"Old Wu"

Following a small but excited shout, everyone in District 118 looked at Wu Qun, who approached with a smile on his face.

"help me"

As soon as a councilor said something, Wu Qun raised his hand to signal him to shut up. After a council officer gave a few instructions, the members of Section 1 who were guarding the hall all went out one after another, and Wu Qun walked over. He closed the hall door directly.

"I'm not helping you for free. At least you have to tell me first what problem you have stumbled over!"

A councilman stood up excitedly, and the surroundings were silent.

"That's it, Lao Wu, the tax revenue of District 118 has been falling in recent years. In order to be able to"

"Don't say these meaningless things, just say it."

The congressmen looked a little embarrassed. The standing congressman was still swallowing and spoke after a while.

"We launder money for One-Eyed Fox!"

Wu Qun looked at these congressmen with some surprise. Just one sentence was enough. Wu Qun understood everything in an instant. It should not only be the one-eyed fox, but also Baleka and Jin. He smiled.

"Are you willing to withdraw voluntarily? This stage."

Wu Qun sat in front of a group of people, clasping his hands and dragging his chin. Several congressmen looked solemn, and beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

"Lao Wu, don't you have any other options?"

Wu Qun put one hand on the table and moved his thumb in front of everyone.

"Exit the stage of fighting, this is your only way."

The congressmen all nodded. For a moment, many people's faces became relaxed. Some reserve congressmen started to cry at this time. They finally became reserve congressmen. Many of them are still young, but now the road is blocked. Once councilors have any economic problems in any district, they are absolutely not allowed to stay in the district office.

Wu Qun glanced at them.

"You decide for yourself whether you will be impeached and removed from office because of collective corruption on construction issues, or whether you will go to jail because more problems are exposed."

Wu Qun stood up, turned around and opened the door.

"If you can't carry it, take it off as soon as possible. You can't carry everything now. The slightest disturbance from the top is enough to crush you to pieces!"

"I know, Lao Wu!"

The congressman just stood up again and turned to look at some young reserve congressmen behind him.

"It's our fault, these young people still have a future."

Wu Qun nodded and raised one hand into a fist.

"Give them a chance, in any of my district offices, for three months!"

In an instant, many of the 10 official members in the room were wiping tears and bowed to Wu Qun.

Wu Qun strode out. He didn't come here because of sympathy or anything. He used to like to select some reserve members from the bottom and promote them. The members who grew up in this place are more hardworking than those from the middle and upper districts. Jin, now that many of the young councilors on his side, Wu Qun, look down on him, he plans to promote a new group of people.

"The society at the bottom is more cruel, and only those who get up from the cruel trials have the value of shaping!"

After Wu Qun walked out of the district office, he looked around and decided to go to North 3rd Street. After all, it would be very interesting there at the moment.

"What do you mean? Master Wise Man!"

The one-eyed fox roared at the wise man with great anger. At this time, the wise man didn't know how to explain it, and he couldn't explain it. The other two people in the room, Baleka and Jin, also looked angry.

This is a tavern not far from North 3rd Street. The door of the tavern is closed at this time. This is a tavern under the name of One-Eyed Fox.

"Nothing makes sense these days, and I'm here to tell you that things have changed."

Jin immediately stood up and glared at the wise man fiercely.

"What do you mean the situation has changed?"

At this time, Baleka felt the helplessness on the wise man's face more keenly. It seemed that things were beyond his control. The three of them just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to cooperate with Section 13 to start laundering their assets. As long as the gray assets slowly turn white, they can naturally offload the current increase in taxes on gray industries. This is also the delaying strategy that wise men told them at the beginning.

But today Le Xiao said that he would give them part of the right to produce food as a return on investment. This would make the three of them more entangled than killing them. They came out of one pit and fell into another.

The wise man's strategy of retreating in order to advance was completely ineffective. Obviously he did this just to stabilize everything at the bottom as soon as possible and let Section 13 get out of this muddy bottom as soon as possible, but now it seems that it is impossible in the short term. Yes.

"Please be patient for now. I will have a good talk with the secretary tonight and let her sign the document."

The wise man said that the expressions of the three people relaxed for a while. After their eyes exchanged for a while, the one-eyed fox spoke.

"Master Wise, we really have no choice. Now we have to help the business department launder the money into money for the Phoebus family. We are also under great pressure. Many people are still waiting to eat. If there is nothing else We will be doomed if we don’t use the channel. The upper-level businessmen have begun to squeeze in. If we collide with these big capitals, we will probably be burned down to nothing.”

The wise man hummed. He also knew that the current situation was extremely difficult. The only way now was to transfer the money of the three guys through the establishment of the agricultural experimental base in the barrier area in the hands of Section 13, and transfer it in the name of legitimate investment. Come in, this is the safest way, and through a series of subsequent manipulations, the three guys can easily get out of the gray industry, but what Le Xiao said today was that he wanted to use their money to really invest. The three of them mistakenly thought that this was a threat to the construction of the experimental base, and then gave them shares in the grain yield of the farmland, but the wise man couldn't explain clearly. This is what the stupid girl thought.

