Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1287 Choose Kindness (Part 1)

The roar of the explosion echoed in his ears. Wang Duoduo stared quietly at a modified man not far away who was fighting Dennis. The helmet on his head had been partially shattered, revealing the white cheeks underneath.

A blue signal flare was fired in the sky, which was a rally order. Most members of the special operations team were moving towards the center of Area 79.

In the dim light of the explosion, Wang Duoduo was still confirming something. His eyes were a little surprised, but there was a touch of sadness on his face. The tall figure in his mind gradually overlapped with the modified person who was still attacking in front of him. .

His body was trembling slightly, and sweat overflowed from both sides of his forehead. Wang Duoduo stood up tremblingly. Although he was not sure, Wang Duoduo did see a corner of his father's cheek in the explosion just now.

In the past 40 years, Wang Duoduo has never forgotten his father. It was due to the longing for his father a long time ago and the fact that his mother would shed tears every time she mentioned his father, so Wang Duoduo would go to the 5th Department to ask questions every once in a while.

"I want to check if there is any news about Wang Li!"

"Didn't you just come here to check a few months ago? No, no, we will inform you if there is any news."

Wang Duoduo was disappointed after returning without success again and again, especially when corruption was serious in the 5th Section. Every time he went to Wang Duoduo, he could only put in a little money, and the receptionist would check.

Gradually, searching for my father's whereabouts no longer meant missing me. After too long, the father in the photo became more and more like a stranger, and I couldn't even remember many things.

The memory of the past became more and more distant and blurred. Wang Duoduo once gave up on searching for his father. However, as time passed, the disappearance of his father often appeared in Wang Duoduo's dreams. This matter was like a knot in his heart, and it was like a knot in his heart. Nightmares have plagued Wang Duoduo all year round.

A person has disappeared for so many years. He was obviously taken away by the administrative department, but there is no answer as to what happened.

Since there is no way to get an answer, I have to find it myself. Once a person has an obsession, he will not stop until he achieves his goal. Wang Duoduo took the exam for the business department when he was in his 30s and finally passed the exam on the 30th. After taking three exams, he was admitted and entered subject 5 as scheduled.

Patrolling the city desperately, he just wanted to climb higher. As long as he climbed up, he could know more things. In such a desperate working state, Wang Duoduo soon became a member of the special management team. team leader.

However, there are many difficulties in going up. It not only requires the ability to solve cases, but also the ability to handle many complicated matters and interact with people, which Wang Duoduo is not good at.

The longer Wang Duoduo stayed in the city, the more he understood that there were many things in this city that he could not know. He never mentioned to others that he wanted to find his father. He just worked hard every day and occasionally inquired.

One day Wang Duoduo was called into the office by Niya, the chief of Section 5 who had just taken office.

"Very good. I work very seriously and work very hard. However, I am not very capable in handling some written documents, including some trivial matters! I will transfer you to Section 7 to work for a while, so you should get used to it soon. There are no trivial and complicated things, especially economic ones. When you come back, you will be qualified to serve as a regional section officer and become a third-class official!"

"Please wait, Lady Niya, I don't want to be transferred!"

Wang Duoduo clearly remembered that he panicked when he heard the transfer order.

"If a person wants to climb up, he will work hard. I transferred you here to effectively improve your shortcomings. Or should I say that you came to this 5th subject with other purposes?"

Wang Duoduo couldn't speak at all. He could only lower his head and remain silent. After using his own authority to read through the cases of five departments over the years, Wang Duoduo still could not find any relevant information about his father Wang Li's case.

"Tell me what exactly you want to do, or what you want to find, and I have heard a little bit about what you are investigating."

In the end, Wang Duoduo told Niya everything, but Niya just kept silent and asked Wang Duoduo to go back first. She originally thought that she would be punished, but she investigated many things in private, which was beyond her authority.

However, what was unexpected was that a few days later, Niya called Wang Duoduo to the office and gave Wang Duoduo a piece of physical paper information from the dusty case in the past, which clearly recorded the crime committed by her father Wang Li, who killed 5 people. Man, the history of the case is already very vague. I only know that it was a street fight, and the final result was deportation.

"Go to Section 3. If you want to find your father, Section 3 holds exercises in the barrier area every year."

This was the advice Niya gave to Wang Duoduo at that time, so Wang Duoduo went to Section 3 without hesitation. After many missions and various selections, Wang Duoduo became a member of the special operations team more than 10 years ago. It is easier to travel between the city and the barrier zone.

However, more than ten years later, Wang Duoduo has still not found any news about his father. He has contacted many armed forces privately, from the four directions of southeast, northwest, and southeast. He also printed photos of his father and distributed them to these armed forces, and promised As long as they are found, they will be given a large amount of food and water, and they will also use their position to send some things to these forces.

However, the matter was still exposed. At that time, Wang Duoduo was called to the office of Tian Hen, the chief of Section 3.

