Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 137 Fierce fight! General Affairs Section 1 (middle) 6 updates please subscribe!

At this time, all the congressmen and a large number of businessmen had walked to the edge of the square, staring wide-eyed at the red lightning flashing on the roof not far away.

bang bang

Niya suddenly flew horizontally in the air, grabbing the wrists of the two cyborgs with her left and right hands, her left knee held up the elbow of the mutant in front of her when he stabbed him, and she kicked one of the cyborgs in the chest with her right foot.

There was a crackling sound, and red lightning was violently released on the surface of Niya's body. With two clicks, the hands of the two transformed humans had exploded. The moment Niya's right foot landed, her left fist had been flattened in front of her eyes. Mutant heads.

The entire action was completed in just 1 second. Niya jumped back and immediately moved a small step to the left after landing. She was surrounded by the cyborg kicked by Niya and two cyborgs with disabled arms. Come over.

Many people standing at the edge of the square were shocked. In just a few minutes, there were already more than thirty smoking corpses of the Cyborgs.

Most of the armed officers did not intend to take action, and were looking at the action instructions and crisis response documents issued by Section 2.

Many people know why the top executive took action. Firstly, it was not to allow anyone to die. Secondly, it was to remind the legislators and businessmen present and show the power of the executive branch. Thirdly, it was to solve the transformation problem more efficiently. People, do not cause excessive losses.


A breeze blew by, and just when Niya was about to fight back, three gunshots rang out, and the heads of the three still-combatant cybernetics were shot through. The sky marks slowly landed on Niya as if they were floating. Next to Ya, he was half squatting and pressing the brim of his hat.

"Didn't I tell you to stay aside? I can handle this alone."

Tianhen smiled evilly.

"I'm very angry right now. That bastard Gene kept us all in the dark. Now he and Mo Xiaolan went directly to the general. You think I'm angry or not? I really want to see the group of people behind the scenes. The guys’ faces, especially the fear and desperation they showed after they discovered how weak they really were.”


Niya had already left, and at this time another reformer came over. Tianhen stood up and stared coldly at the dark block in the distance. The enemy should have noticed it at this time, but if it was some self-righteous guy , if you want to see the chaos on their side, they should still be there, because they would never have imagined that Section 2 would move so quickly. In just one day, they had already set up the net, just waiting for them. Drill.

A bolt of thunder passed by, and the two transformed humans fell from the roof. Tianhen snorted coldly, and with a move of his fingers, his body began to float gently, like a gentle breeze, moving towards the mutants coming to the right. went.

"I'm not as gentle as that guy."

Tian Hen looked at several modified people who had already taken out their weapons and flew towards him with a ferocious face. He immediately opened his hands and his ten fingers clicked.


A gust of wind passed by, and instantly blood flew in the sky. The bodies of six or seven mutants seemed to have been scratched by sharp blades, and they were broken into pieces and fell down. The sky marks fell steadily to the roof.

It has been several years since he personally executed an enemy. Tianhen's heart was hot at this time, and a burst of excitement could be seen from the smile rising from his mouth.

At this time, Jewel, who was still standing on the steps, coughed uncomfortably. There were already more than ten transformed human corpses under the steps. King Xue smiled calmly and elegantly as always.

Next to him, King Xue and Jewell have known each other for more than 20 years. At that time, the relationship between Jewell and his family was very tense. He didn’t want to go home, so he took the examination as a clerk without permission. At that time, King Xue next to him was in the same period as him. , the most profound impression is that this guy is like an efficient humanoid machine, and he got full marks on all results.

Regardless of the occasion, Jewell never saw King Xue show any other expression other than a smile.

"Chief Jewell, although your Criminal Management Section does not often appear on such occasions, there are so many guests watching, and two enemies are coming over there."

Jewell immediately understood what King Xue meant and asked him to show off his skills, but Jewell was not in such a mood at this time. Fighting with a weak scum was the most boring thing.

"Although the opponent is weak, he is worth crushing now."

King Xue said again, his smiling eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. Jewell smashed his mouth, and he immediately understood the current situation. It was different from the forces he had been dealing with. Because most of the forces that dealt with Jewel wanted peace and security in the city. They only wanted power.

These guys were in the same group as Ji Mo. Jewell snorted coldly and walked down the stairs slowly. After seeing the two modified people rushing out from the right, he looked at it with disgust. He put his hands in his pockets and ran slowly.

At this time, Jewell's heart was filled with disgust. He hated this kind of trouble. For him, only women's bodies and money were his favorites.

"Let's make a quick decision. Finish as soon as possible and go to Qinglong Street early."

Bang bang

There were two loud noises, and no one could see clearly what Jewell had done, but the two transformed people who rushed over had already fallen down, their bodies sizzling. Although they were not dead yet, they had lost their mobility, and their mouths Tu Baimo was moving his hands and feet randomly, as if out of order, but King Xue had already seen that there were signs of flattening on the lower jaws of the two transformed humans.

"So fast."

Unlike many other section chiefs, King Xue knew very well about Jie Weier. In the past, King Xue had always looked down on Jie Weier, who came from a big family, but gradually King Xue's views changed. Will is not trash.

At this time, the group of parliamentarians and businessmen behind him began to whisper, and there was almost no loud noise. King Xue glanced at the phone. On a small screen, 97 people had been lost to the invading enemy. loss of mobility or death.

In less than 10 minutes, Locke's voice came from behind.

"Please return to your seats. The matter is completely under the control of our operational department. The rioters have now been arrested."

King Xue turned around, smiled, and put on his glasses.

"My colleagues, please sit back, the farce is over."

However, at this moment, everyone looked towards the sky in the distance, and a red light flew towards this side.

The red object with an elongated tail like a meteor flew towards the General Affairs Department at an extremely fast speed.

Didi didi

For a moment, all the mechanical balls made a sound, and then there was a burst of prompts.

"Detected a UFO 2 kilometers away, suspected to be a missile, ready to deploy a light particle defense wall."

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