Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1327 Rapid Progress (Part 2)

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the conference room on the fifth floor of the 7th Section Headquarters located on Golden Street was already full of people.

The light and shadow screen on the top table has the topics of this meeting.

Redevelopment plan for District 113 and District 114

Nearly 1,000 people were sitting in the venue, and almost all relevant members of the Architectural Association, one of the seven major associations in Bright City, were present.

From the front row to the last row, you can clearly see the age gap, from a gray-haired old man to a young man in his 20s. Tang Ye is also among them. He is sitting with several designers from the company. The third row from the bottom.

In the middle of a group of people, there sat an old man wearing different-colored diamond rings on all ten of his fingers. He was chewing a cigar and puffing away. The old man had age spots on his face and was completely bald at the front of his hair. , with only two pieces of white hair on both sides of his forehead, a hooked nose, full lower cheeks and a rounded upper part, Wang Degui is the president of the Architectural Association and the current head of the Wang family, the eight largest families in the city.

"Uncle, Zou Yun really didn't come."

Next to her was a woman who looked not young but still charming. Her makeup was a little thick, her red lips seemed to be stained with blood. She was wearing a black parliamentary uniform. There was a colorful pattern of a house on her right arm and on her chest. , it can be seen that she is from District 6 and has been reelected for 31 years. She is the leader of the construction faction, Wang Ying.

"Xiaoying, it doesn't matter. That kid is no longer from our side. When he got wrapped up with the guys from the Food Association, he was no longer from our side. Fortunately, we pulled him up. , what an ungrateful scumbag, don’t mention it.”

Wang Ying's eyes were a little helpless and slightly sad, but it was fleeting, and her expression returned to seriousness, staring at the stage with sharp eyes.

"Uncle, I don't know what those guys from the Industrial Association are thinking. There hasn't been any movement so far. I think it's strange. The Film and Entertainment Association and the Food Association have taken action very quickly. Those guys from the Clothing Association should I don’t look down on the interests of the bottom, so I’m afraid there won’t be much action in the short term. Should we do the same?”

Wang Degui raised his hand to interrupt Wang Ying.

"Our current goal is the construction of Areas 113 and 114. No matter which company gets the final design and construction rights, it will be good for us."

Wang Ying nodded. Everyone in this venue was from the Architectural Association. Except for some independent small companies, it was impossible for those small companies to obtain such a large-scale block design project.

This was a relatively formal meeting, with reporters all around to record the meeting. The purpose of today was probably to formally establish the functions that the next two blocks needed to carry.

There are two light and shadow screens on both sides of the main light and shadow screen. The one on the right is the terrain profile of Area 113 and Area 114, and the left is some on-site snapshots of the current construction site. The demolition work is still progressing rapidly. But at this time, everyone knew very well that at the junction of the two districts, a considerable piece of land should be set aside for the Phoebes family to build a car factory.

In the past few days, field surveyors from major companies have gone to the site, and every day they have sent back a large amount of information, including soil structure and load-bearing calculation diagrams in the area, underground sewage pipeline divisions, and various approximate data on recycled materials from demolished and dismantled houses. Waiting for extremely important information.

These recycled materials are generally priced at one-tenth of the lowest market price, but such a large amount of materials is not a small sum, because although many materials have been dismantled and sorted, they want to be processed into building materials. Some materials It also needs to incorporate new materials, including engineering machinery to re-manufacture materials, and the cost is not cheap.

The purpose of Wang Degui's visit this time was to ask the Business Department to process these materials to the Construction Association at a price of 1/20.

"What did the industrial association say about Yingying!"

"I have sent a contact to their faction leader, but have not received a reply yet."

Wang Degui snorted coldly, flicked the ashes from his cigarette, and knocked his left hand on the table. There was silence in the venue.

"A bunch of arrogant guys, what on earth is that bastard Field planning?"

At this time, the door of the venue opened, and King Xue walked in first, followed by Li Ang, Heathcote, and Ivy. The chiefs of Section 1, Section 7, Section 8, and Section 9 were responsible for presiding over the meeting.

Wang Degui put out his cigarette, pulled up his suit and stood up. Everyone in the venue stood up and bowed with Wang Degui.

King Xue and the other three people sat on the stage one after another. After the four people's eyes interacted with each other, Ivy stood up first.

“Thank you all for taking the time to attend this meeting today!”

Ivy said and bowed, and everyone in the venue sat down. She stood up and walked to the side, raising one hand, and the light and shadow screen slowly came down.

"Let's get straight to the point. What everyone here today should be most concerned about is the price of the total amount of materials recycled in the two regions!"

Wang Degui laughed happily. He did not intend to go around in circles with people in the business field. This was good. Wang Degui still admired this elegant woman. Whether it was connections or skills, Wang Degui had experienced it in the business world back then, and After the death of her husband, she was able to immediately take over the position of chief of Section 9.

"Excuse me, Chief Ivy, at what price do you plan to sell the materials?"

"one eighth!"

As Ivy said, an uproar began in the venue, and many people showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

Wang Degui stood up and asked with a smile.

"Can you give me a reasonable reason?"

