"It's already midnight Mr. Jean!"

When Ran Zai looked at the time on his own light screen, there was no news in any news media about the riot that was launched by the rioters and the forces in the barrier area, which was announced by the General Affairs Department a few hours ago.

Locke Jiahui's approach was blocked as usual. Ran Zai thought that Locke's approach was dangerous, but that was all. When those red signal flares were launched, most people had already seen it and there was no way to hide it.

At this time, the neighborhood became noisy, and people continued to evacuate, because everyone saw the martial law situation in Section 3, which was not a small problem.

"You really don't know about this, Mr. Jean!"

Ran Zai asked tentatively, a hint of evil appeared on his face, and his smile looked a little gloomy. Jean still didn't answer, just smoking silently. The command post below was now in a mess, but who There's no way to get in either.

Noah stood in front of Niya, smiled and shook his head. Niya had already called 10 special teams from Section 5. Currently, the identification signal of Section 3 has been implanted with an unknown virus. The situation inside There is no way to know.

"Get out of the way, I want to go in."

"I'm sorry, Chief Niya, if you want to go in, you must get the approval of the six gods."

The six gods signed an order, and everything in it was handled by Section 3, and no one else was allowed to enter.

Niya seemed a little angry. Niya didn't even look at the sealed orange file unlocked by the six gods that was sent to her phone. She didn't want to know what happened in the past and had any connection with the current chaos. She doesn't want to think about complicated problems. If there is a problem, she should solve it first. This is what Niya has always done. No matter how serious the reason behind the problem is, she only needs to solve it with her hands. As long as she is willing to solve it with her hands. , the problem will not be backlogged, nor will it evolve into a big problem.

"Noah, get out of the way! Before I knock you down."

Niya said as she bit the cigarette in her mouth and blew out a puff of thick smoke, her clenched fists flashing with red thunder and lightning.

Noah took a step back, and then smiled helplessly.

"If you want to go in, only Section Chief Niya is allowed to go in. Your sister, Miss Alpha, should take care of everything."

Nia didn't think much and went straight through Noah's side, then directly crossed the front defensive fortress and rushed in.

"As for you, just stay on standby or patrol the surrounding neighborhoods."

Noah looked at a bunch of solemn-looking members of the special management team. The leading special team captains could only helplessly turn around and lead the team members away.

Xima has strictly ordered the members of the three departments outside Area 79 not to allow anyone to enter without permission, and the same applies to people from other departments.

"No matter how hard you suppress the problems inside, there is no way to avoid it, right? Mr. Jean!"

Ran Zai said, Jean did not answer, he just stared quietly at the unusually quiet street in front of him. Behind the illusion in front of him was the flames of war, and when the flames of war spewed out from these illusions, Jean would directly Go fix everything.

"The sporadic trust that was finally established may be burned by tonight's flames. In the past, the gods relied on their strong power to establish hegemony, and the hegemony allowed the city to settle down. The settled city eventually developed to this day, but now Nowadays, hegemony is no longer needed. What is needed is royal power that can win the support of the people. The problems caused by hegemony in the past have always been unable to be suppressed. The last time it was announced that people from the barrier zone were used for medical drug experiments , you should have seen the faces of these kind people, Mr. Jean!"

Gene just smiled faintly and blew out a puff of smoke.

"While enjoying the benefits brought by those inhumane practices in the past, while criticizing the inhumane practices, the guys who breed in the dark places can only absorb the darkness of this city because they cannot get sunlight all year round. The part that eventually grows up, no matter how hard you try to cover it up and clean it, the things that have been imprinted on you in the past cannot be washed away, Mr. Jean!"

Ran Zai stood up as he said that, as if he was planning to go down. Gene held Ran Zai down with one hand.

"Do you really not need my help, Mr. Jean?"

Gene tilted his head, smiled, and shook his head.

"Can you see where every choice and everything you create ends up going?"

Ran Zai shook his head.

"I did know this at the time."

Jean lowered his head slightly, and after a while it seemed as if something was stuck in his heart. Finally, he raised his head and said.

"The plan back then was led by Tang Rao. In the past, mutated people would go berserk due to the increase in the mass of overactive alienated cells in the body, and eventually the body would become unbearable. Once a person is vaccinated with the longevity vaccine, there is a chance that they will become mutants. , and once you become a mutant, at a certain point you will be unable to suppress the alienated cells in your body and go berserk."

Ran Zai nodded and said.