"Give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise you will go to a military court tomorrow and be investigated until the problem is solved! Why give weapons and ammunition to multiple armed forces."

Wang Duoduo did not answer, because he knew very well that Tian Hen, the new section chief of Section 3, was rumored to be a cold-blooded and ruthless guy. He was once a member of the secret operations team in Section 3. When he took office, he relied on his strong strength Shut everyone up.

"Don't you want to defend yourself? It's better to forget it and go back first. People from Section 9 will come to pick you up later."

Wang Duoduo didn't hesitate or have any hesitation. He returned to the dormitory and quietly waited for the people from the 9th Department to come and take him away. He still couldn't find him after all these years. Wang Duoduo didn't like the Business Department very much. This was his first time. It felt like nothing had changed over the years, and in order to continue investigating his father's affairs, Wang Duoduo also participated in many special team operations, which made Wang Duoduo hate the business department even more.

He has spent his whole life doing things he doesn't like. Because of long-term missions in the barrier zone, Wang Duoduo and his lover eventually parted ways. When Wang Duoduo wanted to go see the girl, she Already married.

His mother passed away due to illness last year, and Wang Duoduo had nothing. This was all because of his father. After his mother passed away, Wang Duoduo stopped looking for his father. He wasted his life meaninglessly on such a thing. He just I want to survive until retirement as soon as possible, or even be transferred to another department.

But I don’t know why, Wang Duoduo didn’t leave the special operations team, and gradually got along with his comrades for so many years. Wang Duoduo developed feelings. When he wanted to leave, he saw that his comrades were still fighting.


There was a violent explosion, and Wang Duoduo came to his senses. At this time, a red particle appeared next to him. Dennis, panting, put his hand around Wang Duoduo's neck and pushed him away.

"Let you just be honest with that bastard, do you want to kill me?"

Wang Duoduo's eyes widened. Dennis was exhausted. What they received was an assembly order, not an evacuation order. This was the case for the members of their special force and they must not ignore the order.

The memory resurfaced again. After Wang Duoduo gave supplies to the armed forces in the barrier area, it was revealed that no one from Section 9 came to take him away. Everything remained as usual. After many years, Wang Duoduo mustered up the courage to ask Tianhen.

"Why Section Chief Tianhen, I knew clearly at that time."

"If only I could find your father!"

In his memory, Wang Duoduo only remembered that Tianhen smiled helplessly at that time.

"I don't quite know how my father feels. I lost my parents in a conflict between armed forces when I was very young. I had to take my sister and run away desperately. I don't have a good impression of my parents. , but maybe some things are similar! If you have any doubts that I give you pity because of your misery, it's not like that. It's just that the fierce woman has been nagging in my ears for several hours. I just Sell ​​her a favor, nothing more. Food and water are the minimum allowed. Don’t give her any more weapons and ammunition, and don’t cross the line a second time! Otherwise, I will clean you up next time.”

Wang Duoduo's eyes widened and he was brought back to reality. Explosions continued to sound all around him. Dennis tried his best to block the strong reformer in front of him.

"You go first, I'll be there later."


Dennis received a punch and his neck was pinched by the reformer in front of him, and he was pushed through the wall of a room. The house collapsed instantly, and a faint white light lit up. Wang Duoduo staggered to his feet, holding up a I wanted to stop him, but it was too late.


As a beam of red thunder and lightning flashed across, the light-killing weapon on the modified man's left arm that had been aimed at Dennis' head was kicked away. In an instant, a beam of white light shot into the sky, and a hand flashing with red thunder and lightning pinched it. Transform people's brains.

"Sir Niya!"

Niya chewed a cigarette and looked back.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

With a whoosh, a beam of red lightning passed directly through the head of the modified person in front of him. In an instant, the modified person in front of him began to twitch all over, and soon lost all functions. Niya let go of her hand.

"The weak point is the brain control chip behind the head, but it's a bit difficult for you."

Niya said that Wang Duoduo, who was not far away, kept crawling, his eyes full of expectation but his face was filled with deep sadness, as if he had seen something incredible.

Niya walked over quickly and took off her helmet. Dennis, who was panting, noticed something was wrong with Wang Duoduo. The two had been partners for nearly five years and were good friends who talked about everything, but Wang Duoduo had never treated her He said there were some hidden things, because from time to time Dennis would see Wang Duoduo staring at a photo in a daze, but he never asked. Every time Wang Duoduo looked at the photo, he would always show a sad expression unconsciously.

Niya dragged Wang Duoduo to the body of the reformer. Wang Duoduo excitedly picked at the broken helmet of the reformer with both hands, but his hands were trembling several times and he couldn't use any strength at all. Seeing Wang Duoduo excited With a look of dismay, Niya squatted aside and took off the cyborg's helmet with brute force.

"Do you know someone?"

"found it"

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