King Xue smiled with a spring breeze on his face. As expected, Ivy was much better than the three of them. From the beginning, he could test the reaction of these guys. King Xue has probably determined it now. The psychological price of the guys in front of him is about 1/15 to 1/20.

"As you can see, the current economic situation at the bottom and the subsequent construction of the two districts will require huge costs. All the funds obtained from the recycling and sale of the materials will be invested in the construction of the two districts. "

"Chief Ivy, I don't think this explanation can be the reason why recycled materials are so expensive!"

Wang Degui sat down, and Wang Ying stood up and bowed.

"Your Excellency Ivy, the sale of recycled materials should follow the basic sales laws. Recycled materials need to be strictly and safely processed before they can be put on the market. If the recycled materials are difficult to process, they should be sold at a price far lower than the market price. The price is sold, specifically the treatment of hazardous materials in recycled materials, the addition of new substances, the use of mechanical equipment for processing, etc. As stipulated in this law, according to our calculations, the processing price of recycled materials in Districts 113 and 114 , it should be 1/25 of the market price to be the most reasonable, which includes the need to go to the site for processing, the logistics distance required for the equipment, the dispatch of professionals, etc.”

Ivy's expression became more serious. She put her hands on the table and looked at Wang Ying. She and Wang Ying were old classmates, but the two of them basically didn't have much since Ivy started helping her husband handle business affairs at the end of the season. The contact was just an occasional greeting at some banquets. The two of them used to have dinner together frequently, but that was more than ten years ago.

"In terms of machinery, you don't need to worry about high logistics costs. We can provide absolutely safe and reliable machinery. As for professionals, you can find them from nearby areas, so it can only be reduced to 1/10 at most."

The atmosphere on the scene became somewhat solemn, and the smell of gunpowder began to appear.

"Your Excellency Ivy, the most critical point is that Areas 113 and 114 are located on the ground floor. They have been corroded by harmful substances emitted from the gully area for many years. Therefore, some harmful metal ions have been detected in many materials. We want to deal with them. These recycled materials are a bit difficult. After all, it was already mentioned in the last city meeting. The issue of the deterioration of the air environment on the ground floor has only been a few days, and you have forgotten it!"

Ivy laughed and shook her head.

"Of course I haven't forgotten it, but the lowest price we have here can only be one-tenth of the market price. If you can't accept it, we plan to sell recycled materials to those small-scale building individual merchants on the ground floor. Or the company!”

The moment Ivy finished speaking, King Xue stood up.

"Okay, Section Chief Ivy, Councilor Wang Ying, there is no need for us to have a long discussion over such a small detail. After all, the most important issue at the moment is the design direction of Districts 113 and 114. Indeed, we have thought about it. These recycled materials are handed over to some merchants and small companies at the bottom, but they are not qualified to handle recycled materials, so I propose a price of 1/5, how about it!"

dong dong

Wang Degui knocked on the table with his ring. Wang Ying sat down next to him. There was no room for maneuver, and he didn't want to dwell on this issue for too long.

At this time, a huge building spanning the ravine area appeared on the light screen, but the modeling looked a bit rough. Only the appearance looked good. The huge gears were rotating slowly, and the huge gears were extremely thick. The chains were moving slowly, and waste was being dug up from the gully area.

There were rows of containers at the edge of the ravine. After the waste was loaded in, the containers immediately began to move along the rails to the factory-shaped buildings on both sides.

"It turns out that only large-scale waste excavation equipment is built above the gully, and the waste is processed in factories on the edge."

Wang Degui said and Li Ang stood up.

"As you all know, we currently plan to invest in the latest processing equipment from 10 departments, which can directly separate all waste particles neatly and orderly. Some toxic substances can be separated after a certain degree of chemical reaction and cannot be separated. It is used in industry. This equipment is not like previous atomic separators. Atom separators may have errors and deviation values. However, the particle separator is equipped with artificial intelligence, which can efficiently and quickly identify the types of particles. This separates particles of the same type together."

For a moment, Wang Degui's eyes showed excitement. For his construction association, the profits and costs of building ordinary houses are far less high and large than building houses for the industry, because these extremely sophisticated buildings need to reach very high standards. The quality of construction is important, especially for the waste excavation factory across the ravine area. This building alone required the efforts of countless construction engineers to find a more reasonable plan.

"Then I would like to ask Section Chief Li Ang, do you plan to fully mechanize the waste treatment plant?"

Li Ang shook his head.

"The sorting, bagging and sale of processed materials are all done manually. The technical cost of machinery is currently a bit high, and if machinery is used, this waste treatment plant will not be able to solve the employment problem in the underlying neighborhoods. ."

At this time, Wang Degui saw the areas outside District 113 and District 114. There were two roads directly passing through ravines along the two districts, and he seemed to understand something.

"Has the car's route planning been completed? Four section chiefs!"

Heathcote laughed.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Wang, the route has not yet been planned. After all, it is related to the overall traffic of the streets in the city and it depends on whether your construction association is willing to help!"

Wang Degui laughed, knowing that the real theme of this meeting had begun.

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