Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1330: Within our capabilities (Part 2)

Alpha sat quietly in the living room on the second floor, looking at the content of the current mutant examination. He planned to sort it out first and then explain it to Lexiao when she came back.

The current mutant examination is completely different from the past. The previous mutant examination was too loose. Today's mutant examination is detailed to every detail, but Alpha has discovered some clues. The items in these examinations are all focused on combat. for consideration.

No matter which test item it is, it is the basis of fighting. Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and looked out the window. She did not go with Le Xiao and the others. After all, there were three secretaries following them, and there were people from the business department on the street. Le Xiao Xiao should be fine.

Alpha checked on Jean's mobile phone and found out the current ranking of secretaries' combat abilities. Excluding Michelle, the first place was Zi Yu'er, the second place was Qin Dong, the third place was Letty, and the fourth place was Ye Jiao, fifth place is Lilian, followed by Xima, Song Xuan, Larry, Guoguo, Yincai, and finally Gu Ningning.

"But now someone is at the bottom."

Thinking of Gu Ningning, Alpha felt a little regretful. She didn't know why Huashen didn't train her properly. After all, although Huashen was not strong in the same period, his overall combat balance was the best, even higher than her own. , and Gu Ningning's qualifications are pretty good.

Alpha sighed when she thought of the battle between the secretaries at the end of the year. She had recently been thinking about where to start teaching Lexiao. To be honest, her body was that of a weak ordinary woman, so strength training was essential.

"Forget it, let's start with the simplest dodge move."

But at this time, Alpha saw the information of the new secretary Chloe. Although there was no detailed physical data, he was already a super S-level mutant. After all, he came out of King Xue's school.

I feel uncomfortable when I think of King Xue Alpha. This insidious guy used to be annoying in school. He was a destroyer of the atmosphere, or rather unsociable. He had conflicts with me before, but in the end he used his fists. Shut him up.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun in the east is a bit hot, and the temperature is close to 30 degrees. Because farms in the east need sufficient sunshine, the temperature in the east is the hottest from 3 to 6 o'clock.

There were almost no people on the streets in District 29. Many staff from Section 4 were in the store, taking out some of the simplest test questions, testing the women on the street one by one, and then subjecting them to a certain degree. Screen and see if there is anyone with a smarter mind. After all, if you want to learn medical knowledge, it is very difficult if you have a weak mind.

Gu Ningning was sitting in the courtyard outside the district office, Ada was sitting in front of her, and the directors were working in the room.

Ada was still looking at some simple test questions distributed on the light and shadow panel, mainly test questions in four aspects: memory, calculation ability, logic ability and understanding ability.

Ada's face was a little solemn. Looking at the questions asked by the girls in the area, many of them were directly excluded from the screening range. Many of the questions were questions for primary school students, which are also the basis of the basics. Many people have long forgotten them. these things.

"I think it's hard to do! The main issue is the funds. Are they in place? How much should be done first? Our section chief also said that this method is actually feasible. Training these women into professional nurses can indeed alleviate the pressure of insufficient manpower in the medical system. ."

Ada nodded and smiled helplessly.

"If the sweet talk test is taken, I think each of them should be able to get good scores!"

Gu Ningning's eyes widened, and Ada smiled easily. She looked at the leaves floating in the small pond next to her and smacked her lips.

"On weekdays, I tell them to study more, but they still turn a deaf ear to my words. They just spend the day chatting about playing cards, playing games, watching movies and TV shows, and in the evening..."

Gu Ningning shook her head.

"I'm afraid this informal motion will be difficult to pass. Haven't there been an influx of women in District 29 recently?"

Ada nodded. There was a surge in the number of women from the lower classes. Because of the last crackdown on informal shops at the lower classes, many women had no business at all and could only come to District 29. There have been several xenophobic incidents recently. The women here all know that these women from outside will compete with them for business.

"The key is to mobilize their enthusiasm."

As Gu Ningning said, Ada immediately nodded happily.

"Your Excellency Gu Ningning, is there anything you can do?"

Gu Ningning stood up, walked to the door of the district authority, looked down at the entire District 29, pondered for a while and then shook her head.

"It's difficult, it's really difficult."

"I also know it's difficult, but if we can't solve the problems here, we will end up here one day."

Ada did not continue. Gu Ningning naturally knew what would happen. Once the business department took action, there would be no grass growing here, and the upper Qinglong District would also be affected to a certain extent.

Gu Ningning suddenly slapped her forehead.

"If it doesn't work, just use a whip!"

Ada looked at Gu Ningning doubtfully.

"I didn't realize that many of them are like living in paradise. It is difficult to work hard in the habits that have been developed all year round by relying on one's own willpower. After all, I am studying psychology, and even my mentality is the same. I lie in bed all year round. They rely on men in bed to live like disabled people who have lost their limbs. This is a kind of psychological disability, because they have been physically addicted to this kind of career for a long time, so they need to be given some serious refreshment."

