Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1282 Detachment (Part 2)

"There's nothing!"

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and stood up on Noah's shoulder. He looked at the empty space in front of him and the collapsing houses in the neighborhood. A large amount of smoke and dust was rising, as well as some that had completely lost their functions. Became the reformer of broken pieces.

"It's the same as the last raid you encountered. The enemy used some special space creation technology. Please reach out and look at the beautiful lady."

Alpha stared sideways at the mechanical head next to him and slapped it.

"It's obviously a robot!"

"They are essentially human beings."

Noah's slightly naughty mechanical sound sounded. Alpha hesitated for a moment, feeling something familiar. Alpha reached out his hand doubtfully and pressed it. Sure enough, she felt a firm feeling. She began to stretch out her hands and touch it. There was an invisible line in front of her eyes. Wall, Alpha raised her fist, but Noah immediately stopped her.

"Miss, may I ask you a question?"

"Mr. Robot, you are no longer human."

Alpha said in a slightly teasing manner, and Noah laughed. The Alpha in front of him was still the same as before. As the president, she had unparalleled insight, but at this time there was a hint of anger on Alpha's face.

"My memory is not bad. I saw a lot of lists of people who have been identified on the way here. Do you know anything?"

Noah's head flashed with colored light. After the light gradually weakened, he laughed.

"As you might imagine, the development of mutants is a double-edged sword. Do you still remember the first time you went berserk, beautiful lady!"

Alpha looked at Noah suspiciously.

Alpha slapped Noah on the mechanical head.

"I'm old, don't call me Mr. Robot."

In my memory, when I first awakened my powers, I was unable to suppress my power because of something. It was very dangerous at the time, but fortunately I calmed down in the end and successfully suppressed my violent powers. I needed to rely on It was necessary for every mutant in the past to have strong restraint to contain supernatural powers.

At this time, Noah raised his broad hand. With a crunching sound, a small hole opened in the palm of his hand, and a human-sized mechanical hand stretched out, holding a needle-like edge. In the middle is a black circuit chip. The chip emits a faint blue light. Alpha took it in his hand and felt a weak current flowing through it.

"Brain control chip!"

"Indeed, pretty lady, the reason why this kind of thing was developed was not for strategy at the beginning, but to restrain the mutants from going berserk. However, this chip was not stable enough at the time and would destroy the mutants. cranial nerves, leading to paralysis or death, but this A808TI chip is perfect."

Alpha became more and more confused. She didn't know why this guy told her these things, but she didn't delve into it.

"Nowadays, this kind of brain control chip also has a function, which is to control some machinery, such as individual combat aircraft. Have you seen those members of the special forces? They have such chips implanted under the cortex of the back of their brains. This The chip can recognize signals from the brain, allowing some machines to be as sensitive as their own hands and feet, for ease of use, and is absolutely safe and convenient."

Alpha nodded.

"The price is to sacrifice those guys below!"

Noah laughed.

"This is not a price. Most of the guys below are criminals, many of them serious criminals. As the former chief of Section 5, do you think it is necessary to show mercy to these criminals?"

Alpha did not answer. The matter was already clear. A large number of mutant criminals who had been arrested by Section 5 were sent to the base under Black Mountain to conduct research on the control of superpower vaccines and such chips.

"Although the bodies of mutants are extremely strong and their endurance is stronger than that of ordinary people, they still have no way to withstand the cruel research. In order to solve this problem, the research at that time could only turn part of their bodies into machines. The combination of flesh and machinery can greatly improve their physical functions, and it was under this premise that biochemical machinery transformed humans."

Alpha frowned slightly, and Noah raised a hand.

"Let's wrap up the war. What do you think, Miss Alpha?"

Alpha's eyes widened. She had already raised her head. The moment the robot next to her raised her hand, a huge, radiating object appeared in the sky.

At this time, some reformers continued to come out of the ground, and the war began again. It did not end just because God had released powerful power and destroyed most of the reformers.

There was a buzzing sound, and Alpha looked at it blankly. A large number of light blue luminous silk scarves appeared in the sky. She looked at the blue silk scarves getting closer and closer in disbelief. In an instant, Alpha saw everyone holding up their hands. The cone-long thing with pitch-black knight armor covering its entire body fell gently.

The cloak that exuded light blue light like a silk scarf floated gently on the back of the black armored knight, and more and more black armored knights fell from the sky.

"It will be over soon."

Noah's voice became unusually cold.

"Obviously there are no subjects 3 yet"

"Unfortunately, this is not an instruction from Section 3, but from God!"

