you think?"

Some directors stood at the door of the northern guard station, looking at the newcomers who were constantly coming in after review and certification. Each one of them looked depressed. Most of them had already played like crazy last night.

At this time, several female staff members who looked a little drunk walked in together. When they saw the directors, they lowered their heads in embarrassment and some stuck out their tongues.

"Let you have a good rest. What did you do?"

A female director said, and a little girl holding Hu Xue's hand said with a smile.

"Oh, the military exercise is about to start at 0 o'clock tonight. We have to be in the barrier zone for a month, and the holidays for our three subjects are different from other subjects. What does it matter? It's the last few hours anyway."

Hu Xue hurriedly pulled her best friend and passed by several directors. At this time, many people who came to the Western Guard Station gathered in twos and threes inside and outside the beverage shop inside the guard station, asking for something to drink and talking about it. Today, nearly 6,000 people will collect everything they need for military exercises at the guard station starting at 3 o'clock today, and then the squad leader will plan the route and arrange the action route.

At this time, in a large conference room on the left side of the northern guard station near the city gate, 200 squad leaders gathered here and were receiving orders from some level 3 and 4 officials. The squad leaders were basically assigned to 20 people. A group.

A total of 200 teams will set off at midnight tonight. Each team has 30 people. Among the veteran staff, there are only the team leader and one volunteer staff member, including a medical soldier. The remaining 27 people are all new this year. Section member.

The first 100 teams marched from some locations due west to the southwest, and finally made a circle before returning to the western guard station. The total length was 983 kilometers. The last 100 teams headed northwest, made a circle and then returned to the west. The total length of the guard station is 991 kilometers.

All the marching routes have been planned, and there are 200 assembly points for the 200 squads. The march starting at zero o'clock tomorrow will directly send the 200 squads to the place where their squad should arrive, and then start the march again.

Tian Hen put his feet up on the table and sat at the top of the conference room with his hat on his face. He was half asleep and half awake. He was very tired. His sister didn't let him sleep well last night. The brother and sister argued. For a long time, the quarrel at the beginning finally reached the point of fighting, but Tianhen did not fight back, and his head was swollen by Tianai using a stick. In the end, Hawke had an idea and knocked Tianai unconscious and sent Tianai back. , Tianhen was able to continue working, and then rested until 6 o'clock this morning.

Xima patrolled the conference room and looked at the officials who were assigning mission orders to some teams. Section 3 was completely different from other sections. The first thing to start when entering the section was physical training and learning some basic simple command codes.

There are 5 sets of instructions, 3 of which are fake. You must be proficient in knowing the purpose of each instruction code, and the changes in the instructions after the 5 sets of instructions are superimposed on each other. Finally, the actual drill in the barrier area begins. .

Most people are not comfortable with it at first, but such complex and changeable instructions can allow people in Section 3 to effectively engage in anything immediately after receiving the instructions. Most of these basic instructions Eventually it will be integrated into intermediate and advanced instructions.

This was a practice that Tianhen started to implement after he took office. Although it was opposed by many people at first, gradually, these instructions made Section 3 the most efficient among the 13 operational sections, and the cohesion within the section also became stronger. The stronger it gets, the more everyone accepts it.

Each instruction is explained in advance and rehearsed repeatedly. When something really happens, only one instruction is needed, and the people in Section 3 will immediately take action, and the work efficiency has been improved many times.

The most common thing that Section 3 has faced in recent years is the suppression of riots. In the past, wherever there was a riot in Section 3, if you wanted to suppress it, it would take at least half a day or even a day from the beginning of assigning tasks to the attack to the final suppression. But it is different now. If any problem occurs, if Section 5 cannot solve it within one hour, Section 3 will be dispatched immediately and complete the suppression within 3 hours.

In the nearly 15 years since Tianhen took charge of Section 3, the biggest mistake he has made was the previous occupation of the southern guard station. Tianhen has never been able to figure out why the intelligence information from the southern guard station was leaked.

There were less than 200 people staying at the southern guard station that day. Because of the special nature of Section 3, most of the time they were not on vacation all year round. It happened to be a vacation period that day. There were 8,000 people who were originally stationed at the guard station. Most people are on vacation, and this situation is rare to encounter once in ten years.

