Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1340 Their respective plans (Part 2)

"Are you listening, Mr. K? In my whole life, I have never met that kind of scumbag. He cheated me not only about my feelings, but also cheated me out of money. That's right. I'm just a fool, and I'm the easiest to fall for someone like you." Attracting handsome men”

"Listen, listen, Xiao Miao, you are drunk, please lie down for a while."

K was holding Chen Miao and was about to help her onto the bed when Chen Miao suddenly started laughing. He pinched K's cheeks with both hands and pulled her. His laughter became louder and louder.

But gradually Chen Miao said a lot of meaningless words, and finally fell asleep. K covered her with a quilt and sighed helplessly for a while.

This girl named Chen Miao was entrusted to him by a friend before his death. He naturally had the responsibility and obligation to take good care of her. However, K felt a little uncomfortable at this moment because just before eating, he received a message and could not read it at all. He understood that the message sent by the unknown number contained a large string of letters, characters, and numbers. At that time, K's heart felt half cold.

When I had no choice but to take the opportunity to go to the toilet, I interpreted the message. It was a message from R. Mo Xiaolan, the chief of Section 2, ordered K to report to Section 2 immediately.

"Looks like I won't be able to go on a date with the rioters tonight. After all, that Mo Xiaolan is very difficult to deal with."

K glanced at Chen Miao on the bed and walked over at his speed. It would take an hour at the fastest. She didn’t know how long she would be nagged by Mo Xiaolan. She was also worried that Chen Miao was alone in the hotel and might vomit later. No one to take care of.

K directly took out the phone and pressed the 0002 number. Sure enough, the line was busy. In fact, ordinary people would probably get into trouble if they called the section chief. The so-called line was busy for just a few dozen seconds. Confirm the caller's identity and location.

"It's really unexpected that you would call me in person. What are you doing in Area 118?"

Mo Xiaolan's somewhat disgusting voice came out, and K said with a smile.

"Of course I'm here to do the drinking business, with the company employees."

A burst of wanton giggles came, and K put the phone away from his ear. When Mo Xiaolan's laughter stopped, he put it back to his ear.

"Aren't there only two people in your company?"

"Ah, Chen Miao and I can report to Section 2, but you have to find someone to help me watch Xiao Miao."

After a while of silence on the other side of the phone, Mo Xiaolan's somewhat serious voice came.

"What qualifications do you have to make conditions with me?"

"Okay, I understand. I don't have the shame to go back to Section 2, and I don't have the qualifications to make conditions with you. I'm just an out-and-out scumbag, is that okay?"

Mo Xiaolan snorted coldly.

"People from Section 1 will arrive in 5 minutes. As for you, you can leave."

K sighed and hung up the phone. He originally wanted to talk to Mo Xiaolan about the rioters, but after thinking about it, he decided not to. After all, it had nothing to do with him, and he didn’t want to get involved in anything anymore, and he There is no reason to help the department.

K gently covered her with the quilt that Chen Miao had lifted with one hand, stood at the window, jumped up, and disappeared into the dark night sky.

"When can we finish filming? I want to rest soon."

Tianai stood at the door of Lanny's room with his hands folded, Lanny nodded and said apologetically.

"Come on, I will definitely decide on a few shooting locations tomorrow. Please bear with me for a few more days, Miss Tianai!"

A hand covered with thick hair grabbed Tian Ai from behind, and Hawke winked at Lanny.

"I'm sorry, Director Lanny, our love has caused trouble for you."

After returning to the room, Hou Tianai lay on the sofa and looked at Hawk angrily.

"You think I'm a fool after so many days? The shooting location has been chosen a long time ago. There must be some reason. Could it be Mansha?"

Hawke made a shushing gesture.

"I don't know the specifics, but it should be right. The Business Department wants to take this opportunity to do something, so we just have to endure it for a few more days."

"That idiot Tianhen dares not to answer my call. Something must be wrong."

Tianai said and Hawke laughed.

"What can happen? Tianhen should be busy with military exercises in the barrier area now, and he is too busy to do so."

"No, I am his biological sister Hawke. I know Tianhen's every move best. She will call me late at night and say some unexplained words."

Hawke thought for a while and then said.

"Is it with my girlfriend?"

"It's impossible. Also, Hawke, Gene promised to have fun with me for a few days. He is nowhere to be seen. Do you really not know Gene's private number?"

Hawke shook his head.

"I'm not going to lie to you about this. Don't worry. If Jean dares to break the appointment, I will definitely catch him."

Tian Ai laughed loudly. After getting up, there was a knock on the door of the room. Tian Ai frowned, knowing that it must be Mansha. Mansha would always discuss the script after dinner every day, and she would be fussy as soon as she came in. Yes, Tian Ai can't bear it any longer.

Hawke signaled Tian Ai to pretend to be absent, the knocking on the door continued, and Mansha's voice also came in.

At this time, Mansha was biting her fingers at the door, feeling a little restless. She really wanted to go into Tianai's room, and her mind was filled with Tianai's graceful figure and fair skin.

