He Min sat on the edge of the town with a somewhat embarrassed expression. The wind and sand began to pick up, and there was a chill in the air. Sara was still asking some people who were a few kilometers away from the town.

More than a dozen lifts were parked at the entrance of the factory with a large number of dead bodies. People from Section 3 and Section 4 were responsible for the investigation. They came over at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the investigation had lasted for nearly two hours.

Although many people have rich experience, they still can't stand the tragic scenes in the factory. Even though the temperature in the barrier area is low, these corpses have been stored for more than a week, and the tissues of many corpses have liquefied. The conditions inside are quite disturbing. Gagging.

"I told you, can you give me some food?"

A man stretched out his hand to get food, but Sara stopped him directly.

"I said I wanted useful information, but you can't explain why, so naturally I can't give you food."

Many people were staring at the food piled up behind Sara.

"Forget it Sarah, I'm going to do it anyway."

He Mingang said, Sara waved her hand.

"Forget it, you all divide it evenly, don't grab it, you hear me? Take your time in line."

The sandstorms in the barrier area are very heavy every day, and no effective traces can be found on the nearby ground. The only thing that is known is that thousands of people who originally lived in this town were killed. It turned out to be a lively place. , is a base area for medium-sized armed forces. The people living there are all militants, and some of them are scavengers in the barrier area. Section 3 attaches great importance to the problems that have arisen this time. After receiving the information sent back by the two special inspectors, After taking pictures of the scene, more than 1,000 people were immediately gathered to investigate.

The scene looked like it had been a fierce battle. Judging from the fresh bullet marks on some damaged houses, the battle should have started in the factory. After detailed inspection, it was concluded that Jaylen, this group of armed forces encountered The powerful enemy began to flee after learning that resistance was fruitless.

Some blood that has seeped into the soil can be detected everywhere in this town. It seems that he was killed by a direct blow along the way.

But what is puzzling is why not a single living person ran out from here. This armed force only counted a few years ago by the two of them, and it still has more than ten S-class mutants. Although the S-class mutants in the barrier area are fighting His ability is weak, but he doesn't even have a chance to escape.

There are many places where you can see small holes penetrating the walls. The remaining particles around the holes have been checked, but nothing unusual has been detected. Most of the remaining particles are harmful metal particles. This is true in the barrier area. Very common.

The enemy seemed to have used some thrusting weapon, but he could not imagine any weapon that could cause such damage. Most of the corpses inside had strangulation marks on their bodies. Most of the corpses were directly penetrated through the body, and some corpses It has become dry, and the blood moisture and even flesh in the body are missing.

According to people living nearby, they had indeed not seen anyone from this armed force for many days, and some people also said that one morning, they heard a sound of movement, and two teenage children went out to urinate. We arrived at a monster walking in the dark night.

"Where are your two children? Can you bring them over if it's convenient?"

Sarah asked, and a woman who was waiting to get food nodded, and after explaining the names of her two children and the location a few kilometers away, Sarah got in the car and planned to go directly to ask.

"I'll go with you."

He Min stood up and sat behind Sara, and the two of them rode motorcycles towards the north. The two of them had been to that place, which was not far from here, less than 5 kilometers away.

The reason why the Action Section attaches so much importance to it is because several marching routes of Section 3’s military exercise that will start the day after tomorrow morning need to pass through here. This sudden incident has made many people confused because there are no witnesses, and The strange thing is that the guys who killed these militants did not take the militants' supplies. At this time, people who heard the news were still coming here, wanting to carve up the supplies here. As for what happened, for It doesn't matter to them.

In less than 10 minutes, Sara and He Min arrived at the witness's home. The two boys looked a little surprised and kept talking.

"Okay, tell me one by one."

Sara smiled, and He Min gave them some candy, which was a must-have for the two of them when performing tasks.

"That night, my brother had to pee urgently and asked me to accompany him out. As a result, we both saw a tall, black thing that looked like a mist running over the ground."

Then Sara asked the two children to take them to the place where they witnessed the strange things. Sara asked He Min to look at the children. She rode the motorcycle slowly and looked at the marks on the road. The two children were there last night. There should be some traces of what I witnessed.

"found it."

Sara stopped the car, turned on the lighting equipment on the mechanical motorcycle, and began to take out a high-precision camera to take pictures. There were obvious small marks on the ground, which seemed to be some kind of long strip. Crawling over the same thing, different sizes, Sara followed it all the way, but after reaching a higher ground, these traces disappeared.

"Now it depends on whether the officers will continue to investigate and follow up or stop here."

Sara said, took out a cigarette, and stood in the wind and sand. The light from the motorcycle a few hundred meters away from her became weaker in such a large area of ​​wind and sand, and the temperature was still there. It continues to decrease.