As a result, something happened that day. The guard station was directly breached and controlled by an armed force in the barrier area. The more than 40 mutants of those armed forces were obviously professionally trained. In this regard, Jean solved the problem of capturing the guard station. The enemy has clearly told Section 2 that the armed forces members, including those who are not mutants, have received long-term professional training.

The enemy can know the communication password, including blocking the communication after attacking the guard station. Tianhen has not found any clues yet. The whole incident is too unbelievable. The guard station was attacked except for a while ago. In addition, the most recent thing happened more than ten years ago, when he had just become the chief of Section 3 and had not yet established his footing. However, every time, Gene rushed to the scene as soon as possible and solved everything.

Since then, in addition to the 40,000 people stationed at the Eastern Guard Station, the permanent military strength of the other three guard stations has been adjusted to more than 10,000. The 3rd Section Headquarters has a permanent strength of about 30,000 troops. Now, the 3rd Section needs to face What's more interesting is that there is a group of veterans who are about to retire. They are all over 80 years old, and some are even approaching 100 years old. This group of people is nearly 20,000.

The standing military strength of Brilliant City must always be maintained at more than 10% of the population. This number will soon drop. The 3 subjects with more than 100,000 people may only have more than 80,000 people left next year, and many of them have passed the acting subjects. People taking the exam are not willing to take the 3rd subject.

Nowadays, the mechanical ball bill of Section 13 is related to the problem that Section 3 can add a large number of mutants as reserve personnel. Tianhen has been very worried recently, banning the mutants at the bottom and letting them join Section 3 obediently. As temporary members, he will All three subjects are relatively good.

"This route is abolished!"

Xima said. The captains of the 20 teams were a little confused, but they still nodded. The things in the factory town where the armed forces were completely wiped out had not yet been investigated clearly. Xima was a little worried. On this route, The 20 marching teams would encounter trouble, so they decided to temporarily plan other routes.

"It's okay from here. It's about 20 kilometers off. The route may be 30 kilometers longer. Even if we don't complete the march on time, I won't blame you."

Xima said, a team leader raised his hand, Xima motioned for him to speak.

"Lord Xima, the 20 teams on this route will all pass through the mining town in the southwest. The terrain there is more rugged. If the crossing from there is not as simple as increasing the distance by 30 kilometers, I am afraid that in the Due to the rugged terrain there and the interference of some other problems, once we enter that area, I think it may be difficult to complete a day's march of 10 kilometers."

Seema nodded and said.

"With 20 of your teams, you can reduce the march distance by 60 kilometers!"

Xima said and a director immediately started recording.

Many training grounds outside are already filled with a lot of materials. Special marching uniforms are made of special thermal insulation materials. They are the latest products of the Clothing Association. Even in environments below 0 degrees, heat loss is very slow. , plus a dust-proof veil, this is a relatively good thing for 3ke, but it is expensive, one piece costs 200 yuan.

Many other items are weapons and equipment. Most of the weapons are hydraulic. There are short-range high-precision self-defense pistols, medium- and long-range automatic rifles, and three heavy-fire machine guns equipped in each squad, including each squad. Members are equipped with light-killing sabers, as well as 10 grenades with different functions for each person, etc.

Many of the weapons and equipment are liquid-compressed and are basically not heavy. The heaviest items are water and food. Providing water and food for the entire team for a week requires 30 people from all teams to carry them in rotation. The rest are some instruments for measuring position. equipment.

Most of the recruits seemed to be ready for the first military exercise in the barrier zone. Many even regarded this acting as some kind of fun experience. However, in the eyes of many veterans, this concept A week after these new recruits enter the barrier area, things will completely change. That place is cruel to everyone.

Hu Xue was sitting outside a drink shop with a few friends. Several of her friends were still hungover and looked uncomfortable. She herself didn't drink much, and she spent the whole night taking care of her friends.

"Xiaoxue, if I were you, I would have left a long time ago. I heard my uncle say that the barrier area is really not a place for people to live. I don't want to go, but I can't help it."

Hu Xue immediately frowned and said with a smile.

"Aren't there more than 7 million people living in the barrier zone? It's not a place for people. I think this is a good experience."

Several friends immediately shook their heads with disdain. For many women, the barrier area is not a good place, especially after the last lecture program on the barrier area through the acting department, they saw people coming to receive food from the barrier area. Due to the current situation, many female staff members do not want to go.

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