Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1360 I’m listening (Part 2)

"Please stop shouting, I can hear you! I can hear everything you just shouted, I heard it! Please be quiet, if you have anything to say, I can listen to you, even if you say it Until tomorrow morning, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, as long as you want, you can say everything you want to say! I'm listening!"

The deafening sound was conveyed through the loudspeaker, but at this time, in other streets, everything was broadcast simultaneously on light and shadow screens.

The noisy crowd suddenly stopped at this moment, looking at Le Xiao with a red face and a loudspeaker on the light and shadow screen.

"You can say whatever you want, and I will listen carefully. No matter what it is, you can say whatever you want to express in your heart, but please stay quiet, stay rational, and put down the dangers in your hands. thing!"

On a street, several troublemakers who were the first to attack had been pinned to the ground by several people from Section 5. There were also people holding Molotov cocktails. The blazing flames were burning, but many people had calmed down by this time.

"I know you just want to talk and talk to Xingke. If no one was willing to listen to your voice before, I can hear it now. Get out of the way!"

Le Xiao pointed at the members of Section 5 in front of her. The members who formed the human wall retreated to both sides. Le Xiao got off Alpha and walked slowly towards the demonstrators.

At this time, the noisy crowds on the streets gradually calmed down. Looking at Le Xiao on the light and shadow screen, her face was gentle, her eyes were firm, and there was no artificiality in her behavior or words. It was more like this An ordinary little girl on the street.

"Please stay calm, everyone. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Le Xiao stood in front of the demonstrators and took off his hat. Alpha next to him breathed a sigh of relief, lit a cigarette, and stood quietly next to Le Xiao.

The violent atmosphere in the scene was gradually fading away. In the entire ground floor area and on all the streets, light and shadow screens were all erected in the air, even more than usual.

X looked at the light and shadow screen on the back street not far away, and the news received from various places. The network was not fully taken over by the Department of Affairs, and the signal of the General Affairs Department has been passing. Being controlled, X was puzzled by everything that happened in front of him. He didn't understand what was going on.

With bursts of golden light flashing, X was instantly in a black and green space where only digital symbols flowed. The flowing signals were extremely smooth. X didn't understand what was happening. He began to search in the vast network. stand up.

In the intricate network path, a humanoid image appeared, and The situation is very strange.

"found it!"

He suddenly flew towards a passage that was flashing with red lights. Gradually, he came to the end of the passage. There was a huge double door that could not be seen at a glance. The door was gray-black and looked up. It seems that a number 0 can be seen, just at the center line of the gate. X floats in front of the huge number 0, raising a hand.

Red rays of digital signals were quickly pieced together in front of his eyes, like bits of broken digital signals that were pieced together three-dimensionally to form a wall. Digital signals were flowing all over X's palm.

Unable to crack!

X stared blankly at the door in front of him and these red digital signals that looked like walls.

"Who are you anyway?"

X just asked, and suddenly golden chains appeared on both sides. X was shocked. Just when he was about to escape, his hands and feet were instantly locked.

"Capture completed!"

A dull and cold mechanical sound was transmitted from the door. X's eyes widened, unable to break free. At this time, the door slightly opened a gap. , however, he was still dragged into the gate little by little.


The door closed, and then disappeared little by little. Only in the black and green digital space, a golden and shining number 0 was glowing slightly.


X's body fell heavily to the ground, the light in his eyes disappeared, and he lay motionless on the ground.

"What's wrong Hathaway!"

In the conference room of Enlu Company, Hathaway, as the head of the game development and planning department, suddenly stood up with a solemn look on his face. Everyone present was a little surprised.

"It's a bit urgent, sorry!"

Chairman Zhang Bo nodded immediately, and Hathaway walked out of the conference room eagerly. Just now, she received a distress signal from X and could no longer contact X at all.

Hathaway's eyes flashed with blue signals, and soon all the new AI humans started running towards where X was.

Michelle looked quietly at Le Xiao who was standing at the entrance of the street. She had originally planned to issue orders on Le Xiao's behalf, but suddenly Le Xiao rushed over and asked Alpha to pick her up.

Michelle was surprised by what happened next, and the demonstration that was about to escalate into a riot was temporarily stopped.

Michelle immediately thought of everything about Le Xiao, knowing that she probably couldn't think of any solution at that time, but her body moved and she chose the simplest and most straightforward method. And this method has worked so far. For the sudden appearance of Although Michelle felt confused about the light and shadow screen and the transmission of Le Xiao's live images to other districts, she now had to solve the problem and walked over slowly.

"Start with you first, what do you want to say?"

Le Xiao pointed at the leader of the demonstration, a middle-aged man with a gray beard and hair. The man was obviously a little surprised. He had also tried to find the senior management of the business department to tell something, but so Over the years, he has never stood so close in front of a senior executive of the administrative department. The little girl in front of him was different from many senior executives of the administrative department he had seen. For a moment, the man was a little at a loss and gave up. Flag, licking his lips nervously, swallowing, and fidgeting with his hands at a loss.

Le Xiao walked over and held the man's hand.

"If you have anything you want to say, please tell me clearly!"


