The lake surface is exuding a soft and ever-changing shimmer, and from time to time you can see fish swimming happily in the water. The entire lake surface now looks like a colorful starry sky and universe.

Letty sat quietly by the window, smoking silently and tilting her head. She had just finished her evening exercise and taken a shower. Her hair was still wet. She was only wearing a white towel around her neck. , there were obvious bruises in many places on his body.

Having just seen the news released by the administrative department, Letty wanted to call the section chief Heathcote directly, but gave up because she is on vacation now. It is obviously not the time for vacation at all. Such serious problems have occurred in the city. On-site interviews on the periphery of Area 79 have begun.

"It's like this every time, covering up the original truth and giving the people another truth!"

Letty laughed at herself, picked up the wine on the side, took a sip, stood up and pulled off the towel. She couldn't bear it any longer. She wanted to go to the room on the third floor to stay for one night. This was the last step. opportunity, soon this area will become private land and this hotel estate will disappear completely.

Letty took the light and shadow bracelet, randomly selected a set of white pajamas, opened the door and walked out. When she looked up, she saw Yincai sitting on the stairs to the third floor. She was leaning against the wall, talking. Watch the live broadcast on the light screen.

Ye Jiao was sitting at the round table in the hall, wearing headphones and looking at something.

"It's true!"

Leti rubbed her hair. At this time, Ye Jiao and Yin Cai also looked over. Ye Jiao took off her headphones.

"Do you still remember the agreement made the day before yesterday?"

Leti asked, but neither Yincai nor Ye Jiao responded. Leti smiled and sat across from Ye Jiao.

"Actually, I won. Didn't the little girl go back later?"

"You can't win if you look like that."

Ye Jiao answered straightforwardly. The three of them all wanted to stay in the room above for one night, but no one went up without permission. Everyone knew that tonight was the last chance.

"How about this? How about we take turns staying there for a few hours? Tomorrow is our last day here. I'm afraid this place will be closed after tomorrow."

Letty said and walked towards the stairs. For a moment, her eyes met with Yincai's. Before Yincai got up and got out of the way, Letty was already in front of her.

"I don't really want to use the room that others have used, if I can be the first to go up."

Letty frowned slightly, and Ye Jiao's words behind her were a bit harsh, so she laughed.

"I often hear people say that you have severe mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Ye Jiao's expression became unhappy, and Yincai raised one hand and said.

"Sorry, I don't really want to be last in line."

The three of them looked at each other for a while, no one willing to give in to the other, and everyone had a bad impression of the other.


There was a violent noise downstairs, and the three of them immediately got up and ran downstairs.

"Uncle Gene, slow down, you scared me to death. You jumped over with me all of a sudden."

Luo Ziyun blushed and pouted, and stepped down from Jean's arm holding her abdomen. Jean originally told her to go to bed, but Luo Ziyun wanted to come over and see what the three secretaries of the business department had to say about this. There are really many rumors about the three secretaries. It is said that these three secretaries are quite weird.

"Lord Jean!"

The three secretaries on the stairs looked at Jean with a smile in disbelief and shouted in unison.

Gene raised one hand and pressed the mechanism of the floating bridge. At this time, the bridge deck began to rise, the water flow sounded, and the originally quiet fluorescent lake shook violently, and the light on the lake also began to shine. Changes occurred again, the tone began to become cooler, and the light began to become stronger.

"I'm sorry, ladies. I'm here late at night, so I shouldn't have disturbed your rest!"

Gene walked over slowly. At this time, the three secretaries were all staring at the two guys walking on the pontoon, Wu Qun and Xingyuan. The three of them immediately became confused.

"Lord Jean, why are you with that uncle?"

Letty asked first, and Jean said after sitting down.

"There are all kinds of reasons."

Luo Ziyun was still looking at the three secretaries in the business department, feeling a little excited. The three secretaries also knew each other. This little girl was the daughter of the manager, Locke Jiahui.

"As always, there is always a beautiful little girl by my side, Master Jean."

Yincai smiled and sat over.

"Is there any wine?"

Jean asked and Letty scratched her head.

"I'll get it."

After a while, everyone sat down on the sofa in the hall on the first floor, and Luo Ziyun said happily.

"This is the first time I've seen such a strange combination!"

Wu Qun smiled slightly and held a glass of wine.

"Everyone, this period has been really eventful. Soon the three secretaries will start to make proposals. I would like to wish them all the best in their work in advance."

As Wu Qun said that, he drank the wine in his glass, but found that none of the three secretaries opposite him drank. Instead, they looked at him with disgusting eyes. He scratched his head in embarrassment. Jean sat there. Smoking silently on the side.

"It will be extremely difficult for you to wait for the motion to start."

Jean said something, and Letty immediately laughed.

"There's nothing I can do about it, Sir Jean. After all, one of these two guys doesn't like to do things according to the rules, and the other is just like a machine. I..."

"What about you? Isn't it the same? You are paranoid and believe that the law takes precedence."

Yincai interrupted Leti without waiting for her to finish her words. Wu Qun looked around and probably already knew what kind of attitude these three secretaries had towards the Phoebes family.

"Three sisters, if this is the case, why don't we all divide the work and cooperate, do the parts that we are good at, and leave the parts that we are not good at or unwilling to do to others."

Jean smiled and looked at what Luo Ziyun said without thinking. Wu Qun also looked at Luo Ziyun in surprise.

