Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1345 The Night Before 2 (Part 2)

The light of the neon lights flickered, as if breathing. Guoguo sat quietly in front of the workbench, holding a wine bottle in one hand, with confusion on his drunken face.

"What the hell!"

After Guoguo burped, she smiled slightly sadly. In front of her eyes were light and shadow screens standing in the air, with mechanical balls on them.

Guoguo, who had not had a drink for a long time, was feeling painful inside at this moment. She had not suffered such a blow for a long time.

AI4 is still running. This artificial intelligence for mechanical development took less than 20 hours to come up with 16 different solutions, which can reduce the cost of the mechanical ball to a minimum and maintain it. It is very convenient, but 14 of them cannot be completed currently because they require the production of special biological substances. The original success rate of manufacturing things that are between living and inanimate substances is very low. This time The probability of producing special biological substances is only 5.6%.

But the remaining two use six kinds of synthetic metals to conduct mutual energy conversion, which can not only solve the problem of energy transmission loss rate, but also allow the mechanical ball to maintain stability for half an hour at supersonic speed, even if Carrying the largest weight of 5 tons, it can still maintain a speed of 60M/s, the stability can be maintained for about 3 hours, and the maintenance cost for a day really only costs 5 yuan.

Guoguo was not willing to accept such a result. She stared blankly at an AI4 with an extremely strong metallic texture and many blue and white mitochondria arranged all over its head. At this time, on a huge black screen behind her, there were white numbers. The characters are still beating rapidly, and AI4 is still looking for a solution.

Although there are technical problems in actual manufacturing of things simulated by AI, most of them can be realized. In the huge and vast database, the data can be matched through the interoperability and coherence between the data, so as to find the needs in the instructions. What is achieved is more like a fusion.

In particular, some of the ultra-realistic design concepts were developed by AI4 many years ago, but many of them cannot be achieved with current science and technology.

There was a faint sound of footsteps, and Guoguo looked at the door of her research room. There was a man wearing a white coat, with fluffy hair, a square face, a full forehead, easy-going eyes, and a clean and fair face. He looked like he was past middle age, but he still looked... A handsome man, the man's face was a little serious at this time. After seeing the wine bottle in Guoguo's hand, he stretched out his left hand in his pocket without hesitation.


The wine bottle exploded with a trail of green particles, and the flying debris and wine floated in the air drop by drop. Some broken glass particles almost pierced Guoguo's eyes, and Guoguo smiled with a dull look.

"Alcohol affects your brain. How many times have I told you, no drinking!"

The man said, stretched out his right hand and opened the garbage disposal opening next to the door, and poured all the wine and debris into the garbage disposal opening.

Guoguo remained unmoved. At this time, anger appeared on the man's face, and she shook her head.

"Lord Guyi, can't you understand it at all?"

The man named Gu Yi didn't say anything, but slapped him in the face. The crisp and loud slap sounded particularly loud in the laboratory.

"Go out and wake up. This is a research laboratory, not a comfortable place for you to sleep. As for what you are struggling with in your heart, it is meaningless. If you understand, hurry up to the research room below and help me."

Gu Yi said without mercy and carried Guo Guo out of the laboratory. The virtual AI technicians walking around outside stopped and bowed to Gu Yi and Guo Guo.

Guo Guo was still a little angry in her heart. She suddenly broke free from Gu Yi's restraints and looked at Gu Yi angrily.

"AI is just a product we have developed. We can use the products we have developed efficiently. Is there any problem? When the work in the virus research room is over, you can come up and finish the mechanical ball, and try to make it within two days. Take it to the lower level, do you understand? As long as there are results."

Guo Guo nodded with some frustration. The man in front of her was the Green God. He was also an extremely strict man. He was an absolute utilitarian. Consequentialism was his mantra.

This man is also an out-and-out research madman. He often stays in deeper research laboratories for a long time day and night. He once spent three consecutive years in the research laboratory. The last time this man came here, there were already two That was a month ago.

It was Gu Yi who ordered the execution of Heim'ao back then, because Gu Yi felt that Heim'ao had not only lost the ability to check and balance himself, but also knew too many things. It would be too dangerous to send him out. If someone awakened the Purple God If you use the power, you can completely see what is in Heimo's crazy head.

"The dead can't speak. It's up to you to deal with him yourself."

Guoguo still remembers that the moment this order was given, she almost collapsed. She couldn't kill her lab partner who had worked with her for decades.

"What are you looking at me for? Do you have any questions?"

Turning around deliberately impatiently, Guoguo could only follow quickly. At this moment, Noah's virtual image appeared in the center of the street not far away. He first bowed and then said.

"Lord Guyi, Lord Jean and Lord Rose have entered the wormhole and will arrive here soon!"

For a moment, there was a trace of dissatisfaction on Gu Yi's face, and he immediately continued to walk quickly, passing directly through Noah's virtual image.

"Tell them I'm not available."

Among the eight people, Gu Yi and Jean had the worst relationship. They bumped into each other a lot along the way and often had differences of opinion, even on the issue of raising the next generation.

