Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1259 Fierce fight! Trapped Three People 2 (Part 2)

1 hour ago

There are twists and turns underground, intricate tunnels, and a smell of dust in the air. These interconnected tunnels have no signage at all, and you have no idea where they lead.

After mineral deposits were discovered here, a large number of companies moved in. After obtaining the mining permit from Congress, they began mining day and night. This peripheral area near Montenegro used to be very lively.

But after Congress ordered a ban on mining, it began to fall. Because many businessmen did not mine according to the regulations, but secretly dug tunnels privately, including false reporting of output, environmental pollution and other problems, so production here was suspended. In addition, A large number of Mimic Xs were put into the market, and the originally valuable mineral deposits instantly turned into garbage.

Thanks to the greedy businessmen of those days, many places underground here are like a maze. In the past, the business department had repeatedly banned going into underground tunnels, but there were still many people who wanted to go underground to find some minerals in exchange for money. As well as some guys who went down with curiosity, many died inside.

Gradually, this northwest peripheral area near Montenegro gradually became deserted. Frye chose this place at a glance and led his people to spend 20 years to establish the first underground research base here.

After the base was established, Jielin would go back and forth between Area 1 and here every day, using a short period of time to help Fry with personnel training and some genetic research.

Jielin's eyes were filled with white particles, and there was already a dead end in front of her. Jielin pressed her hand on the wall. At this time, the uneven stone wall began to turn into mud and dissolved little by little, revealing a faint red color. Jie Lin walked to the thick metal door in front of her. As beams of red light swept across, the door in front of her slowly opened to both sides.

A long and narrow passage appeared. After Jaylin walked in, the door closed behind her.


The mud began to gather again, gradually returning to the appearance of the stone wall, and the tunnel fell into darkness again.

There was a slightly pungent smell in the air. Jie Lin covered her nose, and there was a rotten smell in it.


The light lit up in the darkness, one after another, and the lights continued to extend into the distance. In a huge warehouse, there were columnar storage tanks, and the tanks were filled with There are a large number of cyborgs who are completely asleep. Most of them are already dead. They are controlled by the implanted brain-control chip Type IX. Special gases are used in the jars to ensure that the flesh will not rot and can be completely Inhibit cell activity.

This long hall has no end at all. There are 300 S-class cyborgs stored in it. Others are from A to B. There are more than 3,000 in total. Among them, S-class cyborgs They are all made from S-class mutants.

Only S-class mutants can withstand the high-intensity transformation. Jie Lin came to the door and brought up a light and shadow panel. The panel continued to extend, and black frames arranged in this way appeared on the screen. There are numbers of these semi-mechanical transformations on it, and the dense numbers are dissatisfied with the ever-expanding light and shadow screen next to the door.

The electricity here is maintained by photonuclear batteries. The photonuclear batteries produced through photon fission technology are like a high-energy bomb. If you are not careful, the place will be shattered in an instant.

Jie Lin began to enter the unlock code at the bottom of the light and shadow screen. It was a string of very long numeric characters and many unknown graphics and letters. Jie Lin entered it very carefully. Only Fry and her knew the unlock code.

Jie Lin is still waiting for Lolita to make a formal decision. Some cadres have begun to suspect. Now there is no way to hide the matter. She must inform some cadres who don't know about the dean's absence in the city. After all, it is such a big city. Things, if we give up the capture, the base here will be finished. The only way to move these things to the barrier area is to guard against subsequent pursuit by the acting department.

If you want to continue to save this base, you can only capture the mutant named Quasimodo at a huge cost.

This was a dilemma. Jie Lin thought about what she would do if the dean gave her the power to decide everything.

"Sure enough, I can't make a decision. No matter what I do, all the hard work we have spent on it will be in vain."

Jie Lin quietly looked at the cyborgs here. Many of their bodies were mutilated. Most of them were brought here after death, and some were experimental products of the company.

More than 30 years ago, Section 10 authorized this relatively mature human body modification project to a company. As a result, an accident occurred, allowing them to take advantage and successfully obtain this mature human body modification technology.

No one knew at the beginning that this technology was authorized by Section 10. When the person in charge of the company was about to be secretly dealt with, Fry saved the life of the person in charge, allowing him to fake his death in advance and successfully deceive the acting department. After the investigation, the person in charge told everything, Jielin felt shocked.

