Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1325 Centripetal Force (Part 2)

"The test begins!"

Guoguo stared quietly at the mechanical ball on a circular table in front of her. Circles of white light appeared from the groove in the middle of the mechanical ball, and the mechanical ball slowly rose up.

At this time, Guoguo's face was solemn and helpless. This was a testing ground located in the mechanical city inside the huge battleship Noah.

The mechanical ball slowly floated up, and the white aperture vibrated slowly at a speed invisible to the naked eye. If viewed in slow motion, these apertures were actually constantly changing, expanding or shrinking.

This is a flight technology developed by a scientist in Bright City more than 70 years ago by using the electromagnetic effect and the magnetic monopole developed by Mimic XVI. It is one of the three major flight technologies in Bright City.

Aerodynamic machines mainly rely on suddenly absorbing the surrounding air, producing kinetic energy after the air quality changes in the pressure furnace, but the disadvantage is that the aerodynamic energy components cannot withstand for a long time and often require maintenance.

The magnetic monopole relies on the magnetic pole effect, using electric energy and a magnetic pole replacement machine to achieve one-way magnetic pole transformation, thereby using thousands of microseconds to transform attraction and repulsion to generate enough kinetic energy to lift off and transform freely. Speed, the disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy.

These two flying technologies are currently developed and invested in various industries in the city by Brilliant City, while the third anti-gravity floating technology is currently only used on mechanical soldiers with special powers.

At this time, in this nearly 500-square-meter test site, there are weight test blocks produced by light and shadow materials. The mechanical ball first reaches the metal block labeled 1 ton. After the two mechanical magnetic suction cup arms stretch out, it is easy to The 1-ton metal block was hoisted and began to fly.

Guoguo looked at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow panel in front of her. Instantly, the mechanical ball began to accelerate. The white aperture began to undergo a photofission reaction and then began to turn red. In an instant, the flight speed reached 800M/S, which was already twice the speed of sound.

The stability is still somewhat lacking. Guoguo continues to make the mechanical ball fly. If too good materials are used, the material maintenance fee alone will not be cheap. Thinking of the bet with that stinky girl that day, Guoguo feels extremely anxious. Uncomfortable.


With a violent sound, the one-ton mechanical ball that had been flying for more than a minute burst into flames and fell to the ground instantly. Immediately, a robot with rollers under its body walked through the aisles of the blocky metal houses next to it. After Li came over quickly, he held up his hands that had turned into water guns and sprayed out a lot of foam. The flames were extinguished in an instant, and thick smoke kept rising.

"So angry!"

Guo Guo stood up angrily and kicked the metal block in front of her with her bare feet. There was a loud bang and a footprint appeared on the metal block.

"Lord Guoguo, please don't disrupt official business at will. Repair it."

The robot's head turned back. After seeing Guoguo's angry face, he said nothing and quickly cleaned away the damaged mechanical ball. Guoguo slumped on the chair and kept scratching his head. She really wanted to There is no way out. If this kind of mechanical ball wants to be stable, the daily maintenance cost will be around 20 yuan. It is impossible to reduce it to 5 yuan.

At this time, Guoguo was about to go crazy. A flash of light and shadow flashed over, and immediately a handsome male clerk half-knelt in front of Guoguo.

"Master Guoguo, I think starting AI4 at this time can solve your troubles!"


Guo Guo roared directly, and the incorporeal staff in front of her slowly dissipated like mist. Guo Guo was very reluctant to use AI to develop things. So far, she has not had any good impressions of these AIs.

Guoguo has a smart mind, and she knows very well that the use of AI is a double-edged sword. She can find a variety of solutions through huge data information in a short time, but many of these solutions have unpredictable risks.

There have been many serious problems that occurred when some solutions simulated by the developed AI were actually implemented, but problems arose. Therefore, AI technology is now semi-storage, and more information is still being accumulated. Under continuous testing.

At this time, what Guoguo thought of the most was Heimo, who was very compatible with her. This was also the reason why Guoguo hated AI. That idiot actually fell in love with incorporeal AI, and finally did such a thing and went crazy. .

Everything in the laboratory was in my mind. The fat man listened to me very much, but he didn't listen to me the last time. At that time, my body was still like an adult. Guoguo raised his hands, although he had already controlled the purple color. The phenomenon of rejuvenation with the power of God, but the body has become like this.

"Really, that damn fat man, if he were here at this time, he might be able to solve these problems."

When thinking of Heimao, Guoguo's face became gloomy. People in the 10th department already thought that he was dead because Guoguo buried him with his own hands, but Guoguo let him go and used AI cloning technology to create A fake Hemio's body was discovered, hiding it from everyone, and the place where she sent Hemio was Frye Mental Hospital, and she never went there again.

Guoguo still clearly remembers that all this was done with the help of AI, and there were no mistakes. All data sources within the 10 departments have been processed by AI. That was the only time Guoguo used multiple AIs. Perform linkage.

"I wonder if that idiot is dead now?"

Guoguo bit her finger and thought for a while before forgetting it. At that time, he had gone completely crazy when he brought Heimiao there, and that Fry guy was very good. He promised Guoguo that he would never show his whereabouts. Over the years, Section 2 has conducted a certain degree of investigation into Heimao, but this person's information has completely disappeared from Brilliant City.