Gu Yi has not seen Jean for nearly 10 years. He will not take the initiative to find Jean, and Jean will not take the initiative to come to him unless there are really important issues. Gu Yi is busy researching tonight The fifth-level virus Aikala had no time to care about Jean. To be honest, for Gu Yi, meeting Jean was very embarrassing.

Gu Yi continued to speed up his pace, worrying more and more. He just wanted to return to the research room quickly and complete Aikala's research.

A touch of light blue particles flashed across Gu Yi's eye sockets. In an instant, Gu Yi had crossed his hands in a defensive posture.


Along with a fierce blue light, Jean had already dodged in front of Gu Yi, and his knees bumped into him unceremoniously.

A regular hexagonal green scab fell in front of Gu Yi's hands. He slid backwards for more than ten meters before stopping.

The violent air flow instantly passed through the gaps in the metal room, making a violent whine.


Gene's feet landed first, and he looked at Gu Yi with a smile.

"Sorry, I wanted to say hello to you."

He probably let go of his hands, the green shield dissipated little by little, and he stared at Jean with somewhat angry eyes.

"I'll give you one minute. If nothing happens, go back. I have to go downstairs to study Aikala."

"Come outside with me for a walk."

Gene said and took out a cigarette. At this time, Rose had also come over, followed by Noah. Guoguo said hello hurriedly, and Rose squatted down and stroked Guoguo's forehead.

"That guy is like that, and I'm sorry on his behalf."

Guoguo pouted and shook her head, Noah smiled helplessly, and the atmosphere on the scene was a bit solemn.

"If you don't want to go out, let me take you out."

Jean exhaled a puff of smoke as he spoke, stretched out his hand to flick the cigarette ashes, and instantly Gu Yi became a little angry, and with a bang, the man had already rushed to Jean.

The aperture formed by green particles expanded and contracted violently at Gu Yi's wrist. With a loud bang, Jean gently flipped backwards, avoiding Gu Yi's fist. A concave hole appeared directly on the metal ground. spiral.

The violent impact ripped apart the surroundings. At this time, in front of Noah and the others, the metal ground seemed to melt, and a wall instantly stood up like mud, blocking the violent shock wave.

"The power has increased again!"

Jean was holding a cigarette butt with a smile, light blue particles surrounding his body, grinning deliberately, his fists contracting back like springs, and he was quickly approaching Jean.


Jean dodged a punch, and the green aperture expanded instantly and then began to shrink, as if he wanted to lock Jean, but with a touch of blue charm, Jean had escaped from Gu Yi's attack range.

The thumping sound continued. The moment Jean took it out, Gu Yi was already above him, swinging his fists continuously. Spiral dents appeared on the ground one by one. Jean dodged left and right, light and dexterous. Kai Guyi's fist is like a ballista.

"You seem a little faster Gene."

Gu Yi stood on the ground, green particles dissipated around his eyes. Gene smiled and nodded, stretched out a hand, and Gu Yi slapped it hard.

"I will never shake your hand, ever in my life."

"Are you still feeling uncomfortable about what happened before?"

Gu Yi smiled and shook his head.

"What's past is past. It doesn't matter. That was more than 200 years ago. Tell me what you want to do!"

"Go to Tang Rao's house for a meeting!"

Gu Yi became a little confused.

"Why don't we just hold the meeting here?"

Jean walked directly to Gu Yi and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's been a long time since we all got together. Tang Rao is not in a good mood today. Can we go to her house together?"

Guoguo looked at everything in front of her in shock. She felt that something important was going to happen, because the seven gods of Brilliant City were going to gather together.

"Let's go quickly, Tang Rao is impatient with waiting."

Rose said, Noah looked helplessly at the raised and sloping ground, holding up a hand, yellow particles began to seep into the metal, and the raised metal walls returned to the ground after dissolving, but the ground was not like the original one. Smooth, with some undulations.


Rose slapped Noah on the back.

"Lady Rose, it hurts!"

"You kid doesn't practice well on weekdays. You can't do such a simple thing. It seems like you need to find a sparring partner for you."

Noah smiled awkwardly, and Rose looked at Jean and Gu Yi who were walking over and suddenly jumped up, holding their necks with both hands, and their heads bumped together.

"What are you doing!"

Jean and Gu Yi said in unison, and Rose laughed.

"How about the three of us compete to see who gets there first!"

Gene showed a hearty smile.

"No need to compete, this guy will definitely cheat."

Seeing the three chatting and laughing people running quickly, Noah and Guoguo bowed. Guoguo knew the seven queens of gods for the first time until now, but she always maintained her love for the gods in her heart. of respect, because without the seven of them, this city would not exist.

"By the way, Guoguo, it seems that Lord Guyi has found Aikala's weakness. How about we go down and study it first?"

Guoguo shook her head.

"I don't want it. The stuff in the fifth-level virus library is disgusting! I won't be able to eat supper tonight."

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