"Indeed, when the special vaccine for mutants was still being developed, I think it was more than 40 years ago, the most cases at that time were probably problems caused by mutants running amok. For some mutants who went berserk, there was no way to stop them. When you wake up, before being swallowed by the alienated cells, the mutant will destroy everything, and the only way is to kill! The reason why you didn't kill Quasimodo back then, I guess it was because he controlled it with his own will It’s because of my own rampage, isn’t it?”

Jean nodded, then looked at Ran Zai.

"I'm only going to say it once. The reason why I don't intend to interfere, including the previous things, is because Tang Rao once had to kill the child she loved with her own hands."

Ran Zai's eyes widened immediately, and he soon seemed to understand. He nodded with a wicked smile.

"That aunt can indeed do it, but this is too cruel for a creature with emotions!"

Gene still clearly remembers that at that time he and the other five guys felt that this approach was a bit too crazy, because they had to put those criminal mutants into the experiment to understand why the alienated cells in the mutants Self-eating occurs.

"Where is the madness? Those criminals who have done nothing for the city, rely on their own powers to make huge profits and commit crimes, causing trouble all day long, their only role is to become guinea pigs, I have decided that I don't care whether you agree or not."

Tang Rao forcefully grabbed Jean, who was standing in front of him, and tore him apart with all his strength.

"If you don't agree, I won't hesitate to fight you Gene!"

"I will go out for a while, and the rest is up to you. Since I can't do it and can't agree with it, I have no choice but to leave because I will feel uneasy here!"

Jean clearly remembered that he chose to leave for a while to help the city find out the habitats of the surrounding alien creatures and the growth patterns of plant-like creatures, including their movement directions. When Jean returned to the city, The experiment was successful. He immediately took the vaccine that stabilized the alienated gene and sent it to the prison to inject Alpha.

When Alpha committed such a serious crime, the alienated cells had already begun to eat themselves. Jean knew very well that if she didn't do something, she would definitely die, so Jean beat Alpha hard and defeated her. All the alienated cells released by Alpha were wiped out without leaving any one behind.

"That is to say, the aunt's little lover went berserk, and in the end she had to kill him and kill him with her own hands. Is that what happened!"

Gene nodded slightly. He tore open the opening of his shirt and stared into the distance quietly against the wind. In his impression, the young man named Gil in the past was somewhat similar to Lin Yuan now. He was a very shy and reserved person. young people.

Gil always followed Tang Rao, no matter where he went. The two would often go on dates and play around the city, even in school. Their close relationship was nothing new among the students of that period. .

It's just that Jill has a bad thing. He is very strong at heart. The beginning of all tragedies may have been caused by the establishment of the Acting Department. In order to establish this huge city management organization, practical ability was the most important, and students all wanted to become leaders of this organization. First.

The only way was to let them join the city management team at that time and work. Gil, like Alpha, was working in the criminal arrest team, the predecessor of the soon-to-be-established 5th Public Security Management Section.

Gil, who is overly serious, competes with Alpha everywhere. He really wants to be an excellent manager and build a dazzling city with his own hands. However, due to his ability, Gil cannot compete with Alpha for 5 The position of Section Chief.

Tang Rao had repeatedly advised Gil to forget it. He was no match for Alpha. After all, Alpha was the student with the best grades in that school at the time. Gil could not compare with him in any aspect.

Gil, who was too eager to respond to Tang Rao's expectations, eventually had an accident. Jean was present at the time and witnessed everything, but he didn't say a word. He just sent Gil's body to Frye Mental Hospital early the next morning. Please Fry bury Jill.

After that, Tang Rao didn't show up for a long time. Jean didn't know where she went. Later, he learned from Li Chu that Tang Rao had tried to commit suicide many times, but the seven of them could not die. After breaking away from the human category, they have become immortal.

This power, like a curse, kept devouring everyone's hearts, and then Quasimodo's rampage broke out.

Jean lit another cigarette and slowly told Ran Zai some past events. Ran Zai's expression was serious at this time. He understood Jean's attitude and stance, but the only thing he didn't quite understand was what happened to Jean. Want to see something.

"That is to say, because of the opportunity of these two incidents, that aunt decided to use the knife on the mutants who committed crimes and use scientific methods to suppress the mutants' rampage."

Gene nodded.

"What do you think that girl will do?"

Ran Zai understood immediately and laughed.

"It's a pity, because she is a single-celled organism. It is difficult to judge and elusive precisely because of its simplicity. I also want to see it."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, then fell down and walked towards the combat headquarters.

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