The reason why she devoted herself to Dean Frye was due to her past hatred and aversion to everything around her. Jie Lin knew exactly what she was doing, and she gradually became a person who would do anything to achieve her goals. What she saw in front of her was These reformed people also have people who accepted the reform while they were still alive.

Jie Lin still clearly remembers everyone's expressions when they underwent their own transformation surgery.

"Isn't it true that people are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal?"

Jie Lin smiled self-deprecatingly and raised her head.

"For the bright future of Brilliant City, maybe!"

Lolita looked at all the cadres on the screen quietly. Many of them were angry at this time. She had just told everyone the reason why Fry couldn't come over, and how Fry had tried to save Bei. Ji, was injured by Quasimodo and could only temporarily go to the barrier area.

"Lolita, why didn't you tell me earlier? Has the dean's clone been dealt with?"

Lolita nodded.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. It is not impossible to use the source of the matrix to capture that guy. If the violent alienated cells that have been controlled in that guy's body can be used for mass production of soldiers, our plan can also be advanced. Finish."

Someone immediately suggested it. Lolita was still hesitating. She took a deep breath, because from the bottom of her heart, she did not want Frye's plan to be affected in the slightest. She could never live up to Frye's expectations.

In the human experiment plan of cloning the future, Lolita underwent the experiment of cloning herself again and again. After the experiment at this stage was successful, she began to save the successful clone and clone another self for the next stage of the experiment. Success from first to last.

Just one night, some thoughts came into Lolita's head, and she regretted it. It was at that time that Frye saved herself. The young Frye, who had a sense of justice, joined the clone newly. After coming up with future plans, I made a decision.

The practice of sacrificing a few people to achieve the majority is putting the cart before the horse. The victims are not only Lolita, but also a large number of criminals.

Although Lolita would see her teacher Werther carrying out this research with a painful expression every day. He could have terminated it, but Werther did not. Lolita knew very well that it was the will of her own body, Lolita. While leading this research, she almost madly wanted to be a pioneer, the so-called glory of leading the future of mankind. She did it, but in the end, nothing was left. The pain and sadness of the past were all buried in the darkness.

No one will explore the root cause because everyone feels that they are on the right track and the future is bright, but at the moment Lolita and Frye realize what the gods are planning to do, they want to learn from the gods. The confidence to take back the future of mankind is even stronger.

In the light and shadow screens, the cadres were already quarreling. Some people felt that they should evacuate immediately and take away everything underground. Even if their position would be exposed, as long as they acted quickly enough, the losses they would suffer could be reduced to Minimal, but it was proposed to capture Quasimodo for study.

Others suggested getting in touch with the dean. After all, this was a major decision related to the future of the creators.

"Well, I think we all should listen to Lolita's opinion. After all, it makes sense for the dean to leave everything to Lolita. If we continue to argue, there will be no results."

As the orator spoke, the arguments gradually subsided. Lolita stared at everyone quietly. Everyone gathered here held the belief that they must die, in order to completely overthrow the divine power and give up everything that belongs to humans. Take it back instead of being like a guinea pig and letting the gods decide people's future.

"Everyone, what exactly did you see?"

Lolita stared at everyone blankly, and everyone was silent.

"The winner survives, the loser is speechless. What I see is suffering!"

Lolita pressed her chest with one hand, her eyes becoming extremely sharp.

"A city built by the gods is a city full of suffering. All people need to bear this suffering. They don't even know where the source of this suffering is. Human beings don't need that long to survive. To get things back on track, that's what we need to do, capture that guy and make him the cornerstone of our program."

Lolita made a decision. She seemed to have collapsed, and sat on the ground with her head raised, holding a small black ball with one hand.

"Start the capture operation, Jaylin!"

Lolita said, and Jaylin's laughter immediately came from the ball.

"This should have been done from the beginning. No matter how strong that guy is, the two people behind him will definitely become his weakness."

Jie Lin stood up and excitedly raised one hand and began to adjust the black frames one by one, running her fingers across the row of black frames.


Didi didi

A touch of cold air overflowed from the cylindrical storage tanks. At this time, some of the tubes connected to the bodies of the huge and muscular cyborgs were detached. Along with a burst of violent breathing, one of them had a lot of blood all over his body. The hole, the skin and flesh had turned black, the bones were yellow, and the Cyborg Cyborg No. S011, wearing baggy pants and bare feet, came out of the jar.

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