"Now is not the time to think about those things. We must not let that little girl look down on her."

Guoguo turned around and walked quickly. She planned to continue to return to the laboratory to improve the mechanical ball. After all, Le Xiao had already gone to the ground floor and the shop had opened. Now she was waiting for the mechanical ball to be put in. It had to be in The finished product will have to be delivered within two or three days.

Guoguo's head was very confused, and Heimo appeared from time to time. Just after walking through a block, a spherical manned aircraft slowly landed, and Noah walked out of it.

"Section Chief, what are you doing here?"

After Noah came over, he pressed Guoguo's head with one hand.

"How long should we be motivated? Our purpose this time is just to let mechanization enter the lives of ordinary people and highlight the advantages of mechanization. If you are still struggling to make it yourself to be satisfied, there is no way to do it like this. "

Guoguo pushed away Noah's hand, kicked Noah in the thigh, pouted, and looked at Noah angrily.

"If you want to be looked down upon by that idiot girl, you can continue to delay. Department 13 has sent a message and hopes to bring the mechanical ball down as soon as possible."

Guoguo looked at Noah suspiciously.

"Isn't Mr. Jean on vacation?"

But Guoguo immediately thought of something. It was from Alpha Angus.

"I know the section chief, I'm going to release AI4 now."

Noah nodded.

"As long as you understand, Guoguo, there are still a lot of things to deal with. We can already see some clues about the virus last time."

"What's going on?"

Noah said with a smile.

"I have asked the Green God for advice. This virus is very similar to the military virus weapon developed by an aerospace company called NSA more than 200 years ago, called Eternal Blue!"

Le Xiao looked excitedly as one merchant after another brought out many novel and interesting items that seemed to be very practical. Although she couldn't turn her head around because the scientific principles involved in many of them were a bit complicated, Le Xiao Xiao didn't quite understand it, but it worked anyway, as long as it looked good. She asked Alpha to help record it one by one, and all the merchants' applications for cooperation intentions were accepted.

It was almost 3 o'clock at this time, and the streets were still crowded. Chen Qiao and Honghong, who were standing behind, were already impatient with waiting. In such an uncomfortable atmosphere, the two of them had repeatedly tried to send people past the five-member team. There was a human wall, hoping to talk to Le Xiao in advance, but was rejected.

"I see you don't need to rest today."

Alpha reminded, Le Xiao blinked, the next businessman was about to come in, she immediately shook her head.

"I think it's pretty good Sister Alpha, but why is it so hard to see such a product on the market before? I've never seen many things before."

"Regional Industrial Protection Law, to give a simple example, such as District 1 and District 2, if a product developed by a company in District 1 wants to enter District 2, it must obtain permission from the district authority of District 2, but Basically, except for the green channels that large companies can open up, it is difficult for small businesses to sell the products produced by their companies to other districts. The only way is to incorporate them into the subsidiaries of large companies. There is only trading in commodities, but company management is not There is no need to obey, basically if you want to sell your products to other areas, you need to pay 50% to 80% of the profits to enter."

Le Xiao's eyes widened and she stood up.

"Isn't that about being exploited unconditionally?"

Le Xiao's voice was a little loud, and many people outside the store looked in puzzledly. Alpha sighed.

"After all, the companies in this district provide the district's tax revenue, and you, a foreign product, are sold in this district and rob the consumption of the district. Is it possible not to pay a cent? This kind of system is actually relatively good. It’s reasonable, but small businesses have no autonomy and can only sell through the channels of large companies.”

Le Xiao nodded. At this time, a businessman wiping the sweat from his forehead came in, carrying a black suitcase. Alpha looked at it with vigilance. The businessman in front of him suddenly bowed at 90 degrees, and then laughed, with an incomparable smile. brilliant.

"Master Le Xiao, please take a look at our company's product, the portable simple house. This is our company's epoch-making product. It will definitely have unlimited possibilities in the construction of the barrier zone!"

The businessman's voice was so loud that many people outside made a sound of surprise, and some people laughed. Le Xiao nodded and followed the businessman out. The businessman found an open space and put down his suitcase.

"This is a product that uses liquid compression technology and light and shadow technology."


The businessman pressed a button on the suitcase, and he ran away in an instant. The suitcase opened directly. Le Xiao was surprised to see the light spraying out and the walls that could be seen gradually expanding. In just 20 seconds, Within a short time, a nearly 20-square-meter room with doors and windows appeared in the open space.

"The stability is absolutely reliable, Master Le Xiao, look at the edge of the house."

As he spoke, Le Xiao looked at the small black pillar at the edge of the house. The businessman squatted in front of the small pillar.

"You only need to press a button, and the mechanical fixtures inside will be rooted 5 meters underground, which can completely withstand strong winds. In addition, we can also add some functions to the house in the future. This house looks big, but it is heavy It only weighs about 100kg, so any adult can carry it and carry it on his back.”

Le Xiao raised his thumb and kept nodding. Alpha was also very surprised. Such a simple and portable house was indeed a good product. There were bursts of applause from all around, and reporters took pictures desperately.

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