Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 127 Caterpillars (Part 2)

5 o'clock

The door to the room was opened, Le Xiao stopped practicing, her head was a little tired, and she looked at Michelle with evasive eyes.

"It's time to start."

After Michelle sat down, she stared at Le Xiao with her hands on her chin. Le Xiao stood in front of Michelle, her body tense and her throat choked. The speech was not long, only about 10 minutes, and Le Xiao also memorized it. After finishing it, I was still a little unfamiliar, but the content of the manuscript unexpectedly fit my own thoughts.

"Relax, you still have an hour to practice, and the inauguration ceremony officially starts at 6 o'clock."

Le Xiao hummed, took a deep breath, relaxed a little, looked at Michelle and started to speak.

"First of all, I would like to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend my inauguration ceremony (bow). I am honored to be the secretary of Section 13. I will do my best to work for Bright City from now on (make fist) . As you know, our 13 departments have always been the miscellaneous affairs department. We are responsible for the complicated things left by each department. We are committed to helping the 12 administrative departments solve problems and make the whole city better. This has always been our mission. Course of action (press the table). Whether it is fighting crime or urban construction, we are running under the sun every day. This is our responsibility and unshirkable (eyes firm). Everything in the past of mankind has long ceased to exist, and in countless generations of ancestors The splendid city was born with the efforts of the people, and prospered with the efforts of every citizen. Here, I would like to express my highest respect to the ancestors, citizens, and everyone who lives under the sun and works hard ( Bow deeply)! Nowadays, the average life span is 150 years old. After passing the 20-year-old adolescence, you can have nearly 100 years of young adulthood. Time is a precious and rare wealth (arbitrary action). I am very lucky. , possessing this precious wealth (close your eyes and feel sincerely grateful), we are born as human beings. Although our birth has determined the fate of many people in the next 20 or even 50 years, what do we have? (Strong questioning tone, raise the volume Full of passion)? It is the right to choose (slaps the table). Since we cannot choose to be born (raises hands and clenches fists), then there is only one path we can choose, to fight for a better life in the next second (waving hands), even if we fail once, After failing twice, we still have time, the right to continue to choose, the feet that can walk, and the hands that can hold and place (press the table). Excellence is never something we are born with as human beings ( Relax), but polish yourself again and again and work hard to become excellent (see left)! Please take a look at these beautiful butterflies in the insect museum. They were born as ugly caterpillars. They transform into butterflies, flutter their wings, and have a brilliance that only belongs to them (laughing easily). Of course, there is also a kind of pupa. They will turn into moths and only long for the light of fire. So (make a fist with your right hand and raise it high), we What you want to become is a beautiful butterfly after turning into a cocoon, not an ugly moth. Once again, I would like to thank you all with the highest respect (bow). No matter how you were born, please take a good look at how much you have every day. People are working hard and struggling for beauty! Finally, with my most sincere condolences, I mourn for the citizens who lost everything in the tragedy a few days ago (put your hand on your chest, close your eyes and observe silence for 1 minute). I also represent The 13 administrative departments promise all citizens under the sun that our administrative departments will redouble our efforts to create a better life for Bright City, thank you (deep bow)!"

Le Xiao gasped and looked at Michelle. Her forehead was already covered with sweat. Michelle stood up and clapped her hands. Le Xiao was shocked.

"Your Excellency Secretary-General, did you write this?"

Michelle stood up and walked to the door, nodding slightly.

"Continue to take a good look and keep every detail in mind. Please remember that when you step on the podium, you represent the 221,458 people in our General Affairs Department and 13 administrative departments. Absolutely No oversight is allowed.”

The moment Michelle walked out, she immediately looked around and closed the door. The smell of smoke floated in the corridor, and she wrinkled her nose slightly.

"Master Jean, Master Niya, please don't smoke in front of my office."

"How about your first day!"

Gene tilted his head and said with a smile.

"The attitude is pretty good."

Michelle said, bowed and walked quickly, Niya next to her smiled.

"I want to remind you, Gene, you were the one who pushed the child up inside. Do you understand what I said?"

Jean groaned and looked towards the general management office of the General Affairs Section not far away, and the two of them walked over.

Michelle looked at Jean and Niya quietly at the corner as they entered the General Affairs Section Manager's Office. Their expressions were somewhat similar.

In Michelle's impression, although Niya has a good family background, a major event happened when she was in her teens that embarrassed the Angus family. From then on, the Angus family's second daughter Became a degenerate in the eyes of everyone.

What impressed me the most was that when Michelle was a child, her father often used Nia, the second daughter of the Angus family, as a bad role model to educate him. She drank and got into fights. Although these were trivial things, they were enough to make the entire Angus family a good example. The Si family was once again humiliated.

Michelle, who has always followed an elite education, met Niya at a banquet. But for some reason, Niya began to restrain herself, and often followed a handsome man to and from various places. Then Michelle Only then did I find out that the man's name was Gene, and he was the section chief of Section 13.

When Michelle finally got out of the board of directors and was transferred to the 5th Section as the first secretary, Niya unexpectedly became the section chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section. At that time, Michelle felt a little bit inside. Jealousy, although Niya is more than ten years older than her, from the bottom of her heart, she doesn't really approve of this woman, maybe because she has heard all kinds of bad rumors about Niya from the Angus family in her family for many years.

"Time is really a good thing."

Jean's words came to mind again. Michelle took off her glasses. She had not slept since 4 o'clock in the morning. She was a little tired, so she took off her hair tie and sat on a chair.

In the past 20 years, Niya has done better than any other section chief in the position of chief of Section 5, surpassing the former pride of the Angus family, Alpha Angus.

"I always believe in your choice, Lord Jean. It's just that the pupa you found is not like the others. The same is true for Section Chief Tianhen. You picked it up from the barrier area."

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