McCullin smiled and sat next to Chen Qiao and ordered a bowl of noodles. The boss looked a little embarrassed at this time, but he did not dare to say anything.

"You are still the same as you were when you were a child. The eldest young master's temper has not changed. According to my speculation, that girl should be discussing with several other secretaries now about who should agree first, or find a way to lead us by the nose. So our opponents this time are the guys from the Motion Picture Entertainment Association, we just need to find a way to defeat them!"

Chen Qiao nodded, and everyone else in the room should also claim it.

"But why didn't Field's gang intervene, and so did Wang Degui? What on earth were they doing?"

Chen Qiao looked at the passers-by on the street in confusion, McCullin said with a smile.

"Of course Wang Degui wants to guard the reconstruction of areas 113 and 114. As for that guy Field, he should be planning a plan to erode us. Wu Qun should have already made preparations."

Chen Qiao nodded, and many people's expressions became relaxed. After all, as long as Wu Qun was in the rear, they could safely start their market occupation plan.

"But Lao Chen, there is news that the 118th District Office has been investigated by Section 1."

Chen Qiao nodded with a smile.

"Although I don't know who did it, it's better for both of us. It depends on how Wu Qun arranges for people to go in."

At this time, in a food shop on the left side of the 13th branch store, Zou Yun was eating a bowl of meat rice bowl. He hadn’t eaten this kind of thing for a long time. It was very delicious. Zou Yun kept swallowing it in big mouthfuls. Some of them are small businessmen. It seems that they are determined to see Le Xiao even if they sleep in a shop tonight.

He started working as a plasterer's apprentice at the age of 13. In the blink of an eye, more than 70 years have passed.

Zou Yun knows the hardships of the bottom class better than anyone else. However, after he achieved success, with the help of the Construction Association, he exploited the bottom class a lot because this was the only way to climb up. But today Zou Yun feels There was something strange.

There seems to be a mixture of people from various forces planning to enter the competition. A large number of talents should have been eliminated by now. The situation is still in a state of dust. Zou Yun doesn't know what's going on. It's very strange. The current atmosphere They were still happy, but the faces of the people from the Food Association and the Film Association were not very good.

This time Zou Yun didn't want to get closer to either side, but was quietly waiting for the opportunity. This opportunity depended on the actions of the Angus family. Zou Yun could only wait patiently. He did not intend to get involved in any inch of land at the bottom.

Everyone is eager to get something from the bottom, and many people at the bottom want to take this opportunity to sell everything and escape from the bottom.

"It's just that the last person who escapes will return to the bottom!"

"Stop crying Zhang Wei, what happened?"

Le Xiao looked at Zhang Wei, who was sitting at a small round table and crying. The room was no longer as magnificent as before. None of the original elegant wooden furniture was left, and only some daily necessities were left in the room. The tables, chairs, beds and living room used for daily living seemed more like they had been ransacked.

The front and back yards that were originally planted with trees and grass were now bare, with nothing left. Le Xiao didn't know what was going on, but after casually looking at it for a while, Yin Cai seemed to have guessed what was going on. Ye Jiao stood at the door. She still couldn't tolerate messy places for long periods of time.

"Lele, I really can't do anything. I can't hold on any longer. Please help me!"

Zhang Wei looked at Le Xiao sadly with her crying cheeks. Le Xiao hugged her and patted her back comfortingly, and found that the bones on Zhang Wei's back were a little prickly.

"Why are you so thin!"

Zhang Wei wiped her tears and kept shaking her head. Her emotions were a bit out of control. Her sadness and humiliation could only turn into silent tears, flowing silently.

Letty looked at the mobile phone that Zhang Wei was holding emotionally. After walking over, she took the phone directly from her hand and brought up a light and shadow screen, but it required fingerprint authentication. Letty pressed the light and shadow screen and directly used her own As a secretary, she unlocked Zhang Wei's cell phone.

Sure enough, there was a contract inside. After opening it, Letty glanced at it casually, then looked at Zhang Wei, already knowing what happened.

Ye Jiao squinted at the contents of the contract on the screen. After a quick glance, she saw several trap-like places, which were loan sharks.

The interest above is a daily interest rate of RMB 5,000. The interest rate of RMB 100 and RMB 5 cents a day has completely exceeded the interest rate of regular lending companies. There are strict indicators for borrowing money in Section 7. As long as the indicators are not met, you will not be able to borrow money. Individuals are calculated based on their citizenship status, while companies are calculated based on their size and whether they have liabilities or assets.

But the beginning of this contract is that both parties voluntarily signed a non-corporate unilateral contract, which means that even if the interest rate is high, it cannot be included in the ranks of illegal loan sharks. There is an interest increase base below, and the interest increase coefficient doubles every 30 days. .

It is a very ambiguous statement, and there are many explanations, but I guess when the contract was signed, the explanation was that there is a 30-day cycle. If the principal plus interest cannot be repaid, the interest will double to 10,000. It turns into 1,000 20 a month. Most of the people who would borrow such loan sharks are businessmen who need capital turnover, but I'm afraid it seems that this is not the case in reality.