The wise men at this time were dumbfounded, and the upper-class capitalists had already begun to take action.

"Okay, I'm almost going back. You three don't need to worry. There is a slight misunderstanding. I will explain it clearly to the secretary. The signed documents will be in your hands tomorrow morning. By then Everything will be fine after the rain.”

The wise man said, Baleka and Jin carried him downstairs together. The one-eyed fox opened the window and exhaled heavily.

"Whether it's capital or rights, it's all about virtue!"

At this moment, the only thing the wise man can rely on is Alpha. He plans to talk to Le Xiao later in the evening and ask Le Xiao to sign. So instead of convincing Le Xiao, it is better to convince Alpha. Le Xiao should listen to Alpha. That's right.

More than ten minutes later, the wise man returned to the shop. Jin directly lifted the wise man up. Only Alpha was seen. After the wise man nodded to Jin, Jin quickly went downstairs.

"I want to talk to you about Alpha!"

Alpha, who was holding a cigarette and looking at information related to the mutant exam, turned his head.

"Old man, how long do you want to play the game?"

The wise man stared at Alpha with a solemn expression.

"I won't help you talk to the secretary. Mr. Jean said it from the beginning, let us assist the secretary instead of replacing her role. What is the difference between your current approach and the previous one? With a bunch of people After negotiating and performing a play, everyone will be like a puppet in your hand, complete the performance, and then call the curtain, winning applause from the audience, but in fact the person operating the puppet remains the same.”

The wise man pushed the wheelchair and moved to Alpha's side.

"I'm doing this for everyone"

"I'm sorry, for everyone? In order to get out of this quagmire as soon as possible, the easiest way is to take control of everything and let everything go according to the set place. As long as everyone is happy, then who will solve the remaining problems?"

The wise man shook his head.

"You and I are no longer children, Alpha. You should know what is the right thing to do. In such a vortex of power, can that little girl protect herself wisely? What can she do in this vortex?"

"Haven't you already done a lot?"

The wise man shook his head.

"It's just done on the surface, but in reality it's still the case. The bottom class is still poor, and the zero-sum game of power and capital is still going on. It's just a change from the top to the bottom. I'm not pouring cold water on it, Alpha. Some people have succeeded so far. ? To change the current situation, in the competition for capital and rights, the key to victory or defeat lies in whether we can know the flow of the two from the beginning!"

Alpha smiled helplessly and exhaled a puff of smoke. Of course she understood what the wise man said, better than anyone else, and everyone who stood on the ceiling also understood that maybe someone wanted to change everything, but in the end, except Failure is still failure, Gene failed, the end of the season failed, and even many people with good intentions failed. This monster-like huge system continues to operate, swallowing everything in, and no one can be immune , can only keep turning in the vortex of power and capital, like a puppet on a string.

"What is the purpose of this bill? It is to eliminate the lower-level E-class mutants. Can't you see such an obvious purpose? Nowadays, the number of E-class mutants is the largest, and most of them are doing mountaineering work. , the monthly income of a manual worker ranges from 3,000 to 5,000, but this is the mutant with the largest income in Bright City. Machines can completely replace their role, but what is their role?"

"Become a soldier!"

Alpha said clearly and the wise man nodded.

"A mutant can probably do the physical work of 3 to 10 ordinary people. If one low-level mutant is eliminated, it will provide the city with 3 to 10 ordinary people's physical work jobs. The original income of 3,000 to 5,000 will be It will become more than 10,000. A mutant can only create one person's economic value. This value includes consumption. After a mutant gets a salary, he can only consume it for himself or his family, and if 3 to 10 people get it, When the money comes, 3 to 10 people spend it, including their families.”

"I think so too."

Alpha laughed, and the wise man stared at her with a solemn expression. He always felt that Alpha was changing. He had seen her laugh many times, and she seemed to feel more relaxed.

"Then we should have a good talk with that girl. No matter how low the level is, those mutants are still mutants. As long as they accept a certain degree of control and instruction, they will become..."

"Remember the last optical nuclear weapon incident?"

The wise man nodded, and Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and raised his head leisurely.

"Isn't it time to give up the few for the many? But what did the secretary do last time?"

"Let's not discuss this first. Although if the low-level mutants are banned, it will affect the interests of some businessmen, but it can make more people's lives better, and mutants can also fully accept the control of the 3 subjects, although the wages may be low. A few, but at least.”

Alpha stood up, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and patted the wise man on the shoulder when he passed by.

"You can just talk to the secretary tonight. If she is willing to listen to you, I have no objection. I'm afraid you won't understand it until you die. After all, you are too smart, old man!"

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