9 pm

Ronnie was sitting quietly in the lobby of Hotel No. 1, discussing the relocation with several hotel managers.

Guests coming in and out of the hotel would look here from time to time. Ronnie looked very sad. He saw that the number of tourists entering the manor today had exceeded 100,000.

Consumption figures are still rising. This is a number of tourists that has never been reached by Phoebes Resort Hotel. The previous maximum number of tourists was more than 60,000.

Nowadays, the entire manor is crowded with people, and various events and parties are being held everywhere. In particular, the Magic Beast Pavilion accommodates nearly 10,000 people. Today, the hotel's turnover has also begun to skyrocket, and the current turnover has exceeded 80 million. To this end, Ronny and five temporary staff dispatch companies urgently deployed 2,000 people this afternoon, including waiters, bartenders, waiters, cleaners, etc.

There are 11 hotel managers left, and 9 other hotel managers have been arrested, including various other employees. In total, more than 400 people have been arrested by the administrative department.

At this time, everyone is quietly watching the list of items. Tonight is the last dinner. Starting tomorrow morning, the hotel will be closed. Everyone knows that this is the last glorious moment of the Phoebus family.

"Master, although it is at this time, this is my resignation letter and some employees'."

The manager of the hotel on the 18th took out his mobile phone and brought up the light and shadow screen. There were 39 resignation letters on it.

Ronnie raised his head. At this time, many hotel managers submitted their resignation letters. Most of the hotel managers here had been working for more than 10 years. There were a total of 459 resignation letters, accounting for 459 of the Phoebes employees. one third.

Ronnie didn't say anything, just nodded seriously, accepted the resignation letters, and sent them to his grandfather Locke. This morning Ronnie received a call from his father. Almost all the employees in his father's company resigned, and he The same goes for my second uncle and third aunt. Employees of the company under me resigned in large numbers.

Locke has given full authority to establish the underlying automobile company to himself and his three brothers and sisters. Before receiving a large number of employee resignations, Ronnie thought about discussing it with everyone, but now it is different. No one If you are willing to move from the top to the bottom, the number of resignations will only increase. Even some old employees who have worked together since the grandfather was the head of the family are the same and have resigned one after another.

Everyone was silent, and Ronnie stood up.

"I hope everyone can work hard tonight. After all, it is the last night."

The hotel managers nodded and dispersed, and the expressions of those who had not yet resigned clearly showed that before, it was because they did not know how to resign, but now that they saw some people resigning, they seemed to have made up their minds.

Locke sat quietly in the office, looking at the resignation letters one after another, and then directly signed his name, allowing them to resign.

Various noisy sounds came in from the window, and Locke always had a smile on his lips. In the high-level meeting of the Phoebes family company held briefly this afternoon, Locke said nothing. Almost all of his three children's companies The top brass resigned.

Locke is still waiting, and Field has sent people to urge him several times, hoping that he can go to the Fantasy Beast Pavilion to attend the banquet.

With a gentle breeze, Locke stood up. He smelled a faint smell of smoke, accompanied by a few light blue particles. Gene jumped in from the window, followed closely by Ran Zai.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Gene smiled and blew out a puff of smoke. Locke nodded, stood up and bowed.

"Come on, Mr. Jean, let's go to the banquet."

Gene nodded and looked at Locke, who looked slightly bitter.

"You'll be able to rest soon."

Locke hummed and followed Gene out of the room. Ran Zai sat directly on the sofa. He was already very tired and planned to rest. Looking at the resignation letter that had been processed on the table, Ran Zai laughed.

"It's going to be a tough start."

A large number of core employees of the Phoebus family have resigned. I am afraid this is not because they are willing, but because they are aware of Zhang Yang's incident and external persuasion. After all, no one wants to live a hard life. This seems to be able to make Phoebus The family's plan to revive the family is actually full of dangers.

Wu Qun laughed loudly, holding a glass of wine, chatting and laughing with several businessmen, and successfully followed Jewell into the banquet. He was now in the hall on the third floor, waiting for Field to come to him, but Field didn't seem to have such an intention. He had seen Field enter the banquet venue on the third floor several times, but never came over once or even glanced here. The same was true for the MPs from the industrial faction.

Wu Qun was not in a hurry, because the main event was yet to come and Locke had not come yet.

"What exactly should Lao Wu do?"

Several businessmen in front of her were invited, and McCullin was among them. She looked around with sinister eyes. The Phoebus family owned a candy company on the upper floor. In the past, their company was quite obedient. , but now it is different.