"How many times is it?"

Ye Jiao asked, Zhang Wei sobbed and kept choking. Although she was still a little uncomfortable at this time, she was saved now. There were four secretaries from the business department standing in front of her.

"At first they said it was 2 times, but three months later it became 120 times."

Le Xiao's eyes widened and she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. Although she didn't know how much money Zhang Wei's family borrowed, she felt itchy when she thought that her family had often been forced into debt by loan sharks in the past.

"It's just that this is a private loan contract initiated by you, so no one will take care of it."

Leti exhaled a puff of smoke as she spoke. Looking at Le Xiao's angry look, Zhang Wei nodded.

"I have already reported the crime, but when the people from Section 5 said they didn't care, they came to harass me all day long. My parents were already sick, and everything in the house was taken away by them."

"Come on, take me there."

Le Xiao stood up angrily, Zhang Wei nodded, but at this time Letty held her down.

"So what if you go there? According to this contract that they are willing to sign independently, unless they illegally infringe on this little girl, otherwise you"

"Can't you see?"

Le Xiao asked, and Leti smiled and shook her head.

"This is not a question of whether you can see it or not. When it comes to this kind of thing, people who know it is usury but still borrow money."

"Can you say a few words less!"

Yincai said, and Leti said nothing more. At this time, Ye Jiao was still carefully examining the contract, and she pointed to a point on it.

"If you can't repay, you can use your assets as collateral until all the debt is paid off. What is your family's mortgage?"


Zhang Wei lowered her head and loosened Le Xiao's hand little by little, but Le Xiao held her hand.

"I really have nothing to do with you. Let's go over and take a look. See how much profit this factory makes. If they can offset or exceed the amount they owe by relying on the factory's profit, there is a way."

Le Xiao grabbed Zhang Wei.

"Let's go. I remember your factory is to the west. It's just a short walk from here."

Le Xiao stepped out of the door. At this time, there were many people standing outside the door. Some people talked about their experiences of being forced into debt by loan sharks. Le Xiao just nodded.

"Everything in front of you is real. Many people in this area have borrowed money from loan sharks. My family has also borrowed money before. Of course, I borrowed it because I was desperate. Once I borrowed it, it will never end. I once thought why 7 subjects refused to Lend money to everyone. The situation at the bottom is already so bad. The last penny and last drop of blood and sweat in these people's hands will be squeezed out by those guys, but they are not satisfied yet. They clearly see it but do nothing. , when will this kind of thing begin, and when will it end!"

Yincai put a hand on Le Xiao's shoulder.

"Let's go!"

Leti glanced at Ye Jiao, who was still looking at the contract. She had already started to note down many points on the contract.

Most of the income from these gray industries is decentralized and recorded in the account as consumption, so it is very difficult to check.

"Is there really no need to check? Section Chief!"

Ye Jiao still remembered that she had asked Li Ang about these gray income issues many years ago when she first took office, but Li Ang just smiled helplessly at that time.

"Because this is the way of life in most neighborhoods, if it is investigated, many people may not be able to live because of it. If it is an economic crime case, no matter how we investigate it, it will not have an impact, and the way of life that has long been ingrained cannot be easily overturned. ."

Le Xiao took Zhang Wei and walked quickly, and many people followed her. Letty looked at Le Xiao blankly. Most formal lending companies were not willing to lend money to people at the bottom. If it is too little, it will be troublesome to go through the formal loan procedures and you will not make much money. The most critical thing is that the underlying assets have shrunk to the point of being unprofitable.

According to normal lending, the highest daily interest rate is only 0.05%, which is really unprofitable at the bottom level. Once the money is not paid, the interest calculation must be stopped for up to 30 days and reported to the banking department. The credit rating will be reduced. If there are no corresponding assets to cover the debt, the citizen's grade will also be affected. Finally, he will be forced to work in the agricultural department until the debt is paid off.

These problems cannot be solved in a short time. At every legal meeting, some people raise them, but no reasonable solution can be found, because no matter how hard we try, poverty is the root cause.

"What exactly are we here for?"

Leti smiled helplessly, and Ye Jiao next to her put away Zhang Wei's mobile phone.

"This may be the most acute problem. Perhaps this is Mr. Jean's intention. The reality is far more bloody than what we see. Perhaps you who grew up in a wealthy family cannot understand this kind of despair. !”

Letty nodded.

"It's true that I can't understand it. It's just like some TV dramas that depict the misery of poverty. I might have shed a few tears when I was a child because I thought these people were so miserable and why the world is like this, but now I don't."

Ye Jiao nodded.

"Just do things within our scope of authority. Everything else depends on what this little girl plans to do. This is Mr. Jean's intention, but that idiot still hasn't realized it."

Ye Jiao and Leti looked at Yincai at the same time.

"After all, this is half of her home!"

"It may be even more troublesome in the future, because this girl can only see what's in front of her and won't consider those complicated issues. It's just that I don't hate this simple idea, but I don't agree with it either!"

Letty smiled and nodded.

"It's a rare occasion when we all agree!"

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