The man lowered his head. At this moment, a pair of slightly moving eyes behind him were staring at the man. The man finally spoke.

“I want to say, please stop treating those at the bottom of our society differently!”

Le Xiao was confused at first. Many of the slogans they shouted were very formal, and Le Xiao didn't know what they meant.

“Think about why you couldn’t find a job before!”

Alpha reminded, and Le Xiao understood instantly.

"Indeed, it is extremely difficult for people at the bottom to find jobs in the middle or even upper classes. Due to income and tax issues, many people have very low citizenship levels. Most formal company stores will accept people from the bottom unconditionally if they see them. It’s hard to choose to pass by!”

The man nodded.

"My two children originally hoped to go to the middle level. However, after three years, the only jobs they can find are temporary workers. Their citizenship level has always been 3. No company is willing to hire them, no matter how hard they work."

The old woman who had just spat at Cheng Chen said wiping her tears.

"My wife is sick and needs money. I apply for housekeeping every day. I have been doing housekeeping for almost 30 years. Just because I couldn't pay for it a while ago, my citizenship level was reduced to level 3. They said Hire me whenever I can reach level 4. I know I will never be able to reach level 4 in my life."

Le Xiao nodded, and then a man in the front row spoke.

"We are a small food production workshop, and our sales used to be good. However, during this year's health inspection, the management department said that the food we produced did not meet health and safety standards, so we were banned from selling it. I have two children at home. , I can’t hold it anymore, why should we use the standards of the upper class to treat us at the bottom? We at the bottom have eaten bad food for so many years and haven’t seen anyone have serious health problems. They are simply making a fuss out of a molehill. And that What about Sanlian Company? They produce poisonous food for us at the bottom to eat. We only slightly exceed certain indicators, and they don’t allow us to produce and sell it! To meet the standards set by the Acting Department, the food we produce is not to mention profitable. If you don’t, you still have to pay to go in.”

Le Xiao nodded seriously and looked at the young man next to him who was hesitant to speak. Alpha behind him had already set up a light and shadow screen and was recording. Cheng Chen moved a set of tables and chairs over and placed them on Alpha Next to him, Alpha said thank you. At this time, Cheng Chen looked at Le Xiao with respect. His eyes felt a little sour, and he stood aside silently.

Is someone finally willing to listen to them?

"If you have anything you want to say, just say it!"


The young man lowered his head. At this time, many people in the crowd showed very hateful expressions.

"I'm just 30 years old. Four years ago, I went to Section 7 to borrow money, but I couldn't borrow a dime. They said that my credit rating no longer allowed me to borrow even half a cent. I went to many places and finally had no choice but to go to I borrowed only 5,000 yuan from a loan shark, but I have repaid the 5,000 yuan until now, and the remaining half has not been repaid. I know that the rest of my life is finished. One day I will be unable to maintain the lowest tax rate, my grade will drop all the way, and I will eventually be evicted. "

Le Xiao nodded.

"We are all honest people, and we also want to work hard and make money, but loan sharking destroyed everything for us. Last month, my daughter committed suicide!"

An old man in the crowd couldn't help crying.

At this time, a woman in the crowd spoke.

"I am the director of a local orphanage. There are 93 children in our orphanage. Each of them has varying degrees of malnutrition. I have submitted congressional assistance funds to the district office many times, but every time I go, they say I had no money, so I went to Section 7 again. I just hoped that they could lend us a little money so that I could watch these children grow up and have the strength to live on. But every time I went there, they said they didn't meet the conditions. Yu said he would send us some help messages, but it has been many years now and I can’t hold on any longer. Some children haven’t had a normal meal for many days recently!”

Le Xiao was shocked.

"Which of you will send some food to their orphanage first?"

Cheng Chen immediately smiled and nodded, waving to the woman. The woman came out of the crowd of demonstrators, and some people from Section 5 also hurriedly followed.

"If anyone else wants to say anything, you can say it one by one. I will listen to each of you carefully!"

Le Xiao said with a smile.

At this time, in a noodle shop opposite the No. 13 store, Chen Qiao looked at Le Xiao on the light and shadow screen with a smile and shook his head.

"It's really a good performance. This performance can really win the Bright City Best Actress Award!"

Honghong, who was sitting aside, nodded. Her level of caution towards this 26-year-old girl had risen to another level. The same was true for the businessmen next to her. McCullin, who was sitting in the corner, was smiling.

"It looks like it was rehearsed all night long. The administrative department should have known that a large-scale demonstration would break out today. I was wondering last night why four secretaries would gather together. None of these little girls are simple!"

Chen Qiao put away his smile. Squeezing the bottom class and providing a steady stream of markets for the middle and upper classes is a necessary means for every capital society. No one can change it. The weak only have the fate of being exploited and squeezed, especially when it comes to money and power. under double pressure.

Every businessman present knew that many people at the bottom wanted to take this opportunity to escape from the quagmire. However, once big capital moved in, after rolling around at the bottom, those who escaped would wait for the capital to transfer to the middle and upper classes. When the time comes, they will be squeezed back to the bottom by capital again. No one can break this cycle. The next step is to talk to Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13.

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