Located in the Section Chief's Office of the General Affairs Section, except for Section 2 Chief Mo Xiaolan, Section 3 Chief Tian Hen, Section 5 Chief Niya, Section 10 Chief Noah, and Section 13 Chief Gene, All the section chiefs are there.

Deguna sat quietly in the seat of Section 13, clasping her hands and scanning all the section chiefs solemnly. Michelle was standing next to Locke, her face looked particularly solemn, different from her usual coldness. , the expression has undergone extremely obvious changes.

It was just 12:50, and the war had lasted for almost an hour. Cyborgs from the underground were still pouring out, and Section 10 had already dispatched the mechanical black knight.

Just 20 minutes ago, Deguna directly unlocked a sealed document and sent it to all section chiefs.

Locke wiped the sweat from his forehead from time to time. Although he had been vaguely aware of something a long time ago, he had never delved into it.

Originally Locke had asked Michelle to leave, but Deguna asked Michelle to stay and said it was okay. The section chiefs present all understood what the purple god on duty in front of them meant.

"Are you going to ask me to abdicate? Lady Deguna."

Locke's speech broke the silence, and everyone's eyes drifted towards Locke and Michelle.

"Little Fatty, your time has passed. It's better for you to move to the rear now. The city needs a manager who is a role model!"

Michelle's heart trembled and she immediately bowed.

"Lord Deguna, my ability is not enough yet, so..."

"You handled the problem with the Phoebus family very well this time, including the secret consultation method with Wu Qun, and the arrangements for the three secretaries were also very appropriate. It was not a question of ability. Since you are all here, I know it. Having said that, please cultivate the successors in your own department. Once mankind starts the next era, we still have many things that need your contribution, and the management of the city is also an important part."

Many section chiefs looked particularly solemn, and Deguna raised a finger.

"For everything you have done for the city over the years, on behalf of the seven of us, I would like to express my sincere respect to you!"

Deguna stood up, put her right hand in front of her, and bowed to everyone.

King Xue seemed to understand something for a moment and nodded.

At this time Huashen stood up, smiled and bowed to Deguna.

"Is it a war?"

Deguna did not avoid it, but nodded.

"The negotiations with Tianji Space over the years have basically been at a standstill. They will probably not tell us the real situation. If I were their leader, what would I do in the face of this dying planet? Be friendly Do you want to be friendly with the people who are surviving on this planet and are reaching out for help? Or do you use all means to seize what is available in this broken place?"

No one questions Deguna's words. It is unknown what the sky space orbiting in low-Earth orbit looks like.

"The temperature of the earth's mantle has dropped by 108 degrees since we started measuring it more than 100 years ago. Currently, under the monitoring of equipment from the 10th Department, the temperature of the mantle has dropped from the original range of 1100 to 1300 degrees to the range of 700 to 1000 degrees. , the temperature dropped by nearly 300 degrees, you should know what this means!"

All the section chiefs present understood that everyone was speechless at this time, but everyone knew that because the earth is shrouded in unknown substances all year round, it is difficult to receive light and heat, so the surface temperature is very low. The temperature outside the barrier is below zero all year round, and the planet is dying.

"I'm just saying, it wasn't this cold at night before, but now it's really freezing to death."

Huashen said with a smile. He wanted to ease the tense atmosphere, but no one's face was relaxed at this time.

"These things have to be settled in the end. Even if the planet dies, it will take many years. It is impossible in a short time. We should have at least a century of preparation time."

Locke stood up and stared at Deguna seriously. He squinted at Michelle behind him.

"I'm sorry, Michelle, you may not be able to sit in the supervisor's seat in a short time."

Just as Michelle was about to speak, Locke slapped her on the table.

"Can everything be solved by blocking everything? Lord Deguna."

Deguna shook her head.

"Tonight I let everyone read this past document, not because I want you to solve any problem, but because I want to tell you that there will no longer be mutants running rampant and causing chaos in the city. This is because of the restrictions on mutants many years ago. This is all I want to tell you, and you will know these facts sooner or later."

Deguna said, pointing to the light and shadow screen not far away. At this time, knights wearing pitch black armor and blue capes descended from the sky on the screen.

"Although I don't know who these rioters are, I'm sure they have good technology. Please keep what happened tonight in mind. At the same time, I want to warn you that you are the managers of the city. By!"

King Xue stood up and bowed, nodded and said with a smile.

"First of all, we need to make it clear that the mutated people on this list who were sent to the research base for body research are all criminals, and they have caused a certain degree of damage to society, and finally showed their due value. , Everyone, we just need to know this, as managers, we don’t need to discuss those meaningless things!”

Huashen stared at King Xue with a solemn expression. He suppressed the impulse in his heart and gave up on telling everyone about what he had discovered.

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