Xingyuan smiled and tugged on Luo Ziyun's clothes from behind. The three secretaries all stared at the 22-year-old girl. None of them could refute the plan she said. The simple words made the three People suddenly felt a little more relaxed.

Gene stood up, walked directly to the middle of the three secretaries with a smile, pushed Letty aside, sat directly next to Ye Jiao, and filled four wine glasses with wine.

"You three ladies, if you are so depressed, you can talk to me. No matter what it is, I will answer you until you are satisfied. After all, I have discussed a lot of things with you three ladies before."

Gene said, looking at Ye Jiao who was still hesitating, put a hand on her shoulder, and brought the wine directly to Ye Jiao's mouth.

"It's better to drink it in one go!"

Wu Qun looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise. A man was sitting among the three most elusive secretaries in the business department. Only Jean could do it.

At this time, Letty grabbed Jean's other hand and directly lifted his sleeve. Only then did others notice that there were blue lines on Jean's arm, which were shining with light.

"You went to Area 79 again, Master Jean."

Yincai noticed it immediately. Although it was weak, the three of them felt that there was still a power on the surface of Jean's body.

Ye Jiao turned her head and glanced at Gene.

"You are too much, Sir Jean, obviously."

Ye Jiao's words came to her lips and she immediately glared at Wu Qun who was opposite him. Wu Qun wisely stood up with the wine glass in hand and made a gesture towards Luo Ziyun.

"Little sister, if you don't feel angry tonight, the second half can begin."

Xingyuan picked up a bottle of wine and took out a wallet from his pocket.

"Let's go, Xiaoyun. Those who lose to this uncle must win back."

Luo Ziyun nodded happily, and the three of them left the sofa and walked directly outside the house.


Ye Jiao drank the wine in the glass in one breath, and Gene nodded with satisfaction and leaned back, resting his head on his hands and smiling contentedly.

Letty pressed her forehead and smiled helplessly.

"If you think about it carefully, it's really a bit too much, Mr. Jean. If you hadn't come here to argue with me every now and then, I wouldn't have embarked on this path of no return."

Yincai nodded in agreement, folded her hands and leaned back, turning her head to stare at Jean. She failed the first business exam. She originally planned to give up, but unexpectedly got a note from Jean. She started preparing seriously for next year's exam, but the result was still the same: she failed again.

"Actually, I hate business people."

Ye Jiao's cheeks were flushed. It had been a long time since she was as relaxed as she was now. It had been many years since she and Jean had been talking like this at night.

"I want to ask you three ladies for a favor."

The three of them looked at Gene in surprise, and Letty immediately started laughing.

"He must be the secretary of your department. I really don't know where you found such a person."

Leti smacked her lips and didn't know how to describe Le Xiao for a while, but Yincai smiled and nodded.

"That little sister is very nice. If there is anything, I will help."

Gene took out a cigarette, lit it and took a leisurely puff. Ye Jiao looked at Gene sideways.

"Where are you planning to go, Mr. Jean?"

"Outside the barrier!"

The three of them looked at Jean in shock again.

"There are some things that I have to solve, and so do you three. This is the purpose of my coming here tonight. I just hope that the three of you can work together to complete the construction of the waste treatment plant."

Ye Jiao's expression softened a lot, and a smile appeared on her lips.

"It's really rare to see you open your mouth, Mr. Jean."

Ye Jiao recalled some things in the past. After she entered the practice department, Jean would come to see her from time to time, take her out shopping, and listen to her complain about some complaints. But tonight, after Jean spoke, Ye Jiao felt a little happy. , an inexplicable sense of joy welled up in my heart.

"You often fool around in the city like this, tricking ignorant young girls like us into working hard for the business department. It's really too much, Mr. Jean!"

Letty said and took a cigarette from Jean's hand. She also had a lot of things she wanted to talk to Jean, but now the other two guys were still there, and she planned to talk to Jean privately later.

"This time I have the same opinion as you. Every time I failed in the exam, I would see Mr. Jean. He would tell me every time that it was just bad luck. I was really naive at the time. It was really not luck. The problem is that I am not suitable for these complex jobs at all.”

Yincai said, taking a sip of wine. Entering the business department was the beginning of hard times. Due to some mistakes and problems throughout the year, his annual score was only on the passing line, and his salary was also lower than that of others. A lot less.

"Those three sisters seem to have a good relationship with Uncle Gene!"

Luo Ziyun saw through the gap in the curtains the four people sitting at the table enjoying themselves. The seriousness in the eyes of the three secretaries could no longer be seen at all.

"Mr. Jean is that kind of person. Little sister, I think it's better for you to listen to your father. The business department is really not a place for people. If I had really entered the business department a few years ago, I would be bald by now. !”

Wu Qun said with a smile, Luo Ziyun smiled and shook her head.

"I don't think so. It's just that we have never understood each other well. If a rubber band is stretched too tight, it will break, but if you know how tough the rubber band is, it will not. My mother often Tell me, there is no need to be too anxious, life is about suffering and happiness!"

"Sorry little sister, you lost again this time."

Wu Qun put down the cards in his hand. Luo Ziyun's eyes almost popped out as she pointed at Wu Qun.

"Uncle, you must have cheated!"

"How could it be? I am an adult, how could I lie to a child!"

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