Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1261 Fierce fight! Trapped Three People 3 (Part 2)

"It seems that the action is still very fast, it has been nearly 20 minutes."

On a light and shadow screen, a guy wearing a mask said. Lolita quietly stared at the battle on the screen. All S-class cyborgs were under the control of the cadres. Nearly 20 years have passed. minute.

At this time, the cadres no longer planned to get close, but fired beams from the periphery from time to time to target the two people in Quasimodo's arms. This approach was very effective and could effectively consume them from a long distance. After spending 23 people, After transforming the S model, all the cadres probably figured out the attack range of Quasimodo's telekinesis power.

In this matrix source space where energy is transmitted and transformed, it is impossible for Quasimodo to escape. No matter how much force he uses, the energy that hits the space wall will be absorbed and then transformed, and the kinetic energy can be frozen. space.

Quasimodo's telekinetic attack range is about 30 meters. As long as he doesn't get close, there is no danger. At this time, Quasimodo is standing in the middle, staring nervously at the floating cyborgs around him, the ground There were 23 corpses on board, but the number of cyborgs in the air remained unchanged, still more than 40.

"Don't touch Quasimodo, and don't move if they don't attack."

Leng Rui trembled and reminded, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. The violent movement just now caused internal bleeding in his cut body. The situation was very critical, but Leng Rui was still trying to write virus messages. I want to squeeze out this space.

But it has failed hundreds of times, and the transmission of information in this space is extremely slow. There is a very high delay phenomenon, which has reached more than 80,000 delays. If a signal wants to be transmitted to the periphery, it takes at least half a year. Hours of time, but most of the peripheral opponents had set up some device that could swallow up the signal. Leng Rui looked at his many source signals that had completely failed. This was the most obvious sign that the transmitted signal had disappeared.

Leng Rui is still trying to figure out a way to send the quantum signal from the mobile phone. The minimum byte transmission requires at least three pieces of information.

A new round of attacks began again. Just when Quasimodo was about to move, the ground under his feet suddenly began to move like waves. Quasimodo made a move under his feet, and instantly beams of white light were directed toward him. He came.

The black particles surged crazily and gathered in front of Quasimodo. With several bursts of banging sounds, the beam of light passed through Quasimodo's body, and his back and shoulders immediately became scorched black with the sound of zipping. A burning smell spread out, and the gas that appeared immediately condensed and turned into dust after falling to the ground like an ice sculpture, which was absorbed by the fluctuating ground.

Quasimodo's body was still flying in the air, and there were buzzing sounds. After each of the transformed people saw the opportunity, the white halo around their bodies began to glow red and expand, and they accelerated towards Quasimodo. .

Beams of light continued to be fired from the light-killing weapons on the arms of these modified humans. Suddenly Quasimodo flipped backwards, dodging some of the light beams, and pressed his right hand on the ground.


With a loud noise, the black particles exploded the moment they spread out. The three modified humans approaching Quasimodo were instantly affected by the explosion, and the flesh, flesh and machinery all over their bodies were torn and dented.

With a loud bang, Quasimodo quickly flipped backwards in the air and accurately landed on a modified human body, directly pressing it to the ground with a loud sound and splashing. of liquid, Quasimodo's eyes widened.

However, at this moment, the wavy ground under Quasimodo's feet became flat again, and the rapidly moving black particles began to slow down. Taking this opportunity, the transformed people who were about to impact dispersed, Cassie Modo didn't move, just stared quietly at the mutants scattered around.

Lolita looked at the numerical values ​​on one side in disbelief. If the explosion just now was not in such a space, it would probably have triggered a large-scale shock wave. The maximum impact force of the explosion just now had reached more than 10,000 tons. She was killed in the explosion. The three transformed humans involved were instantly distorted by the explosion, as if they had been squeezed.

Lolita is becoming more and more interested in Quasimodo. She knows very well that this guy has deliberately restrained his power, otherwise the two guys in his arms will die. At this time, Leng Rui closed his eyes in unspeakable pain. Eyes closed, a small piece of one foot was affected by the explosion just now, a piece of bone and flesh on the calf was cut off, and beads of blood were falling continuously.

Quasimodo's various body values ​​are constantly changing and displayed on the panel. The source of this matrix was developed to deal with the chief and secretary of the executive department, as well as some powerful mutants. The development is not over yet, and it will eventually be needed The effect achieved is to be able to block God with such a space.