"How to do it exactly?"

Gu Ningning looked troubled, but shook her head.

"I'll think about it first when I get back."

At this time, on a street in District 29, some women who had completed the test gathered together in small groups, watching movies, drinking tea, chatting, playing games or cards, standing on the street, squatting or Some of them seemed to have no bones at all, leaning forward, and their mental outlook was very poor. Most of them didn't get up until 2 or even 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and they lived a lazy life, only at night. Be spirited.

Several female staff members in Section 4 could no longer stand it. Especially when asking some common sense questions to some women, many of them were confused.


A female staff member said, and several other female staff members nodded.

"My boyfriend used to come here to play, but I found out. At that time, I really wanted to tear her lower body into two pieces."

A female clerk said, and several female clerks next to her laughed.

"Isn't he your husband now?"

"Fortunately, he admitted his mistake to me later, and I spared him."

At this time, several women on the street came over with some water. The atmosphere on both sides looked very awkward.

"Sisters from the business department, would you like to have something to eat? It's free."

"No need, we are still working."

A few women playing cards inside the house stared at the members of Section 4 outside with some displeasure.

"What's so great, everyone is still the same when they take off their clothes, and they don't want to be raped by men at night."

"Keep your voice down. Queen Ada has said that there will be absolutely no room for any omissions today."

But at this time, most of the people on the street were complaining, because many things were too complicated for the women on the street, especially when some pathology theories were explained to them, many women felt uncomfortable.

Gu Ningning was still hesitating, looking at the reports compiled by the board of directors. Women in many neighborhoods basically did not have the ability to learn medical care. Out of 100, there were at most one or two who had some brains, and even some. I found that some women can't write, but they are quite smart when playing games.

"Let me start with something harsh, that is, let the administrative department directly announce that District 29 will be banned. What do you think?"

Ada's eyes widened.

"It would cause a lot of chaos."

"Of course it's fake. You have to put a certain amount of pressure on them, and then develop a professional game about medical care. Let them play this game every day in addition to class. Over time, they can remember something. , Human beings, if there is no pressure and life is too good, they can easily become useless."

Ada nodded, but Gu Ningning immediately shook her head.

"I'm not going to be responsible for this matter. If you think it's appropriate, you'd better go find Lele. It's almost time to start work. We'll go back after the staff tests are over!"

Seeing Gu Ningning, who looked relaxed and even changed her tone of voice, running towards the house, Ada became a little confused.

"Put it to that little girl again, can you do that?"

Ada thought about it. The method proposed by Gu Ningning was not bad. It would put a certain amount of pressure on the girls in the district, but she was afraid of causing confusion and used games to let them learn. Of course, the games must be interesting and playable. some type of.

“Add a real money element?”

Ada seemed to have thought of something, but immediately thought of another person, Leng Rui. She wanted to ask Leng Rui if he could make such a game, but money was a problem. McCullin promised 50 million. There is no shadow yet. She doesn't know McCullin's contact information, and she doesn't want to trouble Le Xiao, but Ada can't help but pick up the phone because it is related to the future of women in the district.

"Secretary Le Xiao, are you free now?"

"You are? Ada!"

Le Xiao heard it and laughed in surprise.

"The money that Ms. McCullin promised to donate to our District 29 has not yet arrived!"

Le Xiao on the other side of the phone was suspicious for a long time.

"Have you forgotten? I just saw her this morning. How about I ask you about it later?"

Ada kept saying thank you gratefully.

"I won't disturb you, Secretary Le Xiao. If you are free, you can come to District 29. I have a way to change District 29."

"Excuse me, Miss Danni, I've been reading about pathology recently, but I always don't understand it."

Yu Fangfang looked seriously at Danni, the team leader of Section 4 in front of her. She was sitting in Yu Fangfang's shop because she found that this little girl had a good attitude and seemed to have read a lot of medical books in advance.


Danni leaned over, Yu Fangfang began to speak, and Danni also explained to her carefully.

"By the way, little sister, how long have you been doing this?"

Yu Fangfang blushed for a while and took a long time to say.

"This is the third year!"

"It's rare to see a young girl like you in this district who wants to learn something and get out of this industry."

Yu Fangfang hummed, and then her phone rang. Danni glanced sideways and saw that the phone number was 001305.

The number of Section 13!

"Xiao Leng, what's wrong? Are you feeling better?"

After Yu Fangfang listened for a while, her eyes showed joy.

"Okay Xiao Leng, I understand. I will buy what you need. You can rest assured and recover. If you want to eat anything tomorrow, I will bring it to you."

Seeing Yu Fangfang's happy face, Dani seemed to understand.


Yu Fangfang realized something and hurriedly explained. Danni smiled and shook her head, sat next to her, and began to explain some basic elements of pathology to her.

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