As members of the food faction, what Wu Qun and his group are most worried about is that the guys from the industrial faction have begun to use knives on food. Now the business department hates the liquid food company owned by Chen Qiao's family because Chen Qiao's liquid food market The share is always above 50%. Xingke has taken some measures many times in the hope that Chen Qiao's family will take the initiative to hand over 20% of the liquid food market. However, in front of the huge food association, Xingke's actions are in vain.

"Wu Qun, why don't you go talk to Field in person?"

McCullin said, Wu Qun smiled and shook his head.

What the food faction guys are most afraid of now is the industrial faction guys entering the food market. This will be a heavy blow to them, but many people feel that they will not rashly start a war. However, the Xingke Branch is a pry Stick doesn't want them to live in peace.

"If I go back to talk to him, it will be very shameless. I'll just wait until that guy Locke comes."

At this time, in the corner of the banquet hall, Luo Ziyun was holding a plate of delicious food and eating happily. Xingyuan smoked a cigarette and silently looked at the situation in the banquet hall. Basically, the layers were clear, and the pattern could be seen at a glance. different.

"Uncle Xingyuan, don't you want to eat?"

Xingyuan smiled and shook his head.

"Xiaoyun, I think it's better for you not to eat at night. I feel like you've become a little fat recently."

Luo Ziyun refused to listen and shook her head.

"I inherited it from my mother. If I inherited it from my father, I really can't imagine it."

At this time, there was a commotion at the door of the banquet hall. As soon as Xingyuan looked over, he saw Gene walking in wearing a handsome lavender suit, followed by Locke. In an instant, a large number of people surrounded him.

"Why did you come here?"

Jewell stared at Gene dissatisfied. Gene didn't say anything and walked over. Locke was already chatting and laughing with some familiar businessmen. Many women came over happily. Jewell glanced at it casually. They were all quite tall, and most of them were girls from rich families. But after taking a look at Lu Xi next to him, Jewell instantly lost interest.

"Uncle Gene, this way."

Luo Ziyun squeezed into the crowd and waved hard to Jean. Jean smiled, politely greeted the women next to him and left the crowd, but there were still many young girls who chased after him regardless.

"Mr. Jean."

Xingyuan said hello and handed Gene a cigarette. Gene sat down. At this time, Field came in with a large number of congressmen and businessmen at the door, and passed towards Locke.

"Xiaoyun, where is your mother!"

"I'm staying with my dad in the General Affairs Department. Uncle Gene, would you like some of this? It's very good."

Luo Ziyun said as she took a piece of dried fish and put it in Jean's mouth. Jean smiled and bit it in one bite. Xingyuan looked at the many envious and jealous little girls beside him and laughed helplessly.

"Xiaoyun, I think it's better for you to drop the idea of ​​entering the professional department."

As Jean said, Luo Ziyun curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Why do you even say that, Uncle Jean? If I am admitted to the Business Department, can I come and work in your 13th Department?"

Luo Ziyun clung to Jean's side and held her arm affectionately.

"I think it's better to forget it Xiaoyun."

Xingyuan knew very well that Locke did not intend to let his daughter enter the business department. The first time he met Jean was at Locke's home. Because Locke's wife Yu Wanrou was his fan, he was invited to Locke's home and met him. Jean was playing with the young Luo Ziyun, which felt a little strange. Later, Xingyuan found out that Jean was the principal of the school where Yu Wanrou and the Luo family attended when they were students.

"What does it matter? Uncle Gene, my dad is my dad and I am me. I will work in Section 13."

Jean lowered his head and looked at Luo Ziyun.

"It's going to be hard."

"I'm not one of those young ladies over there who don't know the sufferings of the world. Just promise me, Uncle Gene."

Gene smiled helplessly.

"Okay, the premise is that you have to pass the business examination."

Luo Ziyun immediately kissed Jean on the face with excitement. There were commotions nearby. Jean looked at the little girl in front of him. Although he asked Locke what he meant, Locke didn't want his daughter to bear too much. Heavy stuff, so I don't plan to let Jean take the time to teach his daughter something.

But at this time, the louder commotion came from Locke's side, and the crowds of people rushed there unconsciously. Field looked like he had suddenly become rich, holding Locke's hand and saying a lot of polite words.

"Thank you Field."

Locke bowed formally to Field, and at this moment Wu Qun squeezed in from the crowd.

"Are you really being sold to counting money for others, and having to nod and bow to others, Mr. Locke!"

Following Wu Qun's words, the joyful atmosphere in the crowd began to change. Locke smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It's better than being cornered."

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