Lolita has known for a long time that the same goes for Frye. It is very difficult to surpass the gods and section chiefs in terms of combat power. Even some S-men wearing high-tech combat equipment specially trained by the Acting Section. The super mutant group has no chance of winning against these forces.

In the face of overly powerful forces, trying to suppress them with stronger force is basically a drop in the bucket, so the safest way is to suppress these forces. The source of this matrix has such power, this 1 cubic kilometer The space is the source of the latest generation of matrix. You can also take this opportunity to conduct experiments tonight. Quasimodo inside still looks alive and well, but it is only a matter of time. In this underground base with photon nuclear power generation, Charging this matrix source space is not a problem at all.

The telekinesis blast that Quasimodo just used is actually an out-of-control phenomenon for mutants. If a large number of alienated cells are released, this kind of phenomenon will occur. Because it is uncontrollable, the alienated cells will collide with each other. , and then the explosion phenomenon occurred, but it was the first time that Lolita saw it being used for combat. Now the cadres are very interested and continue to try.

"The price is worth it."

Lolita's eyes shone with excitement.

At this time, X, who was commanding the new AI humans from the periphery, was still looking at the sky. He didn't know what was going on inside. The only thing he knew clearly was that there would be big problems if he continued to delay.

The straight-line distance from here to the northern guard station is less than 50 kilometers. If anything goes wrong, X plans to have the AI ​​evacuate directly. After all, this is a new human being that he has built with great difficulty and can be integrated into human society. Some upper-class elites in human society have set strategic policies a long time ago. If they want to destroy the existing system, it is extremely correct to start from the economic aspect.

In any society and era, as long as there are big economic problems, chaos will begin, and when these chaos cannot be dealt with, war will break out.

X just wants to make the whole city miserable. It is entirely possible to cooperate with the Sky International Space Nation and take over the whole city in one fell swoop. Those guys in the sky should also be very happy. Over the years, Some structural diagrams and a lot of scientific and technological information were disclosed to Tianji Space Nation.

At this time, in the northern alert station located on the top of the northern mountain, in a monitoring room, many people from Section 3 were drinking. Everything on the instrument looked normal.

A man with sharp eyes sat in the corner, with his Level 3 officer's hat placed next to him. The man seemed a little angry because the team in front of him would ridicule him from time to time, and there was also a director officer present.

"It's great that you don't have to do anything. You only need to complete your exercises every day and then you can have fun leisurely."

A team leader said, and several team members next to him looked at the man in the corner.

"Okay, please stop talking a few words. You will go back to sleep when the shift changes at 12 o'clock. We have to train early tomorrow morning. Especially the newcomers, you must pay attention to telling them several times what they need to pay attention to in the barrier area."

The man in the corner is a member of the S-class mutant team Falcon. They have the level of level 3 officials and enjoy the treatment of level 4 officials. They basically do not need to do any heavy work every day. There are a total of 6 in the 3 departments. There are only S-class mutant teams, each with 30 people, including elite S-class mutants. Except for some important tasks, they are really free on weekdays. They only need to complete daily exercises, and many tasks are confidential. They also Can't tell.

The last time this team member participated in the interception of an aerial helicopter, Section 3 did not report this matter, but chose to keep it secret. As members of the special operations team, they have extremely strict confidentiality obligations. In order to eliminate the secrets within the Section There are some voices of dissatisfaction. Now they can only go to some monitoring stations to assist in the work every day when they have nothing to do.

"Have you said enough?"

The team member finally couldn't hold it any longer and stood up, staring at the dozen or so people drinking in front of him. The director stood up and walked over.

"Will you die if you don't say a few words?"

There are also a lot of rumors about the Liuyu of their military department in the department. The reason why they have such a bad reputation is because they are rumored to be doing shameful things, and there are even rumors that they massacre ordinary people, so many members of the department have such bad opinions. They are resistant, and another reason is that they sometimes can't bear verbal sarcasm and fight with others.

"Okay, Wang Duoduo, don't say anything. There is still a little more than an hour. You can go back and rest later."

The S-class mutant named Wang Duoduo sat down and drank alone. However, at this moment, his mobile phone rang. Wang Duoduo hurriedly took out his mobile phone. In an instant, his eyes widened. The screen of his mobile phone A string of SSS8 command codes were flashed across the screen, and Wang Duoduo immediately put down the wine glass in his hand, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Where to?"

The director asked, Wang Duoduo said.

"Command code for level three S!"

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