After a while, Mansha stopped knocking on the door and leaned directly at the door, looking at Leying who had just gotten off the elevator.

"Why are you back at this point?"

C immediately showed his signature smile and nodded.

"Miss Mansha, have you eaten?"

Mansha nodded, and C casually and cheerfully talked about the grand occasion of Le Xiao's return to District 118 today, saying that he was tired, and returned to the room.

Mansha looked at Leying who entered the room with confusion. She always felt that there was something wrong with this little girl. But immediately Mansha saw Tianai walking out of the room, wrapped tightly and looking like she was going to Where to go.

"God loves us"

"I have something to do tonight."

Hawke who came out smiled and nodded, and the two quickly entered the elevator.

"Can you do me a favor, Niya?"

Hawk held up the phone.

"It's okay, but I don't know which guard station Tianhen is at right now. I'll ask the section officer in your district to send a helicopter to pick you up first, and I'll ask for you."

"I'll take care of everything, Niya. I'll treat you to a drink when I get back."

"Do you think I am a wine barrel or a rice pail?"

Tian Ai couldn't sit still. She just wanted to take a quick look at Tian Hen and ask him what happened, because she couldn't feel at ease, especially after Tian Hen called that night.

After C returned to the room, he put away his smile a little tiredly and lay directly on the bed, holding a coin with the letter C in his hand, looking a little sad.

There are only three such coins in Bright City. They are very special coins. They were awarded to R, C and K by the Green God who taught and cultivated them. They are like graduation certificates. However, the three of them are still considered complete. Everyone went their separate ways.

C himself is still the same, chasing prey all his life, while R has been housebound in Section 2 after experiencing what happened to Mo Xiaolan, and K has left Section 2.

"When will it be over?"

C buried his head in the pillow. After holding his breath for a while, he got up and his expression returned to normal. Tian Ai should leave. Now is a better time to continue testing Mansha. After all, this is his mission.

Located in a dilapidated small street in District 120, Lolita was quietly watching everything below in a two-story building. This place was where K from the 3K organization planned to come and meet with her. , Zhao Zhen has been placed under house arrest, and Lolita personally brought two cadres over.

7:08, 8 minutes have passed since the agreed time, and K has not shown up yet.

The two cadres behind him were still monitoring the situation outside, passing through the short-range monitors installed on the way over.


Suddenly the three people in the room looked towards the door. Someone slipped a note into the crack of the door. Immediately Lolita noticed that it was the owner of the hotel.

Sorry, we can't continue our date tonight. There's no need to bother each other in the future, K.

"We've been betrayed!"

Lolita's first reaction was to open the window directly and get ready to move. However, time passed by and 20 minutes later, the street was still peaceful and peaceful, and nothing happened.

"Have you been a little too neurotic lately, Lolita?"

A cadre behind her said, and Lolita shook her head. After she woke up from her last death, she always felt that something was wrong, and there was a breath in her chest.

The last memory was of Alpha about to hit her fist, but there seemed to be something else, and Lolita couldn't remember it.

"Why hasn't the dean called yet?"

Lolita looked out the window. There were very few pedestrians on the dim street.

"Go to Warehouse No. 2 and have a look. If necessary, we will have to launch an attack recently. Otherwise, the Business Department will really think that our declaration of war is child's play."

Immediately a cadre grabbed Lolita.

"Lolita, are you crazy? If the things in warehouse No. 2 are used, they will..."

"Shut up!"

Lolita's eyes were like blades, cold and frightening, and another cadre stood up.

"This will go against our plan, Lolita. Even if the dean puts you in charge, as cadres we have the right to stop this crazy move of yours."

Lolita giggled, her tone strange and sharp.

"Stop it? You will never understand that something is going bad. Come with me to Warehouse 2 to have a look before we talk!"

"here we go!"

Huashen was sitting at Gu Ningning's home, quietly watching some news reports appearing on the light and shadow screen, while Ji Mo next to him nodded.

"Can you do me a favor? Doctor."

Huashen sighed.

"You'd better be careful, otherwise your body won't recover quickly. I will pass on your proposals to that little girl."

Ji Mo nodded and said thank you. The wind direction of the city has indeed changed, and it is not like before, with countless invisible hands pushing it. The change this time lies in Le Xiao.

Ji Mo really wants to go to the scene and have a look, and even wants to talk to that girl, but this is obviously impossible. After he recovers from his injuries, he has to go to the barrier area to help Huashen investigate some things, and investigate some more by the way. The Creator's business.

"At the end of the season, your eyes have completely changed recently, which is a good start."

Ji Mo smiled and nodded. He hadn't felt this boiling for a long time.

"Maybe it's because what I want to do, someone did it for me. I have the same idea as that girl, but I have no chance to do it, and I don't have the ability to break the deadlock."

"Nothing is a castle in the air. You have been trying hard to fight against this inherent constitution for so many years. At least you have clearly polished the edges of this constitution so that Jean can clearly see it."

Ji Mo shook his head.

"I just hope that girl can withstand the pressure, otherwise everything will go back to before, even worse than before!"

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