"Who are you anyway?"

Suddenly Frye woke up from his sleep. He gasped and dreamed again of Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13. When the light hit the barrier area, Frye originally thought it was a new technology of Section 10, but it turned out that Later, I asked some people, but no one had seen that appearance. Only I saw it, heard the sound, and saw Le Xiao in the light.

"Dean, you have only rested for less than 30 minutes, and you are still..."

Frye opened the left side of his mouth and raised his left hand to point at his head. Under the skin of the left side of Frye's head, there were some slight undulations, which were like plants.

"These things are desperately trying to find opportunities to occupy me, so I can't sleep. And whether I sleep now or not, it is meaningless to me. Even if I don't sleep, my head will not feel tired."

Jie Lin nodded and looked at the data on the light and shadow panel in her hand. A large number of micro-pinhole covert surveillance systems had been installed in the mining town. The executions were still going on. In that first neutralization of the body with the plant, Under the leadership of a woman with mutated reactions, she was conscious, but she was already extremely crazy. However, she listened to Frye's words. The surrounding area was still covered with plant-like plants. No one would approach in such a cold night. , people continue to eat quasi-plants and then die.

There has been only one successful case so far. After the excitement, most of the people at the scene were scared. Some people did not want to eat this poison-like thing. Now the people have dispersed and returned to their respective houses.

In the video, the woman was still torturing a militant. Frye snapped his fingers, and soon the woman ran towards the big room at the highest point of the mine where they were, moving like an animal on all fours. Extremely fast, the instantaneous movement speed has exceeded the speed of sound.

Jie Lin has implanted a body data measuring device inside the woman's body, which can clearly know the various values ​​​​of the woman's body. Soon the woman came outside the house.

"Go to sleep!"

Frye raised his head and said something. The woman curled up on the ground and closed her eyes. At this time, some plants pierced out from the surface of the woman's body skin and began to slowly cover the woman's body. Soon there were more outside the house. A black-red weed-like thing.

"It looks like I have to find materials elsewhere."

"Why don't you go back to the city and go to the dean?"

Jaylin asked and Frye shook his head.

"You won't get anything by going back. People in the city don't have such a neutralizing reaction. Only people in western Zhejiang who have survived in such harsh conditions in the barrier zone for many years can have such a neutralizing reaction. Most of what the plant eats is toxic and becomes part of itself.”

"Aren't you worried about the situation in the city at all? Dean."

Frye shook his raised finger.

"As long as the Nether Warrior is not discovered, it will be fine. As for the other parts, they were decided early on. No matter what little interruptions are made in the middle, it will not affect the final result. We can start testing."

Frye said, a lot of tentacles immediately appeared on the right side of the body, extending to a corner. Jielin walked over and had assembled a lighting device that could adjust the brightness. She turned on the light, and sure enough, the plant-like plants touched When the light came on, the fireless burning reaction started again, and it soon turned into dust.

"Turn it down some more!"

As Frye spoke, the light began to turn faint and yellow. Frye continued to release some tentacles. At this time, some of the tentacles had a fireless burning reaction. Some tentacles seemed to have begun to adapt to the light. Frye nodded with satisfaction.

Jie Lin began to record various data. The time before the fireless burning phenomenon started after being exposed to light has been extended a bit, and the plants that had not disappeared in the light also started to smoke at this time.

Jie Lin has been wearing a mask, but she can still smell a pungent metallic smell in the air. The gases evaporated after burning plants that have absorbed a large number of harmful particles turn into toxic metal gases.

After pulling out the research files on plant-like plants from a long time ago, Jie Lin basically understood that a biological substance in this kind of plant will produce a rejection reaction to light, and this biological substance will spontaneously ignite during the violent rejection process. Phenomenon, no solution has been found yet.

"Dean, this kind of research, maybe"

"Miracles will come again, I can feel it."

While speaking, a strange plant-like thing appeared on the right side of Fry's body. It no longer only had red markings, but also green and yellow markings. Fry tried to put this kind of plant into the light, and the result was similar. The plant did not spontaneously ignite, but was twisting. It was not until it was active under the light for nearly a minute that a sizzling sound began to appear on the surface, smoke and dust rose, and the plant quickly retracted back to Frye.

"Several plant species in my body are changing. Jie Lin, no matter what they are, they evolve in adversity. Even inanimate things are the same. They can only be born in a cruel environment. A dazzling gem came out. Last time I was forced into a desperate situation. On the boundary between life and death, I finally grabbed the side of life. Human beings have such a thing as a soul, and it exists here!"

Frye raised his left hand and pressed it to his heart, and Jaylin nodded.

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